
Did someone else allegedly have cancer in this strange space of the Covid Runoff Unit?

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🚌💨 🏃‍♂️💨

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Um, Sage, you wouldn't be trying to say something about being Jewish by using the word, "Shalom" in post after post, would you? Like anti-Jewish rhetoric or something like that?

Just in cast you might be doing something along those lines, I thought that you and your readers might find this piece of the story useful to consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAr9oGSXgak

Or is this sort of thing what needs to be supported because some globalists told somebody to hate somebody and we should go along with it? Just wondering.


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Shalom Rima!

It would appear that the Israeli Deep State and the United States Deep State work closely with those infernal "globalists".


I understand that this may be your role to extract an "anti-Semitic" remark from me, and that maybe Gen. Albert Stubblebine didn't know about the relationship between the STATE of Israel and the MILITARY INTELLIGENCE of the United States and how they collaborate.

Of course there are plenty of beautiful and lovely people of all races and religions and I loathe collective guilt.

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Sage, "I understand that this may be your role to extract an "anti-Semitic" remark from me" is wrong: it is not my "role" to extract anything from anyone.

Nor is it relevant to ponder " maybe Gen. Albert Stubblebine didn't know about the relationship between the STATE of Israel and the MILITARY INTELLIGENCE of the United States and how they collaborate." since 1. I am not General Albert Stubblebine, 2. I met him long after he retired from the Army, 3. His knowledge and mine should not be conflated because we were married and 4. General Albert Stubblebine was murdered in 2016 so he really is not much of a party to the conversations about this issue going on right now, and 5. you are just being silly, sly or slimy when you bring him into the discussion, IMHO.

However, you were the one gratuitously introducing the "Shalom" business, Sage, not I. And you were the one who ended aq recent comment noting that I "support Israel" immediately prior to your Shalom salutations.

So, I ask you, given that there are plenty of beautiful and lovely people of all races and religions and I loathe collective guilt right along with you, what, exactly, did the comment about "supporting Israel" and the subsequent Shalomization of your posts mean?

I never used the word "antisemitic" in my correspondence with you. You were the one who did. Is that what this is about?

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#2: I would have assumed that you and the General would definitely have discussed 9/11 and potential Israel involvement as you say it was you who Red-Pilled him on 9/11.

And that you might share an interest in international Operations and so forth.

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May 18·edited May 18Author

People conflate a lack of support for the false flag use of terrorism which I believe Israel, THE GOVERNMENT, used and coordinatd on hapless American people on 9/11 in conjunction with our own lovely Project for a New America neo-cons and again on their own people with 10/7.

And that one was so ham-handed that I feel confident that we, truth seekers, are supposed to see it and it was splashed out immediately by former Isreal intelligence as such....that we might know that what Barbara Honneger and Christopher Bollyn have reported and others is true.

They want us to know. Why? I don't know.

To create a world war, probably. Divide alliances. This is from the Day Tapes.

With anti-semitism being fomented, sure, to create an "event" here in the States, probably.

"Anti-semitism" is a strange term as we would need to define what a Semite is precisely.

I do know that it is used as a weapon like "anti-vax" or "conspiracy theorist" or "racist" or "trans=phobe" etc. for Wrong Think, or Wrong Questioning.

The guy on your own board said that Hamas was created by Isreal, true or false?

As we, the US created al Quaeda.

Just asking these questions will arouse the dreaded "anti-Semite" charge in some quarters.

WE sent our troops to murder the world (Israel's enemies) in advance as Wesley Clark said in the Democracy Now interview.

And it fits a pattern. I lament the lives lost on this absurd battle for???? A strip of Holy Land?

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Interesting. I may have prostate cancer, but certainty is fraught with danger. Biopsy via a perineum incision anyone? Nope, watchful waiting but oh no, IVM off limits! Damn

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