Sep 14·edited Sep 14Pinned

**Full video should be up now**

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Paying users of substack and authors alike all support the costs of the bandwidth, the servers, the software development, the security, the salaries, the profits, and the absence of annoying ads. We pay to not have ads which is an imperfect but good enough solution.

We have a somewhat safe (but not private) space to complain about the scorpionicity of the scorpions.

Not bad.

But the video thingy could improve.

And it would be great to have more options for payment processors.

And the company should present all best selling authors a stash of IVM and generic fishvoxamine and graphenated gummy bears as a Christmas present.

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You funny, Rog! 😹

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Thnx for posting Barbara Honegger presentation , btw her book is still in the CIA electronic reading room. Totally forgot about Carl Schmitt past few years when discussing neoCons Trotsky & the red army come up more often.

They really took everything nasty under the sun.

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Thank you. Thus far, your observations and analyses have coincided the most of all the truthseekers and truthtellers out there with mine. (We might both be wrong on some things, but maybe not by much.)

I am still listening to Matthew Tower on Kim Iversen's Show. She's still a bit skeptical (but haven't finished it all yet).

Aaron Russo's death was suspicious. Just like so many others.

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Tower is an enigma.

He was on Reinnette Seinum and made some imminent predictions about a CyberCrash scenario complete with timelines, and I had a very nagging feeling that he was poisoning his own well.

The predictions did not happen, clearly.

Forgive me, but I'm also dubious about anyone who is "ex-Zionist", or "ex-IDF" or "ex-CIA" and so forth.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

it's important to remain skeptical- so many of these sources prove out to be ops running us in circles

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Haha! Your last statement I tend to agree with, too: The man doth protest too much, indeed. There's always that little niggling doubt about them.

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Anyone speaking publicly, or wants to get a message to a large audience must establish some creds. Whether truth or fabrication. Those ex labels can do that if they got nothing else or want to short circuit the whole building domain expertise thing. Domain background can also be invented obviously. It also reinforces the manifestation of those agencies. Spidey senses bristle and wise to have the bullshit flag ready.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Yes , Aaron Russo (RIP) wonderful human being & citizen of the Republic.

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Yes, Aaron Russo was a true hero, I remember during the early 2000's, the 9/11 truth movement used to have rallies and everyone gave out copies of Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism (all about the banker takeover, and how there's no law that requires us to pay federal income taxes).

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you as always ❤️‍🩹I love your work opening eyes 👁️👁️your another hero at keepin’ truth alive my friend ✌️🥰🙏thanks no pay wall I don’t have it so… feeling blessed

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Never saw Honegger’s presentation. Thanks for the new insights, Sage. A dynamo. I have a feeling she sleep-walks.

It’s the same damn curve, every op. Sure there’s only a handful of lizards at the top. But the truth is that all that smouldering evil wouldn’t make it past conception if it wasn’t for the herd of amoral lip-locked and yup, ice-cubed assholes among us happy to implement and blow up their neighbours and peers for a job. Ultimately, this is the problem. Even if we for once managed to roast some lizards - how elusive- the zombies would find their way straight to the next hive to give it hands and legs. For what? What’s the ultimate pay-off for selling out ? Not even a dog bed in the bunker.

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BRK7_2 I wish more people would speak like this - of course the lizards at the top could do NOTHING without the common socio/psycho-paths-next-door. These are the ones who need to be revealed.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

Everyone’s attention is at the top of the pyramid, while a grand hi-jacking of our local governments is perpetrated. The power of local governments - and this is the level within our direct reach and with distinct powers - is assimilated by the state under the ruse of ‘collaboration for the greater good’. Local government legislation is being rewritten to steal our civil rights and port our personal powers into international control. The mind warp of our mayors to suddenly see themselves as an international instrument couldn’t be further from their local mandate. The frog is fully boiled when our local governments fall.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

You are so spot-on on this! My little local town seems to be a spear point for this. We are being flooded with two-bit professional activists tasked with carrying out Agenda 2030. It’s not entirely clear why we were chosen for this role. It may have just been serendipity as one lizard saw its opportunity to get elected mayor when the population was entirely asleep. And then went on to bring in a whole horde of other reptiles to load up the city council and various commissions. People are fighting back, though, so the outcome is still far from certain at this point.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

This agenda is such a slow creep. When I was a city council reporter in the mid 80s Western Canada I noticed an increasing emphasis on the Greater Regional District, the same kind of unelected body as the EU, albeit on a tiny scale. I noticed politicians grumbling about it and lots of small initiatives and 'stakeholder workshops' nudging toward what I now recognize as Agenda 21. The interesting thing in retrospect is how hard it was to figure out what was going on. They completely coopted every discussion, replacing normal language with their own buzzwords until most of us forgot about the way things had been before. Again in retrospect, it was so easy for them to take over.

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Thanks for adding color to this, Seafox. Any of us involved in local politics need to be comparing notes so we can be prepared for the methods being used and compare what is the most effective at thwarting them. Ever since the Vietnam War I understood that national and state politics are dead end cul de sacs as far as any change is concerned. At the local level, however, there is a chance to at least throw sand, or even a wrench, in the gears. And at the same time meet other likeminded, or ready to become likeminded, people. I'm working on the campaign for mayor, as we have a very good candidate, but I worry about the vote fraud. Does anyone have suggestions on how to prevent or minimize that?

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Thanks Tom T. I thought I did the right thing when moving to a hamlet full of back-to-the-landers, grassroots, hands-in-the-dirt people. But woha, they fell head first into the centralization plot and now are surgically attached to the grant infusion which replaced self-reliance. And do everything in their power to maintain a) infusion b) the swell feeling of virtue c) their grip over their neighbour’s lives.

Haha, all the while screeching about capitalism. The UN OP’s heavy use of Public Private Partnerships and local non-profits set the stage while local govts could point to local ‘stakeholders’. Like this organization here training members how to infiltrate and control local government. D e t a i l e d. https://www.climatecaucus.ca/resources/climate-caucus-handbook#manual .

The parasitic scum has long ago devised detailed plans on how to divvy up the land-base once the surviving cattle are mass migrated and corralled into compact pens. A tremendous warrior flagging the full scale resource inventories taking place all the way back in early 2000 was Rosa Koire, RIP, The Green Mask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8-bcAwc28s which now is taking shape in the landscape under Canada 30x30 and USA 15x15 embedded with UNDRIP. Sage perfectly illustrates the implementation of key UN installations taking shape in Hawaii, Gaza, and Ukraine, which are identified on ICLEI’s maps

ICLEI: :::: ICLEI is considered a bridging organization, playing important roles in knowledge sharing and in intermediation processes between local initiatives and regulatory actors. It has recognized the significance of cities for urban sustainability and helped to support their activities for over three decades.

As of 2020, more than 1,750 cities, towns, counties, and their associations in 126 countries are a part of the ICLEI network. As of 2023, over 2,500 cities towns and regions were listed as members. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICLEI

ICLEI now has more than 20 offices around the world. The ICLEI World Secretariat is located in Bonn, Germany.

The United States branch, ICLEI USA, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization of the international organization of the same name. The U.S. office opened formally in 1995. ICLEI USA's Executive Office is based in Denver, Colorado. U.S. local government members include cities, towns, and counties of all sizes, from New York City and Los Angeles County to Dubuque, Iowa, Austin, Texas, Oberlin, Ohio and Burlington, Vermont.

ICLEI supports Agenda 21, from which it developed the Local Agenda 21 (LA21) framework for use by local governments. ICLEI's Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide (1996) discusses formation of "partnerships, community-based issue analysis, action planning, implementation and monitoring, and evaluation and feedback."

ICLEI provides oversight for the Compact of Mayors, a global coalition of city leaders founded to address climate change at the local level, as well as acting as the focal point for the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency, which has represented networks of local and regional governments at the UNFCCC process since 1995.

ICLEI is a democratic organization whose governing bodies are the ICLEI Council and the Global Executive Committee (GexCom), two groups of local leaders elected by ICLEI Members every three years.. The ICLEI Council is formed by elected members from the Regional Executive Committees (RexCom) for the ICLEI regions. As of 2023, these are Africa; East Asia; Europe; Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean; North America (Canada and the USA); Oceania; South America; South Asia; and Southeast Asia.

One representative from each RexCom is then elected as a regional representative to the ICLEI Global Executive Committee (GexCom), along with portfolio holders who are elected to the GexCom by the members of the ICLEI Council based on their thematic expertise. The ICLEI GexCom and Council have the power to represent ICLEI on the global stage and steer the organization by setting ICLEI global strategy and policies.:::::::

Does anyone here vote in this selection? Even heard of them? Seeing they are ‘democratically’ steering our lives right down to the local mayor level? No? Focused on WEF up there? Maybe interesting to compare major destabilization events with their landscape of subscribers.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

I remember Rosa saying years ago that every community everywhere has a 'sustainable development plan' that some government slipped in before anyone knew what was happening. Look up your town, she said, and you'll find it.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to >>improve human lives and protect the environment.<<

The claim was made that >>Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs << - - The premise is that our solar system and planet are static, predictable and finite environments - which we know is false. The same simplistic ideology leads to the concepts of global overpopulation and today’s version of climate change. Incidentally, when countries signed into this falsehood they also signed into >>Land ownership by the commoners was unsustainable for the planet and that all resources must be assimilated and managed by UN agencies<< So, this is the drive we currently are on, pedal to the metal, while keeping us brain-boxed in terror as we watch the major war crimes and land theft in Gaza, Ukraine and Hawaii. Nothing whatsoever of course to do with sustainability. By around 2000 they started to systematically indoctrinate bureaucrats right down to our local fronts and by 2007 PPP and not-for-profits started to infiltrate local government positions to ratify charters and commitments to upcoming UN SDGs. They are coming for our property and everything we think we own.

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My home town is not listed as an ICLEI member, but I have been aware for a few years that under our former mayor a clause was inserted into the city general plan regarding climate change, sustainability, etc. which was probably lifted directly from ICLEI. I spend time in another municipality here in California which, though it is small, is an ICLEI member community. And it shows in their city council policies. San Diego City, near to me, is a member. These people are very well organized. If more hoomans don't wake up it will be checkmate.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

The only thing snapping whomever is still dormant (the 85%) into reality is when everything is queued and they are coming for everything privately owned. Everything. Mortgages and insurances will play a major role.

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Sorry, looong. But that’s the starting point. Take your local governments back.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

BRK, Thanks for all this info! I am quite aware of the heroine Rosa Koire. I've read The Green Mask and watched four of the videos of her incredible speeches. Her untimely death to lung cancer was another in the long list of scorpion fortuitous deaths. Funny how these pesky people are prone to very difficult to treat solid cell cancers?

This info on the ICLEI was great, BRK. A little overwhelming, but it explains so much of how these reptiles are organized.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

I've been watching this in my small city. Very liberal, all in on the carbon zero stuff. I think they are gearing up for 15 minute cities with the way they are developing land. They don't say so publicly but it's clear.

They spend money oddly, not fixing roads, but doing other stuff that is not needed. It's about bicycle transportation, or walking. They take over more and more functions and do it poorly. Then money goes missing from a part of the budget and they can't fathom how it happened. And on and on.

They've beat out other more sober candidates and seem to have an enormous amount of money for campaigning, given the potential salaries, etc. Fishy all the way.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

Their website will be telling when you see the cookie-cutter Climate Action Plan, Transportation Plan, new climate Building Code addendum for new construction (and soon mandated upgrades to existing), annual carbon emission reporting, Flood/Fire/Slide danger zone mapping and a raft more. All blueprints, same chapters, same BS, already woven into your village or city plan and when asked they lie in your face claiming it was all conceived locally.

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Sep 15Liked by Sage Hana

They will say it was developed with input from the "stakeholders." I've heard that word from them for a long time. I assumed I was a stakeholder, but obviously not.

They will have public comment periods where you have to show up in person, at night. This is a hardship for many people, who have jobs and children. In any case, I've seen over and over how they ignore this "input."

This is always true where they develop things with public input. If the input goes along with their plan, they will make a big deal about how responsive they are. If not, it will be ignored and become invisible.

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The local ‘stakeholders’ replacing your voice are mostly non-local Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) using local non-profit organizations, universities, unions etc. siphoning from PPP grant streams to act as their hangout sign. PPPs monetize the cult, incentivize elected officials and install their self-serving ideology in our legal and bureaucratic framework. That’s how it goes, so for a shocking many of your local officials YOU are merely a stick in the wheels for their hijacked ideas how they want to manage you and their own aspirations. Go be that stick, make it a fencepost, Katie.

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Agreed - it's certainly happening in my city and it seems like everywhere else in N.America and Europe.

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I give Sage credit for mentioning Christopher Bollyn who dared to write a book about 9/11which was way against the script but far closer to the truth. Heroes like Chris are often the ones who oppose official narratives and expose the lie by presenting a more factual research-based truth which only a small minority of people will come to understand.

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The Great Leaving has begun. 70% of Americans are double jabbed. The ten year survival may be close to zero. 35% is 100 million people. Now, it has been predicted for many years that 2 different realities would exist on earth in the same space-time, but eventually they frequencies would split apart... the Great Leaving as I call it. Those that can't benefit from the new paradigm on our orb will be leaving - call it the reverse rapture if you will. 2025 will be a very, very difficult year for many. The good news the Deep State will be destroyed.

PS... my book just came out:


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Nailed it with this one Sage. Maybe it's just that my summer child brain has to be pounded to the point it resembles a chicken fried steak. Unavoidable process to becoming a Hammer (ed head)? Thanks for the Barbara H vid. Anyway, this Hammer begins to resonate. Allegiance to sky fairies appears fraught with psychopathy. Assembly of summer children and hammers religious, political, whatever ain't happening without their attendant psychopaths. Way of the world ;~(

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"Thank you for hanging out as we try to survive the culmination of decades of planning coming to fruition."

I am most enjoying our hang. Can't imagine where else I'd be. Oh! The cicadas are done roasting. Another round, my liege?

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Candace Owens is being crucified for her exposures of the Zionist project and specifically her brilliant take-down of the demonic Rabbi Schmulli or however you spell his name. And on the other end of things there was so-called "historian" Daryl Cooper, (saying the mass deaths under Hitler were "accidental") with Sucker Carlson just lapping it up like an idiot.

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Sep 14Liked by Sage Hana

I don’t think you’re a sucker when you are in on the conspiracy. Tucker Carlson, heir to Swanson’s Foods fortune, son to CIA Voice of America CEO Richard Carlson, is more than a bit player in the plan to enslave us.

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Candace has been doing a great job exposing the Zionist mafia that works behind the scenes to keep celebrities, the rap music industry, and even conservative influencers all under control. She also did a great job with Rabbi Barkley (something like that)

I never bothered to watch that interview w/Tucker and Cooper b/c I already looked into the truth about the world wars--we have been lied to about EVERYTHING, including the world wars (the propaganda didn't start w/Vietnam or Iraq, it's been going on forever).

Organized Jewry and the Rothschild banking cartel won the world wars. Everything in our history has been orchestrated as part of their JWO, to get all nations under control with their central bank scam (debt-based fiat money scam/debt slavery), and to set up world govt (in process NOW).

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I get JBI*1 vs Fauci vibes off all that TBH. Not sure what that means

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The point is whether I CAN join the Zionists, or not. Is it open membership? I mean, if you had a CHOICE, and chose the wrong side, can you blame the other side, that you didn't choose, because you chose wrong? That is the question.

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“Decades”? More like centuries, no? Even possibly a few millennia.

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Luckily for those of us with normal moral sensibilities, we are making progress in identifying the attributes of the Persistent Predatory Personalities. I am heartened by this encouraging report:


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