Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

We got a pup a few years back from a family that needed to re-home him (he was 14 weeks old) & he'd been vaxxed out of state. Our vet said she needed to update his shots (in our state).

This was pre-covid and when I still got flu shots off and on myself.

I let her re-immunize him, and almost overnight he had an autoimmune condition. All four legs/ joints had horrible inflammation. They gave him "Apoquel" to treat the autoimmune syndrome and it did not help. He was in a lot of pain. 💔

Never again.

I wonder how much money they make with this business model?

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Man this is depressing.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

No more shots for my little doggie. I wish I had known much sooner, but at least I do now. Unfortunately, many states mandate rabies, parvo and who knows what else but none if it is necessary fr most dogs. Why would a domestic animal that lives indoors and is walked on a leash need a rabies vaccine?? Same for Parvo. I never met or heard of a dog with Parvo. It's like you said, just a money maker! So now if I have to go to a vet and they want to see his vaccine record, I need to go elsewhere until I can find a vet who will help him. It's terrible!!

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Canine vaxxing is a ghastly money sleuthing vet gig here! Owners are sold a series of expensive shots needed, and if you are a few days late in your series they tell you that you need to re-do the whole thing from the start. It is criminal ! Of course anything else is through the roof expensive while dog welfare is a secondary priority. Sickening !

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Of course.

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It'll work alright, pets are a great way to get things into the homes...Grüß Gott!

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Since the novel coronavirus came from raccoon dogs, and since a previous anti-parasitic ELMINATED THE VIRUS IN CELL CULTURE, I think it's time that we start looking at other proven antiparasitics to stop Dangerous Viruses IN THEIR TRACKS.

I think we have the basis for a promising new study.

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Yes, yes, a promising new study will definitely do some good, so yes, yes, go ahead

and start spending your precious energy on it, you might even get an award ceremony at some point, kind regards. Grüß Gott!

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I tried it and ended up Celine Dion Syndrome. Turpentine works better.

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Celine had Not a Vaccine Spike Protein Syndrome.

See, Chasi, we had a novel very dangerous coronavirus emerge from zoonosis or a lab leak.

It caused a syndrome.

To prevent the syndrome we deployed some mass produced shots.

Then we experimented with various modalities to treat the syndrome from the lab leak/raccoon dogs.

We found one that works.


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I think you misspelled zoonosis and should be zionosis.

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Holy shit!

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But - viruses don't really exist, right?

The syndrome was called "people will believe anything their authoritative sources tell them" syndrome.

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I do not know if viruses exist at least as advertised as infectious smart bombs.

This binary shit is going to fucking kill me.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Chicken Pox and German Measles seemed pretty contagious when all my brothers and sisters caught it at the same time. I try and avoid Herpes and don’t want to test it,

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Wonder if some viruses are contagious and not others?

My war against binary logic will fail and I will die without a liver.

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Hepatitis is pretty contagious too. Some kinds more than others. There was a very clear correlation between Hepatitis B infection and HIV.

Glad you quit drinking. I should learn.

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My Cousin Rollo has herpes and a standing offer to participate in an experimental deep smoochathon with Dr. Sam Bailey to test the NAV thing, even though he's from South Carolina by way of Kentucky and thinks she talks really funny, but Rollo's the kind of guy who likes to do what he can for Science, especially if there's not much talking with Kiwis involved. To date, Sam's a ghost...

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Like Sage said, the binary thing is stupid. I know many people with AIDS that would be will to $#&# her with consent.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana


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I do not suggest you use on dogs. It can kill your dog. Too toxic.

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Can we use it on babies to prevent Covid?

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