Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

In late 2019 and early 2020 I got very sick, and did all the same things I would have done if I had the flu. At that point, there were no PCR tests, and we weren't talking covid. Since then I have not been sick, but I do take very good care of myself, supplement with Vitamin D and Zinc, exercise, etc. All through the pandemic it has been assumed that covid was a terrible affliction, and required extraordinary means to prevent death and terrible sickness. The only people I know who say they had COVID were vaccinated and, in turn, got tested. I don't know many people who admit to being unvaccinated like me, but the idea that a vaccine, Ivermectin, or whatever other snake oil they are pushing is the answer is crazy. It all revolves around the assumption that "something needs to be done." Until people can accept that this was never something that required extraordinary intervention, we are screwed. It is one long, never-ending grift of what intervention is in vogue. I am not holding out hope much will change since the Blob will roll out Disease X or whatever made-up bullshit they think will strike fear into the masses. I do not take any prescription medication and use supplements sparingly. However, the standard American diet and daily habits of many promote sickness without any viruses floating around if that is even a thing. It is crazy that our society has evolved into a bunch of scared, fat, lazy people looking for a solution in a pill or injection for things our bodies are perfectly capable of fighting off on our own.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

Sage..true confession time, 20 years ago(or thirty or forty I've lost track of time) my friend Katie and her husband ran a coffee and cocoa plantation in the ivory coast. She got Elephantitus..went to Marseille was treated by Didier Raoul..cured. when I got Hookworm ( n. Africa) I couldn't make it to Marseille had to come home..9 months of hell until a pediatrician diagnosed and treated. Hopefully gone now..no idea of what the white stuff was I slathered on my neck daily.

But I do have a hero.. Didier Raoul. Should have spent the money and gone to Marseilles.

Just so you know. When he came out end of Feb 2020 with Zithromax and HCQ...I thought hurray no need to be afraid..we have a cure. A treatment. No need to be afraid.

You think you were a sweet summer child? Hahaha haha...omg I had no effing clue how the world worked.

I do now.

Flew to CA with Hcq and antibiotics for sister and mother...my sisters who believes everything the white coats tell her and takec8bpills a day wouldn't use it and mom died of covid..actually starved and dehydrated to death the following year.

Lied to get into nursing home to see my father..he died of booster sepsis..and my aunt died of morphine overdose encouraged by my cousin two months later.

The worst of waking up that maybe your nearest and dearest are so far into the op..they will kill you and think it was a kindness

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A couple of thoughts. In the alternative health community, it has long been thought cancer is from parasites...my naturapathic doctor at my herbal clinic thought so and treated cancer with fasting and afterwards a keto/carnivore diet and high doses of vitamin C. I don't think any of his patients died for at least 5 years which is much better than their life expectancy when they came to see him...(usually they were terminal with months to live.) I can't remember the study, but someone in veterinary medicine was doing research on some kind of drug to treat cancer. and used mice that had been given cancer purposefully. The mice came down with parasites so she treated them with fenbendazole to keep them alive to test the other drug, but they all got well so she had to abandon the study since they were cured without the drug she was going to test. Often vets are 10 years ahead of human doctors. 😊

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Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

I am tarred. sick n tarred.

Now eyes know why so many read yer posts.

If i run into Malone, here in ol'virginny... will bee happy sending yer best re-guards.

thx sage, for exhausting my brain.

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Apr 14Liked by Sage Hana

Well I’m unvaxxed and I’m so sick right now Today I thought maybe I won’t make it It felt like and elephant on my chest and my throat is so raw My sinuses are packed I’m coughing so hard it hurts Came out of nowhere I did get a z pak at urgent care I think it is helping Who knows Is this the new one coming? Shit it sucks They have been spraying alot Who knows?? I’ll let u know how it turns out They did not even ask at the urgent care to test me for covid and the young doctor was actually refreshing and truly concerned . Oh and I did take an ivermectin today Why not? Can’t hurt Or can it

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Apr 14Liked by Sage Hana

Does this story sound familiar? In 1977 a physician was treating an 80 yr old hospitalized patient who was dying of cancer. The patient’s son brought in four doses of Laetrile, he had gotten in Mexico, in a lst ditch effort to save her. The physician gave the doses at the son’s request. The physician lost his hospital privileges, but ultimately reinstated if he agreed to never do it again. They still stripped him of all committee memberships and teaching responsibilities.


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A parasite is a parasite. Nematodes, helminthics, Scorpions and grifters.

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Apr 13Liked by Sage Hana

And the beat goes on!

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Anti parasitic. Big things

Anti viral… Teeny things

But there’s stuff in between… why not antibacterial?

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Filaria (heartworm) is endemic in my neck of the woods. I used to give my dogs a square chewy tablet that contained, if I remember correctly, a combination of doxycycline and ivermectin. I can't swear to the doxycycline but definitely ivermectin was in there.

I don't keep dogs anymore, sadly, since George the Labrador died a year ago. Just three cats. All rescues. If I kept a dog, by law I'd have vaccinate it for rabies annually, which I am not prepared to do.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Old enough to remember when the "experts" said there were no treatments for viruses. So, what changed ?

Meanwhile, back at Ranch X, Farrier Bob and his bud JJ weigh in on the Iver issue:


Apr 13

Ivermectin trials were not objective


Apr 12

"As a professional w/ decades of research experience conducting dozens of clinical trials on antiviral drugs, I decided to dive deep into the studies purporting ivermectin’s ineffectiveness. What I found shocked me."

@DrYuhongDong: Trials designed to fail?...

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Housatonic video is the best! Loved his tone of voice along with the content.

So, for a while I watched the weekly livestreams of the frontline doctors, the group rebranded as the FLCCC. This may be a good matchmaking service for those who are vaccine injured and need to find a doctor who will listen, etc. Assuming the person does their due diligence in choosing among those on their list. What I'm pointing out is that they go real heavy on promoting IVM. Lots of stuff on IVM overall on their site, but the "success stories" that accompany each episode were nearly always about IVM. Very heavily promoted. Never give any downsides or negative side effects. The success stories are compelling personal stories. But certainly the risks should be laid out somewhere. Instead you hear it's sooo safe. Did they forget to say aaannnddd effective? It's implied and said.

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Either way they want to depopulate....IVM, mRna, pesticides, fluoride, cancer industry, fast food, pop, GMOs, glyphosate, etc....... it's the same $h*T...... in the name of $cience and $afety..... it will get us EVERY time....

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I’m still struggling Got up at 7 to take out garbage clear blue skies 2 hours later and no blue hardly left

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