If history is any guide at all, these Tier Two Minders are being positioned to be the attack dogs of any true resistance. Building up their credibility as "medical freedom fighters" is a tactic to use them as the force to isolate and eliminate honest truth seekers. Exposing them is vital. Keep up the good work, Sage!
When a mass psychosis occurs the results are devastating. Jung studied this phenomenon and wrote that the individuals who make up the infected society “become morally and spiritually inferior” they “sink unconsciously to an inferior…intellectual level” they become“more unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic, and unreliable,” and worst of all “Crimes the individual alone could never stand are freely committed by the group [smitten by madness].”
What makes matters worse is that those suffering from a mass psychosis are unaware of what is occurring. For just as an individual gone mad cannot step out of his mind to observe the errors in his ways, so too there is no Archimedean point from which those living through a mass psychosis can observe their collective Madness. But what causes a mass psychosis? To answer this question we must first explore what drives an individual mad.
While there are many potential triggers of madness, such as an excessive use of drugs or alcohol, brain injuries and other illnesses, these physical causes will not concern us here. Our concern is with psychological, or what are called psychogenic triggers, as these are the most common culprit of the mass psychosis. The most prevalent psychogenic cause of a psychosis is a flood of negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, that drives an individual into a state of panic. When in a state of panic an individual will naturally seek relief as it is too mentally and physically draining to subsist in this hyper-emotional state. While escape from the state of panic can be accomplished through adaptive means such as facing up to, and defeating the fear generating threat, another way to escape is to undergo a psychotic break. A psychotic break is not a descent into a state ofgreater disorder as many believe, but a re-ordering of one’s experiential world which blends fact and fiction, or delusions and reality, in a way that helps end the feelings of panic.
Silvano Arieti, one of the 20 th century’s foremost authorities on schizophrenia, explains the psychogenic steps that lead to madness: firstly there is “[the] phase of panic – when the patient starts to perceive things in a different way, is frightened on account of it, appears confused, and does not know how to explain “the strange things that are happening.” (Interpretation of Schizophrenia)
The next step is what Arieti calls a phase of psychotic insight, whereby an individual “succeeds in “putting things together” by devising a pathological way of seeing reality, [which allows him] to explain his abnormal experiences. The phenomenon is called “insight” because the patient finally sees meaning and relations in his experiences. ” But the insight is psychotic because it is based on delusions not on adaptive and life-promoting ways of relating to whatever threats precipitated the panic. The delusions, in other words, allow the panic-stricken individual to escape from the flood of negative emotions, but at the cost of losing touch with reality and for this reason Arieti says that a psychotic break can be viewed as “an abnormal way of dealing with an extreme state of anxiety. If a panic-triggering flood of negative emotions, in a weak and vulnerable individual, can trigger a psychotic break, than a mass psychosis can result when a population of weak and vulnerable individuals is driven into a state of panic by threats real, imagined, or fabricated.
But as delusions can take many forms, and as madness can manifest in countless ways, the specific manner in which a mass psychosis unfolds will differ based on the historical and cultural context of the infected society.
But in the modern era it is the mass psychosis of totalitarianism that appears to be the greatest threat:
“Totalitarianism” writes Arthur Versluis “is the modern phenomenon of total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights: in the totalized state, there are those in power, and there the objectified masses, the victims.”
It’s called COGNITIVE WARFARE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li9CoepWQQc. Listen. Govt. official rats telling you they are subjecting civilization to MKUltra. Watch their lips move. Changing your beliefs, eradicating your culture and cancelling your independent thoughts and YOU. By design. In our faces.
That’s a photo of someone refusing to comply with a mask mandate and the tyrannical regime trying to force them to comply. No one was forced to wear a mask; they complied because they were told they had to. That’s hardly the actions of a sane person.
A mandate is an invitation to contract. No one’s forcing you. You consent because you think you don’t have a choice. You do, as with any contract you’re offered.
I think there are certain names in the San Juan summit-op that must be scrubbed clean before the imminent UFO psy-op.
The covid scam continues raging on even though most people seem to have found a way to completely ignore it. It's astonishing: I see people pretending that things just happen totally disconnected from that very traumatic shitshow.
I just really want the UFO psyop to happen, because it would be the climax point of this heist. I'm rewatching the movie Contact (which I hate) to refresh memory for the upcoming nonsense. Also Stargate (bleagh!).
I've speculated that they will tell us that the Ashkenazis have alien DNA and have a blood-right to the whole galaxy. Heads will explode.
No one will realize the cosmic theft they are actually doing elsewhere. Outrage gonna outrage.
No no no… its the replicon op next. ‘cause you take lab leak chimeric disease and jabs bad, make a baby and raise it in the land of the rising sun. All the animes predicted it.
There are about 300 videogames with that plot. I'm not a gamer and even I know that.
But the UFO myth is so Hebrew-American! Much more than the transgenic beasts with 7 horns. That's just Calvinist scientists going full nerd on the microscopes saying ERHHHMGAHD, or its German language equivalent.
Yes this is because we’re inside a video game. Think about it — if you’re going to write a video game, and you’re putting video games inside it for realism, obviously those are going to be familiar to ones you’re used to. Therefore all video games are reflections of the outside-matrix reality and future.
At work today a co-worker was watching a news or video interview clip about the hurricane (on the internet), and without looking at the screen, but just listening from another room, my first thought was "acting is hard." It was a comment the interviewee made... the gist of which was that "patriots" were the ones helping (bringing water or supplies).
That didn't seem (or sound) like a remotely natural thing to say.
Tier Two gets in our brain vectors through the media.
There's no place like this stack to try to sort it all out. Thanks SH!
For clarity, dear SAGE: are there records of shared FUNDING between the Roundtable and the Global COVID Summit? I may have this particular information in your very valuable Post.
The updated "Rescue the Republic" claims on its site to be the spin off of DTM. Same crew. With some new "names", some of which were full on JABS GOOD which makes sense as due to Trump being their savior and not backing off one iota from "saving millions of lives blah blah blah" with OWS...they have to shift the focus.
And they cling to "mandates" as their bonafides. They lasered in on this, meanwhile making sure to co-sign every other Dangerous Germs Aspect including Surveillance to save Grandma.
"It takes some serious financial resources to organize an event like this, so let’s take a look at the event’s three sponsors:
The Unity Project
Global Covid Summit
Children’s Health Defense
The people running these organizations must all be anti-vaccine, right?
No, actually all of them are pro-vaccine, and only against the COVID-19 shots, or at least against mandating the COVID-19 shots.
And most of them all have ties to Big Pharma funding.
Dr. Malone is perhaps the most popular “superstar” doctor making the rounds of interviews in the Alternative Health media who appears to be the point person promoting this event in D.C.
He recently announced this rally on the Joe Rogan show, where he stated:
“This is not about being anti-vaccines; it’s about being anti-mandates, and our hope is that we bring people together.”
Malone makes it very clear he is not “anti-vaccine,” and his main qualification to speak on this topic that has made him so popular as one of the new “superstar” doctors seems to be that he is “the inventor of mRNA,” the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
I have not listened to any of these interviews with Dr. Malone, but has anyone in the Alternative Health Media asked him why he invented mRNA technology, and who funded it?
I assume he developed the technology to be used in drugs and vaccines, and that his funding came from Big Pharma."
Others have made Kumu charts and they do all connect including The Wellness Company. But they do try very hard to obscure through foundations and non-profits how you are given your "heroes".
This is why they are scrubbing, me thinks. To create a firewall.
The other reason is that the GCS/Roundtable ran posts from David Martin calling the operation TERRORISM and MURDER.
Exactly this. Their savior and Lord Donald Trump won’t back down, and they would look like undermining and eviscerating him If they pressed on with their stop the jobs, and the mRNA.
Once again another Benedicte Arnold among us, which means we need to be more vigilant and look out for ourselves even more so than ever before.
I commented on Jessica Rose's substack that nothing will happen with another summit ...no response from her....surprise/surprise! Also, everyone looks too happy when investigating murder and lies...just sayin'.......
You called it accurately... I had a rather sharp and frank exchange w/ her about 6 mths ago... 'Please cancel any future subscriptions. While I found the research extremely beneficial in the beginning, it seems that this has deteriorated to ineffectual and somewhat self-aggrandizing content. I think an important opportunity was lost. You are young and prone to the ego traps. All this 'jawing' and indignation serves nothing. We are not here to fund your travels and photo ops. We are here to help turn the tide.'
she's dark side to me...irretrievable. Poser with her army of sycophants.
i don't really get why he's so against Sasha L. Yes she focuses on the injection but she has made it crystal clear that she doesn't think there was a novel bug pandemicking its away around the globe. She's slightly more no-virus than Couey is. She has called the ongoing hospital protocols very dangerous. Couey seems to think that Sasha is overshadowing Katherine Watts but from what I can see, Watts's working relationship with Sasha is quite amicable. Couey seems angry that Sasha is blaming the usa DOD and he thinks america is getting too much blame. But the blame is on whoever is in control of the usa *and* most the rest of the world.
The trouble is that, with a lot of the "meddlers", we don't know which are meddlers and which aren't. Many meddlers give partial valid information, which confuses many people. I don't know much about Sasha L. so can't say if he's right or not. Mainly because I can only follow so much info. I'm sure he's right about many others, ones Sage has also pointed out. Naming names is important. But someone might be wrong. Usually not with Sage or Couey, though.
I dragged myself through as much of that as I could handle...ugh! Don't know how they live with themselves... She is the epitome of what Sage says 'They are sharp enough to know that not all hoomanz are Komodo Dragons so they give the motivated reasoners a slot at the party to feel pretty and special inside and like they are doing the world a solid.'
Partay on Jessica...we're sooo very happy for you!
Still hoping for an abstainer...haven't found one yet...
The Middle Managers get richer, but ultimately, I *think* this is about depopulation and enacting the biometric surveillance shock collars and centralizing control of the world as laid out in Day Tapes.
The Russians are perfecting a SONIC RAY, that makes the human sphincter resonate at such a frequency that the human rectum will simply empty itself causing the target to soil itself in humiliating feces. This will change the nature of warfare forever and renders all other national security concerns marginal. I learnt this from a SOURCE.
Not 1 word about hurricane victims. Msm cover up. He could have taken less than 10 seconds. Said,tim,y r you and kamala Refusing to help people Drowning ? I hate him more than them.it was their only hope
He was on a world stage. It could have pressured them to do right
She appeals to a certain cohort as does Donald Trump as does Bobby Kennedy. And it's agonizing to watch the negotiations of NLP FLOATING RHETORIC and ACTIONS vs. Branding.
If history is any guide at all, these Tier Two Minders are being positioned to be the attack dogs of any true resistance. Building up their credibility as "medical freedom fighters" is a tactic to use them as the force to isolate and eliminate honest truth seekers. Exposing them is vital. Keep up the good work, Sage!
When a mass psychosis occurs the results are devastating. Jung studied this phenomenon and wrote that the individuals who make up the infected society “become morally and spiritually inferior” they “sink unconsciously to an inferior…intellectual level” they become“more unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic, and unreliable,” and worst of all “Crimes the individual alone could never stand are freely committed by the group [smitten by madness].”
What makes matters worse is that those suffering from a mass psychosis are unaware of what is occurring. For just as an individual gone mad cannot step out of his mind to observe the errors in his ways, so too there is no Archimedean point from which those living through a mass psychosis can observe their collective Madness. But what causes a mass psychosis? To answer this question we must first explore what drives an individual mad.
While there are many potential triggers of madness, such as an excessive use of drugs or alcohol, brain injuries and other illnesses, these physical causes will not concern us here. Our concern is with psychological, or what are called psychogenic triggers, as these are the most common culprit of the mass psychosis. The most prevalent psychogenic cause of a psychosis is a flood of negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, that drives an individual into a state of panic. When in a state of panic an individual will naturally seek relief as it is too mentally and physically draining to subsist in this hyper-emotional state. While escape from the state of panic can be accomplished through adaptive means such as facing up to, and defeating the fear generating threat, another way to escape is to undergo a psychotic break. A psychotic break is not a descent into a state ofgreater disorder as many believe, but a re-ordering of one’s experiential world which blends fact and fiction, or delusions and reality, in a way that helps end the feelings of panic.
Silvano Arieti, one of the 20 th century’s foremost authorities on schizophrenia, explains the psychogenic steps that lead to madness: firstly there is “[the] phase of panic – when the patient starts to perceive things in a different way, is frightened on account of it, appears confused, and does not know how to explain “the strange things that are happening.” (Interpretation of Schizophrenia)
The next step is what Arieti calls a phase of psychotic insight, whereby an individual “succeeds in “putting things together” by devising a pathological way of seeing reality, [which allows him] to explain his abnormal experiences. The phenomenon is called “insight” because the patient finally sees meaning and relations in his experiences. ” But the insight is psychotic because it is based on delusions not on adaptive and life-promoting ways of relating to whatever threats precipitated the panic. The delusions, in other words, allow the panic-stricken individual to escape from the flood of negative emotions, but at the cost of losing touch with reality and for this reason Arieti says that a psychotic break can be viewed as “an abnormal way of dealing with an extreme state of anxiety. If a panic-triggering flood of negative emotions, in a weak and vulnerable individual, can trigger a psychotic break, than a mass psychosis can result when a population of weak and vulnerable individuals is driven into a state of panic by threats real, imagined, or fabricated.
But as delusions can take many forms, and as madness can manifest in countless ways, the specific manner in which a mass psychosis unfolds will differ based on the historical and cultural context of the infected society.
But in the modern era it is the mass psychosis of totalitarianism that appears to be the greatest threat:
“Totalitarianism” writes Arthur Versluis “is the modern phenomenon of total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights: in the totalized state, there are those in power, and there the objectified masses, the victims.”
(Arthur Versluis, The New Inquisitions)
Like. Thank U Stegiel
YES....excellent comment, Stegiel.
It’s called COGNITIVE WARFARE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li9CoepWQQc. Listen. Govt. official rats telling you they are subjecting civilization to MKUltra. Watch their lips move. Changing your beliefs, eradicating your culture and cancelling your independent thoughts and YOU. By design. In our faces.
People are forced to comply. It is not a mass hypnosis. Dumb explanation, imo
People are not being forced to comply, they are choosing of their free will with lots of excuses for their stupidity.
Did you ever see a photo of police holding someone while other cops wrestle a mask onto their face like an animal.
What the fuck do you call that?
That’s a photo of someone refusing to comply with a mask mandate and the tyrannical regime trying to force them to comply. No one was forced to wear a mask; they complied because they were told they had to. That’s hardly the actions of a sane person.
What is a vaccine mandate?
A mandate is an invitation to contract. No one’s forcing you. You consent because you think you don’t have a choice. You do, as with any contract you’re offered.
Tell the old lady who got stomped by the horse
Death can be a choice as well. Resistance, Rebellion and Death is not uncommon in the affairs of men
I think there are certain names in the San Juan summit-op that must be scrubbed clean before the imminent UFO psy-op.
The covid scam continues raging on even though most people seem to have found a way to completely ignore it. It's astonishing: I see people pretending that things just happen totally disconnected from that very traumatic shitshow.
Now imagine if a certain Human Genome Project Wall Street Blockchain proponent had jumped on this with a fierce vigor.
I'm sextuplicating my agencies the best I can!
I just really want the UFO psyop to happen, because it would be the climax point of this heist. I'm rewatching the movie Contact (which I hate) to refresh memory for the upcoming nonsense. Also Stargate (bleagh!).
I've speculated that they will tell us that the Ashkenazis have alien DNA and have a blood-right to the whole galaxy. Heads will explode.
No one will realize the cosmic theft they are actually doing elsewhere. Outrage gonna outrage.
Hey whatever happened with that Triple JABS BAD SHOT DEAL?
Also add Mars Attacks and anything with Robbie The Robot in it to cover the AI aspects
Wall-E was a fine MKPIXAR production.
The girlfriend robot was called EVE (what a schoker) and she laughed covering her non-existent mouth with her non-existent hand. So cute!
By the end of the movie all the hoomans start the Tom Cowan diet and are happy forever.
Second mars attacks. Lots of good tactical info there. Pitch is the key.
Malone is in an old video whining about missing out on the Genome Project, not sure if Mark has this video in his massive database.
No no no… its the replicon op next. ‘cause you take lab leak chimeric disease and jabs bad, make a baby and raise it in the land of the rising sun. All the animes predicted it.
Tetsuo and the espers have entered the chat.
There are about 300 videogames with that plot. I'm not a gamer and even I know that.
But the UFO myth is so Hebrew-American! Much more than the transgenic beasts with 7 horns. That's just Calvinist scientists going full nerd on the microscopes saying ERHHHMGAHD, or its German language equivalent.
Yes this is because we’re inside a video game. Think about it — if you’re going to write a video game, and you’re putting video games inside it for realism, obviously those are going to be familiar to ones you’re used to. Therefore all video games are reflections of the outside-matrix reality and future.
That fits the curve better than the theosophy argument.
Exactly. You’ve heard this whole Q conspiracy thing right? Well its no accident the game was called Qbert.
If the aliens don't look like ET, I want my tax dollars back.
Bamboozled by bullshit. And lizard people. 🦎👫
At work today a co-worker was watching a news or video interview clip about the hurricane (on the internet), and without looking at the screen, but just listening from another room, my first thought was "acting is hard." It was a comment the interviewee made... the gist of which was that "patriots" were the ones helping (bringing water or supplies).
That didn't seem (or sound) like a remotely natural thing to say.
Tier Two gets in our brain vectors through the media.
There's no place like this stack to try to sort it all out. Thanks SH!
You knew.
We just followed along.
Slaughter pens. A phrase George Webb has been using also. Very descriptive of where they’re herding us.
"...none of us are safe until all of us are safe..."
-US Government
(offer only valid in the contiguous 48 states, Maui explicitly excluded, your access to bunkers may vary)
For clarity, dear SAGE: are there records of shared FUNDING between the Roundtable and the Global COVID Summit? I may have this particular information in your very valuable Post.
Don, peruse the first post which is instructive as to the funding of Defeat the Mandates.
They are listed on DTM still. Along with FLCCC, CHD, ICAN, VSRF, World Council for Health.
(Pierre Kory, Kennedy et. al., Bigtree, Kirsch, Tess Lawrie) Same cast of characters. Over and over and over and over.
The updated "Rescue the Republic" claims on its site to be the spin off of DTM. Same crew. With some new "names", some of which were full on JABS GOOD which makes sense as due to Trump being their savior and not backing off one iota from "saving millions of lives blah blah blah" with OWS...they have to shift the focus.
And they cling to "mandates" as their bonafides. They lasered in on this, meanwhile making sure to co-sign every other Dangerous Germs Aspect including Surveillance to save Grandma.
Brian Shilhavy had this very early and so did Diane West, btw.
"It takes some serious financial resources to organize an event like this, so let’s take a look at the event’s three sponsors:
The Unity Project
Global Covid Summit
Children’s Health Defense
The people running these organizations must all be anti-vaccine, right?
No, actually all of them are pro-vaccine, and only against the COVID-19 shots, or at least against mandating the COVID-19 shots.
And most of them all have ties to Big Pharma funding.
Dr. Malone is perhaps the most popular “superstar” doctor making the rounds of interviews in the Alternative Health media who appears to be the point person promoting this event in D.C.
He recently announced this rally on the Joe Rogan show, where he stated:
“This is not about being anti-vaccines; it’s about being anti-mandates, and our hope is that we bring people together.”
Malone makes it very clear he is not “anti-vaccine,” and his main qualification to speak on this topic that has made him so popular as one of the new “superstar” doctors seems to be that he is “the inventor of mRNA,” the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
I have not listened to any of these interviews with Dr. Malone, but has anyone in the Alternative Health Media asked him why he invented mRNA technology, and who funded it?
I assume he developed the technology to be used in drugs and vaccines, and that his funding came from Big Pharma."
Others have made Kumu charts and they do all connect including The Wellness Company. But they do try very hard to obscure through foundations and non-profits how you are given your "heroes".
This is why they are scrubbing, me thinks. To create a firewall.
The other reason is that the GCS/Roundtable ran posts from David Martin calling the operation TERRORISM and MURDER.
That is awkward for the new fake talking points.
All feels very fifth gen warfare. Been wanting to read some of the original discussions and books on this. Maybe it’s time.
I think Malone wrote a book on it for you….
Remember who introduced us to Tess? Kirsch during that famous interview with Weinstein in June 2021 after everyone was vaxxed.
Thanks very much for the depth and breadth of details, SAGE. "What a tribulation
Exactly this. Their savior and Lord Donald Trump won’t back down, and they would look like undermining and eviscerating him If they pressed on with their stop the jobs, and the mRNA.
Once again another Benedicte Arnold among us, which means we need to be more vigilant and look out for ourselves even more so than ever before.
RM worked on Mrna at the Salk Institute
Good work Sage.
I commented on Jessica Rose's substack that nothing will happen with another summit ...no response from her....surprise/surprise! Also, everyone looks too happy when investigating murder and lies...just sayin'.......
International Crisis Summit 2024 in Japan
A synopsis with photos https://jessicar.substack.com/p/international-crisis-summit-2024
You called it accurately... I had a rather sharp and frank exchange w/ her about 6 mths ago... 'Please cancel any future subscriptions. While I found the research extremely beneficial in the beginning, it seems that this has deteriorated to ineffectual and somewhat self-aggrandizing content. I think an important opportunity was lost. You are young and prone to the ego traps. All this 'jawing' and indignation serves nothing. We are not here to fund your travels and photo ops. We are here to help turn the tide.'
she's dark side to me...irretrievable. Poser with her army of sycophants.
Good for you..... check out Couey...he calls out all meddlers..... and she is one of them...... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2265290665
He does an excellent job of that.
i don't really get why he's so against Sasha L. Yes she focuses on the injection but she has made it crystal clear that she doesn't think there was a novel bug pandemicking its away around the globe. She's slightly more no-virus than Couey is. She has called the ongoing hospital protocols very dangerous. Couey seems to think that Sasha is overshadowing Katherine Watts but from what I can see, Watts's working relationship with Sasha is quite amicable. Couey seems angry that Sasha is blaming the usa DOD and he thinks america is getting too much blame. But the blame is on whoever is in control of the usa *and* most the rest of the world.
The trouble is that, with a lot of the "meddlers", we don't know which are meddlers and which aren't. Many meddlers give partial valid information, which confuses many people. I don't know much about Sasha L. so can't say if he's right or not. Mainly because I can only follow so much info. I'm sure he's right about many others, ones Sage has also pointed out. Naming names is important. But someone might be wrong. Usually not with Sage or Couey, though.
Will do...thanks~ I forget to take time with him.
I dragged myself through as much of that as I could handle...ugh! Don't know how they live with themselves... She is the epitome of what Sage says 'They are sharp enough to know that not all hoomanz are Komodo Dragons so they give the motivated reasoners a slot at the party to feel pretty and special inside and like they are doing the world a solid.'
Partay on Jessica...we're sooo very happy for you!
Still hoping for an abstainer...haven't found one yet...
Sage nailed it...
Here is one from yesterday......EXCELLENT presentation.....
That kinda made me sick 🤢 Does she delete criticism? The comments are all so sycophantic and deluded.
This is excellent, thnx SH. The rountable thing links some dots..
So much intentional BS. And, the rich just keep getting richer.
They already own the world.
The Middle Managers get richer, but ultimately, I *think* this is about depopulation and enacting the biometric surveillance shock collars and centralizing control of the world as laid out in Day Tapes.
When it’s described as a global coup, this makes me feel the term is wrong. Can you coup yourself? If you already have the crown?
I was taught that makes you go blind
Only if it gets the eyeball area.
The Russians are perfecting a SONIC RAY, that makes the human sphincter resonate at such a frequency that the human rectum will simply empty itself causing the target to soil itself in humiliating feces. This will change the nature of warfare forever and renders all other national security concerns marginal. I learnt this from a SOURCE.
Sage. Supposed candidate vance last night
Not 1 word about hurricane victims. Msm cover up. He could have taken less than 10 seconds. Said,tim,y r you and kamala Refusing to help people Drowning ? I hate him more than them.it was their only hope
He was on a world stage. It could have pressured them to do right
What is the specific play with the "Replicon mRNA" narrative?
Malone is fully onboard and is amplifying it big time so this leads me to believe an OP is underway.
Every Op has an OBJECTIVE. You don't just run it for shits and giggles.
Take in one hand a finely aged chimeric deadly spreading pandemic narrative.
And in the other a good bunch of well seasoned mrna spiced Jabs Bad.
Bring your hands together and knead in with a good scoop of Dolts Botching Shit as a binder.
And voila!
Shitfuckery ala Malone!
Tulsi makes me think of the scheming woman who backs the rebels in The Hunger Games.
Her 'Where is the love? ' speech confirmed her falseness.
She is one tree in a forest of falseness.
Which is how we got where we are.
She appeals to a certain cohort as does Donald Trump as does Bobby Kennedy. And it's agonizing to watch the negotiations of NLP FLOATING RHETORIC and ACTIONS vs. Branding.
They are all WHITE but also TANNED.