🤣🤣🤣 Yep laughed 3 times at least. ❤️

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I am so splurging and getting the Taco Supreme today WHICH HAS SOUR CREAM.


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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

🎵 Laugh me three times, I'm going away. 🎵

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Good tune!



"It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

For the record, the Tonkin Gulf Incident appears to differ somewhat from other alleged provocations that have driven this country to war. This was not, as we have seen so many times before, a ‘false flag’ operation (which is to say, an operation that involves Uncle Sam attacking himself and then pointing an accusatory finger at someone else). It was also not, as we have also seen on more than one occasion, an attack that was quite deliberately provoked. No, what the Tonkin Gulf incident actually was, as it turns out, is an ‘attack’ that never took place at all. The entire incident, as has been all but officially acknowledged, was spun from whole cloth. (It is quite possible, however, that the intent was to provoke a defensive response, which could then be cast as an unprovoked attack on U.S ships. The ships in question were on an intelligence mission and were operating in a decidedly provocative manner. It is quite possible that when Vietnamese forces failed to respond as anticipated, Uncle Sam decided to just pretend as though they had.)"


::shakes fists at sky:::Damn dirty Scorpions!

::channels Planet of the Apes::

Got damn, Charlton Heston was like a One Man Psy Op Wrecking Crew in the '70s, huh...

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So much shitfuckery, so little time, all the time.

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Just our entire lives.

No big whoop...


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Jun 15Liked by Sage Hana

Admiral Jimmy I WASAPOWFORALONGTIME Stockdale for VP!

Wonder what he and Admiral Georgie FATHEROFDEADSINGERSON Morrison talked about out there in the ol' Tonkin.


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Oh my goodness. Good dig.

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Thanks for the antidote. That second greensleeves video made me dizzy. The third made me gag. Are these symptoms? Was I virtually infected by nano spikesleeve memes? I contemplated withholding kofi but then I felt guilty, another symptom?

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Rotten Tomatoes 🍅: 99.9% 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

A large percentage of our population latched onto the COVID narrative, and they are not letting go. Most of these people didn't read opposing opinions, and then come to a conclusion. They chose their trusted source, believed COVID was terrible and would be with us forever, and then promptly stopped taking on any new information about the situation. This group will wear masks if they feel threatened, take vaccines until they die (likely sooner than later) and never change their opinion. The propaganda worked so well on this crowd that they are changed humans, and now COVID is one of their most defining characteristics. The number of so-called "smart" people I have interacted with that are COVID-Vaxed to the max, and now getting RSV and MRNA-Flu vaccines is staggering. I have noticed acclerated aging from this cohort of society, sickness, and death, but none of that slows them down when it comes to "trusting the science."

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

I read the vaccine confidence bill, and on the surface, it would seem to basically destroy any vaccine since none meet the requirements. But once something like this is passed, the scorpions will just falsify the science and claim the conditions are met. Then, by law, you can forcibly be injected. Gun laws don't stop shootings, rape laws don't stop rape, theft laws don't stop theft, ad nauseam. This law will not stop the scorpions. "Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame." Black Sabbath, The Mob Rules.


Haha, I just remembered the first lines of this song- Close the city, tell the people that something's coming to call. Death and darkness are rushing forward, to take a bite from the wall

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Jun 15Liked by Sage Hana

That Vaccine Confidence, Choke, Cough, Bill is creepier than fuck.

My experience with CDC docs taught me a little.......this bill opens flood gates even as the water's flowing over those gates right now. I'd ask what he and Mary and Bawby are thinking, but it'd be a waste of breath.

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"Del BIGTREE says His ναΧ CONFIDENCE BILL is "Too Clever" for Some.The Healthy American Peggy Hall"

🤓 geez, fam... We are all so daft we don't understand Del s jibbyjabbie Bill(nor BobbyJr's Defense of Kinderen PubliKATION 🤓)

How~becoming Constitutional Xtremists::

💬The lawyer for Children’s Health Defense said if the mandate “can’t stop the spread of <Kahhvid,> then it’s just arbitrary and irrational.” Meaning you agree that if a product could stop the spread of a disease, then forcing it suddenly would become rational? Is this what they taught you in law school?

Oh, and she talked~ the mandate caused a staffing shortage in NY hospitals. Why are you making all these peripheral arguments that don’t address the core tyranny? You are leaving the door open for future tyranny!

Afterwards, Mary Holland, President of Children’s Health Defense said, “We are thrilled by this critical win against a Kahhvid ναΧ mandate, correctly finding that any such mandate at this stage, given current knowledge, is arbitrary.”

What is she thinking? “At this stage”? “Given current knowledge”? No! The mandate is arbitrary, period, end of story, eternally, in every circumstance, at every stage and whatever the current levels of knowledge or ignorance.My friends. This is a hollow, hollow victory, because you didn’t address the core desecrations at work. Again, I say, be a constitutional extremist. You cannot mandate medicine of any kind, at any time, or in any circumstances!"

THY Sage ❤️

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Peggy has absolutely pulled the covers on how limited spectrums of debate entrench what the Scorpions want to do.

Scorpions who blow up 501-"non-profits" and "foundations" with cash.

And fund "alternative" media.

And hire the best and the brightest PR agents and those who actually do understand The Science and The Psychology of the Gleaming Talking Heads and how they bewilder the marks and at some point the marks either work steps or die.

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Del used to be behind the scenes at the Doctors tv show. He’s good at ratings and promos

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I should bust out a post on this, but for now your eyes only, Ros!


Note how Wellness Media is pushing Dr. Phil back into your Brain Vector.







You think this bullshit is not all coordinated?

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

This show is totally FAUX in every way! It was used as a “filler” in SoCal and was being shoved down every afternoon on News 10 and other local networks - along with “Ellen” and other crap shows. Hollywood produces all of our propaganda and EVERY single nail salon from Calabasas heading South to San Ysidro had that show on full blast. #MasterpieceTheater #ActingThankYou 🤮

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Vigilant fox started following me! 🤣🤣🤣. Wth? Nothing better to do?

I am not even a content creator, but yes, I pointed ppl to amazing Polly)s chat with the big boss of TWC. I guess he did not like that. IDK? 🤦🏼‍♀️💁

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Oprah started Dr Phil. All we need to know. As slimy as Dr Drew !

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Oh - NOT AT ALL 🙄🥸🙃😂😂😂

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You are ALWAYS spot on, Sage. Peggy did an amazing job!! I'm sharing zeee luv thru sharing ur work + Peggy s, to everyone in zeee world that's awake... Will share w @TheDavidKnight show, 2day... 😘

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Had to snort at ‘Kahhvid’.

I know exactly who says it like that and it grates on my nerves.


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😂 🐴 is so fake, even his accent.

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💬Frrrunce ....ahaha😂😂😂😂😂

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H(e)igh ho, nano-argentum...away!

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LIKE (Annika Smith-Chasseuil)'s comment

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Lolski 😂😂😘😘 @Sage s "Kahhvid"... It's now patented...

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

The only spike I want to hear about is the one driven into the 1986 vaccine laws. Agent Spikeroo, get on it.

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That's what Dell and Bawby think this "Confidence" Bill will do........why wouldn't we just all love it, killing the 1986 Act.

Because this Bill is worse, way worse, than even that obscene legal murder "law".

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Too many a'gents everywhere!

Yeah, the escape variant is coming, I can feel it. Any day now, Agent Notorious will be right, when reality finally changes and submits to his imagination.

We may even get to see the original antigenic sin if we wait long enough!

It's one of the funniest theoretical constructs.

Yes, I realize that virology is not all that funny. It's mostly cold with a chance of giant snowballs falling from the heavens.


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We deserve better Psy Ops!

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Better than “the full stunning story behind the medical science “moon shot” of our lifetimes”? Murdering the world is hard-lots of agents to keep track of.

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Acting is hard.

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I don't understand how so many people are so good at acting!

Every time I tried modeling or acting, I'd blow it by cracking up and doing the Soupy Sales Shuffle - having a camera on you feels so ABSURD.

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Makes me wanna run out and buy a $5 Slappy Meal at McGacys for lunch.

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Sorry guys::: my comment is replicating like a viral load... Trying to delete multiple replies, but SS isn't cooping

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

“ Agent Martin was not a Globalist.” Did anyone ever, actually, believe he was genuine? 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️

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They are legit up until they have to shit the bed.

And shit the bed they do.

Because they know who they work for.

He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments.

*global economic forums*

*Central Banks*

*World Bank*


::raises hand slowly::






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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

And I can’t get out of my mind his beautiful, prominent tattoo of the eye of Horus. Huuuuge one, too.

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Jun 15Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Didn't realize you can lip-synch a flute.

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Copying a comment on the flute video which applies to you: “Art is not just a piece. It’s one capability to transport certain material using all the skills they have so that moment of recognition is achieved.”

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana


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There's a clip by Sainsbury's, supermarket, where the Brits and the Germans in the heat of wwtwo took a day off to celebrate Christmas and have a break from all the chaos and bloodshed, so thanks for this one giving us the laughs, just a break from the chaos around, you're an artist, well done Sage, Ah La Sagesse, c'est super! Grüß Gott!!! Dis you forgot Des Meth in this clip? Or did I miss his acronym, haha!

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Des Meth is in the storyline, briefly.

His angry retort.

kfj kldsjf kadsjfkadjkfdsk jadks fdas klfjkldj Trumpd kflka djfk djfjdk jk jfkljkf kadf Mossasd

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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana


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Jun 14Liked by Sage Hana

Oh! Mahvelous:) and I love the part in the book on galavanting Callahan where he's fishing with Russian scientists, and they're handing him vials of avian virus, while talking about funding their children's college education:)

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