
Seems like this story is making the Conservative Branded Media, like NY Post and Daily Mail Online.

Just a quick cursory check.

Has it rippled into Shitlib Media too? Anyone?

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana


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21 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

CHD of course. The 5 Docs on Critically Thinking Episode 206 (well, two of them, Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Lee Merritt) shortly discuss this case starting at 8 min 10 seconds

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What has been Palevsky’s stance throughout this mess?

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Taylor Lorenze has got to be one of the most annoying interviewers ever, hard to sit through, not sure why I did (I was doing other tasks at the time). Taylor L is interviewing the TikTok woman who is trolling her by wearing a t-shirt with an unflattering picture of Tayor L. Kind of like pro-wrestling for a different generation.

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I think it might be exactly pro wrestling!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

I gently advise Sage's readers to examine content from The Academy of Ideas. Their latest video goes to the heart of the matter https://academyofideas.com/2024/09/how-an-entire-population-becomes-mentally-ill-and-immoral-herd-psychology-2/

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Thank you, Ed!

I have always been more persuaded that humans are situationally "good" and "bad" and that "situationally" usually means "social pressure."

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Carl Jung is referenced many times in the video, I shall no longer put off addressing his work. He devoted his life to understanding the human psyche and then documenting that journey, it speaks of his infinite compassion. As do your posts.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Carl has some good stuff. And not. He strikes me as genuinely genius, and also maybe some super sus intelligence connections. Anyhoo…

‘Herd’ seems more key than ‘psychology’. Herd relates to: consumption and predation. Let’s eat together, and run screaming together when the wolves show up. When wolves start eating your friends, you get panicky, grumpy, angry, etc. Not that deep really. Not sure it requires diving into egregores and zeitgeists and all that. Nothing wants to get eaten. Groups amplify this feeling. That’s really about it. Probably.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

The price of compliance made visible. Symbolic of the inner cost.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Well said Ed.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

You’re invited to Next Generation Medicine: How Close Are We to a Breast Cancer Vaccine? (October 9, 2024)

Next Generation Medicine: How Close Are We to a Breast Cancer Vaccine?

Sign up...it's free....just like cancer and the "vaccine"...... "cause we love you......


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A breast cancer vaccine.

*If it fucks up, McCullough will be along with some more shots of siMRNA.

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...and Kory with IVM.... along with Kirsch with a GoFundMe page...... "heroes" ....

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Ivermectin Kills Kovid Wagstaff down in Aussie, home of new Moderna mRNA Factory is also a Kancer Researcher.



Or you could just take this.



Or find what Kirsch took to save himself from a rare cancer?



Day Tapes, 1969:

From Day Tapes #1:


Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.


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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

....with just one tablet a day......

Wait...what did Kirsch take for his cancer...it's behind a paywall now....

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That key bit of information was not revealed.

And Kirsch sat on his miraculous cure for 13-years before the fake Rogue Koronavirus "emerged" to get excited about "alternative treatments" to save people. (Not from cancer, from kovid)

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"I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine."

Bobby Kennedy



“The Vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind…”

Donald Trump

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

How was Bobby associated with the CHD if he was fiercely pro-vaccine? Did any of the parents with vax injured kids know of this? He should have been ridden out of town on a rail. . .

Oh, wait, it's a psyop. It's better if it doesn't make sense.

Confusion technique.

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It's called Doublespeak. Neurolinguistic programming.

“I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.”

I mean, sure, as long as you know precisely and stuff, I guess it's okay to hold people down and push the injections into their bodies...*Is "WE" code for THE GOVERNMENT AND "THE EXPERTS"?




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What can be known precisely in medicine?

1. Certain specific actions which are without exception certain to poison, kill or incapacitate/maim permanently eg. cut off a limb, breast, etc, give a fatal dose of morphine, sever a nerve, remove an eye, ovaries, etc.

2. Nothing else can be certain, eg effects of the use of pharmaceuticals, 'vaccines', consequences of cutting out a cancer, transplanting a organ.

There is no possibility, ever, of certainty in the consequences of these operations and interventions.

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95% confidence interval is good.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana


He says he thinks the vaxes should be SAFE.

SAFE, let me count the ways I hate that word.

Kinda like how everyone agrees death penalty injections shouldn't cause undo discomfort (!)

Or something.

Comfortable Death - Safe Vaccine - Oxymorons Both.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, it's ok to kill people, just be sure to do it politely and using your inside voice. Otherwise, oh so gauche. . .

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Plus, it's not really happening - it's all fake according to this trust inspiring site.


I feel a yelling attack coming on again.......


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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

. . .(and effective)

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

You have it all wrong, Bobby can't tell the truth yet, 3d chess don't you know, just be patient and when Trump is elected Bobby will come in and straighten this shit out. Just as woke injured Bret foretold.

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Some kind of sleeper, then. . .

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Makes me think of sasha's repeating on "the 2nd time a poison is introduced into a body" information. Where the body automatically goes into hyperdrive resistance causing acute symptoms, hence vaccinations being the first introduction of said poison. Think allergies, booster shots reactions. They've known this from 1902.

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Sasha's reporting, I meant

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Yes Sasha's piece was great.

Even before 1902 - when Pasteur stole Bechamp's work.


20 years ago a CDC doctor told me, "If I was you, I would not get my children vaccinated with these vaccines." (the Hep vaxes) This was after discussing monomorphism vs pleomorphism, having to do with Rife, Pasteur and Bechamp.

The monster Pasteur stole Bechamp's work, twisted it to make and profit from injections, and then all but tried to obliterate Bechamp. Latter 1800s.

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AL3+ hmmm, nom-nom, so good!


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^ page full of estudiantes.

Toward understanding the mechanisms underlying the strong adjuvant activity of aluminium salt nanoparticles. Ruwona TB, Xu H, Li X, Taylor AN, Shi Y, Cui Z. Vaccine 2016;34:3059–67 (2017) - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.12.051

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let him stick to what he knows best...golf and doing shady deals

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

The gubberment loves us, Sage.

It really does.

It just doesn't do cGMP on our vaccines.

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By "government", do you mean the Trump Administration?

or Homeland Security? (Starring Homeland Security Senator Ron Johnson, who holds lots of hearings and they yell and stuff.)

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

By gubberment *I* mean:

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012,

which has replaced:

1) our Constitution

2) our access to truthful information and honest discourse.

3) our three branches of government, operating as described in the Constitution

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Operation Warp Mundt

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Measles, Mundts, and Rubella( MMR) Vaccines.

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…not to be confused with “Madman Mundt”, as immortalized by John Goodman in that heartwarming Coen Bros classic, Barton Fink.

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Johnson is a poor actor: he always looked rather bored in those so-called 'hearings'. Just going through the motions.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

If Alexis' story makes it into Mammon Media, it will be ok because it's about the Tetanus, Pneumococcal and Meningitis injections.


How many times do I have to say or yell it........

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I am clocking that this story is rippling into Fox and NYPost and Daily Mail. "Conservative" media.

Just searched CNN. Nada.

But all of the above vigorously agreed that someone shot Trump in the ear, so...

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

He's a fast healer, that one.

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Incredibly fast.

(Literally incredible!)

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Vote for Grandpa

(He's got good ear genes)


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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Aaaaand I was wrong. Alexis's vaccines had NOTHING to do with nearly killing her.

It's her own damn "genetic" condition that's causing life threatening internal bleeding (!)

After being vaccinated with 3 vaccines at once


Irvine Medical Center Could Give a Shit What Kind Of Vaccine because



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This whole thing is feeling...incredibly weird.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

The girl in that video has a different name than the one that got injured from the vaccines

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Shoot. My bad, I'll try to find shots of Lorenze in better days.

I thought that was her TikTok (sorry I don't really use that platform).

Will update, thanks!

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks, I went with the NY Post shot of her. Was looking for what she looked like before the trifecta of vaccines.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Ah, ok, here's a link with two vigilant fox pictures of the before. Expand the Tweets to see them. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-happened-alexis-lorenze-viral-vaccine-injury-claim-explored-ordeal-goes-viral-tiktok

Never fear, Vigilant F** is on the case, who needs corporate media?

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Please correct me if I get this wrong, Sage: Did I let you down?

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You brought a story to my attention, so thank you.

It is one that I probably would have otherwise avoided, but it is turning out to be quite rich in metadata.

And seems to be spoon-fed to a motivated reasoning (?) crew, esp. "conservative" media consumers.

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Those of the anti-vax persuasion are suckers for a story like this, me included.

The left-wing motivated reasoners also are at risk: They are meant to react to the right wingers. For them, a right winger is simply anyone who does not wear ear-stretching plugs and tunnels.

There are two kinds of lefties now: those who care about justice, and those who care about power. The former live now in conservatarian-ville, and are redecorating and upgrading the bylaws to fit the SDG. The latter want another Summer of Floyd this winter. When will AOC become age-elligible for Prez? It was 35 years of age, right?

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Ha, ha. Years ago, before 2020 I remember seeing a youtube video of how they recruited AOC when they put out a casting call for someone to primary the incumbent Dem as a progressive. The people that did this were the Young Turks, or some members of it.

She had the right combination of characteristics so they chose her, just like an actress. They gave her what to say, etc. This was before I understood the op, but it made some sense. Now, I see Young Turks were some spooky guys, but maybe she was groomed before that. Maybe the video I saw (likely youtube) was part of the op.

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She's a very smart life-long actor. An actor has to be on the smart side of the distribution of smartness to look consistently dumb during the entire film or play. They tend to get conceited and get out of character when it's not the right time. But think about Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber. Jim looks presidential in that film. And Jeff is just like one of Napoleon's Field Marshalls invading Moscow. OMG, the tongue scene! Both are so consistent in their acting. That's worth gold.

AOC is not as smart as those actors, because she actually got stuck in the politics industry. But she is smarter than 95% of the political podcasters.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

You mean the poor BU grad working as a bartender who just happened to get selected to congress?

I'm shocked.

Actually though, I believed her story - even her "college dance routine" back when she was "running".

One son, her age, went to BU and said he'd never heard of her when he was there.

Another son tried to tell me she was a horrible whorish, psyop.

Eventually I learned he was right.


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She seems seductive, and not in a good way. I think men as well as women can be seductive in that toxic way. Somewhat repulsive, if it doesn't slip under the radar.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

“Characteristics” wink wink nudge nudge if ya know what I mean 😉

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Really picking up on that ‘spoon fed’ aspect as well. Can smell it now.

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Sep 24Liked by Sage Hana

Well played lol

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Shalom. Alt media is urging 'compensation from the government', and also 'some people are turning to "shady networks" that provide assisted suicide services'. We, the people demand government regulated suicide services! Choose death, because it's our human right. https://slaynews.com/news/pharmacist-commits-suicide-covid-vaccine-injury/

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A 'Good Death' Tm is a government-assisted, government-mandated, death! No back-street deaths, Comrades!

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