You always lay it out so in your face 🙏. Thanks

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NAH! Sage wasn´t writing about any of this BEFORE it happened. So what that means is no matter how EVIL evil is, it´s also HIGHLY CREATIVE!

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All my life from a very young age, I've heard about our enemies who are going to kill us. This has always seemed like a fact of life, just a given.

You note it was the Nazis, then the Ruskies, Arabs, terrorists of all stripes, etc. What has been the involvement of Israel in all this. Do they want us to stay afraid of these enemies? How do they benefit then?

And the scorpions have gotten super wealthy through all this. Then there was a war on drugs, but the Sackler family were made wealthy by dealing drugs. Many young people died in this war and still are.

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In the end, the only real enemy is time.

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Our attention feeds the monster. And the monster sets off flash grenades to secure our attention.

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Notice how "wearable technology" keeps coming up as a solution to various medical issues.

What a coincidence. That was one of the big prophecies in "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" (WEF)

How did they know?! 🙃

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Tortuous delay.

They can keep playing their one play from their playbook all day long, year long, and decade long.

When you control every node, time really loses its meaning as a constraint.

It is so far past time to start breaking their killhouse into sawdust.

Nothing will change until costs start falling suddenly from a great height on the real black hats.

When their ranks are thinned randomly, like regularly happens to a field of soccer players.

Then, time will start to mean something for the Devil's agents. Some might even choose to take a time out from their democide, lest a sudden coincidence catch up with them.


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Anyone got a deck of cards?

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Sage, this cycle repeats endlessly, as you point out. The same archtypical characters show up. Do you ever run across anyone in your research and say "oh! There is Sage from 1920, or 1850, trying to get the word out"?

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Read three short stories written half a century ago by Alice Sheldon (aka James Tiptree Jr.), former CIA officer and award winning scifi author: We Who Stole the Dream, The Girl Who Was Plugged In, and The Last Flight of Dr. Ain. Then tell me how she wasn't warning us about adrenochrome, depopulation and The Science.




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Those Tiptree stories were freaking amazing. Thanks for that.

Also referenced: MKUltra, remote viewing, alternative media/controlled opposition/“Hero Ball” etc…

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Will look, thanks for sharing!

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If/when you have time, I'm curious to know your reaction. Plenty of her other short stories are amazing, but those three are the ones that stick with me the most.

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Trump did an interview with Sharyl Attkisson a couple daze ago. Talked in circles about the vax.

May have a clue on the political pretzel they are going to attempt to shove down our throats. I don't look at "x" but I saw this in another post I was skimming thru.


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Hey gang. Do you think it's possible that da Science has stumbled on to something they can blame al the blood clots and heart disease on?

Have a Diet Coke and enjoy a free Stroke. They could have Billy Idol sing the commercial. "STROKE ME, STROKE ME!



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Role playing a rich geriatric with meglomaniacal (RGM) fantasies...

RGM: I'm getting old now. Not much time left. But all that money I poured into robots and AI for the last 50 years is finally advancing to the point that I don't need my human servants and slaves much longer. It's time to start the great culling and get rid of those pesky surplus human resources. Chuck them in a dumpster with the fax machines.

Peasant with stockholm syndrome: Yes master.

RGM: Wait! I have a better idea... what if I can use them all in medical trials designed to find cures to cancer and my arthritis and my saggy gray skin AND chuck them in the dumpster at the same time?!

Peasant with stockholm syndrome: A brilliant idea master. But there aren't that many cancer patients willing to sign up to medical trials.

RGM: How about I fake a pandemic, roll out jabs with toxins that induce cancer, heart disease, etc and then fund the medical research with public private partnerships. Yes that will work. I will extract the maximum economic value from my human cattle.

Peasant with stockholm syndrome: Good one master.

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'Inevitably obsolescent human capital' - Rothschild's.

The fun cartoon accompanying the video shows an obsolescent lawyer being snipped in half and thrown away, because blockchain has made him superfluous to requirements.

Hmm, maybe fun v ideo makers will become obsolescent too....?

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Side topic: the picture of the Napalm kids.

The photographer name is Nick Ut.

I'm so jaded now that the picture seems rehearsed. Also, it's AP, so... probably fake.

Another hero fabricated by the freemasons or whoever runs that hero racket.

Some Haldeman personage comments to Nixon that maybe the picture is staged. Revelation of the left-hand pathway to power and fame.

Read this biased reporting:


«America is finding out more about Richard Nixon, as a result of another 500 hours of tapes of Nixon administration conversations, released Thursday by the National Archives.

In one exchange, he talks about the possibility of using a nuclear bomb in Vietnam; in another, he doubts authenticity of the famous photograph of a young girl running naked down a street, fleeing a napalm attack in South Vietnam.

In one startling tape, then-National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger lays out a series of options for escalating the war in Vietnam, and Nixon responds: "I'd rather use the nuclear bomb."

That idea was quickly dismissed by Kissinger, and Nixon responds: "I just want you to think big."

The following month, Nixon ordered the biggest escalation of the war since 1968.

At another point, Nixon chides Kissinger for being too concerned about civilian casualties.

"I don't give a damn," Nixon says. "I don't care."

Vietnam historian Stanley Karnow doubts Nixon gave serious thought to using atomic weapons.

"Just because he said it doesn't mean it was really an option," Karnow said.

On another tape, Nixon sits down on June 12, 1972, with his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, and again discusses the Vietnam War.

This time the focus was on a photo of children running from napalm - which was to become one of the most famous and haunting images of the 20th century.

"I'm wondering if that was fixed," Nixon mused after seeing the photograph.

Haldeman replies, "Could have been."

The photo by Associated Press photographer Nick Ut of 9-year-old Kim Phuc running out of Trang Bang village, about 25 miles west of Saigon, emerged as one of the most compelling images of the war and its impact on civilians. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1972.

Kim Phuc, now in her late 30s, has spoken about the events captured in the photo many times since and still bears burn scars on her back from the napalm.

"This picture won the Pulitzer Prize and has withstood the test of time as an important icon of the Vietnam War," said Vincent J. Alabiso, AP's vice president for photos. "Its authenticity has never been questioned. AP's record on accurate and honest reporting is known to all."»

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I believe I viewed this naplam incident on film - not only photographed

This was dinnertime at my household growing up. My dad had perched a small black and white TV adjacent to the table so I when I would look up from my plate I would see GI's dragging their buddies out from muddy fields.

Always had a pit in my stomach while eating.

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I was thinking about the photographer being told "go there" or "stay here" because the soldiers were escorting survivors and part of the orders were to get a good picture for the propaganda department.

Now, you would say why would them want bad publicity like that? The business of war is not like other business. They need terror. And politically, it can be useful to mislead enemies into diplomatic traps. And internally, you can divide your population into two bitter factions, which helps to prop up power in the long run. The shock and horror of war and the crimes on civilians can be very useful for the perpetrators.

Because of that, it is possible that certain scenes are fixed or prepared beforehand.

The other idea, the manipulation of pictures after the fact, adding or removing people, mountains in the background, signs, wounds and whatnot, is not the same as "fixing" a picture.

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Good points...thanks for the explanation.

You probably know that the little girl later became a United Nations spokesman.

Well, now I'll have to PRESUME it was her (!)

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I didn't know that. Sounds odd! LOL!

I'm open to the possibility that the picture is real in the sense that the photographer just happened to be at the right time at the right place and there was no preparation in any way. And I'm sure the kids were very scared and received wounds, and after being rescued they were very sad about the attack that probably killed many people. That was truly Dantesque. I don't cast doubt on that. I just think it's not wrong to learn to think like a Scorpion. It's like learning self-defense.

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The clip of her running is featured in the first 20 seconds:


Here is a comment to that video (translated from French):

"I am very embarrassed not to read the name Phan Thị Kim Phúc in your description. Would it be possible to give her back her rightful place, she who became a UNESCO goodwill ambassador and created the Kim Phuc Foundation to help children who are victims of war by offering them medical support and psychological so that they can overcome their trauma."


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How sad is what they did to those people, and how insufferable is Jane Fonda!

Those soldiers... what were they doing there? just smoking a joint and killing time between missions? What were they orders? "Hey you stay here protecting this Ut guy and his Leica camera, and you make sure that when survivors start running after our pilot destroys their village they come this way, through the designated area for pictures and shooting video. Make sure to administer first aid as needed, but kill them if they have weapons."

It's weird. It's plausible that Ut was "lucky" in those woeful moments of disgrace and horror.

What a terrible profession: other people's pain is your commodity.

I guess I just hate journalists too much to believe them. I started my first comment saying I'm jaded now about these things. I have my own version of war phucking phatigue.

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Krazy Kory is everywhere...sort of like Malarky Malone...... actually all the meddlers are present, as usual...


A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle. https://www.anecdotalsmovie.com/

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Anyone following this Alexis Lorenze story? Steve kirsch is involved

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I'm following it.

That woman is very fortunate to still be alive. She was quick and brought the issue to the public. Which makes my blood boil, because there are probably many more horrors happening all the time that are completely hushed out of existence.

I've watched a little of the Maria Zeee show. On the ostensible raccoon network. Nurse Angela was reporting and Alexis speaks a little. She apologizes for covering herself with a towel. (Great move.)

I think they are starting a legal strategy of "I was not correctly informed, so informed consent was not given" to get both administrative and punitive damages compensation. I don't know if her case will prevail, but it looks like she and her family are going to spend the next five years or so in courts.

Lots of unsuspecting people are going to get whacked while she gets her compensation, which may never come. No one will warn them, doctors are worse than zombies.

It's very awful stuff. And there is an air of psyop in this story, as it develops it becomes more apparent. (Maybe I'm paranoid? We'll see.) Very complicated case.

Think about the damage done to families with the covid injectable platforms of Nobel Prize fame. Babies executed in utero with that postmodern crap that no one needed. There is no other word but execution. This is politics.

Very few people care. It's too disgusting. Too horrible. About this, I will make a little shameless promotion of a soon to be released book by James Thorp and Celia Farber about this. It's extremely depressing.

Alexis may survive and recover. Thousands of children are dead and disabled by the vaccine promoted by both Parties, and families are not allowed to seek Justice.

This is Eugenics, it's the insane doctrine of consequentialism*. It's totalitarian and homicidal. This is the true face of Popperian** politics, in my opinion. It's totally hidden by the shadow of Nazism.

* Consequentialism is a recent doctrine in political science, which is best seen as the old insanity of Utilitarianism plus Amphetamines.

** Karl Popper who was a Communist in his youth in Vienna, close to the circle of totalitarian demons known as the Vienna Circle, who went to the London School of Economics, who destroyed modern science and made it an institutional prisoner of the State, and who later went to Australia and became in love with the rampant authoritarianism of that Prison Nation. And he is the most Sacred of all Sacred Cows: even the worst critics of the WEF and SDG and Marxism do not dare to research the real Popper. Australian philosopher David Stove wrote against Popper, and got sidelined.

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“There is no other word but execution”


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On Twitter some were posting that it could have been a drug trial, not uniquely the covid shot.

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Another example is setting up reduced freeway speeds, especially in California. The state that seems to have miles of never ending freeway construction projects that take years to complete if ever. Freeway constructions reduced speeds signs put up for miles and in some areas NO visible signs of work, but drivers put under a “traffic fines doubled” in construction areas.

Or the beloved “road diets” initiated to reduce car use and in some cases building residential buildings with only one car parking space per unit or worse NONE. All an attack on car owners to force into reduce car use or no car use. Problem, reaction solution and don’t dare address the arrogant city council they are omitting this is part of agenda 21/2030 aka 17 SDGs. They don’t find favor with being cowards they are.

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I've seen all this here in the Midwest, too. In addition, they neglect the roads. They spend money on non essentials and zero carbon schemes.

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Sorry about that. Way too familiar with all that and wish it did not spill over to an area that HAD commonsense.

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Yawn... Wake me up for space aliens... 😁

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I welcome our space alien overlords. Heck couldn't do much worse than our own psychopathic sociopaths. Oh well.

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Ha! Something has to give....but then maybe not.

Someone from Chili wrote a comment on Kirsch's saying nobody in his country seems to understand that the shots are dangerous and will line up for the next series.

I'm surrounded by Harris supporters....yeah, might be the only ones. No way to introduce any reality into their lives - all have deep dipped cases of TDS.

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Was that Carol Ann?

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That piece with Tulsi; where could one find it other than here? Seems to be memory holed as I can’t find it in the usual places and it was an official video from her office at first. Thank you for including it here.

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Ha! Didn’t look there. Funny

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I remember when she endorsed Bidet. That's when I realized most (all?) of the "opposition" is fake. I even left a comment on the above video, saying that I won't forget what she did. It's incredible that most people are incapable to even remember the constant betrayals...

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Gonna bust this out in a short post right now

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