Substack is alarming b/c they clearly want it to be Twitter all over again, AND they have corralled it all into one payment processor: Stripe.
Simply because a person is rampantly curious about the biggest Psy Op in human history, they are now deemed part of some fantasy "club" in which the "club" has established heroes and minders and talking points and I now grasp much better how well indoctrinated and conditioned that consumers of content are to accept that things must be immediately familiar and "accessible".
And I see now how this played out with 9/11, which I was a complete rube/normie about! 😅
I don't mind the public.
What is weird is the "hello fellow movement member!" friendly routine.
It is just so sinister, like the firefighter who shows up to put out the fire and then shows up a day later with gasoline and matches.
That usually leads to the computer donation part of the program and then....Zoom Call meetings...and then strange messages on my Kofi board and me like....
I don't understand how anyone professed to be concerned about health, or personal sovereignty/national sovereignty, can associate themselves with an over exposed braggart who's wife mouths the words on camera about their demonic contributions to society and, most revolting of all, then whines and cries about not getting a prize for his/their sick, perverted "contributions".
How on earth does this couple have any person willing to stand next to them, much less ANY readership?
Lobotomies can be performed, thru the eye socket, up, under each eyelid.
The patient can apparently function "normally" later that same day, albeit with either one or two black eyes. of the the "implant" being a space-alien,black-magic, Vril lizard that eats yer soul and occupies yer ol''s a *radio-controlled micro-explosive*.
I'm some kind of an orphan now. I was engaged and duped. I see how they use the two parties. I unregistered to vote.
Once you see it's the governments against the people & 190 plus countries participated . It breaks ya.
Content minders have a shit sandwich to twist mrna cancer shots into a good thing. To twist winter brick & motar wildfires into dolts botching & klimate change. But they're doing it right before our eyes.
Unfortunately I don't think the unvaccinated will ever be vindicated. Authority figures and even alt media do what David Icke says. "Here but no further". You go further and that's not something they like. One of the problems is that when some people go too far they eventually become a target for termination. In other words shut up or I kill you, your family, your dogs, cats, etc. Faced with those options I think most decide it's probably not worth it.
I would just add that nobody was "vaccinated" and that "vaccination" framing subtly persists the narrative of "vaccines stop the spread of infectious disease" and ergo, provide a public health mandate for the greater good.
The power of marketing lies. People in general are stupid. Post covid, if that’s what you can call it, that has never been clearer. I started on substack just to find like minded people. No one around my wife and I know anything about anything. We can’t talk to anyone we know unless it’s about the weather.
You're lucky you have your wife. Many of us live with a normie! 😣 It can be a chronic condition. Many of them, even when you know they must know at some level (e.g. they've stopped getting jabbed) will not openly acknowledge it, even seemngly to themselves. I've learned more about human psychology over the last 5 years than in the rest of my life. I have, depressingly, concluded that most people do not relate to the world as full adults.
I can’t even fathom the strain of this ! Hat off to your inner warrior, SheilaB. The deception is a deeply embedded MK-Ultra war waged on oneself. I see it every day. Everywhere. Switching out one’s own reality overnight and moving mind walls around. Congruency lockout caverns. I venture this was TV installed. This is why they are able to create new ‘cultures’ at a whim. The key is already embedded and well anchored. Nations of children looking for parents and safety.
I recently met up with a friend/neighbor from ten years back...he stated straight out "I think the vaccines were a good thing...were very successful." I had to work hard to not allow my jaw to drop to the floor.
I knew, immediately, no discussion of fawlty(sp) PCR "tests",
let alone my [...1) psyop(C19 scare/PCR "tests") 2)bioweapon(mRNA gene-therapies) 3) time-released genocide(turbo cancers/myocarditis)...] meme were going to get any traction.
He did end up curious and asked me to share a link to "How Bad is my Batch", but no response yet.
My husband can’t handle the details I know and rabbit holes I go down, but he takes as fact the small parts I share with him. Same with my adult daughter and son. I have 2-3 friends I can talk openly with. I feel blessed to have that many that actually comprehend what I am talking about and 2 who actually research for themselves.
The silence is so deafening so often these days. It's so demoralising if you have any sense of anger about all the bullshit and the killing. It's genius really. I'm pretty sure the explosion of podcasts discussing the bullshit and killing are keeping people from acting, it's a soft drain of their rage and a distraction while you go about your mundane life.
What is changing is the Monster is not so slowly beginning to just look at the marks in the eyes like an IDF soldier to a nine year old Amalek kid and say, So what?
Yes, the hand picked “tier 2” docs, journalists, tech business moguls…have already started the parallel systems for those on the cul de sac who refuse to question germs and those in Greta’s kult are vehemently opposed to information that challenges their justification for hating everybody.
The thing that really gets to me, is the hallow-cost was "arranged" by the very chosen ones that reaped all the treasures of those displaced and killed. And to this day play the victim.
They don't just play the victim, they wear it's clothes, they proclaim it from the rooftops... they EXPECT us all to bow before them, because "we're [they're] the most victimized people in the world"... (throwing up in my mouth)
I experienced this tactic on a teeny-tiny scale. 1975. I a young mother. Complained to govt. school superintendant about a school practice.H formed a committee and put me on it. I already knew about this tactic so it did not work for him. I prevailed.
“This branch admonished me that if I was going to pull the covers on stuff then “I needed to be providing solutions.” “ I got a glimpse of insight so thank you very much. If the veil is lifted on any topic, they want Their ‘someone’ to provide the solutions! Close that curiosity loop. Don’t let the marks figure it out. I don’t think they are so much worried about the revealing, as much as controlling a narrative; as long as their tier 2 or three or four can pop up to provide a solution, then everyone is still in containment. I know you’ve talked about this before, but this is the first time it’s really sunk in.
Are we coming to the close of this dark tragedy, or are the perpetrators so steeped in blood that they might as well go on? Are all those who waded in for whatever reason now so lost to sanity that like Lady Macbeth they can never wash the blood from their hands. He who knows the father of all this evil is wise not to speak, but speak he must or life becomes a walking shadow ... a tale told by an idiot. We are living in a never-ending Macbethian world of witches, cowards and traitors. A day of sombre thoughts for me. Gratitude Sage for your work and bringing the Day Tapes to our attention.
I have listened to them all and read fragments often - I'm sure I sometimes hear them playing in my head unasked for. Even now, I look at a bag of nuts, read the information printed in bordeaux colour on a musturd colour back ground, printed small enough to make it difficult for me to read and think 'oh, yes, Day tapes said they were going to make it difficult for older people whose eyes were weak, so they would start to see no point in living' haha. I'm sure there are no instructions sent out to all manufacturers to participate in such a diabolical scheme, and yet it seems to look like that. When you've got a Mercedes Vito, you notice them everywhere you go. The reason most people don't see things is because they never read about them I suppose. For me, the Day Tapes are a bit like Revelations, telling us what is to come, but unfortunately a lot of what is written in them is already with us. How did you come across them?
How to increase social control and for what purpose?
Brain chips is an idea. I don't that will work other than as a myth.
Myths are tools of social control.
A greater idea, more general, is "divide and conquer, unite and rule."
The first part speaks about crushing the soul. Second part is about the installation of a "Made in China" soul on crushed people. Those who need normalcy. Those who know what was life like before Trauma. They want back into the uterus. Very safe there!
The purpose of social control is obvious: Security.
A hidden purpose deserves more attention: ritual mass murder.
According to a legend, the Priestly class of the Aztecs would yank cyanotic hearts of living prisoners to appease the God of Fear.
And there is an idea that people do the things the Earth tells them to do, and in every different place the Earth tells different things to people.
And this chthonic voice always shows up and bosses people around. It's not what we want to do, or what our culture wants us to do, but the whimsical voices from down below telling us what to do. So, the WASPs become the neo-Aztec empire of ritual sacrifice.
It's an interesting thesis, I think.
::insert video of technoviking dancing here::
In the Not-A-Movement, I see both soul crushing forces and soul uplifting forces. It's not exactly an invention of the ruling class, but the ruling class will use anything to achieve its goals.
You make a great point. But it also shows the inversion of our time: those numbers are the effect of a decades-long political mind war and should not be real.
If you don't mind, dear Jill, I'll wrestle your proposition a tiny bit. What makes the uterus a safe place or not is 95% dependent on what happens between the ears of the uterus- having, adult human being.
Moms have a responsibility. The mercenaries of the Rockefellers have less responsibility.
It's pertinent here to mention the parallel mind war: a few men suffer because they want to be real women and have babies, but that will never happen. What a waste on both sides. The privatization and monopolization of human reproduction is one of the worst things we are doing.
And when you get down to it, what else is there really, but loving others and supporting life?
It took me 50 years to realize "between the ears", the privilege of being a woman!
That being, the privilege of giving birth and sustaining life.
I'd had 4 children and felt each was a miracle, but because I was young, I was also busy feeling resentful of all that entailed, and of the young men around me having all the "fun".
We weren't taught to believe - in the West in the 70's and 80's - that marriage and babies were fun. We were constantly propagandized with the opposite, "live for today", drugs are fun, go to college, get a career, get money, the world is over populated, monogamy and raising children is a drag, abortion is like going to the dentist........
I was definitely on my own for many years, except, at some point I realized I wasn't. Too many miracles of keeping myself and my babies alive had happened for me to have been on my own.
"The thousands of classified government files on Oswald may or may not be red herrings, but opening them up for public inspection will give America some closure."
Fuck truth and justice, let's just mollify the marks.
And yet another reference to the apocalypse. I haven't thought about apocalypse as much as I have the last two months.
Compartmentalism has been very successful-so the vast multitudes don’t even see the big Day Tapes picture and now with the internet, it’s easier than ever to rewrite or just erase history with the click of a button. The clock is ticking. Any word on the red heifers?
“Pony rides” well if they told me there was pony rides I would join up!
Buy me a pony RFK
Buy me a pony Mr Trump
Strap me on it
Fix the blinkers
Slap that pony
On the rump
Giddy up, I wanna be famous.
The purpose of A.I. Perhaps is to identify each and every dissenter of the narrative.
Not just their I.P. Address, but specifically the terminology, spelling & content.
So the prosecution (A.I.) will definitively find you guilty and you will have to pay a suitcase full of money to a team of lawyers to “prove” it wasn’t you that posted that shit.
Just one free mind is a threat to the agenda.
As Madame LeGarde said of Bitcoin “We cannot allow them to have an escape hatch”
Once the A.I. Overlay is installed they won’t need the “controlled resistance” .
So all the “heroes” (Servants of the people” ) facade will be washed away to the outermost fringes of a luxury resort island & the “Team Bots” imposters will lead the sheep into the valley of steel.
Isn't it interesting that Robert Malone puts out this on his substack today ...
"In Conclusion
You are being monitored, and your communication, thoughts, emotions and interpersonal relationships are being archived, categorized, and actively, manipulated on a minute-by-minute basis using mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence. Any time you enter into any digital communication space (including both verbal and text messaging), you are entering into a communications and propaganda battleground. A battleground in which what you infer as “truth” is highly manipulated and distorted to influence your thoughts, beliefs and emotions for a wide variety of purposes - including commercial (sales and marketing as well as selling products of the “press”), political and sociological."
Every single person that reached out to me, not the reverse, tried to mind my content.
Every. Single. One.
Tried to shut down something.
You think this shit is not going on at every layer?
You think they don't have a dossier on who will play ball?
I'm a nobody that's certainly on someone's shit list. They know who everyone is.
Lots of editors...Some even did it in public on your stack!
Substack is alarming b/c they clearly want it to be Twitter all over again, AND they have corralled it all into one payment processor: Stripe.
Simply because a person is rampantly curious about the biggest Psy Op in human history, they are now deemed part of some fantasy "club" in which the "club" has established heroes and minders and talking points and I now grasp much better how well indoctrinated and conditioned that consumers of content are to accept that things must be immediately familiar and "accessible".
And I see now how this played out with 9/11, which I was a complete rube/normie about! 😅
I don't mind the public.
What is weird is the "hello fellow movement member!" friendly routine.
It is just so sinister, like the firefighter who shows up to put out the fire and then shows up a day later with gasoline and matches.
Just "who" is this stripe, hmmmm?
Silicon Valley Spooks.
It's another Paypal/Cash App/ Open money banking way to get people all ID's and eventually socially minded.
All roads lead to the same destination.
Don’t elide those deservedly fired
Many of the team that don't play ball get dead for their efforts.
I have no idea how many, but the more I research the more bagged bodies are revealed.
I applaud your courage Sage Hana Bot.
Me bot worshiper now.
Suck it Bish's
No bot worship!
That usually leads to the computer donation part of the program and then....Zoom Call meetings...and then strange messages on my Kofi board and me like....
What. Just. Happened.? 😅
😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂 😂
You owe me a text gawd dammit.
Well, here is another 'Summit' with some familiar names in attendance, such as Bob Malone... This one on Sovereignty, of all things.
It all looks so noble and righteous?
I haven't watched one their past 4 'Summits' yet to see what it's really about.
I don't understand how anyone professed to be concerned about health, or personal sovereignty/national sovereignty, can associate themselves with an over exposed braggart who's wife mouths the words on camera about their demonic contributions to society and, most revolting of all, then whines and cries about not getting a prize for his/their sick, perverted "contributions".
How on earth does this couple have any person willing to stand next to them, much less ANY readership?
The sluice gates and channels featuring compartmentalized sieves are endless.
Remember "Newsbusters" ???
Remember "The Blackeye Club"??
Okay...with that preamble....heeere we gooooo....
Lobotomies can be performed, thru the eye socket, up, under each eyelid.
The patient can apparently function "normally" later that same day, albeit with either one or two black eyes. of the the "implant" being a space-alien,black-magic, Vril lizard that eats yer soul and occupies yer ol''s a *radio-controlled micro-explosive*.
And we're done here.
Black eyes supposedly also occur on many people from consuming adrenochrome.
I heard "Bags under the eyes from being sodomized".
Thankfully, no first-hand experience of either luciferian delicacy,Charla.
Agreed. That is the depths of EVIL Satanic soul capture.
Tom Luongo calls it:
" The Manila Envelope Quotient aka MEQ".
Heard it first from CA Fitts as " Control File".
How is it that SHE knows so much shit like that? How is it that SHE isn't a controlled op herself? Anyone do a deep dive on HER? (no pun intended)
Always assume anyone with a disproportionate SNR is an agent until proven otherwise.
As she hasn't proven otherwise, then...
And similar w/r to Reiner Fuellmich - he's gotten a lot of good information aired, but never did a damned thing with it.
He's also a big nothing; a controlled op that eventually fades away.
Check the digit ratio, grrlrocks.
I don't know what that means.
SNR == Signal to Noise Ratio
Male & female finger length ratios.
Yes! And you still haven’t installed the pine knotted paneling or this jackelope…
But its all good — we love this Wendy’s
No jackalope?
What will the curator of the hellscape
Nuclear Museum in Vegas say?
PS - it's "Knotted Pine Knot Pine Knotted".
Well I’ve also heard Knotty Pine, but not exactly clear what may have been implied by that
"Well I’ve also heard Knotty Pine, but not exactly clear what may have been implied by that."
It means the panelling got sent to the woodshed.
MInders-R-US ya might say
I'm some kind of an orphan now. I was engaged and duped. I see how they use the two parties. I unregistered to vote.
Once you see it's the governments against the people & 190 plus countries participated . It breaks ya.
Content minders have a shit sandwich to twist mrna cancer shots into a good thing. To twist winter brick & motar wildfires into dolts botching & klimate change. But they're doing it right before our eyes.
Unfortunately I don't think the unvaccinated will ever be vindicated. Authority figures and even alt media do what David Icke says. "Here but no further". You go further and that's not something they like. One of the problems is that when some people go too far they eventually become a target for termination. In other words shut up or I kill you, your family, your dogs, cats, etc. Faced with those options I think most decide it's probably not worth it.
Well said.
I would just add that nobody was "vaccinated" and that "vaccination" framing subtly persists the narrative of "vaccines stop the spread of infectious disease" and ergo, provide a public health mandate for the greater good.
This is incredibly powerful and subliminal.
The power of marketing lies. People in general are stupid. Post covid, if that’s what you can call it, that has never been clearer. I started on substack just to find like minded people. No one around my wife and I know anything about anything. We can’t talk to anyone we know unless it’s about the weather.
You're lucky you have your wife. Many of us live with a normie! 😣 It can be a chronic condition. Many of them, even when you know they must know at some level (e.g. they've stopped getting jabbed) will not openly acknowledge it, even seemngly to themselves. I've learned more about human psychology over the last 5 years than in the rest of my life. I have, depressingly, concluded that most people do not relate to the world as full adults.
I can’t even fathom the strain of this ! Hat off to your inner warrior, SheilaB. The deception is a deeply embedded MK-Ultra war waged on oneself. I see it every day. Everywhere. Switching out one’s own reality overnight and moving mind walls around. Congruency lockout caverns. I venture this was TV installed. This is why they are able to create new ‘cultures’ at a whim. The key is already embedded and well anchored. Nations of children looking for parents and safety.
Daniel -
I recently met up with a friend/neighbor from ten years back...he stated straight out "I think the vaccines were a good thing...were very successful." I had to work hard to not allow my jaw to drop to the floor.
I knew, immediately, no discussion of fawlty(sp) PCR "tests",
let alone my [...1) psyop(C19 scare/PCR "tests") 2)bioweapon(mRNA gene-therapies) 3) time-released genocide(turbo cancers/myocarditis)...] meme were going to get any traction.
He did end up curious and asked me to share a link to "How Bad is my Batch", but no response yet.
I think you made a top score there, BT. The data on this site should keep him busy for 2025.
My husband can’t handle the details I know and rabbit holes I go down, but he takes as fact the small parts I share with him. Same with my adult daughter and son. I have 2-3 friends I can talk openly with. I feel blessed to have that many that actually comprehend what I am talking about and 2 who actually research for themselves.
Indeed! Framing the narrative
It's akin to claiming one is anti-Semitic when one is critical of a certain group that isn't actually Semitic.
Keeps the bad germs theory going full speed ahead.
I have no desire to be “vindicated”… useless time wasted on this
As it says in one of the Icelandic Sagas:
'Faced with the choice, every man will naturally choose life'. Even life without honour? Of course!
Not all. Most. But not all.
To me life without honor is not ‘life’; it’s merely existence. I came here to live with honor and integrity.
The silence is so deafening so often these days. It's so demoralising if you have any sense of anger about all the bullshit and the killing. It's genius really. I'm pretty sure the explosion of podcasts discussing the bullshit and killing are keeping people from acting, it's a soft drain of their rage and a distraction while you go about your mundane life.
Yeadon said it nicely: "I spend less & less time online these days because it feels like akin to stamp collecting now: doesn’t change anything."
What is changing is the Monster is not so slowly beginning to just look at the marks in the eyes like an IDF soldier to a nine year old Amalek kid and say, So what?
And then breaking their arm.
We all came here to do this. For the Children. And the Water. Keep going.
Couldn't have said it better.
Thank you.
Damn, Sage!
Brutal and accurate analogy
Yep, time to 'up the guns', so to speak. There's ways
Like the work of Rush Limbaugh. He let people vent. He told a li'l bit of truth. But he only went so far.
I couldn’t stand Rush because I saw the barriers he constantly WOULD NOT go beyond. His support of the Bushes repulsed me.
Yes, the hand picked “tier 2” docs, journalists, tech business moguls…have already started the parallel systems for those on the cul de sac who refuse to question germs and those in Greta’s kult are vehemently opposed to information that challenges their justification for hating everybody.
The thing that really gets to me, is the hallow-cost was "arranged" by the very chosen ones that reaped all the treasures of those displaced and killed. And to this day play the victim.
They don't just play the victim, they wear it's clothes, they proclaim it from the rooftops... they EXPECT us all to bow before them, because "we're [they're] the most victimized people in the world"... (throwing up in my mouth)
Omg yes
"The point is to pacify and control.
To make people feel briefly happy.
And then.
Silence followed by the noose getting tighter, so a "crisis"... I feel it a'comin'!!!
Oh, and it's PHOENIX the Republic... We gotta phoenix that shit!!! Cuz we gotta Build Back Better on the ashes...
This is explicitly a major chapter of mind warfare. The long spirit-crushing stairway of hope and fall leading to apathy.
I experienced this tactic on a teeny-tiny scale. 1975. I a young mother. Complained to govt. school superintendant about a school practice.H formed a committee and put me on it. I already knew about this tactic so it did not work for him. I prevailed.
This is really brilliant
“This branch admonished me that if I was going to pull the covers on stuff then “I needed to be providing solutions.” “ I got a glimpse of insight so thank you very much. If the veil is lifted on any topic, they want Their ‘someone’ to provide the solutions! Close that curiosity loop. Don’t let the marks figure it out. I don’t think they are so much worried about the revealing, as much as controlling a narrative; as long as their tier 2 or three or four can pop up to provide a solution, then everyone is still in containment. I know you’ve talked about this before, but this is the first time it’s really sunk in.
My old man eyes appreciate this formatting!
Power and control, same as always.
Hidden in plain sight.
"Another branch from the tree reached out."
What a visual.
The Angry Orchard cider gang??
Huh-hyuh, Huh-hyuh...wanna gets me a coupla gallons
o' that stuff.
Are we coming to the close of this dark tragedy, or are the perpetrators so steeped in blood that they might as well go on? Are all those who waded in for whatever reason now so lost to sanity that like Lady Macbeth they can never wash the blood from their hands. He who knows the father of all this evil is wise not to speak, but speak he must or life becomes a walking shadow ... a tale told by an idiot. We are living in a never-ending Macbethian world of witches, cowards and traitors. A day of sombre thoughts for me. Gratitude Sage for your work and bringing the Day Tapes to our attention.
Peter, this has been so long planned to view it from a current timeline and "end" is...
Not sure if you have listened to the Day Tapes, an account of the plans in 1969.
There are four. This is the first.
I have listened to them all and read fragments often - I'm sure I sometimes hear them playing in my head unasked for. Even now, I look at a bag of nuts, read the information printed in bordeaux colour on a musturd colour back ground, printed small enough to make it difficult for me to read and think 'oh, yes, Day tapes said they were going to make it difficult for older people whose eyes were weak, so they would start to see no point in living' haha. I'm sure there are no instructions sent out to all manufacturers to participate in such a diabolical scheme, and yet it seems to look like that. When you've got a Mercedes Vito, you notice them everywhere you go. The reason most people don't see things is because they never read about them I suppose. For me, the Day Tapes are a bit like Revelations, telling us what is to come, but unfortunately a lot of what is written in them is already with us. How did you come across them?
How to increase social control and for what purpose?
Brain chips is an idea. I don't that will work other than as a myth.
Myths are tools of social control.
A greater idea, more general, is "divide and conquer, unite and rule."
The first part speaks about crushing the soul. Second part is about the installation of a "Made in China" soul on crushed people. Those who need normalcy. Those who know what was life like before Trauma. They want back into the uterus. Very safe there!
The purpose of social control is obvious: Security.
A hidden purpose deserves more attention: ritual mass murder.
According to a legend, the Priestly class of the Aztecs would yank cyanotic hearts of living prisoners to appease the God of Fear.
And there is an idea that people do the things the Earth tells them to do, and in every different place the Earth tells different things to people.
And this chthonic voice always shows up and bosses people around. It's not what we want to do, or what our culture wants us to do, but the whimsical voices from down below telling us what to do. So, the WASPs become the neo-Aztec empire of ritual sacrifice.
It's an interesting thesis, I think.
::insert video of technoviking dancing here::
In the Not-A-Movement, I see both soul crushing forces and soul uplifting forces. It's not exactly an invention of the ruling class, but the ruling class will use anything to achieve its goals.
The uterus is often not safe.
I'd like to use a different link, but most have "percentages".
The sell out wiki has actual numbers of the death toll -- even if old data.
You make a great point. But it also shows the inversion of our time: those numbers are the effect of a decades-long political mind war and should not be real.
If you don't mind, dear Jill, I'll wrestle your proposition a tiny bit. What makes the uterus a safe place or not is 95% dependent on what happens between the ears of the uterus- having, adult human being.
Moms have a responsibility. The mercenaries of the Rockefellers have less responsibility.
It's pertinent here to mention the parallel mind war: a few men suffer because they want to be real women and have babies, but that will never happen. What a waste on both sides. The privatization and monopolization of human reproduction is one of the worst things we are doing.
Agree, agent RW.
And when you get down to it, what else is there really, but loving others and supporting life?
It took me 50 years to realize "between the ears", the privilege of being a woman!
That being, the privilege of giving birth and sustaining life.
I'd had 4 children and felt each was a miracle, but because I was young, I was also busy feeling resentful of all that entailed, and of the young men around me having all the "fun".
We weren't taught to believe - in the West in the 70's and 80's - that marriage and babies were fun. We were constantly propagandized with the opposite, "live for today", drugs are fun, go to college, get a career, get money, the world is over populated, monogamy and raising children is a drag, abortion is like going to the dentist........
I was definitely on my own for many years, except, at some point I realized I wasn't. Too many miracles of keeping myself and my babies alive had happened for me to have been on my own.
"...the ruling class will use anything to achieve its goals."
Yes. By Any Means Necessary, BAMN.
Yet those forces are entwined in every upright being.
Yes, you are right.
You are going to hear a lot of Good Guys and Gals push you towards ‘Truth and Reconciliation’.
It’s only reasonable, after all.
I don’t need to say this, but I will anyway. Don’t fall for it. Demand harsh payback.
Exhibit A:
This sentence gives away the game:
"The thousands of classified government files on Oswald may or may not be red herrings, but opening them up for public inspection will give America some closure."
Fuck truth and justice, let's just mollify the marks.
And yet another reference to the apocalypse. I haven't thought about apocalypse as much as I have the last two months.
Compartmentalism has been very successful-so the vast multitudes don’t even see the big Day Tapes picture and now with the internet, it’s easier than ever to rewrite or just erase history with the click of a button. The clock is ticking. Any word on the red heifers?
Red heifers. Check. They are prepped and ready!
They were cloned cause the other ones succumbed to the paparazzi
“Pony rides” well if they told me there was pony rides I would join up!
Buy me a pony RFK
Buy me a pony Mr Trump
Strap me on it
Fix the blinkers
Slap that pony
On the rump
Giddy up, I wanna be famous.
The purpose of A.I. Perhaps is to identify each and every dissenter of the narrative.
Not just their I.P. Address, but specifically the terminology, spelling & content.
So the prosecution (A.I.) will definitively find you guilty and you will have to pay a suitcase full of money to a team of lawyers to “prove” it wasn’t you that posted that shit.
Just one free mind is a threat to the agenda.
As Madame LeGarde said of Bitcoin “We cannot allow them to have an escape hatch”
Once the A.I. Overlay is installed they won’t need the “controlled resistance” .
So all the “heroes” (Servants of the people” ) facade will be washed away to the outermost fringes of a luxury resort island & the “Team Bots” imposters will lead the sheep into the valley of steel.
Christ said “Be ye seperate”
But Rusty Brand says “Stay free and follow me”
Buy me a pony Russel
Isn't it interesting that Robert Malone puts out this on his substack today ...
"In Conclusion
You are being monitored, and your communication, thoughts, emotions and interpersonal relationships are being archived, categorized, and actively, manipulated on a minute-by-minute basis using mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence. Any time you enter into any digital communication space (including both verbal and text messaging), you are entering into a communications and propaganda battleground. A battleground in which what you infer as “truth” is highly manipulated and distorted to influence your thoughts, beliefs and emotions for a wide variety of purposes - including commercial (sales and marketing as well as selling products of the “press”), political and sociological."