'Hero Dogs to the rescue! '

But also: 'Chinese murder their Covid-transmitting dogs!'

They tried to start a Pet Progrom in 2020, but it didn't take.

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Boom. Boom. Pinning. Boom.

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YES! And I used to listen to Pam Popper quite a bit. She’d foreshadow more of this pet problem often. Even as recent as a few months ago.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Those poor dogs all died of COVID from sniffing it all the time. RIP.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana


Israel agrees to pauses in fighting for polio vaccine drive

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

What the actual hell???!

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Because what those refugees need more than food, water, fuel or electricity is a poison needle...

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Well of course they're going to destroy the evidence.

Lest one forgets, "we were at war with a virus".

They sent those doggos into a battle without a helmet.

Class A felony for animal abuse.

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The Shih Tzu can identify if the virus is SARS-1, SARS-2, or the VandenBosscheSentientKORONAPOXCladeA257

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🤣 😂 🤣

This place is like Goober or Gomer or maybe even Pedo.

You never know what you're gonna get.

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Can I just say?

Way back in the day as I began this search for understanding...I had a doctor threaten to kill me on Twitter for saying that I was going to breathe on him.


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I'm not surprised though, pre 2020 I would've been highly skeptical.

Every day now I'm reminded how little I know.

Just an observer now.

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Beautiful. Trust The Science!

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I heard th@ these dogs can ID the PHEI*K* νirυs, too 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅

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Yes, why were the dogs maskless?

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Why are the masks harmlessly tossed in the trash?


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I have a Sam Bailey video that said that the lateral flow tests were measures against...PCR...as a gauge of accuracy.

But the whole root premise hinges on: isolated pathogen FROM HOST, isolated meaning not ADDING MORE GENETIC MATERIAL... identifying pathogen and THEN MAKING PEOPLE OR ANIMALS SICK WITH PATHOGEN.

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Plus don’t they Kare About The Environment?!!!

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I've heard of dogs being used to detect cancer in a person before a "test" could. So, are these dogs currently being used at the Helsinki airport?

I'm sure they could be trained to detect anyone whose thoughts are contradictory to the official narrative.

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I have Dolphin Flu.

I got it from drinking milk from an infected cow.

My neighbor's dog will NOT STOP BARKING ratting me out to Tulsi's contact tracers.

Shit...they're here.

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They are fast. Is it too late to start a Give Send Go for your legal expenses?

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana


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like fear, right?

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*forgot to add the Newsweek write up before publishing done now*

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Do dogs have the Receptor of the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme type 2?

If yes, why are they not dead?

If no, why dogs didn't warn people to not fall for the scam?

Maybe the dogs were bribed?

Maybe the cats proposed a truce, and offered a plan for human domination, that exploited the innate cuteness and silly faces of dogs?

Humans have too much trust in those pesky dogs.

Maybe we should ban rabies vaccine, and see what they say. If they get anxiety, maybe they are working for the scorpions.

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Talking Heads tried to warn us all NOT to trust Animals. 😎


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I haz questions

What did they train the dogs on? Ought to be some interesting papers somewhere... Doesn't smell right. Which of course nothing does anymore. Must be the anosmia

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

very good point!

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The dogs have been repurposed to sniff out the Russki virus...

Digital sure makes wiping history a lot easier, does it not?

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

According to Greyhound Weekly, when Kossi was a puppy she would sneak into the virus sniffing lab at Milkbone University late night and pester the pack of lab assistants on the ins and outs of virus identification. This head start, Kossi's 10,000 hours(70,000 in dog hours, woof) led to a full scholarship to Wise Nose Academy and later a career as Helsinki's premiere Covid scent detector.

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I'm surprised they used Labradors as assistants. I would have thought Border Collies would be the choice. Labs are more patient and probably wanted to play instead of doing their job. The Border Collies would have herded Kossi right out the door.

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In the English-speaking world and many areas of Europe they have had to breed a new variety of dogs to align with the new reality. They will be called Open Border Collies, and their collars double as contactless debit cards loaded with social credits.

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deletedAug 31
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Kossi, famous for never missing a day of work, missed more than a month after Lil Stevie's visit due to a suspected case of Monkey Pox.

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I trust the COVID-sniffing dogs more than a PCR or rapid test. Not sure why Newsweek scrubbed the story, but it looks like it is still on some other sites. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/24/close-to-100-accuracy-airport-enlists-sniffer-dogs-to-test-for-covid-19

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Why are the dogs still not in every airport all over the world?


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Very strange. Why not leave it up?

Are the doggos able to identify if the COVID is Delta, Omicron, or the Flirt Variant too, or do they have to go up with Geert in the chopper for that?

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I doubt that the doggies can distinguish Delta from Omicron, etc. I have a good sense of smell and a few years ago I noticed that my neighbor who has Parkinson's has a weird smell, and then I saw some show were a woman can smell Parkinson's on people. Also, when I am on the beach I can smell people's stinky dryer sheet smells like 50-feet downwind from them. LOL. It's a blessing and curse. Also, if I take an Uber, I often will get the previous person's perfume smell on my shirt from the seatbelt, which I can smell for hours with every breath I take until I change my shirt. . https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di

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OMG. I know someone with that curse! Are you an extraterrestrial alien too?

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According to my 23andme DNA test I have more Neanderthal than 99% of humans, but no ET that I know of. hahaha. Also, I have some Ashkenazi Jew from my dad's side, even though his family is Catholic, so I don't know where that came from. LOL. Here's some more things that people with my curse notice. When the person who is bagging my groceries at the grocery store is wearing perfume, all of my grocery items will smell like their perfume when I get home, and I often times will rinse them off becuase the smell is so strong. Here's another one...My buddy used to come over to my house and we would surfing. He had type 1 diabetes, and whenever he would pee in my bathroom, and I would go in there after him, I would notice that his pee always had a strong bad odor long after the toilet was flushed. Around that same time period I went to the bathroom at a clinic when I getting some routine bloodwork done, and an old guy came out just as I went in, and I noticed that same weird urine odor. So, I think I can smell diabetes in people's urine too. LOL.

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Likely you can smell diabetes.. I think it has glucose in it, or some noticeable metabolites.

Sorry to hear 23andme did not peg your ET heritage... well, maybe Neanderthals had the super nose thing...

the AK Jew / Catholic thing - I think a lot of Jews passed themselves off as Catholic at different times in history.. for obvious reasons...

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You can def smell ketones on the breath of some diabetics.

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My theory is that what the dogs were smelling were organophosphates. Maybe the "variants" were different ones, like Malathion, Parathion, etc.

They are suppressing knowledge because they dont' want people to catch on to what "causes" Kovid.

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Dogs are used to sniff Kancer too.


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See this is about to be a proxy logic slide into fascism!

In airports?

Where the Doggie ID's perps get to go away for a while?

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

from the Newsweek article: Redfield said.

"The preliminary results on the first round show that a majority of our nation, more than 90 percent of the population, remain susceptible," (to the virus).

That's rich... Never were... Never will be.

But yes...why scrub? Likely anosmia finished their brilliant careers...

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

…and all of a sudden AI said : ‘scrap the dogs. We’ll lace the test kits’.

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“All the tests are processed anonymously.”


Nobody is more committed to your privacy than dogs. Everybody knows that.

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The dogs were actually the best at sniffing the bullshit from a mile away, hence the 100-percent accuracy.

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Hey, diarrhea was a side effect.

Bring in the dogs.

Sniffin R Us.

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