
Last year I wrote several "Not a Movement" posts.

There are several reasons that you do not have a movement.

1. The layers of leader were already set for you.

2. There is no natural constituency with shared history. Rather there are pre-existing ideologies and world views and pre-existing paradigms that simply cannot be unlearned quickly enough.

3. There is no and I mean, NO, commonly shared scientific reality to bind, primarily because medical science is effectively voodoo.

4. There is tremendous hubris of a lot of self-important people who speak with a lack of humility.

5. There are over a hundred years of study and analysis of human behavior which are trap doors that many are just not going to be able to avoid.

Once upon a time, I saw a Mad Max of dueling tribes. The World, Afghanistan, and it may come to that.

But thinking like a Scorpion...they will probably just squeeze and release and offer you up Yes Ladder heroes (Trump, Bobby, the military, a new doctor with a trustworthy face, etc) and watch the marks trample into dueling tribes.

They will placate the masses, esp. the older ones, who will bury their parents and then die themselves. Many will just keep taking drugs as a "prophylaxis" just to be safe...which is another trap door well worn psychological evolutionary condition.

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Most people raised on cartoons and bread and circuses just want a narrative and a goody to root for and a baddy to hate.

And simplicity.

Just simple and framed as a binary if at al possible.

The binary is important for reasons that I get in my gut but have a hard time explaining.

It has to do with critical thinking.

Binaries are just easier. Pick one and then outsource the trusted leader in that team.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana


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I wanted to add people start to identify with their new position and start to defend it....not because it's fully in line with their personal beliefs but because they don't want to be identified with the other group. I see this play out with the trans curriculum and drag queens in schools (Canada). For most people the idea of being accused as a transphobe is more horrific than babies sitting on the lap of drag queens. So they wave their little colorful flags and will support whatever the flag will stand for next....

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

👆 “Most people raised on cartoons and bread and circuses just want a narrative and a goody to root for and a baddy to hate. 🎪

And simplicity.” ….”And start to defend it”

One giddy circus tired of boredom seeking self-destruction for entertainment. Bewildered if we are the victims or the shapers of our own destiny.

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they want to be in the "good people" group

especially women... that's how they get the young ones... "be kind" and no good girl wants to be thought of as unkind

did it with masks and the jabs "to save grandma" "to make them feel comfortable"

I was telling a friend (who knows what's been happening) about seeing a guy wearing a mask in a souvenir shop I was in recently (road trip!!)

he was standing about 2' behind one of those ridiculous sheets of plastic suspended from the ceiling (because the killer virus travels in a straight line)

arms crossed and blue surgical mask on. eyes BUGGING out as tourist after tourist walks in and TOUCHES stuff. I was going to look around but couldn't do it. I'm not going to support the terminally frightened. My friend said I should be more understanding of their fear.

I can't. Their fear caused my kids to "do the right thing". Their fear is responsible for the people dying because they "did the right thing".

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana


Kellog Marketing insights to the rescue: choice overload.

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I think the either or binary is important because most people are not in polarized positions but in the middle. It's used to divide us as much as to leave the biggest part, what lies in the middle, not discussed. By presenting everything as a binary, people are forced to pick a side that comes closest to their personal beliefs and they will stop thinking.

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exactly... #TrudeauTheTyrant exemplifies that very thing

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Yes, binaries are easier.

We need AT LEAST one stable datum...

The good and the evil that your GUT recognizes.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Prophylaxis ain't so bad. I have suspected prostate cancer and no way of diagnosing harmlessly so have added some specific supplements to my regimen. Even the potential placebo effect is valuable to me.

Your work is psychological Prophylaxis for me. The horror of what is hidden by layers in the warehouse or waiting up the ladder tempered by forewarned is forearmed.

You ain't no Cassandra

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People like the solution.

If the solution is an anti-parasitic that they didn't know about three years ago and if one of the Thought Leaders says "get the shots" and if all the Thought Leaders say "get the shots' and if one of the leaders also says take the choloroquine and I see body bags piling up in freezers....

welp...take the hell out of those prophylactics.

"In an abundance of caution..."

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

It won't stop until the coin drops. Really drops. And we are Luc Lelievre: "We live in terrible times." "Real awful". When all the games come to a halt. And the adult children are forced to grow up. In a rip-snorting flash.

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Yeah, that comment hit me hard and fueled this post.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I know. We can hear the foreboding.

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It his us all hard, in this cozy cocoon of INSIDE VOICES, that one terrible comment resounded awfully loud.

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Reading “Dissolving Illusions” and a lot of that is hitting me hard.

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it's better to know than to be fooled

hit me hard too when I read it because I got my kids all their shots when they were little

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Paywalled and deep-sixed 20 yrs ago...a British study on mineral deficiencies exposed a finding that 92% of the people in the county were clinically deficient on an intra-cellular level for the 'master mineral' magnesium (America runs 96%). The Brits had known for some time that magnesium slows down cancer. Why don't we know that? Alarmingly, the people w/ the lowest scores all had active cancers. They set up a companion study using 140 late-stage prostate cancer patients who had been sent home to die. No more treatment could be given They had between 6 wks-7 mths life expectancy. The researchers wanted to see which form of magnesium, if any, was better than another and the best way to restore levels (IV, intramuscular, oral, or transdermal) Cut to the chase...magnesium chloride in solution applied to the skin twice a day for 4 mths was the best protocol. 4 mths later, tumors started to shrink and disappear...and 4 YEARS later, all of the men were alive and cancer-free w/no other intervention. I wept! Magnesium in the form of epsom salts was the #1 remedy of the old docs. No longer taught as such. I always recommend no sugar (even fruit, honey, etc.) some modest use of bicarb orally as well. Give the body what it needs to do it's job, correct the chemistry and the body can take it from there...

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Interesting about the magnesium. I take several forms of it, quite a bit. Without it, I have excruciating leg cramps throughout the night. With it, no problems. I try to make sure it is reasonably safe, tested for lead, etc. I don't take the chloride form and will look into the skin route.

Too much of some forms can lead to stomach problems, what my Gran euphemistically used to call the "green apple quick step." I don't take those forms😜

My functional medicine doctor was convinced it was potassium that I needed for the leg cramps (for years). Nope. I found the magnesium cure on my own. I think this is the best way to go these days. (Always was, but much clearer now).

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Gran was right....Here's the story in a nutshell....btw, you are right, so this may round out the picture. We are mostly muscle. Muscles work primarily through the dance of calcium which contracts a muscle and magnesium which relaxes the muscle. They are the big players. Sodium and potassium are the smaller co-factors. (sodium works w/ calcium and potassium works w/ magnesium. We should have roughly equal amounts available to us, but we typically eat a lot of dairy (calcium), they always want us to supplement and bone meal *yucky topic is added to all kinds of things. Magnesium has been stripped from our soils and not replaced. If it's not in the soil, it's not in the food. Chocolate (esp. dark) is the last reliable food source. If you crave chocolate, that is the body's call for magnesium....also a sign that you're VERY deficient. We typically have an OK bank account of magnesium in our bones till we're about 35-40 yo. After that, we begin to run low. The body starts to reserve the remaining magnesium for the long-term vital functions of the brain, heart and nerves, It begins to get stingy with the muscles. Most of what we regard as unavoidable aging is simply magnesium deficiency and can be reversed. Magnesium is lost through stress...mental, emotional, physical, environmental, chemical and 'spiritual'/energy field. It fuels all the electrical activity of the body...brain, heart, and the nerves that fire your muscles. A couple of ways to go through the skin...5-6 lbs of Epsom salts in a warm (not hot) bath for 1/2 hr a couple of times a week will restore your levels in 4 mths./ No tub? Soak your feet in a plastic tub-2 lbs for 1/2 hr. You can reuse it for a week. My patients were elderly who lacked the tub, the strength or the cash so I developed a magnesium chloride gel in aloe vera for them. Quicker, easier, cheaper. (none of us were taught properly- I cobbled it together over time...fixed myself and then started teaching) So basic thought would be to cut all dairy, calcium supplements for a few months. (eat less going forward) Gently cut back on caffeine (if you're splashing stimulants on tight muscles, it's like throwing gas on a fire) and get lots of magnesium through your skin till you feel like your best self again. You should get to the place where you never have cramps.

Another bit worth knowing on this site is that if you are quite mentally active, you are burning through magnesium faster than a body builder. Replenish those amazing brains!!! .

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Nice in-depth description. Thank you for all the helpful info. Definitely worth a try.

I like the idea of a foot soak. I can transport enough well water that is safer, for a foot soak, since baths even foot baths are out with our city's toxin polluted water. I wonder if I could make a gel myself, I have aloe vera. Do you get powdered MgCl and add it to aloe?

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Yes, it helps to understand the moving parts. FWIW, I got to know our local water dept. We naturally have a lot of calcium in the water. They filtered that out, but, paradoxically added even more to the finished product. They just weren't thinking. They stopped, reasoning that it would save $ and effort. We also have pollution from GM plants, etc. They have gallantly stepped up their efforts. Their families live here, too, after all. / You'll want pharmaceutical grade which is not sold to everyone. (I'm a manufacturer). I've had people try w/ what was available at farm stores etc. Incredibly toxic stuff. Ice melt, as well. Had a dear friend succumb to cancer over it. As always, do your due diligence...

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An example, perhaps, to your #4: the Notorius Geert says he feels frustrated because he is correct and everyone else is wrong and the wave will crush him too.

The ghost of Richard Feynman may pay a visit in dreams to the Notorious, re fooling yourself using science.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Oh man, am I having an old school feud in GeertWorld right now!

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Seems many follow that path.....look here..... Viruses and DNA Are 'Just' Models?

And governments sprayed toxins on people to make them think they had COVID? https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/viruses-and-dna-are-just-models

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This is true and disturbing on so many levels. I just can’t imagine any group of people .. think corporations or governments.. that could pull this off.. in the slightest. All the contingency planning. Thousands of years. It’s a script being played out.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27

Thanks. Magnesium on my radar. Need to up my dose

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stress can increase your requirements...

and alcohol

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Fortunately, rarely get stressed, but could becall the wine I drink!

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If you over-do the oral dose, you over-relax the bowels, have diarrhea and your body kicks out the excess. Can also be hard on the kidneys. You can take just somewhat over what the body needs for the day. So, for the backlog of problems (tight muscles, insomnia depression, anxiety, heart disease and cancer going through the skin is ideal. It goes straight to the muscles and bloodstream and you can use a lot safely. Think of floatation tanks with 1000 lbs of epsom salts.. Life-changing to super charge your body that way. magnesiumshoppe.com has good free info...

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I just replied above about the bowel problems with too much magnesium in certain forms. Thanks for the mag shoppe info.

One thing to consider in taking an epsom salts bath is to make sure your water doesn't contain toxins. I was doing epsom salts baths but there was a toxic spill in our water supply. Hexavalent chromium which is bad stuff. I use a shower filter and take brief showers only, which is better than nothing, but soaking in a bath is out of the question. Lead is another frequent problem with water, and soaking in lead doesn't sound good 😵‍💫

Of course we were told it was a minor amount, not a problem. All lies as some of us have found out.

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Rough stuff!! Glad you were paying attention! Magnesium gel would be the safest way to go...

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I saw Poison in concert once, many years ago. I had never really paid attention to all the lyrics in this song. I did this time. And I could relate to some of it. I lived in Palm Springs once too, and worked in a hotel, and lived in a room at the Alan Ladd Spanish Inn.

I guess Brett Michaels wrote that song about his friend who died there.

I didn't expect to be reading Hermann Goering at the bottom. Damn, this shit's been going on for a long time.

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It's your basic Bret Michaels/Hermann Goering mash up post.

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As one does…

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I am an old woman...named after my mother...

Make me an angel...

Just give me one thing that I can hold on to...

To believe in this living is just a hard way to go.

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1. Think of it like a game. (This is where I am right now. like the hunger games)

Or try to make one young person see and to think and to question.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I do try…..not sure I am getting through and may never know….but my age group? They will never wake. I can't take their company for long…takes me hours of being alone without them to get some sanity back….

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Duchess, many are not coming back from this.

This was an OP from Hell.

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So true, Sage. I try to stay in touch with the horror and the loss (to never forget) while not drowning. Thank you for all the work you have done here and sharing it with us. ~Ginger

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I know. It's sad and lonely but no way out but through.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

But sometimes I think they know..and since they know there is nothing they can do about it..pretend all is back to normal so enjoy while you can...so maybe I'm the crazy one..I can't forget or forgive.

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You aren't crazy. You are just sad. I am too.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I think it’s quite amusing how people that know me avoid discussions now. They know but are either in denial or want to disbelieve. And they know with any counter argument I’ll just pull back another layer. And there are so many layers available. Not my intention with them but when they regurgitate untruth and stupid shit, I just can’t help but be triggered.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I hear you. Me too. They keep the topics to the weather etc. The ability to look at non msm truth is beyond them,

Sometimes I worry about how hard it must be to preserve the bubble they want to live in. It must b3 exhausting….

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

The “weather” is a huge trigger for me these days - planes back and forth across the sky 24/7- causing huge disruption while our use of fossil fuels gets all the blame. Another signal many of my boomer peers can’t/won’t see😞

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I cannot forget or forgive either, Duchess, and we are of a generation....and it is not crazy. Some of us, no matter the age, are truth seekers. We all have the living of memories of what it was like "before" the trap was sprung. Knowing that it was a false reality does not remove the lived experience of a time that felt like peace and bounty. That is one reason why we are among the first on the 'must die' list....because we could tell our children stories and inspire them to seek out freedom, to speak freely, think freely, move without hindrance, carry money in your pocket, be your own person, disagree and still be friends, and on and on....

For some of us, our contemporaries, the loss is too painful, I suspect and it is easier to pretend and hope the end is soon. Me? I'll go down fighting. ~ Ginger

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Yes. Me too…I will go down fighting … let's hold each others hands as we rage against the dying of the light.

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Duchess, in my case, it's "my age group" who sees the lies. The younger generation we raised have fallen for them. Generally speaking of course.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Well to be fair…i am surrounded by my age group..all tail end of the boomers. And I live in a totally blue, biden loving liberal state…I don't know anyone my age who is unvaxxed. They have this map of the world from childhood inculcated by their parents and will never change their core beliefs…democrats good, Republicans bad….and they cannot grasp that the world has changed..and that the red/blue divide is no longer a useful concept in any map of reality.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

My wife and I have this discussion regularly about our only child . While we are quite sure that she loves us and appreciates the life we provided for her, we can sense the underlying resentment she feels towards our conservative views. She is a product of the public education industrial complex. She is a municipal bureaucrat graduate of UMass.

The whole Covid thing brought to the surface all of her resentment towards us. Yes, we have superficial relations with her, but nothing of real importance.

Like so many others on this platform we are terrified that the shots are going to get her. She is in great condition physically at age 47, but has had to many covid shots. We just hold our breath and pray.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I imagine most of us are terrified for our children or for the world’s children, if they have bought into this and had the shots.

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I am so sorry. Truly…I know how hard it must be…knowing what we know, and yet not being able to talk about what is clearly going on. My sister is here visting…she wants to know all my “private” business…but i just told her not to ask me for financial advice…as the Empire is over, the country is broke, the dollar will eventually fail…and I have no faith in the markets or anything else…..She thinks I’ve lost my mind and doesnt get it that our government wants us dead…especially us old ones…that we are broke/at the end of this particular fiat currency….she doesn’t understand …cause her Berkshire Hathaway has always performed well.

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That is for sure. Left/right red/blue liberal/conservative... it's not the same game anymore.

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Blue state person here. It's a bitch, ain't it! All the people from my "former" life as an old school liberal don't see a problem with Biden. College educated mostly. Covid shot loving, etc. Just as you describe.

The only people I know who are not all in on the vaxes are people who are not college educated, but in the skilled trades, or dental assisting, hairdressing, etc.

When I get my hair cut but others it's at cheap places and never have the same person twice. Without exception, all of them are anti-vax, esp. anti-covid shots.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I’ve noticed this too. I recently had a conversation with someone I didn’t know he was visiting my neighbor from out of state. When I brought up the smallest of things there was a lot of pushback. Actually, a big thing which is that more people died of drug overdoses than died of Covid during the recent period That’s an enormous thing but in the larger scope of what we see it’s just a part. I could see the alarm or something on his face when I said that. Very weird. I think it took me about two days to recover. Not just from that one interchange, but from the whole conversation . A funny thing, he kept checking to make sure I was on the right team. But I gave him mixed information because I’m not on a team anymore. I think it made him uneasy also. But it’s very heavy work.

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i know exactly what you mean. it’s exhausting isn’t it? lately I try and preface any general conversation openings like “are you gonna watch the debate” with “Im sorry, I am living in a different universe…you don’t want to know what I think” kind of statement.

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"you don't want to know what I think" is genius!

For years I've eschewed the news media. And I normally say, "no, I don't know about it and don't watch it, it's all BS". I like your version better and will try it next time the opportunity presents.

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I am feeling like we are in a video game. Trying to unlock the secrets. I have never played an actual video game though .. except Pac-Man. Trying to wake up others has proven more than challenging.

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I hope you took advantage of Nevada’s quick filing of 501(c)(3)‘s cause Pastor Sage is on Fire! Pass that kofi plate around brothers n sistas and join her on yonder riverbanks in her new found ministries brought to you in part by the adcouncil and Swiss guard.

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Pastor Sage. 😹

Who tells people to go shoot themselves in the head in front of the fridge.

As a good pastor should!

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Folks gotta eat...the herd or flock's gotta get culled at least a bit...if a heretic stumbler wants to be a self-terminator in fronna the Kelvinator?...take the energy and shuffle on before the meat spoils...Pastor Izzard has a bit referring to Jeff as the God of Biscuits. So, when the next MuttonJeff self-erases, remember what they might have had right...right before slicing, dicing, marinating and grilling them into Tacos al Pastor to keep the NAM congregation alive and on the road. Make it a new survey menu option? 2-4-6-8...time to transubstantiate... Last breaths drawn in SoCal: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpJpYMtlntY

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Young the Giant also had a song with the same title with equally apposite lyrics...


Something to Believe In

Young the Giant

It gets old when you talk to the sun

In a tongue understood by no one

Can it be that I hear what he's saying?

Is there a reason why I'm still awake?

And he says, "I've got you written

In a black book by the railroad track

You see, I know your fate"

And I say, "you've got to listen

I'm a songbird with a brand new track

You underestimate"

I'll give you something to believe in

Burn up the basement full of demons

Realize you're a slave to your mind, break free

Now give me something to believe in

Just give me

Just give me something to believe in

Everyday when I speak to the moon

Pale as a ghost in the afternoon

Tragedy has a hold of my mind

But I can see the lie between the lines

And I say, you've got to listen

I'm a songbird with a brand new track

You underestimate

I'll give you something to believe in

Burn up a basement full of demons

Realize you're a slave to your mind, break free

Now give me something to believe in

Promise me

See, I'm afraid

I'm a slave to my mind

You give me something to believe in

"I've got you written

In a black book by the railroad track

You see, I know your fate"

And I say, "you've got to listen

I'm a songbird with a brand new track

You underestimate"

I'll give you something to believe in

Burn up the basement full of demons

Realize you're a slave to your mind, break free

Just give me something to believe in

Just give me

Just give me something to believe in


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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you Sage for all you do:)

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Thank you, Jewell!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

List of things people believe in:

– Identity and identitarianism

– Nationalism

– Social democracy

– Environmentalism

– Systems science

– Panentheism

– Neuroscience as a substitute of failed psychopharmacology

– The philosophy of Nagarjuna

– Artificial Intelligence

– Vaccinology

– Public Educamation

– Social Security

– Globalization

– Quantum physics

– DNA as a substitute for Astrology


The problem of belief is that it can only be individual. There are no collective beliefs, for the same reason that it's not possible to do psychology by reading another person's mind, or soul or brain.

And everything that is not collective has to be erased. That's the spirit of our epoch. An evil spirit.

Mongol 1: What is best in life?

Mongol 2: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair!

Mongol 1: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

::everyoney laughs in Mongolian::

The collective snake eats itself in a circle: Food is Death.

The individual human being, the smallest and weakest minority of all, only needs air to exist.


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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Yes I've found that it comes down to individual experiences that give me something to believe in:) I have no doubt that Someone has looked out for me and taught me valuable lessons. It's truly a miracle that I'm here and still alive to boot lol. Did some good along the Way too. Amazed and Thankful for it all:)

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SH: The ones who sought out the structure of a group, of a cocoon…

Not sure what you do about that.

Me: The ones who sought out the structure of a group, of a cocoon…

want feeling safe to be valued by all without ever realizing feeling safe and being safe are two different things and never the twain shall meet. e.g. Mother Dearest

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Meanwhile, Assange is shipped to the open-air prison that is Australia, ground zero of the human farm tryout spreading through the world like a vir.... errr, like wildfire. Assange will be surveilled from pillar to post. He may even be surreptitiously or knowingly chipped.

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My professor, John Clarke, from New College, wrote, what they have always done, is take the two and doubt them, leaving the third high and dry, and thus the error continues to run. WASC freaked out once they figured out we were doing Hermes. They original faculty walked and they brought in their bullshit 5 eyes fix, not even an American. Sage lets me riff.

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A careful reading of the Bible—and doing what Jesus told us all to do—will answer all of the questions and lamentations in these verses.

The problem is the vast majority of people (including and especially professing Christians) will not do what Jesus told us all to do.

The Bible even tells us that.

There will be two groups at the end. Those who did and those who did not.

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