


Jackson Hole, WY

Dig into this ☝️ as this may be where they decided to pull the trigger on "The Event", long planned.

"The Event" that brought us all here to the boutique.

You know...the *pandemic. ::wink-wink

I've gone back and tracked from Good Club to Rockefeller Operation Lockstep to Contagion to Hawaii to SPARS to Event 201 to infinity. But these powwows, the ones off-label from Davos, seem to be where some late night Mossad-Protected margin calls meeebbbeeeee get made.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I’ve been to Jackson Hole and it’s an interesting place. Its relationship with the Rockefeller family is quite disquieting.


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huh? what?

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yes that one.

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These meetings make me twitchy. I doubt it’s where the calls get made. That’s probably lake como, or some shit. But it’s definitely where orders are propagated.

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In hushed whispers with no recording devices and no record.

This distinction between "calls get made" and "orders get propagated" is not at all clear.

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Go ahead and try and get regular people to leave their phones in the car when you want to talk off record. The dummies think they can just shut them off and keep in their pocket. No wonder we are losing this battle. What grade of phone do the billionaires carry? Must be military.

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Try and keep them from uploading their entire address book and your ID into tracking-tracing surveillance clouds. Voluntarily. Mommy, daddy, see all my freeends! Love u for minding my data!!!

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Tried for a while to obscure my phone ID. But the very first thing all your friends do is stick your new ID in their address book, linked to your old ID and anything they know about you, linked with their whole school of fish. After you explain the weird concept of privacy.

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The distinguishing factor is who gets on the boat, and who gets laughed at as they are eaten by sharks.

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You're either On the Raft, or Off the Raft, as it goes over the falls

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Is what the aprons are for in the luggage. Mind your keepers.

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Private plane patrons don't go through metal detectors. so the aprons can be folded around the long knives, cleavers, etc., so some of the people who get on the boat might not get off in one piece...dey get chummy wit summa da sharks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSIO_1wyuwo

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"Welcome to the secret summer camp for billionaires"? Where's a 70-ton tactical nuke when you need one?

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There will be no "Bad Land Management" or "Paradise, CA" fires rampaging through Sun Valley, ID during Billionaire Summer Camp.

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No, I rather imagine not... 🤔💩

In other news just learned from my Member of Parliament, the draft-dodging Randall Garrison, of our Dear Leader Justine Castreau's (praise and blessings be upon her name) new Socialized Dental Plan..🙄 Meanwhile will they ever compensate me for the theft of my home which I foolishly purchased on native land (Cdn $125,000)? Will they compensate me for the liquidation of $7,500 accumulated vacation pay and $30,000 lost wages from November 2021 – July 2022 when, as a "Pureblood" I was banned from employment? Not holding my breath...

A few years of those sticky-fingered grifters meddling in dentistry, and socialized dental care will be the same catastrophic mess as our socialized health care...

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This is the way of the interface upgrades. Unless you savor the unblunted essence of pliers and drills. So it better be in everyones reach. Take advantage often. As for Justine GoBrandon’s white knuckled death-grip and fly-strip ass attachment, same demoralization op, same, same, minus the sippy cup.

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Where's an emerging lethal coronavirus "virulent variant" (GVB) "smart bomb of invectivity" (Callahan) when you need one?

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The Bohemian Grove set are curiously, consistently, immune to such pathogens... 🤔

Guess all the Devil-worship and adenochrome consumption eventually pays off.

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Thank you for cross-posting the stack about Aids.

AIDS, Inc. by Jon Rappoport, the seminal work on this subject form way back.

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The cross referencing of both AIDS and the Crack Cocaine "epidemic" referenced in AC's post to the Day Tapes Plain Spoken Agendas is another case of "THEY TOLD YOU WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO DO".

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I watched an hour+ video this AM from 2 or 3 years ago (nothing we don't already know) about how all the media are owned and controlled to brainwash all of us. It included subjects such as CIA behind everything, MKUltra, Pizzagate, Satanists in military and media and government, Nazis, as explained by a couple of middle-aged stuntmen. It is a primer for the newly slightly awakened. Your posts, SH, are for "gifted" students who are fully awake and being tutored by you.

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To be clear, I am still waking up from a deep slumber.

I just push it out in real time as fast as I see something and make a connection and then my board schools me.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Mossad runs security for the Sun Valley Event, there's the lead, buried under a stack of Rocketurtles

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The only reason that I do not lede with that is because it came from George Webb and Webb has some weird rhetoric dancing around Israel.

He will go into a schtick about his kids and how he loves Israel, etc.

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Well that is 100% consistent with my read on things. My personal conclusion from years ago is the character known as George Webb is a long running embedded Mossad asset playing at world roving brave alt news researcher

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SUN Valley reeks of symbolism.

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Watch out for the flares!

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Though Ms. Tulsi Gabbard is gorgeous, she has a creepy-looking gaze. Isn't she?

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She appears to be visibly changing like a method actor.

Like DeNiro in Taxi Driver.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Exactly what I was thinking.

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Yesss! I saw that awful movie, Taxi Driver... A Scorsese 1976 film?! Though, I recall the movie received the Palme d'Or, and four Academy awards nomination... It was an awful depraved storytelling.

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Chasicakes argues that she was trained in a cult to do this Machiavellian job.

Sometimes, she stutters a bit. That seems to confirm the claim that she's another Rockefeller production.

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From Spookipedia, couple of notable details:

In 2002, Gabbard was elected to the Hawaii House of Representatives at the age of 21.


She continued to serve as a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard until her transfer to the 351st Civil Affairs Command, a California-based United States Army Reserve unit assigned to the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, in June 2020.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

5-year Term member of the Council on Foreign Relations ending July 2019. As a civil affairs unit the 440th trains extensively in the systems and cultures of these areas and regularly deploys small teams to locations such as Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines, working with governments and the local populace of these areas on projects such as civil-military engagement, humanitarian assistance and foreign aid. Monash-hubs.

:::June, 2023, LTC Tulsi Gabbard assumed command of the 440th Civil Affairs Battalion[23], based in Fort Carson, Colorado.[24]440th Civil Affairs, assigned to Southeast Asia and Oceana, works under the US Army's Psychological Operations command of 82nd Airborne, headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and Information Operations Soldiers combine regional and trans-regional expertise, political-military awareness, and cross-cultural communication skills to conduct and support civil-military operations for conventional and special operations forces. LTC Gabbard's new unit 440th is a subunit of 351st…..:::

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

"Friends" with Beau Biden in the service

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She was allegedly involved in the PsyOpp’s division of the Pentagon.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I bet she thanks her lucky stars every day it wasn’t the accounting division.

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Pentagon on Pentagon violence.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Like an octagon match, but with less angles.

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Battalion commander of Psops Corps- see comments below

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Thus, Ms. Gabbard could be considered a kapo of the Rockefellers, akin to how Nazi kapos did everything just to live another day in the extermination camps of the 1940s.

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"Veeeee penetrate the Cabinets." Crowed Klaus.

Did you think they would not also give you a Pepsi to choose from to the Coke product?

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Sageyyyy:: as per Dr Shiva [+ I have no more space in my 👁‍🗨PAD 2saνe νιdeos] ΤυΙ$I ΒeIongs to a High.Cast.Ηind000 faith as do many other "Βrοwn ΡρΙ" ακα JabγButyCharDyrna of yab.the.0Ids... How else wld she be a "RAWD" YGLΕΑDΕR????

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I am a woman, but I don't find her attractive at all~~I think it's the pockmarks on her face and the gaze of a robot with no thoughts of her own, but somehow sound bites are programmed into her malleable brain.

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I get it.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Gorgeous? Look at her teeth? Overbite? Omg…

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OMG! I guess you're right. One shouldn't get involved with such a person in the dead of night. Too risky.

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Finally, I've found Idiotville on the map...it's in Idaho.

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This will age me, but that entire article makes me want to say, "gag me with a spoon." And shame on any reporter who keeps crucial information from the public "off the record."

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Jets do not spoil the climate. They move very fast, come and go, and are high up there, away from us. Unlike cows, whose slow-moving habits contaminate local spots in a persistent way, increasing concentrations of those bad gases in very close proximity of our breathing system.

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Those guys are gone mad, and so they meet in Death Valley perhaps. Such events only show they don't care about you and me any more. Those Kings of Mortality. At the very end their deadly agenda may swallow themselves.

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As long as you keep it up the chain with "these guys", these BAD BILLIONAIRES and do not track it down to their Wellness Company Hired Guns like McCullough and Paul Alexander....the Warehouse of Hammers does not have to deal with that nagging cognitive dissonance.

Or the Jeff Hanson funded Bob Malone, etc.

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Yes, according. Some kind of ugly practice. Is it money that makes it? How to make the difference? We can't dive deep into every case and circumstance all day long (as you do, of course, thanks for that incredible work). Listening to your convincing investigation means to declare most of even the "trustable" ones as fake. Hard stuff.

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Yes. It's money.

You can determine who you like and carve out a little safe space for them.

The conclusions or "declarations" are for each to decide.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must really go inject some siRNA. My Hero says it's GOOD.

And I always experiment on my body based on a kindly face and branding.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Nope. Zero carbon footprint there! Flying on water.

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Goliath? It’s the American oligarchy….oops, strike that….it’s the Russian oligarchy. Definitely the Russians.

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"Goliath" is Evergreen Boy's designation for the mysterious WHO and its benefactors who want to take away your FREEEEEEEEDDDOOOOOMMMMMMMMM (while never mentioning the Prep Act and selling the elegance of mRNA Technology)

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I posited a question to my sister yesterday (she is a nurse…3 jabs….but has stopped and now is anxious and no doubt has serious regrets)….

My question (now that so many are no longer cowering in fear) to her was simple….

“As a nurse, when in your training or education or practice was any medical intervention or treatment a ‘one size fits all’ approach?”

Her reply…”Never.”

We talked about how that it has never been the approach because everybody is different….and yet, here….they wanted EVERYBODY globally to take the damn shot.

Begs questions…it’s not about a virus. And they did not and will not tell us what is or was in the shot….and even if they did, data tells us the shots may not have been the same.

People tend to think linear or bilaterally. Brain boxing.

But the assholes we are up against work in complex systems….they know how to “program” us like they do their computers through and in the digital space.

People need to resist the “either/or” approach in analyzing our predicament. Just sayin’

Happy to report I think my sister has been successfully red pilled. Others in my family and extended family (the jabbed ones) range from scared/denial to happily still swallowing blue pills.

I am beginning to think that even being unjabbed doesn’t matter if we are swimming in the nanotechnology.

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"I am beginning to think that even being unjabbed doesn’t matter if we are swimming in the nanotechnology."


The Ana person. Her Stack seems disproportionately focused on "the unvaccinated".

Be afraid. Be afraid.

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I understand. But again, personal experience gives me pause when my two unvaccinated daughters experienced menstrual cycle disruption coincidentally when they went back to the school setting surrounded by vaxxed peers. Each for a similar amount of time. Makes you wonder. Both resumed normal cycles a few months later. Neither had had a prior history of such disruption. 🤷‍♀️

And I have personal experience with Taxol which caused an allergic reaction and I went septic back in 2014 when undergoing cancer. Doctors couldn’t figure out. Have since learned it is a nano med that causes autoimmune/allergic reactions for some….not unlike symptoms my mom experienced before dying from the Vaxx….disruption of heart rhythm.

My point is….they have been playing around with these “materials” for far longer than we think and I suspect deploying them on us without our awareness.

And the work of Josep Jornet in graphene, terahertz and his Internet of Bio-Nano Things is on my radar due to my state’s tech overlord.

Do they really need everyone to get the jab if the needed ions and chemicals increasingly permeate our air, water, food, products, etc.

And maybe it is a biological chemical like a bacteria they are simply seeding our bodies with so the terahertz band can be used for the backbone of the skynet they are building?

I’m not discounting or assuming anything at this point. All bets are off.

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I think there are multiple vectors of attack and access on the human population.

Wading through each of them is astonishingly difficult.

My most basic vector continues to be radiation. I don't know.

I am dubious of obvious signs of "leading".

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Oh….I can agree with the radiation vector….both the obvious sources in our midst….but don’t discount the possibility of some we are not aware of? Again, all bets are off.

The only thing I’m sure of is the msm narrative and that of some in the MFM….well, those narratives leak like a sieve. Whatever they say we are dealing with….rest assured it likely is not that or they are telling half truths for purposes of brain boxing and leaving people in cul de sacs while the agenda goes forward….whatever it ultimately is. And pretty certain we are disposable as they pursue their “vision,”. Nothing personal of course, just for the greater good. Life’s a lottery don’t you know.

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I’m not jabbed & had menapausal bleeding. Whatever it is , still at work when I go out around jabbed.

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‘Shedding’ was indicated in Pfizer's trial papers, and was from the start projected by certain freedom-meds. The anecdotal support for something transferring is compelling. It could be related to radiation (biofield) disturbance. The rollout/push for an outrageously ludicrous broomstick swabbing procedure and enforced graphene-laced airway obstructions hopefully indicates that the transfer is less than stellar dispersed in air or food? The virtuous flight into home-made cotton face thingies must have been a set-back also 😆 as was most wearing the same rag for weeks on end. My guess is that the booster-bust is being offset by other direct lacing methods (dentistry, medical procedures etc) to be most weary of. A corroborating thought is that they freely walk among us without alternate air supply and - no way - want to participate in the experiment. So, how is that done ??

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From what I've read, the old bloodlines are reluctant to breed with genetically different humans, so maybe over the years they have been donating sperm to members of less-advantaged bloodlines (but still high-ranking in the big picture of the project) that will be resistant, but not immune, to the eventual deployment of whatever it is that has been deployed recently and will be deployed in the future. If the OG highest bloodlines were created by cross breeding humans & some sort of aliens from long-ago history (Clif High's Elohim or Annunaki or giants or whatever), then instructions and warnings would likely have been passed down...maybe not like books titled "User's Guide to Your New Species"...who knows, maybe just written into the original brains along with some chemical or genetic method of passing the info on to future descendants without needing to be written. Possible we're here to terraform things to suit the upcoming residents and/or most of us are livestock, in which case the OGs are the resident managers and the ones with diluted bloodline chemistry are more along the lines of well-paid ranch hands.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

yes the relentless focus on the unjabbed with the doom porn dialed up to 11 has me thinking something is afoot.

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the same vibe from the Rockefeller cousin Sabrina suddenly appearing with the doom meesage for the guppies out front that its all hopeless because the Rocketurtles at the top had us brain mapped and neural netted 60 years ago so double checkmate on all you conspirasmarties haha

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As with all narrators, I try and extract only the actionable intelligence.

I only want to know what is real, and go right to discrepancies and try and explore them. And the team ball thing (and advocacy thing) are prime real estate to go off course on that search.

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I thought Sabrina has been around a while.

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Oh…and I have two close friends who have experienced unexplainable and rather extensive “hallucinations” following vaccination. And a little research reveals that phenomenon is more common than makes me comfortable….

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Yea I don’t buy much of what Ana is selling….

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

You’re correct. Not singular. Not either/or. It’s a complex multi-vector attack. Pick a vector but don’t look over there.

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Yes….and as Alison McDowell would suggest….once you’ve picked your team and are playing in that space they can study us like the good lab rats we are….and social media, even SS, is a perfect place for that. After all, we are hackable and programmable with digital nudges….Tier 2.

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And the whole affair complicated by the fact that I suspect the jab lots vary rather extensively…..lots of moving parts to this puzzle, by design.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

If I was designing an experiment for a product to be used most effectively on the largest number of “customers”knowing there is a large degree of variability in the population, I’d do just what they did. Assuming I was a psychopath with no consideration for the herd health, of course.

Have multiple batches of varying constituents, various strengths, potential process contaminants, even inert. Given the population size it provides great statistical data for refinement of the product. If the ultimate objective was to kill a few billion, a few million in the experiment, or reproductive issues, was collateral and ok. Different constituents or strengths obscure the intent and enough inerts obscure the experiment. Dolts botching shit. Only a large sample size and statistical analysis can sort it out. And without full access to the data, that’s difficult to do even for the few capable of doing such analysis. Maths hard.

So we got this big experiment over here. Pay no attention to the poison from the sky. And poison in the food supply, nor the leaching of the nutritional value of what we place in front of you in the corporate food chains, and all that stuff we inject into your meat, into you by your caring doctor, and radiation throughout your home from your Wi-Fi and 10’s of thousands of low earth satellites. No wonder our immune systems are a wreck. I know you know all this. Just laying it out.

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Maths hard. And data needs to be corralled….but pretty sure they thoughts of that and have covered/prepared for it in advance of the plandemic…..I bet they are anxious to use their algorithms and AI to refine their product.


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Did you read this…..seeing lots of intersections with my research in this write up….my approach for the past four years….reading many views, researching, personal experience, noting variations, etc.

Basically, I have many irons in the fire….ask questions and am careful not to hero worship (you learn as you go where the pitfalls are because in the new digital age….hard to trust what you see, hear, learn, etc. online)….anyhow, my schtick is to notice patterns or watch for consistencies or inconsistencies while trying not to succumb to pre-conceived notions or ideas. Anyhow, reading this below….food for thought….and some stuff falls into place….


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Am instantly dubious when I see branded "Forbidden Knowledge"

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Alexandra's site was previously titled Forbidden Knowledge TV...my folder for her stuff is still just FKTV, not FN-whatever. Was turned on to her site when it had a lot of emphasis on more like UFO and paranormal stuff like Montauk, Philadelphia Experiment, Bill Cooper and the like...turned on to it by my "adopted" (by me) older brother in Costa Rica around this time of year in 2012, soon after my wife died. Pretty sure she's been demonetized, de-Striped, etc at least twice and maybe more since then. I save all the emails just in case and read or listen to one or two per month or thereabouts.

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Is it stlll The Wellness Company adorned?

I landed over there once and it was all Wellness Co. all the time.

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I save 'em all, so I went back through a weeks worth back to 6th July and the only thing she's got now as far as affiliate/commission material is a clickable text link (no logo no photo) that takes you to ProImmune, which looks glutathione-related. I see TWC banners sooo many places also. I generally have a good feeling about the Hope & Tivon team, but at some point I started seeing TWC banners on their site, too. Maybe being in Morocco doing the specialty manufacturing/fabrication stuff they do isn't so lucrative and they feel like they can't pass up the TWC income. I wonder if they'd quote a firm price to quietly disengage from TWC. I'd try to set up a crowdfund thing to get them out...might even kick in a few bucks of my own. They seem like n-i-c-e folks and it makes me a bit sad to see that blue TWC banner at the bottom (it's at the bottom of so many sites these days...maybe it's not exactly at the bottom of theirs, but it's there somewhere). I'm considering expatting again after six years in NC. Could go back to Costa Rica, thought about volunteering to work with them in Marakech, and then found out some interesting facts about Albania. Now it's down to Costa Rica or Albania, but I might just stay here for now...who knows? But Alexandra's TWC free at the moment...she's been around a while, so she might well have connected with TWC before seeing the bigger picture and then disengaged from them. So, Cackles & Cankles ticket with built in engineered civil disturbance leading to martial law & federal camping prior to Cackles being diagnosed with Tourette's and having to abdicate in favor of Cankles...too outlandish even for Clown World? 'Twould be a spectacle!

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Amyloids and amyloidosis is a reoccurring theme…..and happening in real time. Just saying.

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long running culdesac - its like the tie dye Tshirt booth at the grateful dead concert - Russian doll nested hangouts within hangouts

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Oh, I know. I’m talking about who is running the DOD and other captured and corrupted government agencies, for our benefit of course!!

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Goliath, the Philistine.

I think it's an oblique reference to the Luddites, that is, everyone who won't take the injectable poison.

We are Goliath, but at least we don't mislead the young, like Bret has been doing all his professional life.

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I think it's a bullshit way to not say my brother's boss.

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Is he just another stooge?

In The Lord of the Rings, Saruman controls the Palantir and bargains power from Sauron. He thinks he can win, but in the end he is too weak and loses everything.

Does Bret's brother's boss have a plan to take over the Rockies?

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None of this is that complex.

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when you dig it feels more like a stage show with lots of glitter bombs, dry ice and a laser light show finale

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Kinda like this, but a tad more sedate?


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"invectivity" lol

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Interesting about three possible Biden replacements who are not that well known. I was just thinking about Gretchen Whitmer gov of Michigan yesterday. She would appear to come out of nowhere and was a Trump enemy (That Woman from Michigan) so would be an interesting choice. But her faked kidnapping plot could come to light. Apparently the intel agencies were behind it, using a mentally challenged guy for a patsy. She appeals to the woke left while still looking middle-of the-road. Also, terrible on shutdowns, etc. She'd get more votes than Biden and money, too. Sleeper. Will have to look at the other 2 guys.

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