
But they look so happi.

I like seeing people happy. I wish it could happen to me.

pretty dark-sweet song "after hours" www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwuPueHNpXo

(Don't listen during a bad mood.)

You are right in emphasizing not forgetting the people who have been damaged and killed since forever. But I cannot speak against the idea of stopping future victims.

Will it work? Probably not. But I don't want to antagonize the optimists today.

There will be time for that.

Besides, many believers in politics just cannot fathom the reality of the darkness that surrounds everything. They believe in a savior, in magic, in regulatory agencies. They are bricks in the wall, and I have chosen to not talk to walls. Trees are better. And pigeons. And the imaginary good people who live in my head. All those are better conversationalists than the people who are completely fused to the machine.

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People want Normal and Heroes.

People want Problem Reaction Solution.

It's all they have ever known.

This is how they are read-in to the agenda.

Because at some point, they are playing along. They are now...in on it.

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Do they even know what they are playing along with?

Do they understand the potential consequences?

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No. Many do not.

They are akin to the FDA "Performance Artists" thinking they were doing safety testing of shots that were written in.

This is 100% straight Day Tapes explained. How rational people will behave given the information they are given and the circumstances they are in. They will do what the Scorpions want.

And the reading-in is naivete and just general intellectual laziness. Motivated reasoning.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

I'm laughing a little. I think that this also goes for some leaders of the not a movement who think they have the real data and people should listen to them.

Now I feel sad. What a bummer the Day tapes are.

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Man, thou art sharp today.

Yes, I think that your premise is correct. Day himself seems conflicted per Dunegan about the agendas.


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We don’t have to pity the lemming-masses in their deluded self-annihilating identities, the bullshitting second-tier 'not a movement' glitterati, or the truly twisted demons at the top ( or forgive them ) for complicity in this catastrophic "Atrocity Exhibition" : it’s the only normal they’ve ever known. Meander as they might—dipping their toes in doubt, even fantasizing about guilt & morality—to them there is no other universe : ubiquitous bastards ! We just have to keep our heads above water !

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To me it's not about pity as much as if this is an information war based on falsified science and lie on top of lie on top of lie on top of lie?

Then unless and until an appreciable segment of the population wakes up and begins to rediscover how to think and clock actual metrics....then there is for sure no way to get out of what is most definitely already here and coming further.

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And a good dog to watch out for you as you’re preoccupied with trees and opening cobwebbed doors in your head.

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Great song— I’d forgotten about it.

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No one. Not a single one. Not even a lowly minion. They murdered millions and made billions and not a single fucker will get even a harsh word. They're getting very fucking good at this. The scamdemic will greatly embolden them. Get ready for even greater acts of shitfuckery.

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Brehhh...they are so good at this.

They have people ready to take more drugs and more drugs and more drugs.

But they are "anti-vax", so...

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Murder the world however you can. That's the only game in town.

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They are only “anti-bad-vax”.. let’s make some good vaccines

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

1000%. My favorite post of the past four years. Goddamn we are surrounded by idiots and hero worshippers with cataracts and ill fitting hearing aids but " oh he's such a nice smart boy who cares for kids".Fukk me. We are doomed.

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best to stay in my little corner of the woods. no matter who you vote for, the president is already chosen by the handlers. it will be a Zionist as all of them are.

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that stirred a memory in support of your remark. Long time ago when I was casting around for a business to go into, I researched the most profitable businesses in the world (back when you had to do the actual legwork)

Not what I expected....

Pharmaceuticals were on top-by astronomical, unfathomable percentages...in a universe of their own. A distant 2nd was perfume (I became a perfumer).

Years later, before anyone knew Obama's name, a tiny blurb in WSJ caught my eye. Pharma had decided to throw their support behind the Democrats (never done) in the next election. Quick thought flashed through my mind...'whoever the Dems pick will win the election.'

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Now this 👆 is quality insight!

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Thanks Sage...

oh geez...a post script. The FDA approved perfumes (they claimed were safe enough that if a child ingested a sm vial of perfume oil, it would not harm them.) left me w/ chemical poisoning (hard to detect in the subtle build-up over time. Very fortunately I was able to get to the other side of that) And glad that I never had a pregnant woman on the floor. Learned a lot. Then landed in a GM town....really ill folks. It dawned on me that a lot of what I was seeing was chemical poisoning. Same thing w/ local tomato farmers whose families had lifelong neurological problems after snacking on tomato seeds (after the USDA began irradiating seeds and botanicals--which heralded my exit from perfume biz) I worked with the patients and their doctors...the doctors swore that there were no such issues. Obviously long and well paid off GM doctors paid to support GM's poisoning of their workers and environment. Now the plants have moved to Mexico where there is far less scrutiny.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

The money shot is Bobby’s third video clip. In which he says we shouldn’t mandate things that people don’t want… unless we know they’re safe. Lovely totalitarian instincts there. Now a dumb question- Who are the rocks scorpions in the picture with Meryl Nass?

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☝️ Yup.

Trained litigator. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing there.

The woman in the back is Abby Rockefeller with Nass.

The dude in the front is not a Rockefeller, but that's the pic I could get, it's from either Housatonic or JJ Couey, but that's at the Bobby is running for President Party.

Abby Rockefeller had been on CHD (Nass's show).

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something felt wrong about Nass quite some time ago, I unsubscribed. Same with McCullough. Seems like quite a few went back over the bridge after doing as if they were swimming across. Not sure about a few other docs, but there are a few I think are okay.

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It burns pretty bad when I think about how much energy I put into CHD and JFK before coming to.

I can only imagine how jilted Jay feels. He and Mark look absolutely ebullient in that photo.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Obviously, it's time for another pass at culling to deagel level.

How else are the rulers of the world gonna get it done?

See, we gave you a choice. Now look what happens.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Also another distraction, to keep people from seeing or reacting to the harvest from the ongoing global Democide. Those needles will get it done over the next decade, people are sickening and dying at a rate that is NOT normal.

A kinetic war, given this proxy stuff is running out of puff. And after the Chosen Ones have been performing a Genocide in real-time, while getting protection from those august institutions and hallmarks of Democracy. Rolling Distractions.

Every 5th rate dictatorship in history has distracted with an external threat. NATO, GWOT, Germs. An arc of authoritarianism unbroken.

But the threat won't be enough, for like heroine addicts they need to give us a bigger and bigger dose to get the same effect as before.

They've been knocking on the doors in Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow asking for a war. Committing acts of terror to trigger a response.

I think they've all three been more restrained than anyone had any right to expect. Sometimes daily provocations.

But I am sure the CIA has a motto: something about not letting failures deter from their aim, about staging whatever false flag is needed to get their wars at the time they need it done.

My worst case FF COA would be a small nuclear weapon in a western nation. Traceable within hours to Tehran or Moscow. Possibly with a passport near ground zero, since those are apparently indestructible.

It will be big, whatever they use for the public shift. And the wind up toys will go to war, while the drones at home cheer.

These are the same psychopaths who dropped 2 building with thousands of people inside, and fired a missile into another. To get their wars. With millions killed over decades. Trillions of $$ wasted over decades. As our national infrastructure crumbles (no BBB to be seen), national wealth was diverted and wasted. So ticket clippers could keep gorging like it was 1985. So The Monster could keep consolidating its power.

We are less than pawns to these people. Their writing tell us as much. When a Monster shows you what makes it tick, believe it.

I'm not after vengeance. I'm after blood, rivers of the stuff as we bleed out The Monster and put it down, tear it apart, and scatter it to the winds.


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Lyrically and terrifyingly said. Yes…I agree….something wicked this way doth come…

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If it has horns, then blow it.

If it has a tale then

Edgar Allen Poe it.

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Deagle was day tapes for military contractors.

I remember being sooooo intrigued by it in the twenty teens some time. Their numbers were fit 2025 so potentially behind schedule

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I love that oftentimes when I have become suspicious about something or someone, and I read your pieces and you write about the same thing. I feel like there’s something wrong like having Spidey sense, but then you give evidence to back up those suspicions. Then I don’t feel like I’m just a cynical nut job that over thinks things!

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Maybe JFK is serious and we unite or its over so doesn't want to focus his speech on the bad guys. Maybe Orange Jesus wants to come clean and admit he was wrong on jabs but being orange Jesus he can't. Maybe they are in on it and we are screwed either way. Lot of maybes - even if worst case not having to listen to fjb or heels up for 4 years is better than nothing while they try and eventually kill me. Fuck me was it always this bad?

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Maybe we are just making shit up right now.

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I´m starting a startup called CRYSTAL P(ee). You send in a sample of your pee and we send it back to you in the form of delicious and totally safe CRYSTALS. These can be added to flavor food and beverages. All humans produced a unique taste and smell through CRYSTAL PEE! You can then market your crystals on the internet using the CRYSTAL PEE site. Sage, I´m extending this business opportunity to you before you go totally nuts! And you´ll also get more rich than Sasha Latypova!

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Apparently Donald wants to build Six Shiny Skyscraper Sities of the FUTURE. With Elon's help of course. This is a huge red flag for me.

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It does hurt! "I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

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Sadly, many had a LORD that wants them to murder the world for the Lord's Chosen People.

So can haz strip of land with nice beach.

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and petroleum and gas reserves...

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, I know.... Sad!

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Where beach?????

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SH, might I suggest you preface this piece with a warning to your readers to hold onto a grabrail or something first.

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Two and one half years into this Stack and over 2,000 posts.

The people who are going to hang bring their own guard rails, and the randos who drop by will grasp that this may not be the "Blessings to all the Warriors" Stack or Kumbaya Stack that they crave.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

We’re good. We know that we’re in the Octagon. We know the rules. Welcome to Fight Club.

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Aug 24Liked by Sage Hana

There comes a time when you have to ditch the training wheels and you realize daddy ain’t behind you anymore.

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I always bring along an inflatable ducky and set of bungee cords

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All wars (plandemics) are bankers wars (plandemics)

It takes two to Tango

In the clown show.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNn72qnp6kI BOB DYLAN MADE A " DEAL " TO GET WHERE IS IS ,,, ALMOST EVERYBODY IN POWER HAS MADE "THE DEAL "

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How bout that voice trail off at the end? He can relax his vocal chords when he completes a sentence but only then??? Then what?

His vocal chords forget how to relax when he speaks again?

Has anyone else considered the ramifications of a leader who can shift to an alternate voice(oh my fingers typed'code'at first instead of voice, I guess they're qwerty close) um shift to an alternate voice after (after in Italix) *after* elected.... Something more familiar to the reptilian brain for instance.

Oh was I supposed to put ¿Question mark?:g there

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So, you like Kommiela?

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Until Fauci hangs on live TV, trust no one

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