May 22·edited May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Africa? Neurological disease? Several years ago the WHO gave Africa permission to use as much DDT as they wanted to .... no restriction. This toxic forever chemical is not a sustainable way to treat malaria and has certainly been shown not to be the most efficacious. Bed netting is the most efficacious and most economical. We seem to be addicted to pesticides. India, where 40% of the population does not have toilets, makes the most DDT and uses the most DDT. Cases of Acute Flacid Paralysis rates are thru the roof despite the eradication of the "polio" virus. So, what is causing the neurological disease then? I will wait for you to provide the obvious answer.

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Is autism considered a neurological disease? Cause if so we have the highest rate in the world...and I dint believe it comes from drinking alchohol......

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May 23·edited May 23

The term "autism" is imprecise. It used to be Aspergers and Autism (including Pervasive Developmental Disorder PDD). These were assumed to be "high functioning" and "low functioning". They changed it about 10 years ago with an all-enveloping term, "autism spectrum disorder" or ASD.

When someone says "autism" most people think of what used to be PDD. Many, many people of all ages are now being dx'ed with ASD. These are folks who have struggled socially but most have finished school, worked, had families. They often struggle in unseen ways due to conditioning to "fit in." They often excel in things they are interested in, so can be valued in work settings that aren't big on people fitting in to a social type.

"Spectrum" means many different ways autism manifests. It doesn't mean "continuum" like the old dx. There is a tag of "need for support" instead. This makes sense, because that can change.

My observation is that this form of autism is passed along genetically. People in previous generations often were referred to as eccentric, etc. Sometimes very fun in an autistic way, other times not so fun. These eccentric people go back some generations from the descriptions I've heard. Some were kind and quirky.

My speculation here is that what used to be called PDD is a combo of genes and some other factor, like toxicity. The rodeo clown guy misleads people to think there is no autism outside vax injuries, it's all vax, VAX, VAX, VAX (to misquote pk). I think there are people with genes for autism who become PDD from things like vaccines (and transfections) and some who don't. And yes, the people with PDD-type ASD have HIGH needs for support.

I think the miscommunication is that people who are ASD are called "autistic." That confuses matters, but it is what it is. Maybe that was seeded, who knows.

I think there are psy-oppy things going on around this area and it's of particular interest to me. Of course, in times past, neuro-atypical people were victims of culling. They will say, "mentally ill" but that's not true. Many will say it's a neurodifference. Maybe not so easily herded as allistic people.

Not sure if it's only in the US. If you are interested, go on youtube and watch videos by "late diagnosed" ASD people. It's been quite an education to watch them. I keep hearing that the stats are quite high in the U.K. Of course these are all people who can speak English. I don't think there's more ASD. I do think there's probably more ASD that look like the old PDD. More vaccines injure more ASD people. Is this a part of a cull? Is this why there is such misinformation about it? Just guessing here. . .

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I wonder if Rain Man was a Psy Op to create a specific idea of autism.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Distinct possibility. Many autistic people online didn't like the movie. Continued with young Sheldon and Big Bang, perhaps.

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May 23·edited May 23

What do you think the odds are that eugenics and ultra and adjacent programs may be related to the explosion in spectrum disorders? Meaning, their being used to amplify the quality and quantity of spectrum? Some days I wonder if there wasn’t a ‘break some eggs to make an omelette’ mentality here. People on the spectrum struggle in some areas, but are also capable of remarkable things. Almost superhuman sometimes. Perhaps those are qualities sought in building a technocratic superstate. I’m fairly certain the internet as we know it wouldn’t exist without autism. Depending on where you are on the spectrum, your sensitivity to stimuli may or may not be off the charts. Sometimes astronomically off the charts. Maybe you can even read the shapes on Venkman’s cards. Maybe x-men was a wink and a nod towards this. It seems to me very plausible that everybody is now aware how widespread the spectrum has become, and they are searching vaccines and bpa and pesticides and everywhere for the cause. Maybe the cause was the spooks and eugenicists and it was on purpose?

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May 23·edited May 23

Ok, that was too long, so I'm adding on. If they want to artificially inflate the numbers (as we have seen they do with convid) there are many ways to do that. From what I see it is quite possible that this is also what they are doing with "autism" and the confusion of ASD and autism is part of that. Perhaps even the "new" diagnosis was meant to confuse. I don't mean it's bogus, however. Since a shit ton of people suddenly made sense of their lives.

"Science would be falsified."

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I’m wondering if the framing as a ‘spectrum’ makes things too binary. I’ve always thought the discussion some libertarians have about politics really being a grid, as opposed to a left/right spectrum, might apply here. Although even a grid definition feels limiting. A 3d sphere is probably best way to measure characteristics. Anyway, spectrum related issues seem like a cluster of things that don’t necessarily go together, as you described. They are lumped together. BUT! There probably is something of a connection in spite of that. It’s really a measurement of people who fall off the ends of the bell curve. The people who have traits that are many deviations above or below standard. My hunch is, someone, somewhere said “let’s figure out how to increase the long tail of this distribution. Let’s make more superhumans”. In the process, some people got very hurt. Some people can’t function much above drooling on the floor rocking in a fetal position. Some people invent the internet. You mentioned empathy. You are right. Lots of people get misclassed in regards to this. This should definitely be one of the vectors in the 3d representation of this spectrum.

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May 23·edited May 23

Yes, I do think that's a possibility. The people building the internet and other tech are hypothesized to be autistic. Musk has said he's autistic.

It's a myth that autistic* people aren't empathic, some are on the high end of the curve re empathy. This stems from the fact that many don't convey empathy in facial expressions, or some other ways, don't read social cues. However, it's possible that some aren't empathic. Autistic people have a range of other personality traits, and other differences like sensory stuff, from one another. Hence the "spectrum" part.

Some of the tech people who were clearly "chosen" don't seem empathic, for instance. Some have parents with "connections". Otherwise they would not do the harm that they are doing with tech. Or are they brainwashed?

If you watch enough youtube videos of autistic people, especially older, not kids, you can get a pretty good sense of all this and your "autistic radar" can be improved. Then you watch some of these techies and your radar registers a ping.

Because of my own experience, I assume there is a strong genetic component. Plus there's the thing where autistic people are more likely to marry, and kids will also be autistic/carry genes. (See "double empathy" experiments.) It's a natural phenomenon.

Just my own theorizing. But certainly genes are affected by terratogens, which is also saying they affect/intefere with development. Also after they are born.

It appears there is an explosion in numbers. I wonder if this is partly a psyop, not sure. In any case a zillion people are "late diagnosed" judging from the numbers "coming out" after a lifetime of confusion about social and other things. So many youtube videos. And many autistic people would not dream of doing videos. The new diagnosis ASD accounts for quite a few

*By "autism" and "autistic" I mean ASD.

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Is this what you mean by double empathy experiments? If so…damn. Rabbit hole opened. Thanks!


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Many universities and national labs are asylums at some level.

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Its hard though to disentangle direct genetic tendency toward autism or genetic susceptibility toward injection damage leading to autism. And… how much is a label applied in a novel environment when every child apparently must be able to focus and sit in a desk for hours each day…

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Just my personal theories. My observations are from direct experience. I come from a long line of people with autism. At least goes back to great grandparents. Only a couple of cousins with more "severe" cases and one with "very severe". Also if you watch the videos of people on Youtube you will see a different picture than the "research." Which is mocked when reviewed by autistic people online. At best, that research is done from an allistic standpoint and is useless. Or for more nefarious purposes, my thought. Lots of interest in gene stuff to study hereditability. But it's crap research. Just to get funding.

The research on this stuff is a mess. It's been quite politicized. I suspect by design. I think this is a prime group for the cull.

I think the school situation is especially bad for ADHD (hyperactive type) kids. Let them run free in nature a lot more. Lots of comorbidity with ADHD or ADD (ADHD inattentive type) and ASD, but they are distinct.

The reason I don't agree with the "labeling" idea for ASD is that so many of those late diagnosed nearly always seem to say that suddenly their whole lives make sense.

The labeling is a problem for those with ADHD. Kids shouldn't be put on medication to keep them quiet. That, to my mind, is the legit complaint about labeling.

There is no way to disentangle it if you look at the research. Designed to fail or perhaps to identify those someone wishes to cull. Horrible!!!

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Yeah, like I replied to Flurm about disentangling, I think it's all connected to some kind of 'poisoning, either in your ancestors or your present life. And I wouldn't doubt that they are seeking out the resulting 'savants' from their poisoning experiments.

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Or to what extent is it a natural fluctuation (which likely has a genetic component) which was unseen or handled differently in a less regimented society?

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I think there is always a connection to some type of 'poison' involved in either an ancestor or present life, to autism. My maternal grandfather made hats, in which they used mercury. They said he liked to dance around a lot, lol. And the labeling, you're right!

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May 25·edited May 25

The Mad Hatter character in Alice in Wonderland was based on that type of poisoning.

Even ancient civilizations drank from lead cups, like Rome. The Romans were aware of lead being toxic but didn't think it important enough to change that.

Some people think the weakening of the Roman empire and eventual fall was in part due to the lead poisoning. Just like pesticides, plastic, and so much more today. Was it somehow intentional back then? It's an old story, no?


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OK, I’ll unpack that sentence.

It’s Africa, it’s always Africa. It’s been that way since the 60s.

Most likely before.

They taught us that in school.

Why is that one may ask?

Perhaps gold coins work wonders.

By land, by sea and by air they can spread their poisons.

Oh look world there are new diseases developing in Africa.

The end.

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Don't forget the diamonds.

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💍 💍 💍 🤣

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

You won’t find it in history books but I suspect some of those African leaders are selling their people into slavery once again. The ones who don’t participate in this form of “capitalism”, die in mysterious ways..

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

And those leaders aren't even naturopathic doctors...just do a bogus PCR test on a piece of fruit, and the next thing you know...

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Africa was also scapegoated for omicron when cases had already been ramping in Europe for weeks.

For some definition of “case”.

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Cases of a novel coronavirus that emerged from bats and mutated?

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That thing yes. Though think in this case they claimed some African AIDs patient brewed it up with an excessively long immunocompromised infection or somesuch

Certainly never could have been some VAIDS compromised germ factory from an NL to SA flight or anything.

Have to think which comic book universe that’d be in. Maybe Archie comics

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S. Africa diplomats. Maybe Botswana?

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My omicron theory was that it had been brewing in Europe for quite a while, and may have made it to South Africa from any Dutch whoever, and once there there was now a convenient Dark Disease Ridden African origin story.

But that basically all falls apart with covid at this point being completely undefined

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Sure did make it fast from Botswana to rural America!

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I suspect the Rhesus Monkey. They are known troublemakers.

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This takes me back to the book..."The Secret History of the War on Cancer" where back in the 1930's the Bayer Co. (think lovely aspirin people-now allied w/ Monsanto) knew which chemicals were causing which cancers (ex.100% of people working w/ black dye died of bladder cancer). They reverse-engineered mustard gas (yes, the weapon) to create the 1st chemo drugs. They manufactured both the chemicals AND the chemo treatments in FULL KNOWLEDGE of what they were doing. A well-researched, hard-hitting book.

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It's kinda like the incentivised childhood vaccine schedule, where Dr's make more money from more vaccines given, and then when kids have reactions to vaccines (autism, bad behavior etc) the schools are incentivised to write a student up for drugs to be given for such problems created by the vaccines.

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Exactly right... Cradle to grave patients.

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May 23Liked by Sage Hana

Very interesting. You have connected a lot of dots. Keep up the good work!

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Very good.

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Once again, the plot thickens...

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see… I don’t even know what it means for a disease to be apparently overall more prevalent in one completely demographically different society than another. But either way my strategy is to leave the belt off and be thrown clear.

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May 22Liked by Sage Hana

Things like cancer, forever plastics in testicles, Glioblastoma from cell phones?

These are 1st World maladies and deaths.

Ya gotta survive past 40 to get cancer.

At least, you used to.

Now, in order to defeat the common cold, you get genetically modified cancer. It solves the whole common cold problem.

I’m sure it’s challenging to get Africa excited about COVID, when drinking from the wrong puddle can make you shit your entire intestinal lining. Plus, anyone that heard about the results of the Ebola ring trials isn’t likely to head to town and roll up their sleeves.

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Africa also was one of the few poor places that didn’t manage to cure influenza during covid.

Something ends up getting everybody eventually. Too many of these chuckleheads seem to think they can escape that

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I haven’t been very “active” around these parts for awhile because my cousin—the one with glioblastoma, aka turbo cancer that was detected a little over a year ago after his second “booster”—passed away. To refresh memory: Brilliant, articulate attorney goes into get an MRI in March 2023, after experiencing double vision and other strange “neurological issues”…nothing detected. A month later, after issues worsen, he goes in for another scan, and a giant inoperable tumor is discovered. Dead a little over a year later. I have been visiting him weekly for most of this past year, and to witness the decline is beyond unspeakable. What do we do with this? What do we do—us, the witnesses? His wife, a nurse, now has a bad cough and “ground glass opacity” in her lungs. She too was boosted to the gills. Can I speak to her of what has happened to her? Her husband, my cousin, was murdered. And she is injured. No, I can’t. Because she cannot even begin to take the information in. She thought she was being “good” and doing the “right” thing. This is beyond fucked.

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I'm so sorry, Eucy, and I offer my humble condolences.

And this is what I cannot not see and will never overlook.

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"repeat administration of ivermectin and it is very clear that ivermectin attend to accumulate in fatty tissues particularly ovaries."

And Naomi Wolf (yes, ties to the DS) came up with all that info about how the convid transfections went to fatty tissues, esp ovaries.

How do these dots connect?

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Your brain contains cells, nerve fibers, arteries, and arterioles. It also contains fat and is the fattiest organ in the body — nearly 60 percent fat.

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Yes, I didn't know the percentage, but knew it had a lot of fat. That's why lowering cholesterol affects the brain. Hmm, this makes me wonder if all the harmful hype about lowering cholesterol, which led to the harmful high carb low fat diets. Seems likely. Plus interferes with the ability to think.

The lipid nanoparticles in the convid shots are supposed to cross the blood brain barrier, but IVM is not supposed to do that. However, in combination with other meds or supplements, who knows. But both will cause reproductive harms if they collect in the ovaries, from what I understand.

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you're right....some of the early advocates died early due to those diet extremes. moderation, eh?

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Definitely the cause of diseases are the doctors and their poisoning of their patients

What an attractive incentive for a persons of evil intent can go become a dr and get away with murder and get highly paid for his passion

Not bad!!!!

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Sadly, 95% of American children live with a neurologic disease called brain damage indoctrination from their rulers school system. Then they become neurologic adults for which there is no cure.

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What we have here is a failure to ka-muni-kate. We have a medical system completely designed to create far more disease and illness than it could ever eradicate. How else do you expect the severely overpaid medical professions and big pharma drug profits to keep escalating?

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The horror…the horror

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Omg the music in those videos! And talk about a Whoopie Cushion. Lordy. I cringed watching all that spraying. I also laughed at IVM (Integrated Vector Management).

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These two presentations by Dr Ayoub MD are from 2005 and 2008

Even though he says in the second one that familiar tag line - he wants safe vaccines,  and he's not antivax,  I persevered. 

It was informative.



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