Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

I was thinking about this "heroes" thing again today before reading this. So many family, friends, and neighbors are big on the heroes, I've given up on that, though there are probably remnants of it in my psyche. It puts up a barrier with these folks that I don't adulate their heroes, or abhor their villains.

Because from the youngest ages, this is what we were fed. The interesting thing about heroes, especially superheroes is that there's little effort on their part to solve a problem or design something sensible that works. The magical superpowers will do it. The general population are reduced to the role of spectator.

To young children, adults do seem to have superpowers. And adults need to protect the children. The heroes narrative takes this well beyond childhood.

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Let’s flip the script. Why can’t WE be the true Heroes???? I’m not even joking. Yes, a vetted and mass collective WE? Haven’t we been truly tested by fire (some of us have no fear of the fake Heroes, mental and physical scars are our proof). Let us not GIVE power to those whose souls are seared. Be fearless, expect more battles BUT know that WE can CHOOSE to not give power to the PTB. WE as a hive mind can manifest this power into existence if we do it consistently and with intention. We already know who and what we are up against. I refuse to give energy and headspace to those whose lives are primed for a hellish judgement. This has nothing to do with Sky Fairies or failed attempts by the PTB to kill us. This has everything to do with putting words out into the universe, manifest these words and ideologies to create what WE want. I bought Maxwell Maltz’ book on PsychoCybernetics years ago to study NLP. I tested his theories on five separate life goals. They WORKED as I put manifestation and energy into my goals. A complete life trajectory and SHIFT took place. Not trying to sound nonsensical or blithe - these five goals were WILLED into existence by ME. So.... back to my original question: WHO said we have to give energy and attention to those who seek to kill us? That book mentioned above literally changed my LIFE. Not Tony Robbins. Maxwell Maltz. We all have MUCH more power than we realize.

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You are speaking to non-compliants, who are already genuine heroes.

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Damn right we are! Take THAT, WANKERS!!!!

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YESSSSS Joanie! 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you Sage!

For defining, sharing and making THE compendium of all these associations. I wish I had a hard copy of your work to keep track of the marvelous collection of the Who's Who of this Dystopia.

You illustrate daily the disgusting jockeying for position these POSes do.

It is such a small world!!!!!! The world of scary Germs, Injections, Money, Politics and Hollywood.

About the size of Gaza, maybe?

Thank you Tom Tunes for your inquiry - I have the lowest tech, out of date computer on earth at the moment, and can rarely post on ss. The Post button only shows on Sundays or Mondays, if at all.

But I read everything.

I wonder if Linda has missed me too..... what ever happened to her? Is she still Liking everyone?

And what about Somebody - or was it Someone? - are they still around?

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Linda is still around, but I I *think a reader can block someone from interacting with their content.

Go to their profile page, click the three dots and "block"

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, I did that a few months ago and reported back to you that it worked.

I'm a little giddy at the moment with the rare ability to comment here......it kinda feels like an Oscar acceptance opportunity, my one chance to thank everyone here for great stuff that I can often laugh heartily at. Lookin' at you Flurm, Heather and Sarah.

And thank you to Duchess and Katie for (probably) filling in for my demographic..... and my producers and my mom and dad, and, and...........most of all my wonderful cat that no one has eaten.


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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

❤️❤️❤️ So good to hear from you!

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

LIKE and


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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, have you seen Kerstin Emhoff's films? Man oh man, when I looked her up.... she produced at least two Manhunt docs - The Hunt for Bin laden and the Boston Marathon Bomber. Along with Harris's campaign stuff of course.

Isn't it sweet to have such a cozy Blended Family?!!?

And what are the chances of the democratic nominal nominee's father being named Donald J. Harris as she "RUNS" against a Donald? J. Etc.

Haven't looked at spookapedia in years, until yesterday......and Oh! What fun!

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Was Hatfield around when Jim Carey got started? I think Jim modeled his characters on Hatfield! I heard he tried to launch Anthrax Alan on SNL right after he started Fireman Bill, but it got nixed right away by the producers.

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Hatfield has long long long been around.

He is a grizzled lifer of the bioweapon state and spent time in guess where?

Yeah, this on has been scrubbed from the net:

AWB sympathiser quizzed over anthrax killings

July 01 2002 at 10:58AM

By Tony Weaver

An American scientist, being questioned by the FBI in connection with a spate of anthrax attacks that killed five people after the September 11 terrorist attacks, has close ties to imprisoned Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader, Eugene Terre'blanche.

His CV says he served in the old South African Defence Force.


Spookipedia describes the AWB thusly, a White Supremacist political party.


Other people with roots in S. Africa, aside from Elon Musk.

Paul Marik and one...Tess Lawrie, who apparently served on faculty together.

Long before both coming around to IVERMECTIN TAKE IT Y'ALL.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

I've been aware of Hatfill ever since the 9/11/Patriot Act/Anthrax attacks. It's pretty easy to imagine him sprinkling his fairy dust around and then getting paid off in his law suit when patsy Bruce Ivens decided that life wasn't worth living. Even at the time the whole thing, as presented, made zero sense. It took a while for the actual sequence of events and characters to be revealed. It's just that Hatfill is such a cartoon character it's hard to take him seriously. It reminds me of a question I once asked a Central European Holocaust refugee who came from a prominent and sophisticated family: How could you let Hitler rise to power like that without taking action? Answer: We just thought he was a joke.

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Pretty sure that Bruce Ivin's "decision" was made by someone else.

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Both Tom Tunes' and Sage's comments above.

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I just saw in kirschie's latest post that koree and mareek is on his show. Along with steela immanueel. Should be blast:)

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Do you know what a Rodeo Clown does in the Rodeo?

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And his very face is very distracting to me also

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Annoys the hell out of me 😄😄😄

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Eugene Terre’blanche. Eugene Earth/Land/Terrain White. White Land Eugene. The Eugenics of The White Land. 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️

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“America began to modernize its nuclear stockpile with smaller, radiologically cleaner, and safer weapons” --

Safer weapons sounds like an oxymoron

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"elegant technology" Bret Weinstein

Which just murdered millions

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

The playbook is so simple. Break / wreck havok in genome , line up people for personalize medicines. SERIOUSLY WHO TRUST THOSE PEOPLE ???

You don't even need to pretend to know what the genes are doing . . . . just break thing and compare to the previous screening . . .

Why not start a phony saline injection clinic at this point with A.I. disseminating the mind fuck white coat talking point and circular logic. I mean why not , its just about a pile of cash after all. Let them do that , at least will know what they are up to.

There will be linching in the streets soon enough.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

"Elegant Technology" means more efficient and less detectable stealth weapons?

That's what it sounds like to me. The correct translation of their abracadabra terminology is so important.

So let it be written, and so let it be done, said the pharaoh...

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35 million at least I hear.

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Enjoy this classic blast from the past courtesy of King Crimson.

From 1969, the same time as the Day Tapes. The musical version of the Day Tapes.


Confusion will be my Epitaph.

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Listened to King Crimson tons.

Another 1969 Song Oh Well

It did NOT end well for Peter Greene



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Yeah I noticed that.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

I had forgotten about Wonder Dog, the world is in good paws. Hail Tedros.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

I never really thought about all the hero storylines we're presented with, starting when we're young w/the cartoons, until I started waking up around 2006. I remember reading an article about how US propaganda wasn't working in Iraq because they're not programmed the way we are with constant hero/villain narratives--so they knew all the storylines the US was floating were BS. Of course, the propaganda was working here in the US-nobody ever questioned anything from the US govt.

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Laff-A-Lympics was where it was at back in the day. Snagepuss and his pedo vibe were the zeitgeist of 70s TV. Or was it truly programming...

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Did you watch a lot of cartoons, CA?

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Children's rhythm ~ 🎼 Barneys dead. We barbequed his head. What happened to the body? We flushed it down the potty! 🎼 Round and round, round and round.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

"Safer weapons. . ."🤨 😳 😳

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

“Safer poisons”.....

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Total oxymoron 🤣

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Check out some modern equivalents like Paw Patrol or Odd Bods. That former teach pre-schooler to call officialdom immediately for any minor problem. No thinking required, the government will help. The later teaches toddlers language is not required. Only grunts and Tucker facial expressions and that it’s fun to fuck with other peoples shit as long as we kumbaya at the end of the mayhem.

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Thank you for the teletubies picture, so inspiring!

Reminds me of the SDG commie bullshit. So many colors! And people look so happy! And there is a job for everyone! LALALALA LAAAAAA!

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Evergreen Boy and M. Nass have the same haircut.

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Same barber. perhaps..... ✂💇‍♀️💇‍♂️💈...globalist discount included!

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“I’m here for the Mullet-Mectin twofer spayshul youns advertised on KASS.COM”.... 👉🏻👉🏻 “Right this way, hun!” 🤢🤢🤢🤢

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15


It makes him look more innocent, nonthreatening, fitting his role. She looks kind of harsh, though, like an old fashioned perm, before it relaxes a bit.

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It’s the most popular hairstyle amongst certain populations of people who live in a certain state whose Senator actually has no hair. Trying to be as cryptic as possible. 😬😬😬

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🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 ....and THAT sums up everything, pretty much!!!

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What's the G O with Nass? I have not kept up with her "associations."

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I only wish "life on earth" if that is what they call this, was only a cartoon, because i would have left the planet a long time ago, instead I'm still here, waiting for "the real" movie to begin.......

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As JJ Couey says, it's a Scooby Doo mystery..... https://gigaohmbiological.com/scooby

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At least their motto " to Truth, Justice, and the American Way" did inspire me to seek truth and justice:) American Way was the brainwashing part. Little did we know what that really meant (to them) Age-Old games of fuckery.

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