
Sometimes when an airline is overbooked, they will say..."We need (blank) volunteers to delay their flight" or "We need ten volunteers to check their carry on..."


"We need some of you to just off yourself and we will off your special needs kids clogging up the social services rolls..."


I have a friend's kid who tells me that the youngs are discussing a fetus self-aborting.

There are times when I see the savagery of the human critter and it is astonishing to behold. Not sure what to do with it. I'm not sure where evil begins and instinct ends.

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The Bible discusses this issue in 2 Tim 3

1 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

For those who believe the Bible to be inspired, this explains what and why this is happening. That’s pretty much a definition of sociopathy/psychopathy and reflective of many in our present society.

As for the population numbers or any numbers the governments provide (knowing they have an agenda), I don’t trust them or believe anything they provide to bolster their positions. (See above)

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Could just as well be describing Rome or Weimar. Ass end of an empire. We learn nothing.

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Matthew 24: 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

This scripture sets those time periods apart from past kingdoms. While I don’t believe in the climate change agenda, there is no doubt the weather phenomena is increasing tremendously and in diverse places, just for an example.

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Nothing new under the sun. Sun goes minimum, sun goes maximum and no tax will stop it. No carbon tax would have stoppped the glaciers creeping south, Krakatoa, Pompeii or New Madrid EQ.

Nothing new down here-be it the weather, the fear of it or the scams.

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The weather is being controlled by HAARP check-in out

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Kyle Young, Secular Heretic, is doing some good reporting on this on Substack.

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We don't learn anything (the masses) because they dint Teach It. The Conversation! It should be taught in every high school about the governments devising nefarious plans to try to fool the populace and the many ways it has been done. What to look out for and ways to stop it. A common knowledge. Practical tips. That's what we should prioritize. Our children will take it from there:)

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana


This is normal. Is nobody going to ask the mechanism of action here?

People, beware. Stay alert out there. Your vape may have a touch of the 'bird flu' in it ;)

*mumble mumble...testing is occuring...mumble mumble...a/c vents...coming soon to a subway and school near you...*

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In Victoria Australia the government is getting ready to kill chooks and says there will be a shortage of eggs 4 6 months

Time to stop these morans but sheep were never good at that

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The good thing about chickens is they hatch fast and grow quick. They’ll be back real fast.

I’m killing 4 this week and re-stocking with young layers. Max out my eggsellent protein source

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"JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will become worthless. Without water, the land doesn't have any value here.”

“The state of Idaho has put a water curtailment order which is basically a water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland."


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We are in a catch-22 where I live also. Our wells are solely recharged by rain (so we’re told) yet we have unregulated dairy’s and orchards drawing far more water than is being recharged, with private wells going dry. If they vote for government control, it will mean regulations down to how big your garden can be (which fits in with everything we’ve been seeing), eventually herding us to their 15 minute cities, as they turn lands over to BLM for “conservation”. It would also cut production of dairy, beef, nuts and income to the workers here.

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Jun 11Liked by Sage Hana

Overheard g'daughter's friend saying it would be better for the planet if she (the friend) killed herself. FWIW, friend is vegan

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I would have a long talk with my granddaughter. How absurd.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

The ostensible vs. the ultimate purpose kicks in hard in these discussions. In HG Wells' The Open Conspiracy and The New World Order, he was careful to always emphasize that the purpose of a one world system of elite control of resources and transportation was to promote WORLD PEACE. You get it, WORLD PEACE. It is good for everyone right?

And if you don't like it enough you might get another WORLD WAR thrown at you for good measure. However, right in The Open Conspiracy Wells made it clear that the real purpose of the conspiracy was so that the top elites would not fight with each other while living extravagant lifestyles as that was wasteful and pointless. Their small group would all be able to afford to live that lifestyle if they first seized total control of resources. Later, in The New World Order he didn't mention the resources so much but he emphasized that the WWII was due to unemployable youth population, an ominous idea for a time that was yet to see the post-war population growth that inspired the 1970s population control ideas.

Eventually, the threat of war started to fail to be sufficiently motivational so in comes the threat of environmental destruction or the nebulous threat of global climate change and all the things they can attribute to it. The real purpose never changed, it is just that world peace is less marketable in a time where the fear of nuclear weapons made mass infantry warfare harder to bring about. (Are we forging into a new post-cold war era of large-scale land war as we speak?)

Any proposed means of addressing population as an actual problem rather than ostensible pretext would have to revolve around entirely voluntary decisions of individuals.

And before anyone brings up Japan or South Korea, I would like to point out that their economic situations are far from voluntary. South Korea was forced into a humiliating bargain known as the IMF crisis, which permanently altered their growth trajectory.

Japan experienced a similar readjustment with the Plaza Accords currency fixing scheme imposed by the US. Knowing what I know now about the global elites desire for population control, I believe that Japan and South Korea's continued economic austerity was a deliberate policy experiment. Could they make entire country's population implode through economic manipulation?

Then think of where they would want to apply that technique next. I think California is the experimental model for a US flavored anti-population growth economic austerity program. They are constantly innovating new laws that crush economic activity. (Remember Obama's "under our plan energy prices would necessarily skyrocket?")

So every flavor of modern population control leads to extremes of economic and social control by a tiny minority of self-anointed 'good club,' and yet we are supposed to believe that they are just addressing the problem honestly?

Let's see them ban private jets, yachts, and also sterilize themselves and their progeny to show their sincerity and then maybe we can start the conversation.

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Brilliant insights!

The part that I now grapple with more or less daily.

Normal folks with functioning systems of decency cannot grasp this. They just can't. And they are going to buckle to the mat over and over. It's just too much. The social (trauma based mind control, mass formation) is just too much.

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Just one of the side benefits of Covid19 was verification that da Scorps could in fact do whatever they wished. And da hammers will bend over and beg to take it right up the Ole Hershey Highway 61. 🫡🫡

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Excellent insight, the last line in particular

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excellent info and observations! Yes world peace doesn't serve the ghoulz - it really isn't profitable for the MIIC who count on the endless grifts and child and drug and arms trafficking. It's too perfect a cover for their corruption and depravity. As for a land-war - it will be more like AI drone warfare...easy to take out large swaths of humanity and suffer no crisis of conscience. I find the slaughter bots particularly triggering.

And when they stop poisoning the skies and the food and the water, and they stop with the weather weapons and the endless DEWs - then, and only then, can we talk about freaking climate change. Are some people really so stupid as to believe that CO2 is the problem?

And as Sage suggests, good people cannot even begin to fathom the level of evil that these ghoulz are capable of and what they have done to us for decades...some have experienced it -up close and personal - but the realities are too hideous for most to even consider... it simply does not compute..."it's just too much."

They could roll the actual video of frazzledrip from Weiner's laptop on a marquis on 42nd street - non-stop, for six months - and most people would still be in total denial...

And if things get too hot, they are just as happy to go full-on scorched earth and rule over the ashes...

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I worry a lot about the use of robots and AI to overcome that issue of conscience. If there were any subject about which the people of the world should be up in arms, it is the automation of government murder and instead it is being normalized.

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The targeting program has been turned over to AI and is now sent directly to D@RP@ for "punishment" perhaps for that reason, as well as to make sure that no whistleblowers emerge, or have a crisis of consciousness and get cold feet. Not sure what fate the boyz with the buttons faced when they were "eliminated." And the drones have been miniaturized and disguised as insects - we'll never see it coming...

AI is also monitoring social media in search of "dissidents" making their lists and clicking it twice. We are all TIs now.

They must be laughing at us, stockpiling our weapons and ammo...

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I think that twitter was turned over to Elon Musk to have his little amnesty so that dissidents would return there and make it easier for the AI targeting programs to keep track of them. It is much easier to have them all in one place rather than spread about.

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you're right on target - same with ss...I have said many times that platforms esp, ss, X. odyssee, the seemingly less-censored platforms are for corralling the resisters/dissidents - makes it so easy to keep an all-seeing eye on us...

we really should all get off of everything...but, will we? No, we're hooked...and already listed...so...there you have it...so we rant until we can't?

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Exactly. Sadly, as nice as it is to read these kind of articles here, substack is an approved ghetto for ideas. We are here to keep us out of the normal people spaces where we might disrupt the mainline psyops. That's why the chosen ghetto substack is a text medium rather than the video that normal people get their psyop dripfeed from. They crack down on video media much harder.

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I Remember about 25 years ago, a guy from the east coast first told me about drones. A platform with 4 rotor blades. Then about a month later, I was outside with my dog, and she was freaking totally out about something that seemed like it was moving about over head. Never seen her like that, and haven't since .

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I don’t. If you watch the battlefield in Ukraine like I do, you see the future.

It’s a fun mix of old school and new school. Quad runners with man portable rockets out class the best tanks on earth all day long.

I saw a Russian pop out of a bunker with a 12 Gauge shotgun and drop a drone without missing a beat. 1 shot.

Join telegram and take notes.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

I'm looking at Israel's campaign and not drones per se. Drones are just a cheap trick. The real problem is knowing whom to target among the civilian population. There will never be a front or open positions of anti-government rebels. There won't be a civil war because zero state leaders would side with the people.

It would just be about the government finding and eliminating the small percentage of active resistance. Israel is testing out the systems for that now.

Just last week my phone told me that google was going to turn on "Find my Device" service which means that they would keep a network map of every single phone within signal range of mine forever. Gosh, all that to help me 'find my device.'

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10


Was just watching a video of another {6 so far} Hermes 900 Israeli drone spiraling toward earth.

Houthi's are running the table on ‘our’ reaper drones. 9 I think?


Houthi tactics are the way. You gotta adapt.

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Completely agree. Telegram channels are a must for understanding future warfare as it is being developed right now. It is unbelievable to watch a war, practically in realtime on those Central European and Middle Eastern based channels. It is very sad that Russell Bentley was murdered. He was such a good source for following what was going on there and directing one to reliable channels.

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Bada Bing, Bada Boom!! ☄️☄️☄️💯💯

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Excellent post! Living in California I feel that policy acutely. Each one of these “irrational” dolts botching shit policies can only be squared by understanding that the plan is to cull, via various means from economic destruction to outright murder via shots, to whatever the next method will be. Newsome is their point man, and all the opportunist cockroaches flock to him like flies to shit and buzz around carrying out completely harmful policies, right down to the municipal level. I’ve gotten a little more insight into my own municipality government model and the combination of ignorance and deliberate destructive policy by the bureaucrats is remarkable. A small number of people see it, and even resist it, but most don’t have the time or desire to really try to figure it out. Or they just don’t think they have any ability to do anything. Myriads of excuses. What surprises me is don’t they care about their kids, or grandchildren?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

It's raining and bleak here so perfect weather to read this bleak assessment. But I don't think they are benevolent at all. Jeffrey Epstein wanted to populate the earth with his genes. Given who his friends were/are I think they probably all think this. Babies for us, not for you...to address one point in the bleak picture. ❤️

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That cutoff between the Ostensible Reason of Greater Good bought into by the Middle Management Layer ("People don't understand how power works") and the sheer Lizard People sociopathy AMORAL, not even IMMORAL as much as Scorpion Brain...

That cutoff is my White Whale.

When Day said the two sides of the brain, I begin to realize that the Scorpions are not just the owners...they are clients of their own bamboozlement.

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"clients of their own bamboozlement" 🎯 Brilliant!

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They drink their own Scorpion-Ade.

You ever watch those self-congratulatory WEFFIE Cult Meetings.

Fucking lizards.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

I’ve arrived here as well. There is a lot of technocratic, cold and rational efficiency to their actions. But you only have to peel the smallest layer off the top and the whole thing is riddled with bizarre occult underpinnings. People laugh at Klaus’s Star Trek outfit, but, like you say, they tell you.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

So I just went over on breitbart to see what the daily 'news' is and spotted a fresh TWC ad. No shit, I absolutely shit you not, it cites Eric Feigl-Ding, a notorious pretend doctor on twitter who pushed every fake covid propaganda lie, as an authority to follow! His advice? Stock up on tamiflu, of course! I made an archive of it: https://archive.is/m58Jw

It even has a twitter grab of Feigl-Ding citing Rick Bright. WTF. This is psyops jumping the shark. Recycling fake covid twitter doctors into tier 2? Its just insulting now.

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Gonna run this, thanks.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

Cold-blooded technocrats expanding the envelope beyond mere hand sanitizer? Yeah, but it still won't wash the blood off the hands...or the doorposts... www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul8x_os-S9g&t=4s

Like button unresponsive...if I don't reply to something, go ahead and assume I liked it.

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We have AI now which makes many humans non-essential....is their narrative. Believe the AI crap and believe that humans are indeed replaceable by stupid computers. Stupid because data can never replace a human. Brain? If you ever bought a home, or picked a partner, you know you didn't decide by checking off a list. You decide with your heart & emotions. Unless you're a cold-blooded scorpio....but they can be replaced.

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Humans continue successfully to push the envelope of software functionality; the natural language interface can be very impressive (but not always: lots of down-market vendor chatbots are a very thin veneer laid over 25 yr old text search algorithms). But "AI" itself is (mostly?) yet another Op. .... let's see? We will be told a multi-state, heat wave power outage resulted from the bots judging that power consumption levels risked imminent "climate harm" and then dialed down electricity generation.

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No, NO ONE IS GOING TO INVESTIGATE THEMSELVES....They out right murdered people. Kicker is? You know as well as I that 70 % of the world was injected. Everyone that got a functioning injection that wasn't mishandled will be expiring soon... that in essence leaves 30 to 40% of us to fight this. By bringing attention to God given rights (10th ammendment) it will at least give us a conversation piece as to progress what our actions should be. If we cannot get people to understand the meaning of the 10th then we are doomed. I hear everyone screaming and rightfully so, but for what? Another selection that their votes don't count in??? I estimate that we have 3 months before we take another huge hit... if we are not prepared, it's simply over.. it will officially be boiling frogs.

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I am thinking their path to population reduction is to first eliminate those at the higher end of the age spectrum - after all, they cost the most to support. The bonus is that they'll get rid of a lot of useless eaters too, with some collateral damage to the more useful population. Keep them vaxed up and by the time they hit retirement age, they be ready to exit stage left.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

That is already in hand. Pray you are not over 60 and need to go to hospital. Automatic DNRs and no new hip for you...morphine and midazolem...

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I'd say maybe even younger, unless of course you have $$, lots of it. Don't plan on the US healthcare system to take care of you beyond acute care, and maybe even not then.

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

Pass the Soylent Green please. 🤮🤮

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Jun 12Liked by Sage Hana

Cold blind ambition. Ability to blinder oneself to reality. True belief in their knowing-better-ness. Good smile and shmoozability. Good humility shtick. No ideology other than the ongoing endless normalization of technocratic tyranny. These are the hallmarks of the aides de camp who are in the middle of their 5th gen war on humanity and life and all things real and true.

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But 30k/sq mile is still space for about a 30x30 foot studio apartment. Of course not accounting for space between them, roads and such. So OK 2 stories and there’s plenty of room for infrastructure.

But these are pretty gratuitous prison cell sizes, and I’d advocate those enthusiastic for population control be placed in such boxes and just told they’re in “Texas”.

“Where are we going?”

“Um. Texas.”

Can even launch starships from Texas loaded with some of these folks too.

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In 2022, your 30x30 foot studio beats the avg apartment size.

"Ten years ago, the average U.S. apartment was 941 square feet. In 2021, this number dropped to 917 square feet. Then, in 2022, apartment sizes saw the largest year-over-year decrease — 30 square feet — bringing the average down to 887 square feet. Notably, the proportion of studio and one-bedroom apartments also reached an all-time high last year at 57% of all new apartments built."


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If this was released in 1972, that means it was being filmed in 70.

They hated me before I even got here.

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Yes...fantastic reminder...I've posted it at least a half a dozen times...here's Tavares from 2013


NASA: The End Of Mankind "Leaked Document" 2013

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We ain't conversating our way out of this hellhole, Sage.

The Devil has its heel on our throats. And its hands have been busy for generations, shaping us towards this endgame.

It is okay to feel rage. To embrace hate against that Evil. Arguably, it would be a healthy reaction when you, your family, your friends, your people and your species are all under direct attack. Which we are.

To reason it away, as though the Devil is right? Could anything be more cowardly? They aren't doing it because it is right. They are doing it because they can. Because they think they can get away with it. Because we are less than animals in their eyes, in their faith. This is the highest stakes game they can run in their cult, billions of souls in the balance, possibly killed by their hand. The Darkness drawn to such a boon would be irresistible.

You don't bargain with Evil. You either submit to it or vanquish it.

There will never be a discussion that matters. Daylight would see them shrivel up like vampires at noon, their psychopathy and unmitigated Evil exposed for all to see.

Apologists for them are only prolonging this interminable wait, soaking up cycles. Like those scientists who think one more journal article will tip the balance and help CDC/FDA see the light...

The larger question will resolve itself soon enough. When the micronova comes we will reset back to an earlier approach. A naturally self-limiting approach. And the cycle will repeat.

These ghouls want to rule over the ashes.


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“Don’t kill granny … that’s our job”

Neil Oliver discusses the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry


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👏 👏 Neil Oliver right on 🎯 thanks

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Really, apart from wanting to murder 7 billion humans, the globalists, liberals and marxists are often hilarious as their passions become quite silly and barbaric. What is really a case of dunce-ology is everything these cretins do is based on models. It's all guesswork to fit a preconceived agenda that is a maximum blunder to begin with.

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“Warning: Do NOT click on this picture and watch this film. It is probably the bleakest, most predictively programmed vision of your life as intended straight out of the mind of Rockefeller/Rothschild/ChathamHouse/pick your Rich Baddy here.”

I’ll add it to my ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and ‘The Road’ corn dog drive in special. Sell Lexipro at the concession stand.

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What's that Michael Caine flick?

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

Ohhh…you mean Children of Men.

Another pick me up flick

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😅 😹

A real feel-good treat. 🤣

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Jun 10Liked by Sage Hana

Shhhhh….im in baby land.

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Getting some serious Klaus vibes from wardrobe. Groovy creepy.

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Great movie. Esp that astonishing one take battle sequence at the end.

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Oh yes. Few appreciate that like they should.

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