
Okay, this just washed over me.

As I let my mind wander.

This will not make sense probably to those who refuse to listen to and read the transcripts of all four Day Tapes.

Imagine having this world view and owning the world.

"Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now."

Imagine the laughing as they watch people line up at Walgreen's to get shots and the DOD scrambling to get Pfizer and Moderna out to the whole wide world.

And the next round of marks scrambling to get the Merck Magic Sauce that they have been shipping all over the world before they were shipping the mRNA.

Imagine the chuckles as they tell Donald Trump to say, "We'll cure cancer with the mRNA shots which I got through in nine months, blah blah blah....."

And when Bobby tweets out, "AVOID THE TOXIC QUAGMIRE OF RAGE, Y'ALL..."

And paying off the "indie media" with an "alternative" health plan (that is to eliminate the private doctor and let robots take over.)

And perhaps none of the above even thought about all of what they were doing and why. Maybe Kirsch really does worry about too many critterzzzz...

Maybe Jay does think the shots are good for the elderly.

And maybe..Donald...::starts laughing::

::stares out window::

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Just buy your med kit. Simple as.


Man was it a pain to get my account back.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Like button is not working, but reply is functional...welcome back.

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Good to see you pop your head up. Was goncerned

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Why did you lose your account?

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

It’s associated with a dead email acct. had to resurrect it.

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May 19Liked by Sage Hana

Kirsch will save humanity....it seems.... 😜 ...just needs a few more donations..... 1-800-$hill......

My secret plan to expose the harms created by vaccines

The evidence is very clear: the CDC lied, people died. We need let people know the truth. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/my-secret-plan-to-expose-the-harms/comments

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Jabs Bad.

Dude has gotten four years out of this and just keeps going.

Like the Energizer Psy Op Bunny.

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May 19Liked by Sage Hana

It's crazy when you go to the stack and read the comments....they look up to him and he is their saviour and superhero.... 🦸‍♂️

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Yeah...I don't...

I gravely underestimated the power of the Leader. The Hero.

I gravely underestimated the power of this paradigm. This learned method of navigating the world and its phenomena.

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May 19Liked by Sage Hana

Me neither....I just can't believe that there are people who are so entrenched in the lie, still..... crazy town!

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May 20·edited May 20

People are entrenched in their lives. Period. Or better their HABITS! I WAN’ MY HABITS BACK MOMMY, WAAAAAAAAH…. Unbelievable.

Everyone is still spread all over the colonoscopy room, heartbreaking, 4 yrs in and all have chained themselves to them there FB, Google and Apple walls and benches, their tracking slabs tightly clasped, buried in their faces, nestled with their nuts or stuck with the girls. It’s hysteria around here when suggesting we start communicating outside the perimeter of the floodlight, add a little encryption just to piss the parasites off and leave the damn things at home here and there. Bill C63 folks, words buy you jail time, soon! May as well suggest they paddle down Niagara Falls. I am talking about the AWAKE, 😝! DAADDDYYY, DON’T TAKE MY TWOYS ARRRRRRRBRAAAHHH ! How do you change paradigms when people can’t find their way out of the sandbox? There is no will, there is no way.

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May 20·edited May 20

Likes is one thing, yes...... but I am talking about following a false prophet..... you know, Jonestown..... I hear you...I am from Canada and Bill C63 needs to be stopped and never spoken of again....

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why do you think all those cartoon hero movies made so much money?

Everyone wants a hero


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Energizer Cockroach is more like it

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I used to think he was really angry that their friends tried to kill him. Then I thought "why did he allow them to fool him and his fam?" Then I realized: "Ah, fanaticism! That explains it." He was never that angry. He's a team player.

And now I'm in the process of questioning that conclusion and finding something better.

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I think Steve is in the "Never revisit the decision" camp with possible other more personal motivations.

The Cancer Miracle story is ....so much planning.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I was listening to people speak about ultra subproject 112 (vocational studies in children), and all I could think of was wandering into a computer room as a kid. And that picture you always post of glazed eyes staring into the camera, head tilted slightly.

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And, you can only get the "cure" if you are fully jabbed.

"Ah, there's the jab."

With deference to William Shakespeare

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Rog, 99% sure that they set this up at the Good Club meetings in 2009.

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That financial crisis was the mother of all financial crises.

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I just read an article from Bill Rice, Jr cross posting from Transcriber b. She's showing a video of a lady embalmer, in 2022, talking about finding those calamari-like blood clots in 96% of her corpses. And Steve Kirsch was on there too! I Haven't watched the video yet. But thar was in '22! Has he brought up that subject since?! I told Bill that we should All be hammering All the large platformers to discuss this subject non-stop! This Is the smoking gun to finally get the shots stopped for good, in my opinion. Please, everyone, push this topic out everywhere. And I think we can tell who's real and who's not, just by their response (or no response). More and more embalmers are speaking out, so now is the time to push this and support them. Hospital surgeons are finding and removing these things in Live People too! They need our support to speak out also.

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Okay, sure, but this Jabs Bad thing has been going on for four years.

It's not an accident. They don't need more evidence.

It's an intentional cull. Bill is very normie.

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Yes, your right. But this subject has been held back more than others. Embalmers and surgeons have been afraid to speak out. Now they're finally getting the courage to do so, and we need to support them by requesting as many platforms as we can to bring this out to the public. I think this can help get the shots stopped, and that in itself will save so many people. Stop that part of the intentional cull anyways.

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IN 2024...


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Fear the power of the Steve


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It's everywhere but goes nowhere.... well, hang on...did you know there's MUSICAL in the works? YUP! That's right...we are WINNING!!!

Get your tickets now....before it's too late....don't be disappointed.....


Plandemic: The Musical is the final installment of the Plandemic series, the most seen independent movie series in history!

Plandemic: The Musical features an all-star cast of singers, dancers, jugglers, disco roller-skaters, mariachi bands, and more, plus cameos from real-life superheroes.


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Connect with the amazing people behind Plandemic: The Musical, and kick off the night with an unforgettable experience while enjoying refreshing beverages and hors d’oeuvres.


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JP Sears too…does he also sell TWC products?

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Anything is possible.....

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Sweet. Mariachi bands yes.

I should google translate my poetry and send to them

All I’d ask is to spot me the margaritas and chips & salsa

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🍹💃🎉🥳 🎺🎸

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May 20·edited May 20

Perfect. (Cringe). I said it in 2021: take what works so well, and turn it around. And everyone said: we are better than that. We are finally running aground with our lips in tatters, betting on the intellectual awakening and overestimated brain juice while emotions flow freely. Singers, dancers, jugglers, disco roller-skaters, mariachi bands and Sage’s chocolate marbled pink jellybeans. See? It’s a blast.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I’ve been busy plus the PGA Championship was this week (priorities!). You’ve been on fire and I’m just catching up. Two things: (1) thanks for the video with Uncle Clif High re: TWC (2) I remember as a baby lawyer the Bates vs Arizona State Bar case (late 70’s) that legalized lawyer adverts...it was a big deal here in Texas and I thought it demeaned the profession. But now I’m thinking: at least lawyers are not advertising/mandating/advocating a shot that will kill or maim you.

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It's indeed a positive thought that doctors have managed to sink themselves lower than ambulance chasers.

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Exactly that....*LIKE*

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

Day Tapes are great. I went back and started rereading Dave McGowan's research on the beggining of the Op back at the ramp up of the Vietnam "War". Like the Day Tapes - his research is documenting the M.O. of the very same monster we are facing today. It is all the same Op! For example, in the opening preface to the book, McGowan introduces us the fact that Lizard King hero of the hippie generation Jim Morrison was the son of the commanding officer involved in the Tonkin Gulf "incident" - which McGowan goes on to describe was perhaps the first false flag in history that was COMPLETELY MADE UP - where nothing actually happenned but they just pretended it did. SAME OP, SAME M.O., SAME CRIMINAL GANG AT THE CONTROLS.

link to Dave's book about the early rockn roll music scene - a must read for anyone who is ready to see the truth of what is going down;


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another aspect to the Laurel Canyon scene

"Every single piece of footage depicting a nuclear blast that has ever been seen by the American public was processed inside Lookout Mountain studios, a location with it’s own sordid history. Lookout Mountain was the world’s first completely self-contained movie studio, as Dave McGowan details in his book"

-Scipio Eruditus

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I'll say it like I've tweeted it: The fastest way to kill someone in a medical setting (including in an ambulance or via EMT) is with an injection.



https://sanityunleashed.substack.com/p/midazolam-usage-in-italy-in-spring (see also comments)

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May 19Liked by Sage Hana

I get to be first. Isn't it so amazing how this played out? Interacting with medical people is just like he said it would be. My doctors admit that they work for the insurance companies. I add that they work for the parasites in our government. I suppose they do take their orders from the insurance people because that bunch is bribing the politicians to give all the power to insurance people. Who are owned by the Monster. Who decides who gets killed off.

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They said what they were going to do and they did it.

Falsified Science.

Terrorism would be deployed.

New diseases would be created.

Medicine would be tightly controlled.

TVs and devices would listen to you.

Chips would go in bodies.

Money would be blips of computer signals.

Industry would move to China. Tech would stay in the US.

People would have to get used to change.

Population control. Permission to have babies.

Redirecting the purpose of Sex.

Books would disappear.

Euthanasia and the Demise Pill (Kanada)

And on and on and on...

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Fahrenheit 451.

I used to think well of the author.

Now I think he’s a Tavistocked as The Beatles.

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Predictive programming. That one bedded deep and pops up often in my guppy brain. And The Day Tapes play like The Illustrated Man.

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May 19Liked by Sage Hana

Did you ever write about how and where you heard The Day Tapes? I can't remember. If you hadn't heard them then your readers would not know of them. I'm so grateful that you did.

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Well in the posts a bit.

Someone linked them on some board, maybe Crispin Miller or ??? Can't remember.

And I clicked. And started listening and reading along. That was important. Both avenues to the brain together.

My jaw dropped. I had chills.

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After I read/listened, for the first time many a things in my life started to make sense.

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Thanks. BTW, I just read a post by Karen Kingston and it includes a commercial for TWC.

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Can't leave Karen a reply without a subscription was going to tell her to get out of TWC

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:: BURP ::

Excuse me.

Now would you please pass the Doritos.

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Much truth here.

I ran a Physician Recruiting company, at the turn of the century, as these corporate hospital systems would pay nice sums to recruit certain specialties to their service areas. They would front some cost for the incoming doctors and then ween them.

But they expected admissions and procedures in return. The ER’s, Anesthesia and Radiological services were usually subcontracted, and sometimes the Radiologist would build out patient imaging centers, which took away from the Corporate Hospitals’s bottoms line. They hated that.

I had a CEO gripe once, a year after recruiting an ENT, ‘that he was not doing as many surgeries as he would have liked.’ He was practicing conservative medicine, I would imagine.

So yes, there is a lot of this in the system. Back when Americans went to Church, Churches used to run Hospitals. If many of you remember, there was a Catholic Hospital, along with a Baptist, Methodist, a County Hospital, and possibly teaching Hospital.

But now that Brawndo, The Thirst Mutilator™️, Corporation came to your community, they have bought it all up, and it is indeed run as an assembly line of testing, procedures, surgeries and billing. The Billboards and Commercials about caring, and all of that, are just bullshit and window dressing. You will always find a Health System advertising at a Sporting Event, where there are legitimate sports injuries, and plenty of hot dogs and Cola.

Many hospitals run Fast Track ER™️ clinics, just so you will return there with your next stroke, so they can put you on a vent, and milk you dry.

It seems to me that returning to the Church Model might be best, as I have found the mission to be there more genuine, and the care as well. But Americans don’t go to Church any longer.

And if they do, it’s probably to something like Joel Olsteen’s, or some other, that does not run schools, nor orphanages, nor hospitals, and simply wants your money to ‘save you’ and bomb Muslims, and provide the preacher with a private jet.

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This is WILD!

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When I first listened to the Day Tapes over a year ago and read along with the transcript, I was haunted.

😮 A ghost was explaining all of it.

All. of. it.

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The entire profession of Medicine will need to be blown up entirely!

It has no role to play whatsoever in the post-war world.

Its use-by date has already come and gone!

The only discussion and actual work that needs to be done is what will replace it.

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This presupposes that the systems in play which are thoroughly entrenched including the blissful lack of awareness...will unravel.

And they might.

The "everything in place" I have deduced was the internet, which was imminent.

The surveillance and the money plans would rely on the internet.

Steve Kirsch was a 12-year old kid going to work for DARPA at this time.

How fucking wild is this world? I had never heard of Steve Kirsch before 2021.

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I never really heard of him until 2022.

Do you think the Internet will also need to be blown up in the post-war world?

Do its negatives outweigh the positives at this stage?

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Good question. And I am no Visionary and maybe I'll keep trampling up the back stretch and see the way out.

The way out that I keep coming back to is not: GOODNESS WILL PREVAIL and WE GOOD! which is the next big Hero Ball outsourced to the Sky Fairy but more pedestrian:

Their tech sucks and murdering the world is hard.

It's hard to keep everybody on the same page.

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What if I told you that nothing will be blown up?

More than half of the doctors ignore the truth. Many others are in favor of it. A very few number of them are against. It's a totally converged institution. It's life depends on the Monster's own life.

The only way is out!

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I would say in the last...two to three months after digging into IVM and kory and TWC that I saw a marked Zombie Shift.

I said last year that this deal would break everybody before it's over and it's coming to fruition.

We have new arrivals at JBI*2 and it seems to hold at a certain %.

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Yes. Correct. Kristin Elizabeth and Liam Sturgess did a lot of damage with their research.

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They did great work, and a lot of people began to grok.

My first real sign other than their damn banners being EVERYWHERE was listening to Shelby discuss DEW and THE WELLNESS COMPANY WAS DOWN HERE ....

me...::record scratch:: What?

So fast?

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It seems that maintaining the class system is primary and technology is the tool. Some classes deserve medical care and others don't, the bottom class just gets the expensive technology provided by the insurance companies and the doctor technicians.

An interesting history is the book

Rockefeller Medicine Men

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Is Jay Bhattacharya related in any way to Mrs. Sharmila Bhattacharya Ford (who married Alfred Ford the great-grandson of Henry Ford)? Yeah. This Ford. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1998/11/30/ford-and-gm-scrutinized-for-alleged-nazi-collaboration/80dde085-c4d7-49b8-811b-2f407667daa4/

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🤔 Oh my goodness.

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I am not 100% sure they are related. I just thought about them having the same last name...I am not saying it's a for sure thing. Just a weird thing.

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Related or not, Jay has been a very stealthy cull the olds Shot pusher.

I don't really view biology as destiny, or even background with the Monster as destiny, but at some point if a person cannot move with data, does it even matter?

Jay is the first person that I sorted out was protecting something, long before I was even on Stack. Branding is a helluva drug. He is there with De Santis and Weinstein 🙄 as a "reformer" for a reason.


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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I am reminded of a guest on the Dick Cavet show in the early 70s, he was pushing the Venus Project. Some guy from France. Like they have been waiting all these years to spring the trap.

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From 1968. One year before the Day Tapes presentation. (Which was recalled in 1988 and recorded for posterity as Lawrence Dunegan began to see the agendas coming to pass by then.)


There is another work called The Toronto Files which I am reading. Overlays. From 1967 ish.

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About Dick Cavet - remember the guest who slumped over in his seat and died? This guest was J.I. Rodale, the publisher of Prevention Magazine.

Yes, the irony of a guest who published a HEALTH magazine dying while taping a show would escape no one. Anyone else now think a heart attack gun was employed?

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I’m continually amazed this Dunegan fellow managed to remember all these things from a lecture sans notes after many years? What if he wrote it?

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The Ethical Skeptic!

Sure. I'm open to it.

Have you listened to them? He seems extremely credible. Esp. in his interviews.

As a McDonald's post this was my first task. Acting is hard. He does not seem to be acting.

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Yeah I mean in some sense it doesn’t matter. The floorplan seems to match the house we’re sitting in 40 or more depending years later.

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It only matters in the sense that it's a virtually bulletproof cheat code.

All of it is buttressed by other documents, events, WEF stated goals, DePop conferences, etc.

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It's a very good code, but I don't think they're at bulletproof yet. Too many holes in it still. I'm convinced that they pretty much know all the human weaknesses, but that's not all that humans are about.

I do expect that they are learning some things though, such as how ridiculous they look pretending to be regular people. Example at the link.


But I don't think they'll ever understand the humor behind it. Or any humor for that matter.

So I very much appreciate your gallows humor on my (so far figuratively), march to the gallows. And if it comes to a forced march to a real gallows at some point at least I will have laughed along the way.

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So for the other Q yes I’ve listened, but not as deep as you certainly (prolly once overall but nonsequentially). Where are the bits that haven’t happened or haven’t happened yet?

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Okay. I have to ask about one thing that has been troubling me.

How many of us were recording lectures in 1969?

I was a HS senior.

All I had was a Teac Reel-to-Reel.

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They were instructed not to record the presentation.

"When I heard first that, I thought maybe that was sort of an ego trip, somebody enhancing his own importance. But as the revelations unfolded, I began to understand why he might have had some concern about not having it widely known what was said, although this .. although this was a fairly public forum where he was speaking, (where the) remarks were delivered.

But, nonetheless, he asked that no notes be taken .. no tape recording be used: suggesting there might be some personal danger to himself if these revelations were widely publicized. Again, as the remarks began to unfold, and saw the rather outrageous things that were said .. at that time they certainly seemed outrageous ..

I made it a point to try to remember as much of what he said as I could, and during the subsequent weeks and months, and years, to connect my recollections to simple events around me .. both to aid my memory for the future, in case I wanted to do what I'm doing now - record this. And also, to try to maintain a perspective on what would be developing, if indeed, it followed the predicted pattern - which it has!

At this point, so that I don't forget to include it later, I'll just include some statements that were made from time to time throughout the presentation. .. just having a general bearing on the whole presentation. One of the statements was having to do with change. People get used .. the statement was, "People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they'll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent"

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana

I understand. And I have read/listened-to 1,2,3,4.

The "prescience" is stunning.

But I just can't figure out why he (Day) even thought that anyone there had the tools necessary to record anything.

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May 20Liked by Sage Hana


👆” The Cassette Tape, or Compact Cassette, was first developed by the Philips company in 1962 in Belgium. Philips released the invention to Europe at the Berlin Radio Show on August 30, 1963; the invention was released in the United States in November of next year.”

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Yet there are some "misses" in the Day material - I have read only "1" - and recall a few misses - e.g. that the "summer vacation" model of public education would end - that "life long learning" would be emphasized. These were items that were widely discussed in the 1960s - summer vacation was a clear miss - and life long learning is merely fluff - yeah - so what? - " " phases occur in the Day tapes (1) verbatim.

Let us champion a culture of honest inquiry - go back - go through Day again - and ask yourself: - what did he get wrong? - what was less than revelatory? etc - the stuff about doctors no longer being sole, independent practitioners was also being widely and openly discussed by the 1980s at least.

I am not saying the material is not of considerable interest and extremely suggestive ... but it is (probably) not quite the Rosetta Stone of inquiry.

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I thought I heard him somewhere say that he was scribbling things down on napkins (pretty sure they had paper ones by then - and paper coasters). Plus medicos were early users of voice recorders (cos their script writing has always been atrocious). These medicos were also paediatricians so, presumably, were used to listening to stories from kids (and making notes afterwards). And much of the insanity that I have watched unfold since since 1968 slots into the Day Tape scenario like a glove.

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He couldn’t anyway — in principle all were told to not take notes. Must’ve had Sage memory

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I’se weren’t borned yet. But I know stuff happened then

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Twas but a wee bairn me’self

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May 20·edited May 20

The question though is how much the parasites directly control the carriage, and to what extent we, by virtue of human psychology, inadvertently braid our own rope. Be it greed, natural competition, avoidance of personal pain (regardless the collatoral detriment) etc, etc. Climate lie has become a self-powered sled after the provision of a fertile new horizon to entrepreneurs flocking to make their fortune. This ‘gold rush’ will subside -eventually- but not for reasons of one, a group, or even nation saying ‘gold is overrated’.

What has kept super-surges in check to date were regional, or limited nation entries (wars), the rest staying in their tracks, and we just get to find out what transpires when it involves the global collectivism.

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he may have been selected to do exactly what he did, but he was not acting

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Medical doctors often develop a very good memory for detailed stories. Probably even more before computers. So it's not impossible he jotted everything down in his hotel room or on the way home. And then he waited and did some research, before drafting the scriptfor his talks and interviews.

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There is no such thing as "medicine ". There is only health.

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David Icke - like him or hate him - said early on that it wasn't the "virus" that was killing people, but the shots. And a pertinent recent post from Forrest Malone, worldwide jetsetter who - apparently - even w/a stable of thoroughbreds and multi-million $ farm in VA - considers the "elites" to be a group that doesn't include him.


May 18

Lots of us want to talk about what happened during the pandemic - the elites just don't want to hear what we have to say... Particularly Bill Gates, who needs to get out of the pandemic response industry. He has done much more harm than good while profiting enormously -by...

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Medicine was captured by money. Federal money. Medicare intrusion bought doctors and hospitals. Rules were made or passed that no fees could be charged that were any different than that of medicare which controlled charges. Therefore, no free or reduced care for the poor. Medicare makes up over 50% of medical costs so it rules. At retirement age, everyone can only have medicare and maybe a supplemental insurance. Do you see freedom anywhere here

Add lawers who will sue for any deviations from the AMA standard of care (covid, breast biopsies, vaccines, etc.) and any dissenters are eliminated. Licensing boards will force compliance as will insurance providers.

It is all a plan and it has been established. Dr. Day could see this power behind the thrown.

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Here’s SWEET, INNOCENT Dr. M telling Trump how to lie 🤥 his way out of Operation Warp Speed:


If it’s so easy to tell others how to do it…

(Yeah, I know, VNN)

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