"President Donald Trump will tour damage on Friday caused by wildfires in Los Angeles on Friday as he continues to feud with California Gov. Gavin Newsom over his handling of the disaster and federal aid."
One sentence with premises established. There is the trick. This is the sauce reduced, made easy.
This is the general template for the magic trick. Replace the threat matrix and the characters and you have the magic trick for every Operation that you wish to deploy.
President Blank will visit (pandemic zone caused by spreading virus) and continues to feud with (opposite party Governor/Senator) over whether to mandate lockdowns or herd-culling gene editing shots or the censorship of discussion on the science or etc....
Topics that will not be discussed as the party lines feud goes on and on each *event and the response.
1. Can the United States Government control the weather? As in Operation Popeye in Vietnam and as the United States Air Force predicted the capability in 1996?
2. Does the United States Government and other World States have access to weaponry that can launch fires, Directed Energy Weapons or otherwise? This could be deployed in conjunction with, not in opposition to, designated arsonists.
So I will point out that Trump is walking a tightrope, very much like Malone and *The Science* anointed pushback crew on Kovid like Bhattacharya now have to walk.
They have to parse this.
You pulled out of Paris Climate Accord.
So since CLIMATE CHANGE is ALWAYS LISTED AS THE CAUSE of the varying weather EVENTS, incl. North Carolina, where you are headed next.
Now, NOW, if you are about intellectual integrity, NOW you must look at new fire anomalies and new hurricane anomalies.
It is the most basic, logical question.
He is dancing on the edge of the cliff here but only for a very small subset of critical thinkers not seduced by Pro Wrestling theater.
Instead of looking at the anomalies, he will quickly introduce SOLUTIONS. These solutions will be actions they had in mind all along.
For example, gutting the agencies that people have been taught (via media) to identify as the problem. Or the laws against red dyes in froot loops will be brought in while they gut the (useful) aspects of the FDA. (Food safety, I know is a joke, but without some inspections it may get worse.) Or the FDA will be used to close down all the chicken processing and won't have time for inspections of dangerous conditions in processing plants. etc etc etc
He's a businessman, after all. They are known for SOLVING PROBLEMS. They use the ready, fire, aim approach. So we have DBS (dolts. . .). But since everything he touches turns to gold, people won't notice what he's done. Only some DBS, MWM (mistakes. . .)
A combination Klaus Schwab and Grover "Drown the government in a bathtub" Norquist. "National sovereignty" without any actual "nation." Overseen by a global billionaire class (making use of local militias, I mean "militaries.") Voila.
"Topics that will not be discussed as the party lines feud goes on and on each *event and the response."
This is great.
Has a real arsonist ever been isolated and purified?
Has a real DEW ever been isolated and purifies?
Now... why I clown these questions? Because the clown is the best epistemologist. Or, like the ironist called Socrates, who used sophistry against sophist, he discovered that what we know as epistemology, or the study of what is real, is simply asking the right questions.
Isolation and purification are the right questions when searching for a singular pathogenic germ. But, what are the right questions on the case of mass murder by the means of fires, hurricanes, floods, giant water waves, volcano eruptions, earthquakes?
Who done it? Who profits?
What evidence is there, in the LA fires in particular, of laser rays attacking from a long distance? Do the surviving objects and constructions painted in blue or white constitute evidence?
What evidence is there of arsonists? Peter Duke played a video of some guys chasing an "Iranian looking guy" with a blow torch. He rapidly said that particular video was a misdirection by spies to pin this on Syria or Iran or something.
So, he thinks it's arson, but not by Muslims.
Who has the motive, the means, and the opportunity?
A big housing block of 12 stories and 400 homes has no separation between apartments. If one burns, maybe the whole thing burns. But separated property ought to be more difficult to burn down. There is a lot of space, free of fuel, between the homes.
And the videos (it's difficult to trust video) show that the houses burned from the inside. WEIRD!
But some people saved their houses by hosing water... WEIRD!
The Passover effect: In Egypt, God sent the angel of death. He would take the firstborn of each house, but not on the houses marked by the red blood of the lamb.
A differential element that makes an unstoppable force stop.
Same with virus. Those marked with the color of the vaccine will be spared by the magic virus from CHYNAAAA!
A differential element.
Blue things don't DEW. Why Blue? Any kind of blue, or only the warm range of blue shades?
Blue like Microsoft?
What about the other question? Why do we always assume it's ONLY ONE THING?
It seems possible that Trump is well aware of the evil deeds behind all the bs going on. And maybe that's why he halted all communication within the CDC, FDA, etc is because he knows they were going to try and propogandized another "virus" into existence.
"President Donald Trump will tour damage on Friday caused by wildfires in Los Angeles on Friday as he continues to feud with California Gov. Gavin Newsom over his handling of the disaster and federal aid."
One sentence with premises established. There is the trick. This is the sauce reduced, made easy.
*feud with Newsom
over the response to the *wildfires
This is the general template for the magic trick. Replace the threat matrix and the characters and you have the magic trick for every Operation that you wish to deploy.
President Blank will visit (pandemic zone caused by spreading virus) and continues to feud with (opposite party Governor/Senator) over whether to mandate lockdowns or herd-culling gene editing shots or the censorship of discussion on the science or etc....
Threat assumed and characterized.
Fight over the response.
My dad's words continue to echo in my head....."Listen to what they are NOT saying, for that is where the truth will be found."
The omissions.
US Gubmint vs The People.
US Gub: Check / AI installed as main infrastructure to watch over the Board*
And the crowd is delirious !!!!!
Chants in unison.
Surveil us harder Daddy Surveil us harder Daddy Surveil us harder Daddy
*The peeps and pawns.
Quote of the day!
Topics that will not be discussed as the party lines feud goes on and on each *event and the response.
1. Can the United States Government control the weather? As in Operation Popeye in Vietnam and as the United States Air Force predicted the capability in 1996?
2. Does the United States Government and other World States have access to weaponry that can launch fires, Directed Energy Weapons or otherwise? This could be deployed in conjunction with, not in opposition to, designated arsonists.
Short and sweet! Finally a name to what we are “living in a daily basis”, The Threat Matrix. 💗🙏🏼
Precisely. All about fallout, ignore questions of cause. But if Larry Ellison comes, too, things will be solved.
So I will point out that Trump is walking a tightrope, very much like Malone and *The Science* anointed pushback crew on Kovid like Bhattacharya now have to walk.
They have to parse this.
You pulled out of Paris Climate Accord.
So since CLIMATE CHANGE is ALWAYS LISTED AS THE CAUSE of the varying weather EVENTS, incl. North Carolina, where you are headed next.
Now, NOW, if you are about intellectual integrity, NOW you must look at new fire anomalies and new hurricane anomalies.
It is the most basic, logical question.
He is dancing on the edge of the cliff here but only for a very small subset of critical thinkers not seduced by Pro Wrestling theater.
Instead of looking at the anomalies, he will quickly introduce SOLUTIONS. These solutions will be actions they had in mind all along.
For example, gutting the agencies that people have been taught (via media) to identify as the problem. Or the laws against red dyes in froot loops will be brought in while they gut the (useful) aspects of the FDA. (Food safety, I know is a joke, but without some inspections it may get worse.) Or the FDA will be used to close down all the chicken processing and won't have time for inspections of dangerous conditions in processing plants. etc etc etc
He's a businessman, after all. They are known for SOLVING PROBLEMS. They use the ready, fire, aim approach. So we have DBS (dolts. . .). But since everything he touches turns to gold, people won't notice what he's done. Only some DBS, MWM (mistakes. . .)
A combination Klaus Schwab and Grover "Drown the government in a bathtub" Norquist. "National sovereignty" without any actual "nation." Overseen by a global billionaire class (making use of local militias, I mean "militaries.") Voila.
Alas, intellectual integrity pertaining to DJT? None, until proven otherwise.
The "Science|"
Larry already looks trans-human... Or trans... so hard to tell.
He may be augmented, who knows? Sure.
His gynaecologist?
Standing in front of my monitor, clapping!
Hear! Hear!
"Topics that will not be discussed as the party lines feud goes on and on each *event and the response."
This is great.
Has a real arsonist ever been isolated and purified?
Has a real DEW ever been isolated and purifies?
Now... why I clown these questions? Because the clown is the best epistemologist. Or, like the ironist called Socrates, who used sophistry against sophist, he discovered that what we know as epistemology, or the study of what is real, is simply asking the right questions.
Isolation and purification are the right questions when searching for a singular pathogenic germ. But, what are the right questions on the case of mass murder by the means of fires, hurricanes, floods, giant water waves, volcano eruptions, earthquakes?
Who done it? Who profits?
What evidence is there, in the LA fires in particular, of laser rays attacking from a long distance? Do the surviving objects and constructions painted in blue or white constitute evidence?
What evidence is there of arsonists? Peter Duke played a video of some guys chasing an "Iranian looking guy" with a blow torch. He rapidly said that particular video was a misdirection by spies to pin this on Syria or Iran or something.
So, he thinks it's arson, but not by Muslims.
Who has the motive, the means, and the opportunity?
A big housing block of 12 stories and 400 homes has no separation between apartments. If one burns, maybe the whole thing burns. But separated property ought to be more difficult to burn down. There is a lot of space, free of fuel, between the homes.
And the videos (it's difficult to trust video) show that the houses burned from the inside. WEIRD!
But some people saved their houses by hosing water... WEIRD!
The Passover effect: In Egypt, God sent the angel of death. He would take the firstborn of each house, but not on the houses marked by the red blood of the lamb.
A differential element that makes an unstoppable force stop.
Same with virus. Those marked with the color of the vaccine will be spared by the magic virus from CHYNAAAA!
A differential element.
Blue things don't DEW. Why Blue? Any kind of blue, or only the warm range of blue shades?
Blue like Microsoft?
What about the other question? Why do we always assume it's ONLY ONE THING?
Guess that chemtrails will be absent in those locations.
I wonder if they are dropping different treats in each chemtrail batch all over the world.
It seems possible that Trump is well aware of the evil deeds behind all the bs going on. And maybe that's why he halted all communication within the CDC, FDA, etc is because he knows they were going to try and propogandized another "virus" into existence.
Just a wafer thin tweak of the Hegellian dialectic... C'mon, it's only wafer thin...
Maybe Trump has been told that he won’t have to dance on the edge for very long. Just long enough.
Yeah, the madness of this whole time frame feels like everybody just running out the clock until ???
they cut the electric grid? Drop the nukes?
Maybe it’s tied to “alien” disclosure timeline - at this point I’m open to all possibilities
And absolutely nothing about this new A.I. FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM?
Have you ever heard George Webb, say (in jest?) "I hope all my kids are IDF" or something to this effect?
Apparently as a joke way to trumpet, "LISTEN I'M NOT ANTISEMITIC...I HOPE ALL MY KIDS ..."
Very much like Jimmy Dore used to "joke", "I will sell out if you pay me $30m a month like Rachel Maddow"...
Heh heh..
George has Trump"assignation attempt" all figured out......LOL!!!
Was it Israel?
It's a long story, over 19 parts, behind a pay wall. I read the first one and that was enough!
So there was a Live fire detection Exercise going on at the same time as the palisades fire??? Sounds familiar