Jul 10·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Yes... I WOULD consider a test IF: it had about 60 primers for 30 Covid -variant specific amplicons.... with a control that was NOT a bacteriophage and the other control sterilized water but more accurately should have been composed of the background DNA and RNA that we are literally swimming in.

However, the best we ever got from these fcks from our FDA/CDC focused on either one or two amplicons common in ALL 200+ Coronaviruses. Let's see bitch boy Baltimore or pot head McKernan talk about this.

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But don't you see, the pandemic is EXPLODING, STEVE.



And mRNA shots.

But if the mRNA shots turn out to be bad surely we will have EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS.


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, I'm completely with you on this SH. They are all preying on a population that has forgotten how to think for themselves. I mean it. Without a smart phone and Obama's much-vaunted full-coverage internet access...... I'll shut up.....

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By they do you mean Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein?

It's laying out the "they" of each person viewing the elephant from their protective elephant angle.

And seeing the entire collage of how an Operation relies on not thinking...

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Pierre Kory, Bret Weinstein, McKernan, McCairn, Hatfill, Malone...et al, et vomitus. Here's the best analogy I've heard. It comes from Jay Couey: and I paraphrase: "We are all in a carpool full of LIARS, working in concert with each other."

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1. They must sell the threat.

2. They must protect the "solution" which are drugs, surveillance, restrictions.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I like the "Lollapalooza of Liars" metaphor, with different acts on different stages.

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Hahahahahahahaha! He's great isn't he?

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Just remember that no scientific theory can be proved.

But a scientific theory CAN be disproved.

This is the Black Swan explanation.

Search for eternity and only find white swans and it still doesn't prove the theory that all swans are white.

Find just one black swan, however, and the theory is disproven.

The theory for PCR is that it can detect illness.

But we know that is false because the PCR already has a Black Swan event.

That occurred in 2006 at the Dartmouth Hitchcock medical centre where the PCR was shown to be 0% accurate. To make it even worse it was 0% accurate at detecting bacteria (whooping cough), not a virus.

What occurred here was actually what occurred, on a global scale, with Covid.

Dartmouth Hitchcock was what's known as a pseudo epidemic.

Covid was a pseudo pandemic.

Yes, Covid 19 does not exist, Covid 19 has never existed, the ONLY place it does exist is in the mind.


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Yes, that is usually the first line of argument with the Normie Crowd that gives pause.

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What if they did this test with 80 primers for the "POVID" disease. The test was so accurate that it had a 0% false positive rate, cycle threshold counts never exceeded 15 for a positive result, every positive test resulted in a specimen sample that when viewed under an electron microscope saw unmistakable evidence of the "POVID" pathogen.

What's "POVID"? POllen-associated Very Important Disease.

Imagine detecting with 100% certainty the presence of pollen in peoples' noses with no false positives, no janky tests, no uncertainty, no arguments about "does pollens exist", and so on: would it even matter?

Why does it matter if something is stuck in your nose?

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I get what you're saying. I agree completely. I was Just pointing out another lie that any decent virologist could have, and should have pointed out....back when it would have helped . Fck 'em. And I'm not talking about a "virus," so to speak. I'm pretty sure none have ever been isolated. I'm just talking about certain DNA and RNA "signals" which may well be from our own damned exosomes.

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That's rad. 😀

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Why McKiernan? He’s just a researcher trying to publish his findings of E Coli in vaccines. AFAIK, he has nothing to sell.

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Is this SV40 Guy?

Does he have an interest at all in a technology that better cleans the DNA out of the hopeful mRNA?

Recall Webb saying that, so don't quote me.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

I'm not as up to speed on your recent posts as I should be, but I believe the liars couldn't get traction on the DNA contamination angle, so they've pretty much dropped it.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

......scary sht.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

It’s so interesting watching this one play out. It’s the first op that is really ongoing for a significant length of time, besides the 911/war on terror, that I’ve watched with eyes fairly open.

They plant a whole crop of ideas and people, and kinda riff. It’s like jazz. Or maybe comedy. They really read the room, and see what’s working, and go with that angle, although they could have chosen a half dozen others of which they previously planted. But the story paths keep winding up at preplanned chokepoints, only to splay out again. Fascinating.

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It has absolutely taken over my entire life trying to document.

And document the reax from the hammers along the way.

This it. This is how it gets done.

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

It’s hard to imagine a screenwriter isn’t involved. It’s too perfect. The story paths are too good. In a Wwf kind of way.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Big Kev? Oh, he's the magical guy with all the followers and quite a family history, now testing all his pot for covid

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No way would these guys get in bed with our Tier Two heroes, right?

No way was Abby Rockefeller on CHD and with Nass at Bobby for Prez party!

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Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

So much this.

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Holy gosh darn dog poop!

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

Clear Coat sales are taking off like a rocket! Time to roll out the Gravel Guard.

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But my Goody sold me the real crisis that was real.

And gave me special "good" drugs for it.

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(Hel)Lo Jack(al) colleagues in the upselling game: ClearCoat, UnderCoat, GravelGuard, LoJack, PrivacyTint, GangsterWhitewalls, Diamond Level Extended Warranty, RU Sirius subscription, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVANQheoRUw

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Diamond in the back, sunroof top, diggin' the scene with a gangsta lean..

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Here’s a poll:

What scares you more?

A) Kovid

B) Bird flu

C) Ebola

D) Measles

E) Flesh eating disease

F) Sewage with kovid

G) Shih tzu’s

H) Shih tzu eating a rib eye fajita with mectin sauce

I) Joe walking and talking at the same time

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I gotta go with Joe walking & talking at the same time

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Thanks for the reminder! I couldn’t fit that in my brain with all the other predictively programmed garbage🤯

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D is for dolt you forgot DENGUE!

CCCDC Clear Coat Center for Dengue Control warning;

millions will die but don’t worry, we’ve got this! 💉💉💉💉💉

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Don't even *think* about putting bu-bu-bubonic Baby Bubba in the corner...

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What the actual F... insanity rules

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I personally don't trust a single one of them.

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2 of my 8 direct reports have tested positive for covid with home tests in the last week. One had the sniffles, the other one has a girlfriend who had the sniffles. It is really sad and scary.

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So not only that but per one of the latest bullshit IVM studies that I just plowed through, "80-85% are asymptomatic or mild".

So is this the PANDEMIC?

Are we still all gonna die?

From Kovid?

Or VAIDS for the shot takers?

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I am supper scared, you should be too!!! The virus lurkes, it pounces, it waits for you to let your guard down, WATCH OUT!

We have an intelligence test at the office--if an employee puts their insulated lunch bag in the fridge, they go on the Dummie Or Loser Table (DOLT). Lots of young DOLTs who shot it up are sick all the time. VAIDs is such a self-imposed level of stoopid, it is kinda of an impressive outcome.

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The testers are stuck in the testdemic, too.

The tests piss me off.

Watching a nurse do the test to my dad in the ER in 2021 was awful. He has Alzheimer's. He had no covid symptoms (he had a near fatal blockage) but they wouldn't admit him to the hospital for emergency surgery without the covid test. No fever, no flu, no respiratory issues but they withheld - or made us think they would withhold emergency care if he didn't comply.

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Where is the poll? Make a poll and you will find out if we trust them and the ones who trust right you have to give a billion dollars. Do it like Steve.

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I'm gonna do me some polls! Frame it this way: Do ya like or love JB? D'ya think we should continue the genocide of Palestinian people or just take a short break & airlift supplies then continue the genocide? Do you advocate for a peace process to end the special military action in Ukraine or do you want NATO to continue bordering Russia, refusing to honor any prior peace agreements, and allowing the Asov battalion to continue to torture Eastern Ukrainians?

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Can the second question include a peace process involving unconditional surrender and the lifetime incarceration without parole of anyone harboring Banderist tendencies, or would that leave Ukraine so underpopulated that the poor amputees and other battle- damaged schlubs would be left without any caretakers?

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Sorry, off topic

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Contrariwise, it's the same tOPic, all WOMAD

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As long as they get to pick the winners and losers.

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deletedJul 10
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Just call them Mexican Flour Meat Open Faced Sandwiches and watch the customers pile into the Tacos Bad tacqueria.

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I’ve had Bad Taqerrhea before

There’s a Mectin for that

No control sample needed

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Add Metamucil for synergetic energetic effect... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSjn3CAC5zI

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Enchiladas or Chimis or both. Enchichangas

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Human hybrid creature, slouching toward Babylon, one Ench at a time...

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Thank you for the Carvallo interview! Very "informative".

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Thank you for the Carvallo interview! Very "informative".

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The best test would be to plug gates with a dozen mRNA injections within one week...just to get the maximum effectiveness of deadly mRNA.

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