
Gotta love the way Steve and Bob laser focus on the FDA and never manage to get to DOD and MILITARY COUNTERMEASURES.

Which CHD also chose to focus on long long long after we knew that it was DOD controlling the shots.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

After the HORSE PASTE HYSTERIA ! Enters the Mosquito Horse Brain Swelling !

I love those Patriots who filmed the black helicopter dropping clouds of GMO mosquitos !

Virus my ass ! it doesn't get more red handed than that ! 😎

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If I were you, I’d watch the UN and how or when “they” are going to have no choice but to give it powers to prove you and I wrong, even if we are right…. it is happening as we speak…

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Steve and Bob are both a stone's throw from DARPA and DTRA and are both concerned about "runaway population".

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

that clip is very telling. This is a long road, this Op, and these guys are so BORED. You can see it in their eyes. It's so fucking tedious, waiting in the wings, practicing your lines, cooling your heels in between takes.

But once you are in, of course, there's no getting out, which kindof sucks after awhile, because, well, sometimes it would be nice to just walk away from it all and just go ride horses and cosplay as general Custer or somesuch, or start that computer repair business you always dreamt about as a kid.

My point is there is nothing much left in these two that we could call human. It's all grift and theatrical flourishes, like taking a cattle prod to a corpse- it will dance and flail around, but that doesn't mean it is having a thought of it's own.

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

Sage , understandably good .

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That's it....they're empty shells being telecommanded.

And the general public is being directed in the same way. How is it we have so many signed on to killing during their hospital shifts? And school boards introducing porn in the school libraries?

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Looky there. Steve rocking that Austin Powers Euro look.

Now I know why the bets were always One MILLION dollars

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Please please please let him have a stepson named "SCOTT!"

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I… thought he has daughters, but these days this doesn’t exclude one or both are now “Scott”

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There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum. It’s breathtaking. I suggest you try it.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

What about skipping it all? That never seems to come up. Apparently it takes lots and lots of medication to stay “safe” in the modern era.

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👆Which is why the Tier Two (Kory, et. al.) HAD TO SELL THE THREAT MATRIX.


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I cured covid with chocolate chip cookies 🍪

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Chocolate cures EVERYTHING!

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Ha - chocolate is a miracle of nature!

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store bought, or home made with much luv on them?

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Why would you buy them?

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Doesn't seem to matter, thankfully!

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I cured diarrhea by building a toilet!

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I don't take anything. I must be in terrible shape!

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You're doomed, RRMM.

Maybe azza "Plan B"...

you could give Sage's

WALLOW IN FEAR(!!!) tactic a whirl.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

my covid prophylactic was cigarettes and cheap beer. it works!

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Don't forget to mandate wine 🍷and an occasional scotch🥃!

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Sincere appreciation Sage for you scrupulously investigating all this verbal vomit so I don't have to.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Imagine Kennedy as FDA honcho. Day one. He orders a halt on covid vaccines. The official order says they are products of unknown composition and unknown toxicity, and should have never been used.

Five minutes later, Trump fires Kennedy.

End of the historic alliance.

The only rational outcome that may happen is that, through the dark arts of politics, Kennedy finds a way to hinder the deployment of vaccines, in a way that saves Trump's face.

I think many people are going to feel a huge disappointment. Well, a war of Israel against all Muslim countries will probably keep them distracted from their broken hearts.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

But he won’t. He’s already laid the tracks to BAD FOOD narrative. The primary problem with child myocarditis and strokes, and look at Diabetes. Died suddenly !

They are very good at what they are doing. The flame died with the truck convoys. Since then everyone’s sitting, waiting, playing and obediently sucking on the election straw. Their straw. If IVM was the unjabbed trap, RFK is the new Mectizan. Just drove the rogue herd into Trump corral. Bread and circuses. Dancing Israelis in everyone’s front yard.

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He needs to be HHS secretary where the power is.

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The HHS has more power share than the FDA?

It's all so confusing.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Chris martenson calls it the carrier wave....flip the switch...kamala joy, flip the switch food bad, doesn't matter where you are...it's like watching a hypnosis show..

Modulate the carrier wave you will now cluck like a chicken....

Modulate the wave again,.....

It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life and it's been perfected these past few years....

I have had no luck being hypnotized...but I am sure they are working on us now that can't be....

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OMG yes! It's just as bad on the M A G A side. I have friends and relatives who are Q followers, and one just argued with me that "Trump didn't push the shots, his vaccine was HCQ and Ivm". That doesn't even make sense, first they aren't vaccines and second, he has Truthed and Tweeted and interviewed touting the wonders of the jabs, and how fast he got them, to save our lives!

He also says he does not believe that IVM is bad, he's "seen just as many studies and Drs touting it's safety and efficacy"... ???

They want so badly to have Trump be Q and that JFK Jr is alive, and that Batman and Robin team are going to save Gotham! They cannot see that there are multiple psyops being played and they're trying to catch us all in one of them!

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Wait...people actually told you that his shots were IVM and HCQ?


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Democrats for Independents for Republicans

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Muslims for Christians for Jews

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From what I've read, they were all connected at the top and just played all the people for centuries. Jooz controlling it all, through blackmail, back handed deals, Always human trafficking, child abuse involved. The worst of the worst in control.

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I think the convergence comes at Zionism.

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Yeah and it's all about that piece of land!

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In an interview, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Retired), "explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran." Now 23 years later, it looks like we're getting closer ... to war with Iran .. and to WW3.

"The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)"


1m 38s

Iran with its oil is still the big prize according to neocons and Israel no doubt agrees. Both the D and R parties are warmongers, though the ^clip above^ references Dubya Bush 43's administration.

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I am reminded of songs, constantly. “Crime of the Century” is ringing in me ear….


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Now they're planning the crime of the century

Well what will it be?

Read all about their schemes and adventuring

It's well worth a fee

So roll up and see

And they rape the universe

How they've gone from bad to worse

Who are these men of lust, greed, and glory?

Rip off the masks and let see

But that's not right oh no, what's the story?

But there's you and there's me

That can't be right

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Such a masterpiece of music!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 27

"Ron Johnson WILL SAVE US."

1) Let's collect signatures on a petition to REPEAL THE SMITH-MUNDT MODERNIZATION ACT OF 2012.

2) Then strongly encourage Sen. Ron Johnson to Shepherd its Repeal through Congress.

3) Then we _back Ron_ as he Re-Holds his COVID 19 HEARINGS.

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Pure Comedy Gold.

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Sadly, I sent him $50 when I could have spent it at the casino.

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Ha! That's about right.....

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Always just hearings. Never any action.

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Hearings are good enough to placate gullible fools.

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senators be like "show me on the doll where the Gubm'nt touched you"

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And run out the clock

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So very true

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Jabs bad, food bad, air bad.... and they represent all the ones who made it bad. It just blows me away that practically Every gov *or any organization these dais* title name actually does the complete opposite of what they claim to be for. CHD indeed!

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Alex says, "HUGE!": RFK is taking on chemtrails:


PEOPLE DON'T EVEN SEE THESE AS A PROBLEM! 'Dumping fuel' was the last response I got.

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And just what the fuck Is it about this holy strip of land?!!! Does anyone know??? I've heard that a Long Time Ago, there was a high spot overlooking the strip that was an ancient alien base! I'm sure there are tunnels leading from there down to the shoreline too. Always tunnels involved. They think something's gonna happen there in the future or what? Gotta be something. Please inform us if you know.

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Nice beach?

Oil and stuff?

Sky Fairy Concept said it was holy?

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There's gotta be something behind all that tho.

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People are pack animals and predators and like to feel special.

::shrugs:: Work the case, Det. Jewell

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Things come to me lol. Thanks for the encouragement:) I revere your insights btw

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Some people talk about an alternative to the Suez Canal.

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Yes, they'll use it for all it's worth in the meantime. Anything, everything they can think of. But I still think there's a main reason behind it all.

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According to ChatGPT:

Palestine is of significant importance today for several reasons, including historical, political, religious, and humanitarian factors:

### 1. **Historical Context**

- **Colonial History and Borders**: The region's borders were heavily influenced by colonial decisions in the 20th century, particularly after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and subsequent British rule. The creation of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent Arab-Israeli conflicts have shaped the region's modern history.

- **Ongoing Conflict**: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which centers on territorial disputes, refugee rights, security concerns, and national identity, has been ongoing for over a century. The conflict has had profound regional and global implications and remains unresolved.

### 2. **Political Significance**

- **International Relations**: The conflict influences international relations, with various countries and international organizations like the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and others actively involved in peace efforts, negotiations, or expressing strong positions on the issue.

- **Regional Stability**: The situation in Palestine impacts the stability of the broader Middle East. Peace or escalation in the region often affects neighboring countries and can lead to broader regional conflict or cooperation.

### 3. **Religious Significance**

- **Holy Sites**: Palestine, particularly Jerusalem, holds significant religious importance for Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The control and access to holy sites, such as the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Western Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, are central to the identities and beliefs of millions of people worldwide.

- **Symbolism**: For many Muslims and Christians around the world, Palestine symbolizes the struggle against oppression and the desire for peace, justice, and sovereignty.

### 4. **Humanitarian Concerns**

- **Human Rights Issues**: The Palestinian territories, particularly the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, face significant humanitarian challenges, including restricted access to resources, limited economic opportunities, and military conflicts. Issues such as displacement, housing demolitions, and barriers to freedom of movement are ongoing human rights concerns.

- **Living Conditions**: The blockade of Gaza, economic restrictions, and conflicts have led to severe humanitarian crises, including shortages of food, water, medicine, and electricity, impacting millions of people.

### 5. **National Identity and Self-Determination**

- **Palestinian Nationalism**: The desire for self-determination and an independent state is a central aspect of Palestinian identity. The lack of a resolution to the statehood question fuels ongoing political and social movements within and outside the region.

- **Refugee Crisis**: Millions of Palestinians live as refugees or in the diaspora, and the right of return or compensation for displaced persons is a deeply emotional and contentious issue.

### 6. **Geopolitical Dynamics**

- **Proxy Conflicts**: The Palestinian issue often acts as a proxy battleground for broader geopolitical rivalries, including those involving Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other regional powers, as well as the influence of global powers like the United States, Russia, and China.

- **Peace Process Dynamics**: The region is a focal point for various peace initiatives, but differences in approach and underlying political interests of international actors have often hindered progress.

Palestine remains a key area of focus due to these intertwined factors, affecting local and international politics, security, religious sentiments, and human rights.

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I told it to limit to 4 sentences and answer from Yuval Harari’s point of view:

“Owning the Palestine region would be like finding a giant banana grove! The Dead Sea has valuable minerals that are like hidden fruit treasures. The land is perfect for growing all kinds of delicious fruits and veggies, making it a fruit lover’s paradise. Plus, its strategic location means it’s great for trading and getting even more fruity goodies from other places!”

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“ Gaza and Hawaii have their own, like, strategic points, but it really depends on what you’re looking for, you know? So, like, Hawaii is, like, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, which means it’s, like, super important for controlling all these major sea routes and shipping lanes that connect Asia with the Americas, and that’s, like, a really big deal because it means you can influence trade across a huge area and, like, have a lot of control over international shipping and stuff, and also, it’s, like, perfect for projecting military power across the Pacific, which is a really big ocean and has, like, a lot of strategic importance if you want to manage or influence big parts of the world, but then, on the other hand, Gaza is, like, at this really important spot in the eastern Mediterranean, and it’s, like, at the crossroads of several major trade routes in the Middle East, which is also, like, a pretty big deal because it connects Europe, Africa, and Asia and has, like, its own kind of strategic importance for regional trade and influence, and it’s, like, close to a lot of historical and political hotspots, so it’s not, like, totally insignificant or anything, but it’s more, like, regionally significant compared to Hawaii’s, like, global reach, and it also doesn’t have the same kind of central location for controlling huge parts of the ocean, so if you’re thinking about, like, global strategy and wanting to control major international routes and stuff, Hawaii might, like, seem more valuable because it’s, like, in the middle of the Pacific and can impact a lot of global trade and military positioning, but if you’re more into regional influence and, like, controlling important trade routes in the Mediterranean, then Gaza has, like, its own strategic value too, so it’s kind of, like, a toss-up depending on what kind of strategic impact you’re looking for, and both places have their own unique, like, advantages and disadvantages based on the context you’re thinking about.”

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I saw a video about all the times Jerusalem has been "conquered" and re-conquered, ad nauseum. And Every time, the Jooz were involved in first, siding with the conqueror, then back-stabbing said conqueror by siding with the previously conquered entity and rinse and repeat throughout many different conquerors. And there were Many different conquerors down thru time. It was ridiculous how many! All wanted that land. Burnt and rebuilt, burnt and rebuilt, All 3 major religions took turns and always jooz in the background, playing their games. Now it's all 3 religions there. More than just a trade route I think. Waiting for something.

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I had to laugh when he said "take my hand".

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Oh excellente'. Yes that's how many times it's happened. And the ending is what I was thinking too. What it all had in common is death. Baal sacrifice cult. And who's always 'benefitting' and behind the scenes? History and a video I saw spoke of the jooz always playing all sides.

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Yeah but fucking all that, lol, there's something that has survived all time that's important to the scorpions, me thinks

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Hamas oppresses the Fakestinians, not Israel. They have been digging terror tunnels and lobbing rockets since they were given the land in 2005. Most Fakestinians want all Jews wiped off the face of the Earth.

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It's dead-center of the Old Silk Road.

And I think it's that simple.

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I think not. And why Was it the center of the Old Silk Road, hmmm?

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It’s on and take your pick - climate change, replace Whitie, immigration, woke, DEI, censorship, lawfare, thought crime, death by vaccine, death by food, death by not enough food, 1984, WWIII, obesity, microplastics, low fertility rates, aging populations, Jews, Muslims, Christians. The Comedian turns to Ozymandias - “Adrian here is the smartest guy on the cinder pile.”

Got a plan Adrian?

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I think you mighta meant:

"Yo!! Adrian!"

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But Eddie Blake was right. Desperate times call for desperate action.

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I´m thinking how much fun I could have had in the 8th grade with a classmate named WOODCOCK.

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Eat your porridge or you won't have any pudding.

Oliver Twist knew the game.

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