Whatever flack you take for your content or style, no one can fault you for the effort at opening up the consciousness of the people, and goading them to think critically.

Your mention of Rumsfeld reminded me of the supposed words of GHW Bush - "if the people ever found out what we've done we'd be swinging from lamp posts".

Very few understand just how deep the evil is and how many years it has been thriving.

And we must remember, there is a war going on behind the scenes that most of us have no clue or knowledge of. We only see the bubbles forming on the surface. Yet we try our best to make wise choices.

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I have learned so much from Sage, especially critical thinking:) thank you!

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Agree there are wars within the tribe that is the Global Elite. The Norse said the gods were bowling or some such when storms came, or the frost giants were forming hail stones with their frigid hands to smite the mortals into submission. Now we should know better, and yet...

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Love you, Sage. But insight, foresight, intuition what-have-you, knows no demographic. I beat you on this one, for example: in March 2020 I just fucking knew. I'm 72 and nobody's fool.

Canadians are evidently prohibited from viewing the first video in this post. It happens a lot.

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Love you, Joanie 😻

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Hi Joanie. I'm also 72. And I also knew in 2020 that I was not going to buy into their covid psyop. Then in January 2021 I knew instinctively that this new "vaccine" was not a good thing. I was talking to a close relative about it, and these words just came out of my mouth from somewhere - "Don't take it, it's deadly".

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Good on ya, Dave; you're no "geezer" (sorry for the pun)! And didn't we, as the months wore on, feel more and more like the world had become the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" nightmare?!

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I’m 51, apparently old before my time. Didn’t realize precociously connecting dots can make one socially decrepit to those in the matrix

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Not to brag, but I have texts between myself and a friend from February 2020 that I look back on fondly. Because we never fell for the scam, not for a single second. We knew it was just another move toward tyranny and control of the population, but had no way of knowing the monstrous scale of the plot and the damage done.

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Hi Joanie - I could initially see it and it was scrubbed when I went back. I was able to VPN and see it again. It appears to be a Canadian copyright violation.

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Yes, Turd-oh is SO protective of our "Canadian identity" ha ha.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

“We found a preexisting drug that worked to keep my cancer at bay.”

Did he ever disclose what that drug was?

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That would indeed be the next indicated question.

Perhaps far more revealing...why wait for 13-years for a bat to pangolin emerging coronavirus to parlay your cancer cure to a quest for "alternative treatments"? 🤨


LOL. 😅

Just gonna write a song right now.



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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Like 🐴 forgetting, for a time, he almost died..until it became “relevant”. Long game.. Ya know, my husband had a childhood “bad guy” friend and my husband asked a favor of him. Many years later, said friend asked for a return on his favor. Nothing mentioned in between, nor much ensuing interaction, but the favor was remembered and redemption was “required”..

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Recurring adage/motif in Heinlein's "Citizen of the Galaxy"...Debts must be paid.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Stevie's not part of anything like a proletarian union, but it sure looks like he and most of those other Tier Two apparatchiks in the Junior Good Club have their own versions of Ray Davies' Union Man keeping them to the grifty crooked and narrow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc7YZwGXX3U

And, no, of course he's not going to cure the global scourge of cancer...he's going to cure his own and extend his time on the game board so that he can help defuse the population bomb by letting others succumb to that scourge, like Good Dr. Day-O said.

Curing global cancer? That'd be bananas... www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQXVHITd1N4

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Exactly! 🎯 By the way, this just in about Jr’s cases before SCOTUS (per C&C):

CHD’s cases were dismissed by lower courts on procedural grounds, like standing and mootness. In other words, the cases were not about the merits, not about whether vaccines ‘work,’ or whether it would be safer to inject Tide pods.

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Ever wonder if Siri suing FDA and leading to how many years now of Pfizer Bad was an Op?




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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

His kids had all the vaccines-except this one🤔 even though “they” have been running fake pandemics-except this one!

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Got damn, this is like the old daze of Shih Tzu Stack. Crew is freaking SHARP TODAY.

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When somebody gonna ask AI

for *actionable* charges against




Feed it all the data and case law.

Crank it up.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

“So the last thing the Court probably wants to do right now is take up any new controversies.”

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Tide pods are swallowed.

By zombie tik-tok pods.

Just sayin'.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Is this cancer cure in the vein of ivermectin? This ‘drug’ cured his ‘cancer’? Just like IVM ‘cures’ ’a virus’? (Meaning: it doesn’t. Can’t cure a nonexistent thing) Was the cancer test a PCR adjacent process? What really Is cancer? A black box diagnoses driven death vector?

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I saw a study about MS that indicated parasites in all the brains of those who had died from MS. Are parasites the cancer? Do they cause cancer or do they proliferate like damaging insects to a stressed plant? We are told we have parasites and good bacteria etc to keep our system balanced and without them, we would be very sick. So is it our diet and lifestyle ultimately? Studies on the effects of starvation seem to show “diseases”, when it could actually be the body slowly dying and those are the symptoms.🤷‍♀️

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Parasites are an interesting study...We're getting limited info here that skews and hampers our reasoning. Gonna get a bit long-winded here, but this is based OUTSIDE of all the current raging. Back in rural America in the early days, all kids had parasites from chasing around barnyards barefoot. Twice a year they were de-wormed w/ a few drops of turpentine on a sugar cube. No big deal. Trot over to the Myanmar border which struck me as the most primitive scene imaginable in 2000. Filthy rivers teeming w/ everything. They wouldn't let me in, but I could hire a little skiff to see the shores. Lunch was a grey-ish green mystery gruel served w/ loads of hot peppers. Dishes and utensils rinsed in the river. Yikes! There was a 1 yr old girl eyeing my peppers...inedible to me, but mom said OK. That little toddler ate every one with gusto! As it turns out, said infernal peppers cleared parasites. Wherever you go in this world, where there are certain parasites, there are hot HOT peppers. / I watched a thought-provoking documentary on suicide in Japan. I couldn't help but notice that all the suicidal people were picking their noses and fussing around their ears....what an old American rural doctor would have known was evidence of parasites. (think sushi- parasites traveling to the brain-suicidal distress) / Most cases of appendicitis are from parasites nesting near the fresh food source, colonizing and bursting. Just not talked about... I had a massage patient w/ huge, painfully swollen legs, No midwest doctor could help. I kept questioning until she told me she grew up in Samoa and ran barefoot throughout her childhood. We shipped her to a big city Dr of tropical medicine (foreign-born are the best) and she was successfully treated for the parasite that causes elephantiasis. That was something I did for myself after every trip to sketchy locales. Again, I like the foreigners who have experience. Ask around in those quarters... I have a personal theory that many cancers are candida yeast, etc. related. I spent 20 yrs in an area that was considered a global hotspot for cancer. (Anderson, In) GM factories, chemicals galore on one hand. On the other hand, poor health from starchy, sugar-laden diets...the things that feed yeast. So yeast propagates everywhere that is warm, dark and moist. Yeast is a simple organism, but it is a living, intelligent organism that is capable of sending its hunger hormones into the host's bloodstream. Favorite foods in order of preference: 1) alcohol which is sugar with a kick, 2) sugar and 3) carbs, foods that break down into sugar easily. So yeast/parasites proliferate. The more yeast, the stronger the cravings (alcoholics, sugarholics-who make their own alcohol internally and chronic fatigue. fibromyalgia folks. Antibiotics have been killing the bacteria that inhibit that overgrowth. What happens next? Beer bellies, tummy troubles and leaky gut where the little beasties break out of bounds and begin to colonize around the body. Before long a little village becomes a town, a city, a metropolis. The body walls off these foreign colonies, but the wall can burst and more escapees are off to claim new territories. I mean, to me, that sound like cancer all the way. Think of the PET scans using sugar water and a dye to locate new tumors. It's all there under our noses. Later on, I found some very old doctor books that confirmed the same line of reasoning.

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Great comment Debra Robinson! I learned a lot about Aryuvedic medicine from a very young practitioner from Fiji while on Salt Spring Island BC. She said the same thing about hot peppers, hot spices in tropical locals. Warmer places host other species of little beings than Northern climes.

I love the work of this Harvard Doc, now living outside the US.


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That's interesting, too! Thanks for the link! She's terrific...the real deal....banished herself to Panama...

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Thank you for your insight! Much appreciated!

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Like button inactive...but like. Maybe the tropical brand of Brawndo switches out the electrolytes in favor of peppers high on the Scoville scale? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAqIJZeeXEc

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when I worked in an Herbal clinic, almost all of our patients were terminally ill with cancer according to their allopathic doctors. Our naturopathic doctor put them all on a 21 day water fast and made them cut out all sugar forever....they all tested positive for parasites, and they all got better using wormwood(parasite herb) and the fasting protocol.

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Thanks Heather! I love hearing reports like that!❤️

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Let’s play a mind game. Suppose depopulation is a noble goal for those that are so altruist that saving humanity is their only goal. Why must it be conducted in such a manner so as to be painful and drawn out. Seems like sadistic to me. Spoken from a cancer survivor who lives everyday with the thought that the acute pain may return. Let’s pick another favorite. War. Same op. And another. Fear by any means. Same op.

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Depopulation may be the root "Ostensible" Reason to sway the Middle Managers to accept the plans.

The Real Reason is that the Owners of the World are Scorpions.


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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

My point exactly. All these ostensible reasons that the scorpions can use to make us dance for their amusement. Reminds me of a movie metaphor best left unsaid in public forum.

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"a movie metaphor best left unsaid"

you just made me want to find out the movie LOL

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I think it’s in Blazing Saddles but there are others.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Possibly barely suppressed rage and resentment? The scorpions exist in a realm where money is not needed. Power suffices for payment. They jet to Greek islands and take a yacht to Hawaii and dine on caviar. But, somewhere, down deep (or not so deep), they know none of this comes without Joe over there bringing it. And Maria changes the silk sheets. Hell, if the toilet broke, they wouldn’t know the difference between a screwdriver and a socket wrench, when what they really needed was a plunger. The fucking plebs have total power. They know how to DO things. “But I have the money! WHO do they think THEY are?” Scorpion thinks. They can make a deal at the boardroom table, but they can’t feed themselves or change their oil if their life depended on it. Total helplessness. Total resentment. Take it out on the peons. Make them pay.

Jefferson had an elaborate set of dumbwaiters installed at Monticello, such that food would magically appear in the dining room, from the kitchen below. No interaction with the servants was necessary.

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Like :) 👍

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Kirsch took Panobinostat, a drug approved in 2015 for clinical use, 8 years after Kirsch supposedly got cancer and used it to cure his. It was withdrawn from the market in 2022. Where was Kirsch screaming, "This stuff works!! It cured me!"? Why was it withdrawn, because it worked? The whole thing is fishy, and I think just a prop to shore up his origin story.

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also used for HIV...could be an interesting dive via yandex https://clinicalinfo.hiv.gov/en/drugs/panobinostat/patient

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Always love hearing the horsey hooves on the snake video. 😂

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"Dark Horse" podcast.

"Skyhorse" publishing.

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Horse parasite medicine.

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Holy shit!

Sabrina Wallace Goose Bumps, pt. deux.

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Horses of the Apocalypse

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🐴 ♫ "The Equestrian Statue" ♫ by Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band (1967) 🐴


(3 min)

"♫ There once was a very famous man

On his 🐴 famous horse 🐴 he'd ride through the land ♫

♫ The people used to see him everywhere

When he died, they put a statue in the square ♫



♫ Here comes 🐴 the Equestrian Statue 🐴

Prancing up and down the square ♫

♫ Little old ladies stop 'n' say

"Well, I declare!" ♫ ... "

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

In June 21, the Israeli lab rats figured out they were still getting CoVId and that many were getting serious side effects. The monster was trying to control the narrative.


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Fucking just got Sabrina Wallace WBAN chills and goose bumps.

Holy Fuck.

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There was also that Japanese study released by Dr. Bridle showing the vaxx spreads the entire body and didn’t stay in the arm and possible sterilizing woman,


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The part that I wrestle with.

Jill must have REALLY FUCKED UP busting out that June 2 Linked In.

Jill must have not GOTTEN THE MEMO to STFU and move to JABS BAD.

But this falls under my rubrik: "Murdering the World is Hard. It's hard to keep everybody on the same page."

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As you well know, they always knew it was going to come out eventually and the script was written long ago. Certainly, revisions are required at certain key pivot points.

Endgame: Create hate /distrust with our government/institutions so much that the people demand a NWO. The more people they can kill along the way, the better.

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Just turned so fast. That's clumsy.

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Remember Mitt Romney’s pivot during debate with Obama in 2012?

Nobody believed me when I pointed it out at the time in June 21. That’s when people got really mad at me .

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If they don’t get messed up a bit, how can they later be outed as baddies? Gotta fuck with dem middle managers. Dangle that seat on the raft, and then take it away. Let the crowd eat them and misdirect at the same time.

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Which…. Sherpa did bring up in that darkhorse as “a data package fresh on my desk” or something equivalently fancy sounding

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

The Forbes screenshot reads: “I am an expert in reputation management…”

Have never heard it before. Is it about folks without reputation? I’d assume that if you have any reputation, especially a “good” one, you won’t need any management. Sort of, “damage control” for “people with no reputation”.

How do you become an expert in this thing? By destroying someone’s reputation and recovering them? Or by overlaying new reputation over blank subjects?

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Like...good questions...before the prevalence of social media, did anyone use the phrase "reputation management"? I suspect very few if any...the more common shorthand designator was "PR Flack" (90%) or "PR Stooge" (10%). The sign at the corner office would have said "Executive VP, Public Relations", each of whose staff would carry business cards identifying them as a "Public Relations Account Manager". Could be wrong, YMMV.

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🎵 Under Assistant West Coast Promo Man 🎵

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Like...I think I heard that on AM in 1965 up in Goose Bay, Labrador...kids today...no idea what we had to go through back then...nor how magical it was...sometimes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlzdtsiVI3I

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

That picture of Kirsch always cracks me up! Never gets old:)

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

It’s that 5 degree head tilt, paired with the eyes. No programming here. No siree!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I'm just a sweet widdle innocent thing. How could you possibly resist this face? Awwwww. . .Are you melting yet? Look at my sparkly, pleading eyes! And my almost-catching-my-lower lip shy widdle grin. Isn't it precious? How could you possibly resist such goodness?

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Rush Rush everywhere. SH, you’re a gem.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

There's a fresh TWC bird flu fear ad out today.

The ad is pretty much exactly the "threat-matrix" -> "countermeasures" paradigm you've done such a great job exposing here. Its only remarkable in that it it both pumps the threat of GoF / lab leak and then jumps right into it's all fake pharma hype but ends on get your "early prevention and treatment." They just blow past the inherent tension between fake pandemic hype and scary GoF lab leak like they are pushing a set of buttons in the brains of the ad targets who are expected to not think at all. (x) Scary Virus GoF, (x) Lying Pharma, therefore BUY NOW. Of course, we should buy handpicked repurposed drugs. Thanks to this stack this pattern is very easy to spot now.

Several months ago Dr. McCullough actually came to my town on some sort of speaking tour. As I hadn't yet completely lost all confidence in him, I considered going. I noticed that there was a ticket price but you couldn't buy them at the door with cash, you had to preregister. So I thought about that a bit. Seems like they wanted to make a target list... errr I mean a marketing list off the people that went. I decided I don't want to be on a list of vaccine skeptics or to pay at all for something like that anyways. No point in making their work easier for them

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see also: Steve Kirsch Google Drive surveys

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Indeed! I never click those. People don't realize how many sites track them through their major social media active logins. Even the tracker blockers like ghostery often have exceptions written for the big companies to keep watching you.

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So, to be clear:

The Wellness Co is useless to us old boomers looking for autonomous health meds?

I can avoid the hype of circus supplements, opt out of the marketing crapola and understand the conspiracy truths dished out, but I'm out of sources for basic 'repurposed' meds! Doctors nearby (within a 2hour trip) are worthless.

Is my old-fashioned knowledge about what works completely useless? You want me to put peas up my nose?

Finding repurpose is apparently not The Right Look.

You know, some nuggets of usefulness pepper the lies of the Narrative. It's exhausting and DOES seem pointless to attempt to find those bits and bobs (No, not that Bob!) to retrieve for personal use in these hard times, but because I am a thrifty person, I still try.


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T-shirt sure to trigger a few normies

"The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is NOT having myocarditis"


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Like...early Xmas shopping list item for kid brother. He did get one dose back in the day, and then his biofield-conversant girlfriend persuaded him that if he got any more, she wouldn't be around to call 911 for him, much less visit him in the hospital. Love's a powerful drug, too. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtvmxljmitA www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLRWS9mSpsU

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He sees life "in pink" perhaps thanks to girlfriend.


Grace Jones "La Vie en Rose"


*edit - R.O.F. = return of favor

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Well, I know he's not a Gertrude Stein devotee, so yeah, probably the girlfriend. Tangential...2012-2016 in Costa Rica my voluntarily adopted older brother was a big Edith Piaf fan and had La Vie en Rose on his car's playlist...it was OK for me, but Grace is more my style/vintage...does club setting look the same 2U as on Hunter/Game?


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For sure.

Club setting is the same. Must also be the same exact date because even the people listening are wearing the same clothes during the 2 songs.

The club setting is from "Vamos a Ver" (translation: "We'll See") which "was a television program broadcast by Televisión Nacional de Chile between 1977 and 1983. In order to make a television space that could accommodate the most select of the popular music activities of that time, the management of the Chilean state channel decided to give this space every Friday for which they had the famous entertainer Raúl Matas return from Spain, who together with the television direction of Felipe Pavez and the Horacio Saavedra orchestra gave life to "Vamos a Ver", a space through which Over the years, notable artists such as Camilo Sesto, Alberto Cortez, Paloma San Basilio and Juan Gabriel passed by on their first visit to Chile."


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I'll remember to use Vamos a Ver as a YT search and see what shows up. :-)

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Nice little bit of new programming. UK army ad, showing uk soldiers evacuating people into a helicopter from a nice little (uk?) countryside with billowing smoke plumes in the picturesque village.


Leave The World Behhhhiiinnnnddd!

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Trying to keep up but I got stuck in the worst glitz with Damar - he didn't make it as the comeback player of the year ! Has his name been changed to Bernie? And speaking of not coming back , there was considered "a major by election " here in Toronto with it being one of the Liberal strangle -holds ( young trudeau) for years , and the usual suspect lost. It looks like foster coulson and young trudeau could be brothers in arms on so many levels .

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There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023: https://truthsummit.info/media-files/DrJudyWood-refutation-RichardGage-claims.pdf

Thermite Revisited & Demolished in 2024

Aerospace Engineer discusses the truth about thermite and September 11, 2001

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/thermite-revisited-and-demolished

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What's up Sheetrock dust?

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What's up non-critical thinker?

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Are you not aware of where the debris were hauled or you just like to ask the question about where the buildings went?

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Feel free to go read my article, Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives - It's a presentation. Listen to point no 1 and you'll learn the "shipping off to China" is a complete and utter cover story for what people were reporting on September 12, 2001 - The LACK of rubble for 2 x 110 story buildings and for the 22 story Marriot Hotel.

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

O, and the E-Team, in one of the towers, weren't Israeli - They were Austrian.

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You're just a link spammer account, not authorized to engage in debate. We've established this several times haven't we?

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Go do some reading - Learn something.

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