The trap has been set.

The Trump worshippers have been hypnotised to fight fight fight and they are on a mission from God.

They would riot at the drop of a hat.

Whenever the CIA now choose to trigger the riots they can bring the troops on the streets and declare a state of emergency.

Try not to riot people, this is exactly what they want!

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The God angle is hyyyuuuuggggeeeee...


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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

It was not so evident, but they tried something similar with George W Bush. I first caught wind of it when I was seated next to a guy on a plane and he was traveling home so he could vote for Bush II. He was very chatty about it, and it included blood having to be spilled in Israel.

At the time it seemed weird to me, but then I looked around the internet and found people having discussions about BushII and yep. He was chosen by God. Israel figured in in a different way, but "restoring Israel" for them was part of the plan for Christians. I think the Rapture figured in, and that tied into naming the education iniative "No Child Left Behind" referring obliquely to the "Left Behind" series of books about the rapture (for those in the know).

After Bush left, I never paid much attention until now. So, it's been cultivated directly starting with Bush. I never thought about this plane incident and "left behind" from years ago until reading this post. I vaguely knew they did this with Bush, but figured it was just to get a voting bloc.

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National Guard has a normalized presence in NYC for months now, ostensibly to stop those pesky turnstile jumpers, of all things.

Just getting us ready to accept what’s coming

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

Good point. A YouTube channel by Cash Jordan documents the many ways NYC is being destroyed:


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I see it every day

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

I have a niece who lived in Manhattan, but is now in Brooklyn.

She maintains this is exaggerated.....I believe she refuses to acknowlege it.

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The latter is correct. I’ve seen the city from 1991 to now, so many may simply not seen the change over time.

No excuse, tho, if one saw this unfolding from 2001, 2008, and 2020 to now

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Just like the destruction of South Africa and its economic declines.. and the resultant increases everywhere of violence in public against all citizens there...rich poor or in between... and we won't even talk about the farmers that keep them fed...

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

David Knight (used to work w/Infowars) played a couple of clips exposing AJ as controlled opposition, one where he basically said he works for/with CIA, and one w/guy named Ivan Raikin where they both seemed to be threatening civil war or uprising, especially if anything happens to Zio puppet Trump. Definitely seemed to be trying to rile up their followers.

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You're already in a civil war. What do you think the last four years have been about. Surely you don't think civil wars start with the first gunshot.

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When we got attacked with bioweapons that was a big clue. Let alone the fact that they've been flying the war flag at the UN since '46.

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Here is another angle with lots more good dots on this.

One of the most interesting ones is that Trump didn't say 'fight', he said 'f!ck", which is very possible. No one has any audio on that yet.


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Riots > Martial Law > Canceled Elections > Suspended Constitution > Noahide Laws Replacement > Beheadings of Christians who keep the Commandments of Jesus

The Scriptures must be fulfilled.

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No rioting. So your take is off. Sorry.

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no RIOTING YET. But wait till after the election.. Trump wins? Massive un rest gonna make 2020 Antifeea look like a picnic...

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that is the outer shell of the double burrito Op - the truth - if you read between the Ops, is not that old saw about Fema camps and the guillotines and how we are all doomed blah blah blah - it is the scorpions are terrified of an actual insurrection. They would not stand a chance in their F35s and their drones and EMPs and whatever else they threw at the over 66 Million Merikans who will just stand up and slaughter the scorpions -because they know they have actually zero fucks of a chance to survive against the human tidal wave of rage when it breaks out for real. They are toast.

and because they know this - a popular US armed insurrection is the scorpions really only- and greatest fear -

They are trying to steer what they can see in the algos is an inevitable uprising of rage -and as usual, they do what they have always done - deception and magic tricks - they have crafted a target. There is a new enemy looming on the horizon... that the US is being called to punch hard in the face. Useful Goy, do you see the move now?

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But the left riots, burns, loots, kills and the cops do nothing. Aren't you sick of gutless RINOs in the uni party taking a knee to the democrats? Remember the uni party gutless RINOs went along with "who said protests have to be peaceful?"

Now the uni party and gutless RINOs have 8 million experienced street warriors from shithole countries all around the world and they'll be coming for the gutless RINOs first

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If you've not learnt by now that Republicans don't riot even when they should then you've learned nothing

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Just walking in to a building escorted by the police will get you locked up for many many years!

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Thanks for that link. I have also recently subscribed to Miles, and this article of his is very informative. Even if you put aside his commentary on Sandy Hook, the rest of it is highly valuable, and well worth reading!


He is definitely onto something!

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

mathis is another culdesac op

just a much higher signal to noise ratio of truthdrop to bullshit so "he" (it is an entire writing team) appears legit to the deepseek truther

= good source to use if you cross reference what is being left out of the miles drop against other intel you can learn a tremendous amount

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Jul 27Liked by Sage Hana

That is true of ALL sources, including this one too.

There is always something left out of every source, but that is expected.

No one has ALL of the truth, but what truth they have is still helpful.

We have to connect the dots and piece it all together ourselves.

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Jul 20Liked by Sage Hana

I saw this timtruth post and it just makes you feel like we are living in some kind of crazy predestined weirdo world doesn’t it! Especially the 1958 one. The trump cards well that could be all recent planning but 1958 makes me feel like we are time travelers which is my audibles of choice lately. That and stories written 100 years ago. Makes you realize nothing changes and yet everything change I think that’s an enigma song. Which might be called “le roi est mort, vive le roi” which just as I’m writing this I am realizing even that is freaky! Oh man back to doing some construction work!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

video posted here is really interesting. goes through the choreography around dealing with fake bystander death (really a mannequin). There were EMTs there, but they were blocked from accessing the body by the cops, while ER doctor supposedly worked on body. (This really reminds me of the work Dave McGowan did on the Boston Marathon bombing hoax)


(I think this toxicpaul guy is the person who made the video exposing the fakery around Ashley Babbit hoax shooting)

This makes me sick--he's so freaking EVIL (and he's already down to a bandaid):


“Last week I took a bullet for democracy”

He really has contempt for his supporters--told them to take the kill shot, but they still give him a pass. I think he even said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue in front of everyone and his supporters would still stay loyal. We are being set up for disaster--Vance/Thiel as VP, MAGA cult acknowledges this, but apparently NOT Trumps fault for choosing him.

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"I could shoot someone on 5th Ave...."

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Hadn't seen toxicpaul's breakdown. The people at the front of the bleachers don't seem traumatized either, but rather, bewildered

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It'll never be the fault of The Holy Dupe...Daddy will always be coming back to make things OK.

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The toxipaul guy is also trying to steer his audience towards a conclusion. Insisting on something and telling his audience what to believe. He positions himself as some sort of knowing slueth. In my opinion, All he has really done is some really good video editing. A few questions I would want answered:

Who is Corey Comperatore? Who is the guy in the picture with the girl if not Corey Comperatore? If it really is him, is he now in witness protection? Is he a government asset? If the man in the picture is still alive someone or a lot of people know him and the word would have gotten out by now. The toxicpaul person seems to stop his “investigation “ with this singular event. A lot of holes need to be filled in order to make a more plausible case for the fake staged body narrative.

I will say that the carried out body did seem to be rather light. Appeared to be.

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Hi Sage, long time no comment. Just soaking it all in. Where do I go to get my 2019 normie self back? I think I’m ready.

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I know, KW. I know.

"If you can keep your witz about you while those around you..."

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I’m approaching saturation… it’s all too weird and crazy. I’m taking the rest of the day off!

Love you Sage! Stay sane!

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I'll try. 👍

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In that clip the guy says "there is something supernatural going on."

But evil is perfectly natural. Also, denying the existence of evil is an evil action. Or a willfully ignorant action, depending on the mental state of the speaker.

For example, gaslighting. When psychiatrists tell patients their problem is their own fault when it's not their fault, that's an evil act. After enough gaslighting sessions, people learn to abuse themselves.

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Brilliant editing. ❤️

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Thank you!

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Eventually the people will believe anything.

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

Good video....nice and short with the salient points.

Video: "waiting for them was the high priest of fraud"

Recall how DJT is now being called a "high priest" because of the blood from his wound and the passages in Leviticus.

If they want to raise an army to fight WW3 (drafting men and women), then Trump "the high priest" would be the man they need in the White House.

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon [AMERICA] become a desolation among the nations! (Jer 50:23)

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I would need confirmation that those TT and Pentagon cards existed before 9/11, and the Trump ones before last week

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Unless you think maybe ebay is fake, here's some of the sales action. I picked page 5 just so the sold items (I filtered on Sold Items) would predate the shooting.


Oldest sale listed is from 4/21/24...I suspect there were sales before that, but that's as far back as the listings for Sold Items go at the moment. You might be able to drill down on individual sellers of the games and look at their previous sales & feedback and get visibility on sales much earlier than 4/21/24. I sold and bought some odds & ends on ebay years ago and my sales & feedback listings went back at least a few years, and I was able to check sales & feedback on prospective sellers going back similar distances in time. Ebay might have changed their date ranges for sales & feedback, but I'd be surprised if they did. I wonder if Steve Jackson's been sought out for interviews, if Steve Jackson's a real person...maybe contact his overlords & publicity agency at Cosa Nostra Domme Us, LLC. Maybe the same people who rep those Mason jars.

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Thank you for that! This is all just… unreal

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Philip K Dick's work especially, but among some others, too, is feeling less like scifi and more like prophecy. Three Stigmata...Valis...Radio Free Albemuth & others.

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana


They are real we nerds used to play the game in the 90s.

it's by steve jackson games. they were raided by the secret service in 1993 over a post on a BBS


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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

Is there a place to find the original version of the cards (not the ones revised in 2018)?

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

ebay has them for a lot of money

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But the prices are shown in FIAT money, so maybe buying some card sets will add to one's prepping stash...after food, water, meds, ammo, scotch, silver, gold, & etc. Try bribing the skipper of the last boat leaving JBI2 with Benjamins? Suerte!

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Left hand column lets you filter for a variety of things, among them Year of Manufacture...click a box and page will redraw to reflect your choice(s).

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Wild! Just wild

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Jul 22Liked by Sage Hana

You can download the old Illuminati card games for free. I did that a few years ago after realizing how much was coming true that they showed. I put each one individually into my photos so I could go back and reference. It's kind of like the Simpson's show and their old cartoons showing what is happening today. I don't have the explanation for it all, but I am also not surprised that Palantir has been a part of this whole show too--the all seeing glass ball. I find that a lot of companies are named for supernatural items and mythical systems--why? Of all of the trillions of names, why pick that kind of stuff? One example that has bothered me from day 1 is Dominion voting machines. The Bible mentions dominion a lot--is it related 🤷‍♀️

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, thank you for all your info, work and time. In these insane days this is one of the rare places for non-warped thinking and a place of mental sanity.

A platform clear of the Donnie Duped.

Thank you!

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I do the same shit.

I do the same shit.

I please a segment of Brain Broken Land and alienate another. (Note I am not framing this as a binary TWO AND ONLY TWO "SIDES").

I get alternately praise and vilification.

I do the same shit.

I do the same shit.

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Jul 21Liked by Sage Hana


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Very disappointed, I thought 'Illuminati cards' were going to be like the "Iraqi freedom" cards with targets and monetary bounties... Might have to make some... Who would be the Ace of Spades, the Ace of Spades?

Steve Jackson was behind all of the fantasy gaming books based on D&D in the eighties, was he not?

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This woman checked two of the fake assassination photos w/AI, it says one 98%, one 83% chance AI created:


And the Lord proclaimed, 'What shall you do with the powers of AI? Bring healing to the sick? Give shelter to the weary? And they responded, 'We shall fabricate wars, create child porn, and fake assassinations.”

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The trump hysteria is terrifying. It doesn't matter who or what he is, his followers are stark raving mad. They "believe IN him" rather than support him. He is now the American saviour. Nothing more dangerous in the history of the world than a saviour.

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Looks like Trump has more experience with acting that I realized. Just listened to an Owen Benjamin (comedian, used to be connected to Hollywood) video and he said that Trump used to call into radio shows using a fake name. Owen says although people say it was debunked, it was NOT debunked and he definitely did this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump

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What do you think of this? I mean nothing's off the table now, right? https://youtu.be/xfj_wAXSjAI?si=k3pfBw0CUSdoPCe7

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It's just 3 and a half minutes. You have to watch it to the end!

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I watched it, and I was wondering, what was the photograph he was holding behind the sign. All I could see was a car…?

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And what else is going on while this psyop takes up all the air in the room? Trump has "that" type of presence. . .

Sage, do you remember you posted a video clip where the guy starts by predicting an 11-day power outage. It put the guy's credibility in question. But at the time I thought, what if he was correct but got the dates wrong. (Specific dates like that are always a bad idea, except they have the weird numerology going on.). Because we had a cyber outage, and highly suspect. That would mean only the people with satellite phones could coordinate plans, govt people/Musk, etc. I'll try to find that link.

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Tower on Foghorn Express stack.

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Any satellite phones on the market for regulars like us?

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I'm sure I could never afford one. Vastly expensive unless that's changed recently. Ham radio might be another option. Involves getting a license. Dayum!

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