Sage, looking at this as the staged production that it was, I finally figured out what went wrong, and they had a HUGE problem.

The shooter was not shooting.

For whatever reason, the shooter was not shooting when he was supposed to. Which is why the Secret Service stood around for 5 minutes pretending NOT to hear the crowd shouting "THERE'S A SHOOTER ON THE ROOF!" while no one attempted to arrest or disarm the guy.

Because the shooter was not shooting.

So instead, they shot the shooter.

Trump's cue was to drop on the first shot. Which he did. Except as the videos show, the first shots were now going from the Secret Service sniper firing in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION from the stage.

After that everything went as planned, the makeup artist disguised as a Secret Service agent got the blood on (albeit poorly). The Secret Service moved the photographers from the back of the stage to the front so they could get the photos. And then the Secret Service broke protocol and staged Trump so he could fist-pump the audience and get The Money Shot.

If the shooter HAD shot when he was supposed to, it would have gone off perfectly. The shooter would shoot his blanks, the sniper would shoot the shooter, and Trump would triumphantly stand and fist-pump the crowd.

But for whatever reason, the shooter was not shooting, so they were forced to adjust, and that's where I think it went sideways. And that's why the first shots come from the Secret Service sniper, NOT the shooter, as scripted.

A HUGE screwup.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

you mean a yuuuuuge screwup

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Interesting analysis. Consider how the following fits into it though:

- the setup was so obvious that people noticed (local police and rallygoers) well in advance and long before the shooter was in position

- the setup (being that obvious) would raise too many questions and invite too much raw witness footage (harder to take down/eliminate after the fact than if you control all the recordings)

- the setup would inevitably involve Congress and the whole shit show going on now with Cheatle given the complete break with protocol (maybe you argue Trump doesn't give a rip about USSS or Biden's appointed minions and I could see that... but if this was all staged you would think they'd do a better job of protecting the USSS so as not to completely decimate it)

- if the shooter was intended to shoot "blanks" then what killed the man directly behind Trump (Comperatore)? And what critically wounded the two others that were also in the same line of fire? (I'm open to the idea USSS was shooting from inside the building below Crooks or whoever he was, but then that negates the "Trump staged it" idea since Trump wouldn't sign up for live bullets whizzing past his head)

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After these fake shootings Thoughtful, the alleged "victims" are often found with new names and identities, living down the street from Christa McAuliffe and the other NOT DEAD members of the Challenger Space Shuttle crew.

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The photo of the shooter was LOL funny. Dried caked on purple blood coming from his mouth and ear, as if he had been baking out in the sun for three or four hours. But he was allegedly shot around 615 pm.

And oh by the way, where is the body and what about the funeral?

And when will we be getting the ballistic report from the 7-8 bullets?

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I am def leaning towards the idea that the whole thing was staged. From the moment the first videos and “iconic photos” were released I was suspicious.

But… explain to me why the challenger explosion was faked. Who benefits (Cui bono?)

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That was a zillion years ago before everyone on the planet carried around a supercomputer in their pockets with unlimited internet.

I'm not saying it's impossible to stage all of this... but you could probably start looking up the attendees and finding real people living real lives real quick. If less than 100% of the people there were non-crisis-actors, then your theory has a big hole. More and more video will out... There are only so many makeup artists with bags of concealed "blood" they could squeeze into this place... and I suppose the ricochet of bullet casings on bleachers is also Hollywood-style special effects. Guessing all those local law enforcement peeps are staged actors too... been acting out their whole lives for 40....50 years just to get to this one event.


Seems like a lot of mental work to get to that conclusion. Truth is probably simpler.

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Yes Thoughtful, the Truth is simple.

The first shot came from the Secret Service sniper.

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Which one? And is that the shot that got Trump? Or was Trump not shot? I think I'm not sure what your theory is at this point.



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If you want to look into this more from the crisis actor standpoint I'd recommend the YouTube video "Roll Up, Roll Up the Trump Circus is in Town". That's an examination of the actors directly behind Trump. For footage of the supposedly shot firefighter see "Trump Assassination B S - CASE CLOSED!!!!!" and "I've Got the Tea Bag All I Need Is Water." These videos convinced me more than everything else that this was totally fake and trying to figure it out was a waste of my time.

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I'm not finding the YT video you mention, would you have a link? Appreciate it :)

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Hardly convincing

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What evidence is there that Comperatore was behind Trump? No disrespect but when I looked at videos I saw a victim to the left-all the way to left. Someone had blood all over his shirt and he and other people were trying to get help for him. To the right of Trump-all the way to the right I saw two people being carried out of the stands by other people who appeared to be alive. That’s why I’m asking because I’m trying to get all the facts straight and compare what I’ve seen to what other people have seen or say what they’ve seen.

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Jennifer - that's a good question. I have deduced that he was behind Trump because I believe I saw video footage of the other two men that were shot coming from the bleachers to Trump's right (as Trump was facing the main audience). Diagrams of the event I've seen say there were two victims in that set of right bleachers and one victim in the bleachers to the left of Trump. That leaves Comperatore likely standing in the bleachers to the left of Trump (and thus farther from the shooter than Trump - assuming, of course, that Crooks or whomever was firing the shots was firing from the building where the purported shooter's body was shown to us).

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What about the dead bystander and the 2 wounded? Was that part of it?

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Nobody got hurt. The entire thing was fake. Watch the video of Trump over and over. Each time pay attention to one or two people in the crowd behind him. Most are bored. One even laughs. Others are looking for instructions on their phones. The worst crisis actors of all time. The entire thing was spectacularly fake. You can go onto Bitchute and watch the video "Roll up, Roll up the Trump Circus is in Town." The channel that video is on has aggregated debunking videos from several different creators.

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There were multiple shooters, yes. It makes the real story even more gruesome.

These people were sacrificed in order to guarantee that intense emotion (of those who lost loved ones and those who witnessed the violence) would override the theater played out on the Trump stage (where even the female Secret Service wrestles the men apart so Trump can have his photo op facing the cameras).

An original, early (undoctored) video clearly reveals only three shots (from a secret service sniper aiming away from Trump - that supposedly kill the young rifleman - Crooks) as Trump grabs his ear. Other shots come later (I have to admit they are there, as they are on videos newly released, showing people or actors going down - were these ones using silencers?).

There are close-ups now of the blood capsule still holding its gelatinous shape at the top of Trump's ear - look out for it.

Everything now is all about multiple shooters and failed Secret Service protocols, all of which is a distraction from the obvious fakery on the podium.

Miles Mathis is a veteran at deconstructing these and he does it well here, including means and motive for the whole operation. Miles unfortunately tends to neglect that sometimes people really do get killed at "fake events" - sacrificed.


The sacrifice move is outright satanic, but it's their way of guaranteeing that you "don't go there" (remember what they did to Alex Jones for "going there" - they made him an example for you and I).

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Show us the bodies.

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Can't argue there.

I have since come to believe no bullets left any guns.

Just gunpowder for the show.

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Trump's ear was perfectly healed up a week later at his next rally. When you look at this skeptically you realize there is zero real evidence of a shooting. I'm really surprised how hard a time I'm having trying to convince the guys at work. You'd think holding such a strong opinion would require one to bother to look into things. I can't get them to look at anything. We all have mini supercomputers in our hands that link to the internet but they wont even look. Instead they just regurgitate stuff about the deep state being after Trump because he's an outsider who never started a war. It's just like what they did to JFK. Lol

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

There are so many anomolies- and in general the acting is so poor all you have to do to realize it is total bullshit is watch any one of the actors through the sequence start to finish.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

agent 76 dropped his toy gun as he rushes toward the stage he fumbles and reholsters because he is protecting the would be president from a live shooter. Bearded hat Mossad troll sits there and forgets he is in the scene, ace photographer circles around the scrum of secret service w Trump for the money shot also forgetting he is in scene. Acting is hard.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

my favorite is the stormtrooper who crosses boldly in front of the melee pointing his weapon at nothing, attempting to hit his marks at striking a heroic protective pose, yet seeming to invest an inordinate amount of his attention on not falling off the stage.

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That stromtrooper shot....😹

How about, "Shooter Down!" from the STILL ON mics.


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My favorite was the 3 short woman who had done nothing claiming the victory money shot as the limo drove away.

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much celebrated ladies around the internets

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

And yet…it’s done the job.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Well, don't forget they absolutely hate us. And as they continue to succeed they grow to despise us more for being so gullible and easy to dupe. Now it's just blatant occult mockery being laid out for anyone who might happen to look twice.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I flip between thinking it’s hate, and extreme apathy.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

yeah I can picture it either way. I tend to think it's ethnocentric racial hatred burning with an accelerant of impatient entitled hubris and a dash of child murdering psychotic rage

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This was so obviously fake that a large percentage of the population is already suspicious enough to be easily convinced by rewatching the video. More and more people will become convinced after looking into it. All you have to do is watch the video over and over paying attention to the crowd. I don't know how they could censor that video. The more time that passes the more people that will take a strong opinion. I have no idea what their game plan is.

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Nobody rewatches a wwf match to sus out if wrestling is real.

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Because they all know wrestling is fake. I'm probably over optimistic about more and more people realizing this shooting is fake but I assume Democrats are motivated to reach out to their own about this. It's no different then conspiracy theorists at work trying to change peoples minds. And this was the most fake thing of all time. I actually gained a lot of respect for the few Democrat pundits that came out right away and said it was fake. Good for them. Commenters at Zero Hedge were all enraged and saying these people should be fired. The hypocrisy.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Watching the scene and other vids of it one wonders: Why is everyone so relaxed while bullets fly? Why don't they run screaming? Why does Agent Hot Shot just keep walking around taking pictures? Who is the woman in black shirt and cap and glasses who follows behind him? Is she the same woman who was seen sitting behind Trump when the shooting started. Sitting near the goofy-looking guy in the funny hat who acted squirrely. Why did Trump show no fear? Jackie Kennedy did when her husband's head got hit. Why were Trump's shoes off his feet and why was he so anxious about getting them? Why would a same person say "Wait, wait, wait" and stand there for a photo op? Who does that?

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Thirdly this rite shows that there is a transference of power. Giving up a shoe is debilitating and requires forethought. (It was also very important in ancient times because who would want to wander around without shoes!) In our case the loss of a shoe shows us we are giving up authority and power to someone else – the Lodge. What is it we are giving up here? I believe it is our personal will as we work to achieve our goal of finding more light. We are willing to make a bargain to get what we are looking for. The idea here is that we are relinquishing the “self” to the power and authority of the Lodge and the GATOU.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

How interesting!

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A Jewish rite…

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Exactly! It’s hard to NOT believe it was real and that Trump was behind it. Although my suspicion is Trump and Biden are really on the same team. Do people really think Trump would call for the country to unite along with Joe if it was real? I believe people were shot but not Trump. It’s WAY too theatrical and dramatic (with bad acting) to believe Trump was really shot based on all of that and it was evident immediately to anyone with any critical thinking

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If they weren't on the same team Trump would be called out. I stead we have all of mainstream media and alternative media and all of government playing this up like it's the gospel truth. Almost no one is calling this out. I haven't visited Sage Hana's substack in months and I'm back trying to find at least one place that isn't pushing the narrative. This is the first place I've found. I'm really impressed.

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Now I’m wondering if the people who were supposed to be shot were actually shot. I really hate to say that, but I’ve looked at the videos over and over and over again and even that seems like theater. God forgive me if I’m wrong, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that was staged too.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

How did that flag get in the picture ?

Where did the flag pole come from ?

What’s supporting the flag pole ?

I don’t see the flag in this video anywhere else ?

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

And why is it flapping? There’s no air on the…er…I’m in the wrong thread!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

The image was pre-shot. I am an Art Director, paid to fake things, and notice things. The image does not match the scenario depicted in the video (it's close) Notice in the image how Trumps arm is up high, and the little SS gal is adjusting her glasses, not happening in the video.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

The flag was wire-suspended behind and well above the stage by cranes. It's seen only when the photographer takes this more skyward shot from just below Trump.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

👍🏻 Thanks ! I wasn’t there for all the horrors & ‘thrills’ but the photos flag-‘mystery’ sure was a lesson in understanding the limits of perspective or how angle-of-viewpoint can feed misperception. 😂 That’s also why it’s generally more accurate to seek understanding through others friendlies when confused. Otherwise one starts knee-jerking and hopping alongside Mark Twain’s “Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.”

Still, when it comes to the”Off-Fishy-Narratives” about this event, multiple EYEWITNESSES are providing the better facts than those with Poly-Trick-All Agenda$ at stake. Gee, I hope the Biden crime family stands down after all this is over. Right Jill ?

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Agreed... I've learned to apply the 72-hour rule before even trying to speculate about the who's, what's, and why's of incidents such as this. In these days of digital manipulation (CGI, holograms, etc.) plus massive thought control by mainstream media/BigTech, it's always best to wait until eyewitnesses, unbiased experts, and brave whistleblowers have weighed in before formulating one's own opinions. After all, opinions are only as good as the information which informs them.

The OKC bombing was a great example. The official narrative seemed to make sense to the uninformed masses until weapons expert Gen. Benton Partin explained that a panel truck loaded with ANFO couldn't possible have done such extensive damage using air as a coupling medium. ANFO is a "pushing charge", mainly used in mining/quarry work, and must be in direct contact with the material being disrupted.

Fortunately, with so many people equipped with cell phones, it becomes extraordinarily difficult to hide the truth, no matter how carefully an incident is planned, executed, and lied about.

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They were crisis actors. The phones they were looking at were for instructions. Look and see for yourself.

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And their reaction to “live fire” was underwhelming.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

They spent money on cranes to hold up a flag. They think of everything, don't they. Plan the scene of the victorious Don to include a flapping flag held up by cranes.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana
Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Uh oh it was fact checked 🤣even more sus now

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Great question! I did see a video where SS told two photographers to move to the front of the stage moments before the shooting. And lo and behold one of them is the one who captured the money shot.

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I am not positive, but the bit of sky in the video does not look bright blue like it is in the money shot. Also, if that shot was taken elsewhere, that may explain where the previously non-existent flag came from. Sloppy work.

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2nd Unit Director having a sidebar with his Cinematographer before the big action take is pretty common in these high budget 1 take action sequences.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Unit directors everywhere. This one was filming RFK taking a call from Trump - overlaid a nice gauzy sepia tone to it:


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made sure to get flag in does biden have the big plan book with all the scripts?

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I was not observing this live when it happened, but the very first time I saw video of it, I thought everyone, including Trump, seemed slow to get down. It was like they were In slow motion, and didn’t get to the lowest level possible, but sort of half crouched. Each time I see it, it appears even more staged, and with “B” actors, at best.

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so funny! aligns with my thoughts that this theatre was in part well scripted and some key parts unscripted and a surprise to some. hmmmm. and even more odd is that this morning the phrase 'industrial disease' popped into my head while talking with my partner. wow, i haven't listened to that in a long time and, omg, the lyrics are actually prescient to our time. not the specifics of the trump theatre. and yet!


Now, warning lights are flashing down at Quality Control

Somebody threw a spanner, and they threw him in the hole

There's rumors in the loading bay and anger in the town

Somebody blew the whistle and the walls came down

There's a meeting in the boardroom

They're trying to trace the smell

There's a leaking in the washroom, there's a sneak in personnel

Somewhere in the corridors, someone was heard to sneeze

Goodness me, could this be industrial disease?

The caretaker was crucified for sleeping at his post

They're refusing to be pacified, it's him they blame the most

The watchdog's got rabies, the foreman's got the fleas

Everyone's concerned about industrial disease

There's panic on the switchboard, tongues in knots

Some come out in sympathy, some come out in spots

Some blame the management, some the employees

And everybody knows it's the industrial disease

Yeah, now the work force is disgusted, downs tools, walks

Innocence is injured, experience just talks

Everyone seeks damages and everyone agrees

That these are "classic symptoms of a monetary squeeze"

On ITV and BBC they talk about the curse

Philosophy is useless, theology is worse

History boils over, there's an economics freeze

Sociologists invent words that mean "industrial disease"

Doctor Parkinson declared "I'm not surprised to see you here

You've got smoker's cough from smoking

Brewer's droop from drinking beer

I don't know how you came to get the Betty Davis' knees

But, worst of all young man you've got industrial disease"

He wrote me a prescription he said "You are depressed

I'm glad you came to see me to get this off your chest

Come back and see me later, next patient please

Send in another victim of industrial disease, ha-ha

Ha, splendid!"

And I go down to Speaker's Corner I'm-a thunderstruck

They got free speech, tourists, police in trucks

Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong

There's a protest singer, he's singing a protest song, he says

"They wanna have a war to keep their factories

They wanna have a war to keep us on our knees

They wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese

They wanna have a war to stop Industrial Disease

They're pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind

They wanna sap your energy, incarcerate your mind

Give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three

Two weeks in España and Sunday striptease"

Meanwhile the first Jesus says "I'd cure it soon

Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons"

The other one's out on hunger strike, he's dying by degrees

How come Jesus gets industrial disease?

Oh no... I'm sick!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Is the world approaching 'Dire Straights' ?

How about a little 'Love over Gold', rather than Lover of Gold.

Yes, I remember that CD.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

CD? I thought it came out on vinyl.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

vinyl, tape and CD.

During the transition.

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I’m old. CD is new fangled stuff

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I'm really old - 8 track & cassette.

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Cassettes, baby!The good old days!

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Ha...yeah, you could never rub out a pop or scratch on an LP, but a pencil worked wonders on rewinding snagged ribbon tape!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Plus one more agent, agent Stage Manager. At about 1:17 two things happen. First it looks like a guy in polkadot pants, maybe takes a gun or a package out of his pocket and lays it on the ground? Then immediately agent stage manager comes in from the far right. He hast to position the short female social Secret Service agent in front so that you can easily see Trump‘s face.

So not only is agent 76 herding two photographers to the front for the photo op. But agent stage manager is arranging the group for the photo.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe Netanyahu will make a bronze statue of that photo (like Iwo Jima) for Trump after Trump executes the finish of his Greater Israel plan. But with an Israeli flag.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

just passing along more info



(I still wonder why the "leaked" video of the phone call has that weird color to it, interesting that it was his son who leaked it"

on the fake photo of the bullet in the air:


here is a photographer who once tried to capture a 5.56 mm bullet in midair.

It took a stationary camera with perfect conditions, set up with 120 fps at 1/32000th second shutter speed (vs Doug Mills 30 fps) and he still did NOT capture the bullet after 4000 photos. Hahaha

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This Wake Up Call dude is pretty sharp!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

this is interesting:

https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1813981548166644039 (photo and videos at link)

here were no shooters at the Trump rally. Anyone falling like they were hit are just crisis actors like Ashli Babbit on J6. Trump turned and hand signaled when to get it started and when Trump started his hand signals, a SS officer came out and told photographers they should move to the front of the stage and be ready to take pictures.

This is why there were two women in the detail. They aren't Secret Service Agents. They are makeup artists to apply to fake blood. The shorter one dark hair with yellow arrows applied the fake blood from behind Trump while he was on the ground. The other brunettes with green arrows job was to make sure the blood looked real from the front before they started moving him.

That's why neither of them knew how to hold and holster their plastic guns. Notice how the camera behind the stage conveniently cuts away from trump when the dark hair is applying the blood so you cant see.

As they pick trump up then the brunette runs in from the front to check his face. The dark hair goes back around to check the blood once more from the back then they start moving him.

He also notices change in caliber of people, thinks they bussed in a prison population, bunch of guys giving the finger to the camera:


Good video here too--audience behavior confirmed for me fake. The way they busted out w/USA!, USA! USA! as Trumpstein gets walked off. Really? Would people really do that after they supposedly just witnessed an assassination attempt? Wouldn't you be in a state of shock, at least sort of? Pure theater IMO. We are ruled by psyop.


Guess who is going to the RNC tonight- McMahons and Hulk Hogan. Also, someone mentioned the video of Trump from backstage as he walked out reminded them of the entrance of famous wrestler Goldberg--makes me wonder if Vince McMahon helped with this production.

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Do you mean the same Hulk Hogan whom Peter Thiel funded the lawfare sex tape lawsuit against Gawker?

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, seems like Peter Thiel is all over this.

Whitney Webb says Thiel is backer of many of the big voices in the alt media, so they won't be calling out Vance (people says having Vance as VP is basically Thiel as VP)(Tucker was hinted at)

Also, someone on twitter said Thiel is the one who brought Vance (at first was never Trumper, called him Hitler) to Trump to mend fences. Account on twitter said Tucker was calling Trump to push Vance.

More here:


Actually, Vance's main benefactor Peter Thiel rebranded the neoconservative-designed surveillance panopticon as a private entity (Palantir) and did so w the direct involvement of John Poindexter and Richard Perle. No "clean break" here

commenter said:

Thiel also got money from Irving Kristol to start the Stanford Review in college.

(so king neo-con backs Thiel, Thiel backs Vance and more)

And Trump made deal w/Thiel to have Palantir track us w/Chinese style app.

And to think people think these people are populists for middle America. What a sick, twisted joke.

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Peter Thiel and Foster Coulson are running point on "Conservative Media"

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reigning in the surveillance state.


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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, just found him. He's great!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

The still shot could not possibly be the one taken by Agent Hotshot in the video shown here because the still has Trump's torso exposed and everyone is away from him with only one agent's arm across the shot whereas in the video Trump is still very much covered in. You can see the different positions of the agents eg. the female is beside him in the still shot rather than in front as in the video.

Also, who is the fellow at 1.20 lower left of screen which the camera dips slightly just before he starts waving his arms to get someone's attention????

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Correction - I just found another video source which runs longer and doesn't cut off. There is more fist pumping and the still shot is from a later section of the recording. I'm still curious about Arm Waving Man though.

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Could you share the longer video?

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

https://x.com/va_shiva/status/1813726564812796316 Dr. Shiva posted tweet w/video from a different angle, but conveniently that video cuts off right before he gets shot, then picks up where you see the photographers moving into place (tipped off in advance by SS).

Another video w/SS tipping off photographers: https://app.joinfaves.com/share/fave?p=51ca069e-5e8b-4f9f-affc-121d348423bc&r=3365798


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thanks for these links; especially the Miles Mathis one.

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Still questioning what to believe. Jeez it's great to be an American.

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Our new American New World Order Dads will love us. You'll see.

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Holy crap does you avatar make me laugh.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

The day before the “assassination attempt” I watched “Fly me to the Moon”, which — in a fun, stylish way with A list actors — lays out how they made the “backup movie” for the moon landing (just in case there were to be any problems)!

Deep State / Satan seems to have a sense of humor. How coincidental this movie opens ONE DAY before the next mega-staged event. 🧐🥹

P.S. The backup movie is the only one that was ever shown. Viewed by over 100 Million people worldwide in July 1969.

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Shades of Capricorn One.

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