Jul 22·edited Jul 22Pinned

Almost every site that I followed didn't even question the anomalies that suggested a staged assassination attempt on Trumpster. My comment implying that the Trump assassination attempt was staged on a site got blocked by Utube. Are you kidding me? Almost all of the alternative news sites are going along with the mainstream false narrative news sites without, at least, questioning what I see as a staged theatrics assassination attempt. Really? Most of the damned population don't have a clue that they've been brainwashed. Now I know that I live among the zombied masses, and no matter what, I'm not giving up my mind to the matrix for the sake of convenience even if I become the last free thinker on the planet. I had a strange feeling years ago that watching "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" starring Donald Sutherland was somehow foretelling my future. Now I know. I'm one of the last remaining humans with an uncaptured free mind. Does anyone else think like this?

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"alternative news sites"

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

This reminded me of Sandy Hook, where they demolished the school to get rid of the evidence that nothing happened, and it was a decommissioned school used for storage:


Yep. And then the picture of the FBI guy washing away the crime scene almost immediately after the shooting is more proof it was fake. Anyone with a brain knows that place would have been taped off for days while they investigate an attempted murder of a former President.

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This guy checked the photo and it's AI!


Exactly! That entire fairgrounds area would have sealed off and the perimeter lined with national guard and 100 forensics and crime scene experts would have gone over every square inch of it.


Even that one is A.I. damn is anything real from this


Also, there's another account that thinks there's some AI in the footage- she slowed down video of keystone cops SS as they were around the car they were getting him into, and seems like she's right, if you focus on the hands, they look messed up (so I guess AI cannot get hands right)

Also, AI really can trick you--I was listening to an audiobook on revisionist history and Lou Dobbs was reading out loud. I totally believed it for a few minutes b/c it totally looked like him and sounded like him, but then realized it was AI--the details around his mouth were off.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

More AI photos of Trump from psyop, one w/Trump face, doing the fight, fight, fight fist pump, 98% artificial, one zoomed in on Trump face w/blood streaks, 83% artificial


And the Lord proclaimed, 'What shall you do with the powers of AI? Bring healing to the sick? Give shelter to the weary? And they responded, 'We shall fabricate wars, create child porn, and fake assassinations.”

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

sorry I'm bombarding your site with all of this, just posting in case you can use any of this:


The best AI in the world says the event happening as described is a 1 in 100 trillion chance (1 in 100,000,000,000,000) and is a statistical impossibility (aka it didn't happen)

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Do NOT be sorry. You bring the thunder.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

photo of fake dead bystander posted on social media also AI 90.4%


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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

I took a quick look at both Jimmy Dore and Chris Hedges, old favorites of mine, neither one is questioning the validity of the Trump assassination side show.

Neither questioned that "invasion" of Israel. You know the armada of mopeds and para gliders that breached the most secure border on earth.

I would have made excuses for these guys in the past, You know they can't really say what's on their mind cause they would be labeled conspiracy theorists. Just be happy Jimmy is questioning vaccines and Hedges is documenting the fall of the middle class.

These "independent" journalists were installed to keep you in line.

Jeez, Chris Hedges is wicked smart, went to Harvard don't ya know, quit the NYT for important ethical reasons, he thinks this assassination business is real, how could I have ever thought the assassination attempt was fake. People will start to think I'm some sort of crazy Alex Jones person.

But wait, Alex Jones thinks the Trump side show was real.

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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

Very good post. And Hedges for me, more than Jimmy. I've seen him smugly dismiss challenges to the JFK and Sept. 11 official stories. I don't think Jimmy truly even accepts them, let alone smugly dismiss challenges. I didn't hear Hedges say anything even on the matter of free choice regarding the "vaccines." He probably agreed (don't know for sure) that one of Israel's horrible deeds was making it more difficult for Gazans to have "access" to the injections. Geopolitically, despite his on the ground experiences, I also believe he bought into/helped foster the whole bullshit, black and white Milosevic was Hitler phenomenon in Yugoslavia. Anyway, yes, a shame based on his intellect.

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I stopped reading Hedges column a year and a half ago. I think it coincided with me starting to see the Psyops everywhere. AKA, when I went nuts. The final nail in the coffin (so many nails) was thinking about Assange again with his release. Hedges has been a big cheerleader for this Psyop (I finally saw it) telling us about the torture of Assange's indefinite detention and organ failure only for Assange to turn up looking spry and relaxed not haunted and broken.

I know that smugly dismissal of which you write. Chomsky does the same thing concerning 9/11 and JFK. Hedges loves Chomsky. Hard to find an interview where he doesn't mention him.

These two aren't exactly "Sage" material when it comes to covid and vaccines and what not.

In at least one of Hedges doom and gloom books he props up the global warming narrative.

What gives Jimmy away besides ignoring the Israel invasion stage show and the Trump assassination follies, are his guests, Kory, Kirsch, Weinstein, Malone etc.

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Overall on same page. Not only do I not read Hedges anymore, I've traded in/donated the two or three books of his I had read and kept on my shelves. Under some absurd "must choose between the two" scenario, I'd still go with Jimmy. I think he might change on the invasion and assassination narratives. But agree on the slew of guests you mention. Somehow, it's an edge to Dore that he's a "lowlife scumbag comedian" and not a "high end academic" like Hedges. And yes, I started feeling weird vibes on Assange even before his release.

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We had every reason to believe Chris was authentic. Remember, Hedges sued Obama over the NDAA:


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Your reply led me to Hedges Wiki. His authenticity is monumental. He even had time as an undergrad, "though a heterosexual" to start a LGBT student group. This man checks all the boxes, woke circa 1978, just a masterpiece of a controlled opposition hero. Great work deep state.

Just a small problem though, "Hedges authored 3 articles covering the claims of false Iraqi defectors" Say what........"Hedges wrote a Times cover story on Nov. 8. 2001 about two former Iraqi commanders who claimed to have trained foreign mujahedeen how to hijack planes and destroy vital American infrastructure. The two defectors also asserted there was a secret compound ....producing biological weapons" "Conservative media outlets referenced the articles in justifying the invasion of Iraq."

I don't remember any of this, did I just ignore that Chris was diet Judy Miller? I started reading him years after 9/11, is that my excuse?

Hedges claims it was all Lowell Bergman's fault, used his sources don't you know. Never did trust that Chalabi guy who set the whole thing up.

Hedges was neck-deep selling weapons of mass destruction and Iraq's involvement in planning 9/11, while at the same time taking a big shit on anybody who would suggest that it was a government Psyop.

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By the way, this sucks. I liked those guys.

Lesson learned.


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Liking people doesn't change the balls that come out of the chute any more than liking a casino dealer changes the cards value.

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🎯 @Howard... on the Hedges Princetonian-Elitist vibe agnst the SouthSlavs/Servia,[ Yugo means South]siding w t M0sIem ΒοΖnians...

Hedge's a ΤΗΕ0s0ΡΗΙST::: Almost all the "ΒυιΙderΒυrgers," see ΡΤΗΙΕL, r ΤΗΕ0s0ΡΗΙsts...

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Chris Hedges also thought the covid vaccines were real.

I saw every one of his lectures on YouTube over the years, no more.

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Good for him. Hopefully he is up to date.

You don't want to let Kovid win.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, same going on w/twitter. I've been posting on the fakery (and I have a super small account), I already got locked out of account, set up new one, won't let me comment or like.

You are not allowed to question the fakery. Guy on twitter who I think did the video on fakery w/Ashli babbit, did a great post on twitter w/video on the fakery w/Trump fake shooting, and the immediately, censored the post, so nobody can see it.

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TLAV was pointing out recently how the Right, err..."Right" is now canceling those who question the narrative.

Amazing. (Not really. Sad. Really.)


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, I 've even seen those right wing influencers (part of Trump campaign PR) are calling us "assassination deniers" And now they have Keith Olbermann and Joy Reid asking questions and suggesting it was staged.

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Seriously, this ability to use a proxy logic of Gleaming Talking Heads with Yes Ladders or reverse psychology No Ladders has melted people's brains.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

How do you read the Olbermann (and Reid) dynamics in this, asking more questions about it than Alex Jones?

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I honestly don't know.

Why are they questioning now when they never question psyops before? Maybe since they never liked him, it was easy for them to see it was staged.

Or maybe they are put up to question it by the behind-the-scenes power that wants to left fighting with the right. Trump/MAGA cult members will probably be even less likely to listen to those of us calling it staged now that Olberman and Reid are calling it out.

AJ will never ask questions b/c he's controlled opposition--he's not going to question Trump. David Knight (used to work for infowars) played a video where AJ said he's with the CIA, then corrected himself w/"well not 25 yrs ago, when I stared out, but when Trump got in, I worked w/good CIA" And another clip w/AJ and guy named Ivan Raikin trying to rile up audience for civil war.

Pretty much all of the alt media is controlled.

I noticed that all in AJ's orbit (Greg Reese, Mike Adams, Harrison Smith, etc) are all going along with the psyop.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

"I noticed that all in AJ's orbit (Greg Reese, Mike Adams, Harrison Smith, etc) are all going along with the psyop."

This 'assassination attempt' is really separating the men from the boys.

Will be interesting to see who's shifted out in the end, if anyone...???!!

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Your suggestion about "why" Olbermann and Reid sounds credible indeed. And fully agree with your last statement about Adams, Reese et al.. Dedicated to exposing the coverup aspects (who DOESN'T feel that way at this point) while deflecting/ignoring any suggestions that the basic act itself could be a lie.

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I’m with you, and also: Mainstream false narrative” is brilliant

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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

Apparently, Israel is not satisfied with owning the US Congress, buying the Presidency, infiltrating all US critical infrastructure (set up for false flag cyber-attack), so it's also taking over our 911 emergency call svc according to Whitney Webb. Names mentioned as involved: Thiel, Ehud Barak, Epstein, and Les Wexner (financial backer of Epstein) At 3:22


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At this point, they are simply just way smarter and more clever than our populace.

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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

I'd never seen/heard this.

13 minutes 1988 RayGun


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Interesting find, thanks Джил. I'm down a cat, but not down in the dumps...same vet we saw last Tuesday told me that the level of kidney failure was such that, barring a standard miracle, there were really no interventions that had any chance of reversing it and that doing the exit today was, in her opinion, the kindest thing to do. This song isn't to make you sad, though it might...more like slowly celebratory in a deep minor key. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piMpklN8ZZw Thanks.

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Oh, my heart ... this song. Thank you for the link, even though I'll be wiping tears for awhile. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I've been there, too, and you did the right and loving thing.

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Young but well post-kitten and came with the house I bought six years ago and had a great life until she started losing weight a few months ago.

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I know how that is .... that kidney disease is devastating. I lost one rescue kitty, Ooma Pemmeraju (aka Oomaroo) at the young age of 7 to kidney failure. Another cat, Mr. Bibbs, died of the same, but he was 22. That also broke my heart, and I'd had him since he was only 1, but it's not as hard to take when they're such a ripe old age. What a noble cat he was.

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Are you kidding? That song makes me cry every time.

You can just write jill, Vinny.

Two Konrad Lorentz quotes - you may know already........ (I changed the word dog to cat in the first one).

"The fidelity of a cat is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond with a cat is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be." -Konrad Lorenz

"Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing." Konrad Lorentz

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Well, I had dogs as a kid/adolescent and cats post age 25 or so...replacing 'dog' with 'cat' can be precarious...remember the adage that when you adopt a dog, the dog gets family, whereas when you adopt a cat, the cat gets staff. So, yeah, at least with the cats that I have had the privilege to serve, there was a lasting and sincere bond, but da cat wuz da boss.

I bought that Ian & Sylvia album used in Austin around 1971, and it took me until the 10th listening or so before I was dry-eyed...it still hits me in the gut and brain, though, and brings in fond memories of previous feline Managing Directors and CEOs.

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Absolutely Cats Rule Us.

In fact, I've been floating the theory now - since 2020 - that it's not Russia, China or Israel or WEF or anybody the media has reported, that is controlling us.

It's the GCF. Galactic Cat Federation.

I looked around at my living situation and realized that one small furry being controlled all furniture, activities, especially food prep activities, here. Absolute mind and body control.

And there's obvious plot hatching via ESP when there's more than one feline in the same target area. The warfare increases exponentially.

You are free now...........my friend.

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"I'd never seen/heard this. ..."

I had never seen this excellent video either. Much appreciated. Thank you!

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At least some of our foreskins weren’t sold to cosmetic companies, so there’s that!

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I thought these rubber bands were screwy

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Do they have foreskin envy?

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What's a foreskin worth these days? Just asking for a friend. lol

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Thirty pieces of silver.

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Jeez, a couple milennia and inflation takes its toll, huh? Ustea be you could get a whole damn messiah for 30 pieces of silver...short shelf life on some of those messiahs, but maybe that's a feature, not a bug. New anthem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEfBLKvItd0

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What a great song to post. Thank you.


Out of the ruins

Out from the wreckage

Can't make the same mistake this time

We are the children

The last generation

We are the ones they left behind

And I wonder when we are ever gonna change it

Living under the fear till nothing else remains

We don't need another hero

We don't need to know the way home

All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome

Looking for something we can rely on

There's got to be something better out there

Love and compassion, their day is coming

All else are castles built in the air

And I wonder when we are ever gonna change it

Living under the fear till nothing else remains

All the children say

We don't need another hero

We don't need to know the way home

All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome

What do we do with our lives

We leave only a mark

Will our story shine like a life

Or end in the dark

Give it all or nothing

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What cosmetic companies? Asking for a friend.

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And when you control the media, you can do whatever you want because the media will never report on it.

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But enough about The Wellness Company.

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And their tribe has the power to print money, and with all the Epstein style blackmail operations they have going, it's easy for them to get everyone under control, so they get what they want.

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I find it amusing that tribe is a word of Latin or Etruscan origin. What's the word for "tribes" in old Hebrew?

WOW! Crooks! Shebetim = Tribes = Crooks!

The word shebet (plural: shebetim) can be translated as a rod to prod cattle. That is, a crook or a goad, like the Egyptian goad. Also a dart or an arrow.

The second sense, probably figurative, is translated as "tribes."


Please, don't tell Max Malone or anyone else that Shebet = Crook = Tribe.

Heads are going to 'splode with this one.

Should I click post?




Yeah, sure, why not, we are all stoic adults here.

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Isn’t etymology incredible?

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Two li'l typos turn it into entomology, the study of insects...eat zee bugs. :-)

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Crooks, also like the "shooter."

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I hate to say it but I have to agree. Any day now i think my brain is gonna snap in half and I'll be drooling on the floor

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“General” populace. Not ALL 😎

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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

Things that make me go hmmmm...every day there is another revelation. Truly feels like this is the quickening.


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana


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"Trump at RNC: "Blood Was Absolutely Everywhere" (Mirrored)"


1m 48s

(above video was posted by researcher Sage of Quay / Mike Williams known for his impressive Beatles research)

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Blackrock and Trump Assassination


1. Reportedly shorted Trump stock 2-10 days before assassination attempt through its ownership in Austin Wealth Venture

2. Has an ownership connection to AGR’s building where Crooks shot Trump and poorly protected as the rally.

3. Owns the company that made the gun that Crooks used to shoot Trump

4. Included Crooks in a 2024 commercial about Blackrock

5. Blackrock CEO Fink on Trumps Financial Advisory Council and has been considered for some cabinet level positions

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and WEF ownership in the AGR's building...I know, same thing, kinda...

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Bothers the hell out of me. I think trump will now be serving as the last president..and he will be bringing cbdc to is and will be the instrument of our permanent slavery

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

This has letter from Ronny Jackson MD (he's in Congress) on Trumps ear wound from the psyop. Interestingly, at the top it includes the MD, but where he signs at the bottom, he only signs his name. Nurse picked up on it and I agree-- when you have degree like that and are signing off on something in professional capacity, you include the degree.


(have yet to see anything from hospital in Butler PA, where they claim to have taken him)

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This guy who said that Biden rushed the shots? 😁


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Totally missed that post, but FFS, the BS never stops.

Never Trump's fault- un-effing believable!!

And the Q-tard cult, their line of BS, which they firmly believe, is that Trump saved everyone from FEMA camps with that shot.

We're surrounded by morons!!!

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Motivated reasoning is a helluva drug.

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Same for denial

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tomato, tomahto

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I’m in NYC (Manhattan) the world stage for the two biggest recent ops, 9/11 and Covid.

Probability that something happens here again?

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Two sides of the same coin being flipped by... a body that remains behind the curtain. At least the part of that body exercising control and influence. History, both European and US, supports this well starting from WWI moving forward. The goal appears to be a movement toward consolidation of power under a single governing body that undoubtedly will remain behind the scenes.

1912 - Titanic sinking, killing opponents to the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank

1913 - The formation of the Federal Reserve Bank

1914-1917 - WWI destroyed the last vestige of the Ottoman Empire which was a remnant of the Roman Empire and established arbitrary states in the Middle East. One of the last acts of Germany was to import those exiled from Russia, who in turn executed the Bolshevik revolution.

1932 - Adolf elected as Chancellor of Germany wherein he identifies bankers, among other items, as a big source of German economic woes.

1939-1944 - WWII fought to eliminate German Fascism. This resulted in the formation of the Jewish state, falsely identifies Nationalism as a signal for Nazi style fascisms, overlooking the other necessary components, socialism under authoritarian control for the good of the people.

1948 - Present - Multiple regional conflicts over the Israeli state, starting with Arab Israeli war in 1948. In all cases the US and NATO countries support the Israeli objectives.

1962 - US attempts to expand monetary system to include silver.

1963 - US president assassinated

1973 - US leaves the gold standard in favor of a fiat currency. The dollar is untethered, spending is initially constrained but quickly increases to advance supposed national objectives based on current party in power, all along diminishing the state's true economic power by enslaving future generations with insurmountable debt.

1980 - 1988 - US supports major arms build-up to beat Soviet Union.

1989 - 1993 - New world order introduced. Blatant disregard for Tiananmen Square massacre. Gulf war-I waged against Iraq over Kuwait Invasion (US messaged Sadam that the US had no interest in Kuwait). Iraq an enemy of both Israel and Iran.

1993 - 2001 - US engages in foreign policy toxic to sovereign governments, lays foundation for China (new slave labor resource) to enter the WTO and facilitates the arming of North Korea with Nuclear warheads. Instigates a war in Kosovo and further bolsters support for both the Palestinians and Israel trying to look for peace settlement that will satisfy all parties.

2001 - 2009 - Patriot act in response to 9/11, implementing a level of surveillance (and control) never before allowed in the US. Spending skyrockets. Bi-partisan engineered financial crisis crashes the market and sweeps-in the opposing party.

2009 - 2017 - US policy promotes the Arab spring that results in destabilization of Syria (another Israeli enemy, the formation of ISIS and ISIL, the removal of Kaddafi, the destabilization of Iraq. Unconstrained spending further enslaves future generations.

2017 - 2021 - US policy aimed financially strangle Iran while promoting normalization of relations with Israel (Abraham Accords). US Embassy moved to Jerusalem to bolster Israeli state. Spending continues against US Nationalist objectives. Troops withdrawn from Arab countries is protested by military industrial complex. President removed from power through using color revolution tactics.

2021 - 2024 - Anti-American sovereignty policies adapted by governing bodies allowing unconstrained/illegal migration, support for foreign wars, reckless monetary and fiscal policy causing inflation. Move to incorporate the Green New Deal and climate initiatives further degrade US power and standard of living.

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Excellent posts...thanks for reposting these. Reminding us that even dire situations can become tedious...

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Just saw Celia Farbers stack about Biden. WH flags flown at half mast, no one to greet Netanyahu, not even Blinken. Weird stuff just got weirder. Is Biden still with us?


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Quite a show we have going right now.

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Cheatle is being roasted over the coals. Netanyahu is demanding to meet with DJT. Harris just endorsed herself saying "Joe said so." We will all need neck braces soon from the whiplash of going back and forth among the actors.

The show is surreal. Theater of the absurd.

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It is surreal.

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AOC seems to be getting old faster than normal. She looks 40. It's a shame she's not running for Prez. Could they smuggle her somehow as VP.

She's a Libra, by the way. Libras always create unnecessary trouble.

Moon in Pisces, holy shit. Sag rising. Very ominous combo. That woman will create a big war one day in a far away country. Maybe Pakistan.

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AOC is an ACTOR. They put out a casting call to find someone to run against the incumbent. I saw this early on via youtube. Also it showed the people giving her talking points, yep. Wish I still had those links, but sure they's been taken down by now.

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😂 Libras.. moon in Pisces explains a few things, and Sag rising does too....

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A Machiavellian powder keg! LOL!

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The deep state is pulling off the DEI censors because they need more Veritas in the inner webs in order to train more powerful AI models So they’ll give us Trump nirvana for a while until they fully trained the AIS to enslave us

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

What about Biden not being seen in public since dropping out? Or his letter not written on the White House stationary? Or his signature not matching his signature on his last five executive orders? Now, I am reading of three potential shooters for the Trump assassination attempt. How could three people miss the target standing alone on a stage? Are we imagining what can be unburdened by what has been? Pass the Doritos.

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Quite a show we have going now, yes?

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

They are just getting warmed up. Things are about to get so weird that it will be impossible to make heads from tails. The goal is confusion and polarization. People who should be coming together will be fighting over made-up details for years.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Hunter S Thompson

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This is how it ends...chaos and mayhem, you remember those guys from way back in the 300's-400's AD? See the fall of Rome for a complete expose of coming events. You have until about mid 2033 before what was once the USA is no more. Mark it on your digital calendar before the goog erases it.

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Israeli Arabs celebrate the victories in Hamas held Gaza as the push for freedom continues

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👆Brit Five Eyes.

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Five Eyes? Why would I be bothered with you? You're the uni party entrapment agent. You're one of the fbi/doj human resources that seek out low IQ males and feed them false flags

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Halfway through...interesting about the 'rug pull'...I posted that as a possibility earlier today.

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