Welp. This is why we do TurboAging posts every now for a little (dark) comic relief and again to break up the relentless War on the People disgusting timeline.
Day before yesterday a like minded friend called and asked we’re the trails doing overtime in the sky ( about 9am).
I went outside BINGO! CRAZY CROSS HATCHES EVERYWHERE!!!! After hearing the fire in SC this is upsetting. I’m 45 miles south of ATL. The air was quite acrid…
If you had your eyes on the Satellite maps you noticed unrelenting heavy spraying and energy waving along the whole East coast for weeks now. Off.the.charts !
This seems to be the pattern. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a few weeks of relentless particle barrage, and the clouds start wiggling...kiss your ass goodbye.
Cymatics. When the clouds start showing various forms of interference patterns. Seems like a way to push the particles around with purpose. The power source to do this must be enormous. Maybe geothermal?
This fisherman from Tampa works by weather forecasting and puts up regular videos of stuff he didn’t used to see. He shows some of the energy output using NEXRAD at the beginning of this one https://rumble.com/v6oswt0--catching-live-shrimp-under-very-chemical-filled-skies.-no-captain-america-.html His point is that the network of RF5G towers is being used to agitate local weather systems. It likely integrates with satellite and HAARP/EISCAT outputs or whatever else they have going. Also appears useful to spread chemtrails. You see it clearly when cloud cover is present, a very unnatural pattern, like a plate of water rippling when oscillated. It often defies the general path of cloud movement and you may see it running right across the continent. More at the front end here. https://rumble.com/v6pyqwo-unusual-radar-images-out-of-florida-cant-sleep-youre-not-alone-.html? You notice abnormalities after spending time watching. The ship output is not widely known, but you can zoom in and pinpoint the source, then watch it move along laying a trail, just like a plane in the sky. That’s how they gassed San Francisco, just another trick in the tool box.
Good question. That’s a lot of dispersed ignitions, isn’t it?! Reporters offer answers - presto, unsolicited, in their little summary. The wind! Blowing in all directions. Hard. Ember showers! I’ve seen this unfold in real time. It’s possible. On scale. The way to find out is to travel back in time on Sat view and query ignition times and patterns. Just about every fire lately has provided some very suspicious details.
What's wild is, if anyone steps outside, and looks at the horizon, this shit takes up HALF OF THEIR FIELD OF VIEW. And people look right past it. You can point it out, and they just shrug. I've watched clouds closely my whole life. And trees, and birds, and...well, everything. With intent. These sky patterns are very new. Some tests and trials in earlier decades, for sure. Trails aren't new. But it went fully operational with lockdowns. It's just wild.
Which makes a case for involvement of 5G - as it powered up at that time. Yet, I don’t have it here and get the cymatics. For me, asking questions and challenging a paradigm comes natural. I never knew that for so many it’s like flinging themself out of a plane with an umbrella. Until this psyop happened. And all of a sudden eyeballs, ears and brains slammed shut.
I doubt it needs to be near you. I think they've gamed out the wave patterns and science to make this work over very long distances. I've been reading up on this stuff lately, and ran across this link, with hundreds of papers on the topic:
The researchers learned that with merely 30 kilograms of sulfur hexaflouride, released at the right altitude, they could punch a hole of about 30 kilometers in the ionosphere. Which seems to be useful for eliminating the absorption of high frequency radio waves.
So now it is both North and South Carolina. There is something so wrong with all of these fires and floods as most of you realize.
I feel like we are a bunch of ants (to them) and they are setting our mounds on fire because we are pesky critters in the way of what they want to build and do.
Got to get our lands from us one way or another. We need to turn into Fire Ants and bite their #$*&@** heads off instead of working ourselves to death and hoping they will leave our mounds alone. They won't. Never have, never will. We must "bite back!"
Fire ants aren't safe either. Saw a video yesterday about farmers in one of the Australian states having public agents break into their homes and spray toxic shite all over the place because of an alleged fire ant problem. There is nothing that can't be 'leveraged'.
Ok, this one brings back the visions of Chinese face planting, dead dogs and cats stacked on sidewalks in garbage bags and people spiralling under subway trains… Japan’s worst fire in 30 yrs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBySG-Z3crc. One thousand hectares burned, a staggering 85 houses destroyed, scene changes marked by flashes, one life lost, 1000 on the run… and off go the wild drama tunes. I think we are getting the shock treatment. The shocks of Klimate Kabuki.
So, is this an organized plan. This year Cali now South Carolina. Of course the previous floods. Is there a logic to this? Like are these states they want to clear to build something, or resources. Or did the governors of those states piss them off? Why these states and why the order they are happening?
Of course, lots of it is to demonstrate the klimate krisis, make everyone buckle and some hero entity will be brought in to save everyone.
“Acoustic detection systems which can detect the sound of gunshots have already been approved …” Yah, eh? Wonder what else they can hear. People are dumber than a warehouse of hammers.
Lotsa people think this is for the "cool people". At least here, where clear steps have been taken in this direction for a long time. They are doing everything they can to make driving a car difficult, and overcrowding land to house "homeless" (migrants). My guess is they will try to herd people into these from suburban and country places. To steal more land.
San Fran was going to do this at the costs of big bucks. Not sure they ever did it. Seemed like there was some money scam that went along with it. Not from San Fran, just read about it.
“If approved residents and businesses could soon have self-cleaning trash cans limiting the number of times public works would have to manually empty them.”
That may have been in Altadena which is inland and backs up to small mountains. Above Altadena it burned a lot of the foliage setting up for bad mudslides. It could have been bad as for any surviving homes. A bit more rain is suppose to hit LA this week but not bad. Now getting out of rain season for So Cal. Next Jan-Feb if enough rain could be mudslides next year.
I don't know that any particular piece of real estate is critical to anyone. What seems most logical to me is to cause a general unease at the idea of living rurally, or semi-rurally. Or, more to the point, independent of power and manipulation. Focuses migration to the cities. Feels like a tightening of the borders. Pew Pew climate change fires might be the 'sheepdog' of The Plan, whatever it is.
Sure, they have to round up or kill the rural folks, the farmers and self-sufficient problem solvers. Too hard to control. And next they move the villages into the cities.
Yes he is a fraud and all make over him. All . I see utube videos about him and his wife, all glowing and as if, they are the next jfk and Jackie. All coordinated not One bad comment. How is that possible? 1 answer.
Please sage, revisit east Palestine Ohio. No help for them still
Trump went to NC and palisades in a day. Vance went for photo op and refused to call it disaster area which would have helped them immediately. Supposed alt rt media apoplectic Biden didn't help. Now Trump ignoring them and crickets
Politicians seem completely unaware that technocracy doesn't require politics or politicians. Already it's all just theatre. Eventually they'll remove the props, as Zappa said. Going to be a bit of a bottleneck, with all the grifter puppeticians trying to find paid* employment as gauleiter for the techocrats.
When Trump ran 1st time, vance said Trump and his supporters bigots, you know, the ones he claimed to represent When running for VP! The same conservative bigots he refused to help in east Palestine Ohio when he went for photo op and refused to call it disaster area which would have helped them immediately. Weird. Fix is In? He supposedly says all the right things but imo seems fake. I know he is
A quick flight over the historic weather records does not yield anything abnormal in precip or temp for this time of the year? What am I missing? Reporters pointing to hot and dry conditions…. 🤔 178 fires, really? And of course that wind >>>> blowing from all directions>>>>
But all these wildfires are just due to "Global Warming" right? Bill Gates, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds, Klaus Schwab, et al. would never use geoengineering or DEW's to burn down all these cities to "Build Back Better" and to make "15 Minute Smart Cities/C40 Cities" (Open Air Prisons) would they? They LOVE all of us "Useless Eaters" too much to do something so despicable and cruel.
Quote from Timothy Wirth, President, UN Foundation:
"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if this global warming issue is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy."
Lindsay Graham. Senator from SC who mysteriously appeared yesterday to renounce to his past as a never-trumper, as one of the machinators of the Maidan coup in 2014, which led to the current war in Ukraine.
Zelensky needs to resign or to change.
Graham took the senate seat of the famous Strom Thurmond, who left the Senate in 2003 at age 101. Thurmond was one of the persons who articulated the biggest switcheroo in the history of American democracy, whereby, the Republican party became the right-elitist party, and the Democratic Party became the left-populist party.
But in the past it was always the other way around: the red republican party was the party of the people, and the blue democratic party was the party of the elites and the bankers and the industrialists and financiers and the slave owners and the plantations and the academics and the universities and the doctors.
In most parts of the world, red means left-progressive-populist-nationalist-internationalist-republican-democratic-socialist; and blue means right-conservative-nationalist-elitist-monarchist-militarist-religionist.
Both red and blue are anti-liberal. Liberalism died, forever, around the time of the first world war. Any modern liberalism is a simulacrum.
Both red and blue are part of a psyop to plunder people, make them dependent, and finally screw them and left them to die in fires, floods, earthquakes, or anything else.
I have been suspecting for years, since 2016 or so, that the Americans would switch again the "meaning" of the colors. Maybe Graham has something to do with this, kind of a closing a historical circle thing.
Let no one be surprised if the republicans become the party of the people in the eyes of the mainstream media, and the democrats become the opposite. Everything is scripted.
Maybe that's why they brought people like RFKjr and Gabbard in, n. The "unity" ticket. The Dems are already seen as elitists with both coasts, the richest parts of the US heavily Dem. The Trumpists were the working class, but reviled as extremists. That's still the story in Dem or Repub strongholds. Are we going to see some big switcheroo? And when does that strip of land come in to the picture. That's where Dem and Repub unite.
The strip of land is a key aspect. I think the forceful change in American/European politics points at the expansion of the war of conquest beyond the Jordan river into Jordania, and into Saudi Arabia (created by the Crown) and into Egypt and Turkey.
The Democratic intellectuals are socialists and zionists and freemasons, just like the "opposition" party to Netanyahu.
There is no difficulty for economically privileged old Marxists from Yale or Columbia or Harvard to simply start saying that of course inferior races like the Arabs and the Turks must be exterminated, and that would be good for the People and for the Revolution.
So, normal working class people will embrace the republican party out of disgust and fear of being thrown into a war. Workers do not like for the State to take their 17 year old children and transform them into killing machines and thrown into the meat grinder.
Even immigrants would become republican voters overnight.
To switch the black vote to the red party is going to be more difficult, because many blacks seem to be ultra-dependent of the blue party. Those people have no self-respect. Just listen to black conservatives or the black people who hate the war on drugs because it is the root reason why the gangs exist and are so powerful. Self-respecting people hate social security and all progressive programs of social engineering. Malcolm X would have voted for Trump at least 20 times.
The wealthy will have no problem in moving back to the blue party. Blue is the color of Bourbon royalty, and the Americans and the British used to have a complex of inferiority with respect to the French. Which is crazy, because no one in Europe loves the French, except the French. The French politicians have created the greatest number of wars and problems to the greatest number of people. Not even the Belgians, as corrupt as they are, like to be mistaken for a French person.
So, yes. As the voting trends change, the Zionist conquest wars will gain steam. That's how I imagine it. I hope it doesn't come to pass.
Welp. This is why we do TurboAging posts every now for a little (dark) comic relief and again to break up the relentless War on the People disgusting timeline.
Smart City (Meta Beach).
Good bye Myrtle.
Kim's on it, unfortunately paywalled I believe. I subscribe.
Kim? kim jong un? Whoa
Kim Osbøl Copenhagen Denmark
Here's his Stack.
The other is a paywalled site.
Day before yesterday a like minded friend called and asked we’re the trails doing overtime in the sky ( about 9am).
I went outside BINGO! CRAZY CROSS HATCHES EVERYWHERE!!!! After hearing the fire in SC this is upsetting. I’m 45 miles south of ATL. The air was quite acrid…
If you had your eyes on the Satellite maps you noticed unrelenting heavy spraying and energy waving along the whole East coast for weeks now. Off.the.charts !
This seems to be the pattern. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a few weeks of relentless particle barrage, and the clouds start wiggling...kiss your ass goodbye.
Excellent description!
What is energy waving? I know about the spraying.
Cymatics. When the clouds start showing various forms of interference patterns. Seems like a way to push the particles around with purpose. The power source to do this must be enormous. Maybe geothermal?
This fisherman from Tampa works by weather forecasting and puts up regular videos of stuff he didn’t used to see. He shows some of the energy output using NEXRAD at the beginning of this one https://rumble.com/v6oswt0--catching-live-shrimp-under-very-chemical-filled-skies.-no-captain-america-.html His point is that the network of RF5G towers is being used to agitate local weather systems. It likely integrates with satellite and HAARP/EISCAT outputs or whatever else they have going. Also appears useful to spread chemtrails. You see it clearly when cloud cover is present, a very unnatural pattern, like a plate of water rippling when oscillated. It often defies the general path of cloud movement and you may see it running right across the continent. More at the front end here. https://rumble.com/v6pyqwo-unusual-radar-images-out-of-florida-cant-sleep-youre-not-alone-.html? You notice abnormalities after spending time watching. The ship output is not widely known, but you can zoom in and pinpoint the source, then watch it move along laying a trail, just like a plane in the sky. That’s how they gassed San Francisco, just another trick in the tool box.
Are some of the fires “DEW”?
Good question. That’s a lot of dispersed ignitions, isn’t it?! Reporters offer answers - presto, unsolicited, in their little summary. The wind! Blowing in all directions. Hard. Ember showers! I’ve seen this unfold in real time. It’s possible. On scale. The way to find out is to travel back in time on Sat view and query ignition times and patterns. Just about every fire lately has provided some very suspicious details.
I wonder if they all started at once, like Canada and LA.
What's wild is, if anyone steps outside, and looks at the horizon, this shit takes up HALF OF THEIR FIELD OF VIEW. And people look right past it. You can point it out, and they just shrug. I've watched clouds closely my whole life. And trees, and birds, and...well, everything. With intent. These sky patterns are very new. Some tests and trials in earlier decades, for sure. Trails aren't new. But it went fully operational with lockdowns. It's just wild.
Which makes a case for involvement of 5G - as it powered up at that time. Yet, I don’t have it here and get the cymatics. For me, asking questions and challenging a paradigm comes natural. I never knew that for so many it’s like flinging themself out of a plane with an umbrella. Until this psyop happened. And all of a sudden eyeballs, ears and brains slammed shut.
I doubt it needs to be near you. I think they've gamed out the wave patterns and science to make this work over very long distances. I've been reading up on this stuff lately, and ran across this link, with hundreds of papers on the topic:
Here are a few good ones:
This one is full on mad scientist:
The researchers learned that with merely 30 kilograms of sulfur hexaflouride, released at the right altitude, they could punch a hole of about 30 kilometers in the ionosphere. Which seems to be useful for eliminating the absorption of high frequency radio waves.
This is ALL mad scientist stuff.
The source?
My guess is haarp tech, spread across 5g towers. Fully networked. Maybe with a few big installations here and there to add some oomph.
Its the chickens.
Bantam hens
Nobody expects the bantam chickens!
So now it is both North and South Carolina. There is something so wrong with all of these fires and floods as most of you realize.
I feel like we are a bunch of ants (to them) and they are setting our mounds on fire because we are pesky critters in the way of what they want to build and do.
Got to get our lands from us one way or another. We need to turn into Fire Ants and bite their #$*&@** heads off instead of working ourselves to death and hoping they will leave our mounds alone. They won't. Never have, never will. We must "bite back!"
Fire ants aren't safe either. Saw a video yesterday about farmers in one of the Australian states having public agents break into their homes and spray toxic shite all over the place because of an alleged fire ant problem. There is nothing that can't be 'leveraged'.
Found the fire-ants land grab video from Oz.
Myrtle Beach is scripted for a WEF 15 min city.
I think you mean...TRUMP *FREEDOM* CITY.
Bearded bellydancers and money raining from the firmament….
That’s were the fire is…
One of them
GOTTA loose the word “Wild” 🔥 🔥here!
Planned is more like it!
Another one😡
Ok, this one brings back the visions of Chinese face planting, dead dogs and cats stacked on sidewalks in garbage bags and people spiralling under subway trains… Japan’s worst fire in 30 yrs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBySG-Z3crc. One thousand hectares burned, a staggering 85 houses destroyed, scene changes marked by flashes, one life lost, 1000 on the run… and off go the wild drama tunes. I think we are getting the shock treatment. The shocks of Klimate Kabuki.
So, is this an organized plan. This year Cali now South Carolina. Of course the previous floods. Is there a logic to this? Like are these states they want to clear to build something, or resources. Or did the governors of those states piss them off? Why these states and why the order they are happening?
Of course, lots of it is to demonstrate the klimate krisis, make everyone buckle and some hero entity will be brought in to save everyone.
They already hammered NCarolina with the *hurricane* (from Florida)
I think the plan now is to burn us up here in NC…all the fuel from the storms is setting us up to be dewed
Here ya go.
“Acoustic detection systems which can detect the sound of gunshots have already been approved …” Yah, eh? Wonder what else they can hear. People are dumber than a warehouse of hammers.
Lotsa people think this is for the "cool people". At least here, where clear steps have been taken in this direction for a long time. They are doing everything they can to make driving a car difficult, and overcrowding land to house "homeless" (migrants). My guess is they will try to herd people into these from suburban and country places. To steal more land.
San Fran was going to do this at the costs of big bucks. Not sure they ever did it. Seemed like there was some money scam that went along with it. Not from San Fran, just read about it.
“If approved residents and businesses could soon have self-cleaning trash cans limiting the number of times public works would have to manually empty them.”
I wonder what sort of invasive grasses SC has going on. Must be something fierce.
Perhaps Bobbie has a safe weed killer that will do more good than harm before the mandates.
Combustible Invasive Vaccines
Experts agree CIV is treatable with Ivermectin.
Maybe they make tasty brownies out of the invasive grass
Now yer talkin'!
Followed by floods, just like the widespread floods in Texas not that long ago.
Fires were barely out in LA and then rains came. Was surprised there were not the norm mudslides after CA fires.
I saw a video of hail and ice flowing down a parking lot there, a few days after the fires. Nutty.
That may have been in Altadena which is inland and backs up to small mountains. Above Altadena it burned a lot of the foliage setting up for bad mudslides. It could have been bad as for any surviving homes. A bit more rain is suppose to hit LA this week but not bad. Now getting out of rain season for So Cal. Next Jan-Feb if enough rain could be mudslides next year.
I don't know that any particular piece of real estate is critical to anyone. What seems most logical to me is to cause a general unease at the idea of living rurally, or semi-rurally. Or, more to the point, independent of power and manipulation. Focuses migration to the cities. Feels like a tightening of the borders. Pew Pew climate change fires might be the 'sheepdog' of The Plan, whatever it is.
If it becomes difficult, expensive or prohibited to own a car, that will also herd people towards cities.
Sure, they have to round up or kill the rural folks, the farmers and self-sufficient problem solvers. Too hard to control. And next they move the villages into the cities.
Yes he is a fraud and all make over him. All . I see utube videos about him and his wife, all glowing and as if, they are the next jfk and Jackie. All coordinated not One bad comment. How is that possible? 1 answer.
There is NOTHING on the news about this! Nada. This does not appear to be a little fire .
UNDER REPORTING on purpose????
Please sage, revisit east Palestine Ohio. No help for them still
Trump went to NC and palisades in a day. Vance went for photo op and refused to call it disaster area which would have helped them immediately. Supposed alt rt media apoplectic Biden didn't help. Now Trump ignoring them and crickets
Yup. The Middle Managers must walk quite a tightrope as their bosses murder their electors.
Politicians seem completely unaware that technocracy doesn't require politics or politicians. Already it's all just theatre. Eventually they'll remove the props, as Zappa said. Going to be a bit of a bottleneck, with all the grifter puppeticians trying to find paid* employment as gauleiter for the techocrats.
*paid = allowed to survive.
O btw Mr hillbilly venture capitalist billionaire vance, supposedly from Ohio
With friends like these, WHO needs enemies...WHO. purposefully spelled
He was picked out at Yale by Thiel, perhaps for his damaged malleability.
When Trump ran 1st time, vance said Trump and his supporters bigots, you know, the ones he claimed to represent When running for VP! The same conservative bigots he refused to help in east Palestine Ohio when he went for photo op and refused to call it disaster area which would have helped them immediately. Weird. Fix is In? He supposedly says all the right things but imo seems fake. I know he is
No one outs him
A quick flight over the historic weather records does not yield anything abnormal in precip or temp for this time of the year? What am I missing? Reporters pointing to hot and dry conditions…. 🤔 178 fires, really? And of course that wind >>>> blowing from all directions>>>>
you are missing that reporters say what they are supposed to say as mouthpieces and mindless drones for those who own the world
Overall, S. Carolina seems in a better state than SW Georgia.
https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/usfs/map/?utm (Good old NASA, yay).
And yes, the 12 hr satellite rundown shows a rolling boil of cloud waveing just off the coast, moving nowhere and everywhere.
But all these wildfires are just due to "Global Warming" right? Bill Gates, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds, Klaus Schwab, et al. would never use geoengineering or DEW's to burn down all these cities to "Build Back Better" and to make "15 Minute Smart Cities/C40 Cities" (Open Air Prisons) would they? They LOVE all of us "Useless Eaters" too much to do something so despicable and cruel.
Quote from Timothy Wirth, President, UN Foundation:
"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if this global warming issue is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy."
I cannot find anything in the news channels about any fires. Found it online though
Oh! Look in AZ wildfires Noth Scottsdale where my daughter lives!!! I just contacted her and she said, “what fires”.
Don't be distracted. Zelensky just shot his wad.
"fuck you bitch (Ru: suka, blyat)"
Get out of NATO now.
Withdraw all US troops from Europe. Any equipment that can't be removed, destroy in place.
This fire is likely an orchestrated distraction.
"fuck you bitch (Ru: suka, blyat)"
He’s acts in an illegal capacity outside his constitutional term and couldn’t sign a contract anyhow.
Lindsay Graham. Senator from SC who mysteriously appeared yesterday to renounce to his past as a never-trumper, as one of the machinators of the Maidan coup in 2014, which led to the current war in Ukraine.
Zelensky needs to resign or to change.
Graham took the senate seat of the famous Strom Thurmond, who left the Senate in 2003 at age 101. Thurmond was one of the persons who articulated the biggest switcheroo in the history of American democracy, whereby, the Republican party became the right-elitist party, and the Democratic Party became the left-populist party.
But in the past it was always the other way around: the red republican party was the party of the people, and the blue democratic party was the party of the elites and the bankers and the industrialists and financiers and the slave owners and the plantations and the academics and the universities and the doctors.
In most parts of the world, red means left-progressive-populist-nationalist-internationalist-republican-democratic-socialist; and blue means right-conservative-nationalist-elitist-monarchist-militarist-religionist.
Both red and blue are anti-liberal. Liberalism died, forever, around the time of the first world war. Any modern liberalism is a simulacrum.
Both red and blue are part of a psyop to plunder people, make them dependent, and finally screw them and left them to die in fires, floods, earthquakes, or anything else.
I have been suspecting for years, since 2016 or so, that the Americans would switch again the "meaning" of the colors. Maybe Graham has something to do with this, kind of a closing a historical circle thing.
Let no one be surprised if the republicans become the party of the people in the eyes of the mainstream media, and the democrats become the opposite. Everything is scripted.
Maybe that's why they brought people like RFKjr and Gabbard in, n. The "unity" ticket. The Dems are already seen as elitists with both coasts, the richest parts of the US heavily Dem. The Trumpists were the working class, but reviled as extremists. That's still the story in Dem or Repub strongholds. Are we going to see some big switcheroo? And when does that strip of land come in to the picture. That's where Dem and Repub unite.
The strip of land is a key aspect. I think the forceful change in American/European politics points at the expansion of the war of conquest beyond the Jordan river into Jordania, and into Saudi Arabia (created by the Crown) and into Egypt and Turkey.
The Democratic intellectuals are socialists and zionists and freemasons, just like the "opposition" party to Netanyahu.
There is no difficulty for economically privileged old Marxists from Yale or Columbia or Harvard to simply start saying that of course inferior races like the Arabs and the Turks must be exterminated, and that would be good for the People and for the Revolution.
So, normal working class people will embrace the republican party out of disgust and fear of being thrown into a war. Workers do not like for the State to take their 17 year old children and transform them into killing machines and thrown into the meat grinder.
Even immigrants would become republican voters overnight.
To switch the black vote to the red party is going to be more difficult, because many blacks seem to be ultra-dependent of the blue party. Those people have no self-respect. Just listen to black conservatives or the black people who hate the war on drugs because it is the root reason why the gangs exist and are so powerful. Self-respecting people hate social security and all progressive programs of social engineering. Malcolm X would have voted for Trump at least 20 times.
The wealthy will have no problem in moving back to the blue party. Blue is the color of Bourbon royalty, and the Americans and the British used to have a complex of inferiority with respect to the French. Which is crazy, because no one in Europe loves the French, except the French. The French politicians have created the greatest number of wars and problems to the greatest number of people. Not even the Belgians, as corrupt as they are, like to be mistaken for a French person.
So, yes. As the voting trends change, the Zionist conquest wars will gain steam. That's how I imagine it. I hope it doesn't come to pass.