7 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Holy s—- what a freak show ! Thank you Sage for painting the picture. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. 👊😆

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😅 I cannot say how grateful I am to have a few denizens at Jabs Bad Island-2 to not feel krazy with.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

The mafia piece blew my mind. 👍

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At the same moment Bibi is telling the UN he wants PEACE, six 6-story apartment bldgs in Beirut are bombed and turned to rubble.

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☝️ Talking point that will NOT be highlighted in the King of Israel Rescue the Republic Food is Dangerous DC event this weekend.

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Bibi isn't a very good speller, despite attending most of his schooling in Philly. What he really wants is "piece", as in a piece of Lebanon, a piece of Jordan, a piece of Egypt, and of course all of Palestine.

The plan for Eretz ("Greater") Israel spanning the territory from the Nile to the Euphrates is right there in the form of the two blue bars on the Israeli national flag to the top and bottom of the hexagram (as above, so below...).

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If you aggressively bomb a country and displace 100,000 civilians, killing God knows how many, in a basically unprovoked manner, wouldn’t you want peace too? You wouldn’t want somebody retaliating against you. After a thug rolls you he wants peace; he’d rather not have to fight it out.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

They really did think of everything, didn't they? I can't wait to not vote in this election, can we just get it over with already? I can't handle another month of this dumb show.

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You said it!

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I knew that the national and state elections were hopeless, but always voted because of the local (city, county, school board) issues. It used to make a difference unless it was a huge city. But now, everything is based on the zero carbon template handed down from above, and they've funded their people and the cities are falling.

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Sure ain't about armadillos anymore, eh?

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There is the Store front and what gets done in the back.

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Whew; what a headline!!!

Now, I'll attempt the heavy lifting of reading the article. Hope I'm up to the task, as I really want to understand this.

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The Owners of the World use proxy logics and the motivated reasoning of their subjects to install leaders who perform their agendas.

☝️Sauce. Reduced.

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...got it. But one question remains: Other than blackmail, what's in it for non-Joos like Drumpf (sp?) and R-fuck Jr and fake hillbilly-boy Vance, to dance to the Zionist's hell-tune?

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People like to feel special.


I wish it were more complicated than that.

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Those old clips of young Trump being asked by Barbra Walters if he would consider running for President. And lots of echoes of that, way back then. Yes, it was all planned.

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And they're definitely making Trump feel special and chosen by designating him the Jewish messiah and giving him the silver crown of the Torah.

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Like these douchebags...... actually douches serve a purpose, don't they..... these douches don't..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKL1l88DkGI

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

It looks like they are nonjoos, pretending to be joos, and are not Semites.

Pastor Comparet explains the difference between Joos and Hebrews, and that Hebrews are the only real Semites.



It also looks like the Palestinians are the real genetic Semites.

So that explains who the real anti-semites are.


There are many other sources that also support this view.

Such as this.


The entire audiobook is available on archive.org.

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Totally agree with your headline.

I'll have to finish going through this later, but wanted to add that it looks like Jewish messiah, 3rd Temple Trump is going to take us to war with Iran. He apparently got briefed on the fake assassination threats by DNI's Avril Haines (Jewish), who says Iran is behind the plots. And I think it was Kennedy Jr who said that Avril Haines was behind Event 201.

Also, for anyone interested in what's going on with the financial system, I highly recommend Greg Mannarino's y/t channel--he was the greatest depression in the history of the world is headed our way--I'm assuming the collapse of fiat currencies will be how they introduce their digital slave grid.

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Since I don't vote and can't vote harder, I'm going to hope as hard as I can that he is wrong about the greatest depression. But I guess if it happens we're truly efffffffffed.

And you're right about Haines. He's still listed as a player in Event 201.


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Yeah, we can't vote our way out of this.

I've heard others like Doug Casey also warn about a worse depression than the Great Depression (and apparently, this time, it looks like they are orchestrating all fiat currencies to collapse at the same time)

Haines is a she- thanks for the link. Kennedy seemed to suggest she was in charge of the whole thing.

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Bobby Jr. saying Avril Haines was in charge is definitely the pot calling the kettle black.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Controlled use of ze Proxy (Fee) logics (fees)

🔥 🧨💥 post, SH!

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Thank you, Robert. I really really appreciate the kind words and the company, too.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

Having gone through my own version of awakening from "Sweet Summer Child" to "Can't Unsee all the Psy Ops Now," your stack is a must-read, IMHO. You're not only consistent in seeing past the PR bullshit and catching the fee-fees "saying the quiet parts out loud," but you have some incredibly sharp readers.

Despite the trollers, lots of iron-sharpens-iron has been happening in your comments sections--and despite the constant frustration, THAT is one a hell of an accomplishment. (Long-term readers know those other irons I'm thinking of.) Many thanks back for ALL your catches, but especially the Day Tapes!

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Dr JJC did a thing yesterday or so about “Weinstock” — doing his usual hovering thing over a Joker + Evergreen + Mrs Evergreen promo. There was a bit in the middle where they start emphasizing the fact that they are including comedy and music… which was very interesting. Everybody wants to be in on the joke. The best comedians bring the audience in on the joke. Its no accident church services integrate group song. JJ added that for the last several years we’ve been in a place where these sorts of affirmations have been withheld from the inquisitive. The pictured bunch above are trying to open up a bar in the desert. Free drinks, song and laughs for all! (conditions apply) Maybe the Evergreen Spirit of the Sherpa will move them all to do his bidding.

🎶Yesss Damar loves meee!

Yesss Damar loves me!

Yesss Damar loves meee!🎵


Crap. Not going to get that out of my head now

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This video pulls lots of things together:

"Refresher on the Seven Noahide Laws"

by Jana Bennun of Israeli News Live


From the context, this lecture was done in 2020 before the November elections in that year.

Note that in the years since, Steven and Jana Bennun of "Israeli News Live" have been under some serious attacks, including the death of Jana's father from a "medical treatment" given by Dr. Carrie Madej (a "Frontline Doctor").

More on that here:


And here:


I guess it's always possible that Steven and Jana are some kind of "agents", playing the long game; but the Noahide Laws coming to pass, with its penalties of beheadings, is 100% Biblically accurate.

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I remember years ago, Dr. Lorraine Day (RIP) used to warn about the Noahide laws and how they were going to behead us. Back when I first heard her talk about it, I didn't really buy it, but now, anything is possible--these people are insane.

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Yes, Dr. Day was one of the pioneers.

My speculation:

Some kind of trouble (civil war/insurrection/election problems) brings in martial law > Martial law suspends the Constitution > Noahide Laws are instituted in its place > Anyone following/worshiping Jesus will be deemed a blasphemer/idolator under the Noahide Laws > Penalty is beheading (fulfilling prophecy, Rev 20:4)

All the pieces are being put into place for this; including, possibly, a role for Trumpty-dumpty.

This cannot be stopped. And beheadings will actually be the only way of salvation in that time ("tribulation saints").

But for now, we can always escape via the strait gate/narrow way of Jesus:


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And don’t forget to add the Trump Uncle who worked for Govt & collected the Tesla papers after his death

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I'll need to take a day or three to ponder your latest speculations. What I don't get is why, being a Hammer, I don't feel empowered in this hall of mirrors? Ain't it about time Alice and Dorothy and the rest of us Sweet Summer Hammers quit getting confused and skeert by mirrors, spiders and scorpions?

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Welp, I have to be careful about what I say.

The entire purpose of Revolution Israel starring Blue Pill Kovidian Matt Taibbi and "MY Google liasion is cool" Jimmy Dore and SECURITY STATE PUPPET RON JOHNSON and Evergreen Nebbish Professor Creepy Guy is to make sure that you HAMMER do NOT smash shit up.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

My apologies for runaway metaphors not staying in their lanes. Wait, I mixed in another there. I went ahead and rendered my own hammer sponge rubber or a plowshare or sumthin.

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It looks like it will be just another limited hangout, where the narrative is tightly controlled, with the guardrails firmly in place?

Redirection and misdirection will be the Op.

It would be good to see if no one or hardly anyone shows up for it.

When their audience shrinks to the point where they realize they lost control of the Op.

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In the Beginning, there was Nothingness.

But Nothingness was feeling alone, depressed, scared of its own lack of self, so it decided to read a book by Hegel, and then Nothingness negated itself and became Something.

After much research and meditation, Something decided it was not enough being something and not having any other thing to compare itself to. A foolish thought that led to the imprudent decision of creating more things. That was the beginning of the Primordial Chaos, or PC.

For no reason, energy sprung into existence and then condensed into subatomic particles. PC saw the neutron was a coward, the proton was a bigot, and the electron didn't like to work all that much, so PC convened a committee meeting with Something and they created the Table of Elements, to assign a labor to each and all the atoms.

After an agitated debate over the Budget, it was decided to nudge the electrons into acceptable social behavior by lowering the taxes on covalent bonds to reasonable levels. Not without lamentations over the cuts on the fund for the development of democracy, PC agreed to pretend to follow the rules it agreed to follow.

After many statistically impossible phenomena, galaxies appeared, and only in one of them a little rock just so happened to have the optimal conditions to develop organic life. This caused great happiness in Something and a deep regret in PC, which began complaining about Capitalism and Global warming and the exploitation of women.

Propaganda became mediated into existence before humans became humans in this cosmology tale.

Thusly, humans began to homestead the Fjords, and they first complained about the lack of collaboration from the Sun, and the dangerous proximity to Russia. New elections were called, and the Primordial Chaos party won over the Somethingists and the splitter faction of Meinongian Possibilists.

The PC audited the cosmic FED and realized the dismal state of the finances, so it decided to borrow money from the Dutch. That was the beginning of the end.

We now skip thousands of pages of minutia, to find that humans began to become efficient in spite of the difficulties, and developed math and agriculture, to produce Cannabis and Wine and cheese. Then they went crazy, and decided to imitate the Cosmic Parliament and requested a loan from the Dutch.

Then, it was war between the Heavens and the Humans. Remarkably, both sides were being funded by the same banking families.

Sometimes, Something gets depressed and thinks of denying itself again, to become Nothingness. But the cosmic debt must be repaid nonetheless. It's the most important thing. There is no forgiveness. That sounds religious and unscientific.

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Your maps line up with more data points than any others I've seen. A relevant set I've yet to see you mention is the work on Scorpions, aka Persistent Predatory Personalities (psychopaths, etc) being summarized by Harrison Koehli: https://ponerology.substack.com/p/control-through-calculated-ferocity

This work has promise to help moral people identify the scorpions by their visible attributes. The money quote: https://video.thesetruths.com/static/media/ppp-attributes-quote.jpg

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Yeah I recall reading all that stuff.

Normies who like normal. Even psycho-normal. This is the basic premise of "Now you are read -in" that I keep saying.

Like a dysfunctional family, we have I daresay most of modern society that identify with the aggressors, the Heroes.

And there is a certain cognitive ease to this, I guess.

Ultimately, we have lots of non-PPPs just going along, ice cubed all to hell, following incentive structures.

helluva deal

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Yes, we have lots of normies (conformies?) just going along, ice cubed to hell, following incentive structures. I've farmed livestock, and know how that works.

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It looks like the psychopathic predators have taken over most governments, and so are now stalking the non-psychos to eliminate them.

The war is between the psycho predators and the non-psycho prey, as it probably always has been throughout human history.

The only difference now is that the psychos have gone global to take all the marbles.

Ponerology deserves much more credit and attention than it gets!

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I usually try to avoid comments on people’s looks, but is Mary Holland, general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, pro-vaxx organization, trans?

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Happy Friday

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