Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

I hold the belief, for decades now, that mafia (very simple, very effective) tactics are used and usually involve a young beloved family member (what would YOU do in that position?) So then you can talk about THIS, but not THAT. Sure you can make some noise about some stuff people care about, so you're doing some good in the world, right? It's PAINFULLY obvious to me now.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Yep, that was the most effective technique of the French and German interrogators in WW2: 'just imagine what we can do to the rest of your family, your children......'

Compliance has been universal, and that is the best explanation: I think Mike Yeadon mentions just one senior Big Pharma guy who went quiet and resigned - losing lots of money - after Yeadon contacted him. But he said nothing in public.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

I got permanently banned from Twitter for suggesting that was what was being done to world leaders to make them do the monsters bidding.

We will kill your family if you don't go along...but if you cooperate, your family will live and in addition we will put 50,000,000. In a swiss bank account in your name that no one will ever know about.

What would you do?

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Comply, of course! And use the time to plan, hoping to avoid the moment when the sword of Damocles drops....

But I suspect that at the lower levels threats are not necessary: lesser politicians, bureaucrats, managers etc will just comply with policy, whatever it is.

Just as nearly the whole German state bureaucracy, doctors, teachers, etc, got behind Nazi policies on everything once the Party was in power, believers or not.

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I think you are right. My entire employee group just without a murder of dissent agreed to use their personal phones to do 2 factor I'd for their Google work accounts….

I should have had more drinks last night.

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I think of it as worldwide mafia families—oftentimes fighting amongst themselves—but the sheeple are the common enemy and target of them all.

Satan is the godfather (2Cor 4:4) herding the "families" together toward the final goal:

One world government.

One world digital currency.

One world religion.

One world ruler.

And the Bible confirms; thus, it will all come to pass. Guaranteed.

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Recently I met the mayor of my wee town. My doctor is a candidate for mayor and the current mayor is supporting him, etcetera. After the meeting I talked to the doctor and asked him if he would be able to deal with this world he's going into (politics), and he replied "É um umbral" (trad - it's a threshold, a portal or a doorway). A portal to another dimension, yes. This is the second time I meet someone in politics that says this, the first one being an ex-finance minister of Brazil (big shot) who was a regular at a restaurant I was playing at. This guy stayed only a month in Brasília and quit, came back to São Paulo and told us "you have no idea what that is like" - "that" being "Brasília" the capital, the center of the spider's web. He died of cancer two months or so after that. Apparently it's so much beyond conspiracy theories that we'll never know, so the best thing is to stay away and refuse anything (I mean ANY THING) that comes from that "umbral".

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"Heil Satan!"

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Maybe doctors should go into politics because they sure can't doctor.

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Ha, yes. But this guy is actually a nice fellow and a good doctor, meaning he's old and doesn't follow the protocol so much as he follows his experience and instincts. When I told him there are no viruses, he didn't react like normies. His wife is in the conspiracy thing, I think, so he's more open than usual, and that's why I think he's not gonna win, and if he does, he's not gonna last long.

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The absurd in all of this politiking is we are the enemy. It is us. All of us are paying close attention to the theater. We like theater. We like simulation. Once perspective came into play in the Renaissance-based on stagecraft-a representation of the actual arose. The Russian polymath Pavel Florensky writes “Stage decoration is a screen, whereas painting is a window into reality; stage decoration is an imitation of life: man is a prisoner chained to a cliff, to a single place, even to a single point. He is a single eye staring involuntarily at the stage. A living man is replaced by a spectator poisoned by curare which paralyzes the ability to move while leaving the consciousness unaffected. When illusionistic art evolves, when the need arises to create only an appearance of reality, and not a window into it—a means to deceive the immobile viewer emerges: perspective. Perspective does not accord with man’s nature—proof of this is the complex and prolonged labor that was required to hammer out the notion of perspective. The period between the 15th and 18th centuries witnessed a forced retraining of human psycho-physiology. Perspective is alien to man because it is a conspiracy against natural perception: it demands that one see not that which exists but that which is desirable to see." Citing this my point is that all politiking for us is based totally on what is non-existent. No one in politiciks there to SAVE mankind. We know this but repress it. We want to see a hero on the stage. We want the anti-hero to be a hero. In fact this is why we pay close attention to the theater of it all. RFK, Jr. rah rah our anti-hero hero. Spectators are lost in the Debordian world of Spectacle. As audience we applaud or hiss. Never do we brake away from Spectacle.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana


After reaching the point of knowing, individually about the Evil, is there any point in receiving further floods of contaminated flows? In wasting cycles trying to work out the minute details of the latest manipulations? From MSM and SM?

Of course the journey for many of us required the dedicated efforts of countless bloodhounds as they pieced together a painting of the Killhouse. To make our jobs manageable. Who has the time while running the hamster wheel IN the Killhouse to explore 100% on their own?

And for those just now waking up they will need to follow breadcrumbs to some greater or lesser extent.

So some will need to keep diligently reducing the psyop down to facts, evidence, exposing the Kabuki, etc.

But for others, IMHO, I think focusing more on preparation is a better investment. Mental, physical, emotional. Finding your tribe in the real world.

Arguably, the last few generations were a Spectacle. The Potemkin Village constructed to hide The Monster, to hide the real Evil Empire. Inversionism as far as the eye could see as they built the Killhouse in front of unseeing eyes.

And the music is about to stop.

Things will become real again, soon.

Are starting to become real, here and there, as the majority roll over and slam that snooze button one more time.

Those who aren't prepared for anything but the Spectacle aren't going to make it. We see this in various places where survival instincts seem to have been bred - or fluoridated/Rockefellered - out of people.

Alas, it also won't be a comic book awakening, just in time to save the day. Even now there are so many useful idiots running interference for The Monster and its minions. Hence unplugging where possible, as an energy conservation mechanism.


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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

The lack of very basic survival instincts is what surprised me the most.

The whole filthy history of the planned massacres of the 20th c should have alerted these people, but it might never have happened or been written down at all.

The most cautious, cynical person I know, directly aware of all the awful things that go on in high finance too, rushed for the shots....

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The only prep that matters is true, Biblical salvation.

But pretty much nobody cares about it, esp. Christians, who believe they are "saved" when they are not.


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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Like 👆

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George Galloway, British MP, said that RFK Jr. Is being Epsteined.

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His face and body language when he first came out on stage with T-Man was quite telling.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

He looked very uncomfortable indeed, I agree.

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Do you mean to suggest he used to be one of "the goodies" until very recently but has since been blackmailed? I'm not so sure. It seems he's always been a snake in the grass. Perhaps he's just bummed that he found out in the next episode of the script his character doesn't get the pretend top job. https://rfkexposed.com

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meaning killed???

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Or sent to live in Ish raw ale?

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I think they have something on each other — they enough to keep him leashed and he enough to still be alive. Maybe he’s being pulled in now in a “keep enemies close” sorta way. But who knows maybe some morning we wake up and read of the truck bomb or freak airplane crash or Iranian nuke smuggled in by migrants that takes those all those uncomfortables out in a joint rally somewhere. Probably in New York.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe slightly off-topic, but not entirely, Swedish researcher Jacob Nordangard reflected on the significance of a Trump presidency, also in light of what Yuval Harrari has stated:

"...According to WEF adviser and historian Yuval Harari, the election of Donald Trump will inevitably accelerate the dismantling of the old system. Trump becomes the face of the global crisis. This is as per design.

It can be argued that Trump is the elite's “Wreck-It Ralph” with the task of ending the American empire’s “liberal world order” and plunging it into chaos before the new international economic order is introduced..."


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You know what would be something great to reduce the sauce down further? A zippy and fast paced ‘911 in under 5 minutes’ type video for covid and lockdowns. To show the mountains of absurdity. Corbett style.

It would be totally useless. Would change nothing. But god damn it would be great to watch.

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Lift that heavy ass weight, S...

Be the change! 🎬👍

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Hahahahaha. Didn’t you see the comment? It will change nothing!

Beyond my skill set. But I frequently ponder on what the script would be. Hard to compress the volume of absurdity into a few minutes.

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Rest assured, no matter how hard you try some rando with an internet connection will roll in and say, I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS WHO ARE THE GOODIES TRUMP HAD TO SAY THAT VOTE HARDER

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Having watched the comments, can confirm.

Don’t worry too much. That internet connection will probably be going away before long. Problem will solve itself.

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Scorpions don't just kill the frog, they also eat each other...

Identify as a mongoose....

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Theater- new day, same players- there are no heroes, no one is coming to save you- get over it and move on - life s a gift enjoy it.

Enough breast beating live your best life be your own hero/ine. Be kind, live morally.

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Sep 2Liked by Sage Hana

Nailing it...

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana


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Adolf Hitler saw this and tried hard to eradicate this from Germany but was crushed

By the way God allows this because of people refusing to Praise God and breaking the Ten Commandments

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That's weird.

Hitler was controlled by the Thule society. Not precisely against the Illuminati, the Free Masons, the Jesuits, the Theosophists and many others.

And the Nazis were not in favor of anything from the Hebrews, especially not the ten commandments. The Decalogue is the base of the Judaism that the Nazis wanted to remove from Germany and all the other countries they wanted to invade and assimilate. And while the Decalogue is not the main part of the Christian religion, the Nazis also hated everything related to Christianity.

Hitler was not a good guy at all. I don't think this is debatable.

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Sage, you are missing some facts.

a) the post in RFK Jr's Social Media feed that everyone flipped their $#!% over was not written by him. Do you REALLY this they guy stands around all day writing Instagram or X or Facebook comments? The staffer who wrote that was CASTIGATED.

b) look at the man's life's work. He is dedicated to humanity, our children specifically & our planet which is God's Creation, our home, & beautiful & magical beyond words. His courage moving from a VERY successful career as an Environmental Law Attorney to the most hated man in America for daring to call out Pharma's Sacred Cow, "vaccines" was the greatest act of service to our children I have seen anyone make. His organization CHD is still calling out the horrors of Covid & the Killing Fields our hospitals became in the upcoming VAXXED lll movie, in theaters September 18. Read CHD's articles and you will learn more than snark & attack techniques.

c) the DNC & our stunningly corrupt political system, marching towards Totalitarianism at high speed, forbade him entry into the Presidential Race in a meaningful way despite the millions who support him.

d) there is a chance Donald Trump was "rolled" by intelligence & pharma & DoD. I personally don't consider it highly likely, but remember Hanlon's Razor. All things are possible & they could have convinced him "Covid" was a Bio-weapon & this was the way to handle it, you never know. Yes, he needs to come out & tell the damn truth, if this is so, but ego maniac that he is, as well as being an old man, with money & power? Well, hell's bells, maybe he won't.

d) Remember- Bobby's own Father & his BELOVED uncle were both gunned down by the "cabal." Those who want anyone, literally any f'ing one beside Trump or RFKjr. Do you really think they would be fighting as hard as they are against both of them if they were not a thorn in their sides? And do you think Robert will jump into bed with those that murdered his family?

Get rational "Sage." I think you are drinking at the black pill watering hole a bit too deeply....

e) both of these guys are speaking to the MASSES. Not you or I or anyone who really knows what is happening here. It the average American they need to reach. Never, ever forget that fact! So, with 2/3rds of America or maybe more injected with this crap, do you really believe it would be intelligent to tell them what's been done? No, frankly it is not. Find something positive to say- Stop the Forever Wars. Get Healthy Again. Protect Freedom of Speech Above All Else.

Damn, Sage.

That's an opening attack on the War Machine, the Disease Machine & the Censorship Machine which makes fighting any of the Cabal so blasted difficult.

I'll take it.

And anyone who sees a better option better speak up NOW!


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"And anyone who sees a better option better speak up NOW!"

Better to take up our own personal cross and follow Jesus through the strait gate and down the narrow way, to the end.

It is the *ONLY* way out of this evil, wicked matrix world.

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Replying to your (b): I wholeheartedly disagree. RFK has always been a snake in the grass opportunist. https://rfkexposed.com

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Ah, well, we all have our opinions. But I've listened, watched, read & studied what the man has done for decades. And if it wasn't for him, and all the work he has done around vaccines, I never would have understood what happened to my daughter when the damn doctor injected her with all those poisons. It was Bobby explaining the Guinea-Bissau Study that finally shone the light on what we had gone through. And it was Bobby talking to Theresa Deisher, PhD, that showed me the facts of & the possibile impacts from primitive human DNA contaminants in our children's vaccines. His lifetime of work has informed me more than anyone else's in this area.

God Bless him & all his efforts to bring knowledge to Americans on the dangerous nature of vaccines, Glysophate, Mercury, Aluminum, Geoengineering & the sea of toxins our children swim in today.

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Sorry to hear your daughter was deliberately injured by the powers who ought not be. I'm glad he was able to give you that much needed knowledge and hopefully it has helped prevent further harms.

I suppose the work of men who make careers from limited hangouts does some good after all. Beware though (and this is not opinion) he believes in "safe vaccines" (like that is even a thing) and even declared in Congress that he wholeheartedly is "not anti-vaccine".

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If you read all the work published by CHD, you might come to the conclusion that RFK jr, in taking these issues on, the way that he has, (accessible to all, no matter how informed or ill-informed they are at the time,) is the greatest possible service to American families who wish to learn more on this topic. Yes, his understanding of vaccines & their dangers has changed, and yes, in the past he has said is is for vaccines, safe ones, that is.

I think by now he may know there is no such thing, but saying it in public is another step, one I hope he takes, but ultimately I am just grateful for how far his work has actually gone, as well as having sincere appreciation for the terrific amount of heat he has already taken for the stance which is still insufficient for some.

There is a recent talk on decentralized medicine by Jack Kruse you might appreciate, btw. El Salvador appears to be trying to actually escape the clutches of the Pharmaceutical Cabal, & Jack & Bobby apparently discussed this & as well as how impossible it would be to do the same here. Sigh.

Yes, I find it disappointing. But he, not I, has spent his life fighting these Government Agencies which protect the "bad guys" in Corporate Places. I remember "War is a Racket," by General Smedley Butler.

It's all a racket. And I thank those individuals who despite the dangers, stand up and say so, even if they don't say everything I'd like them to....

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All politicians must agree to sell their souls to the DC Swamp, the devil and gates. They all do it without question since you see so few ever kicked out of the club. There is no switching political sides. The only side that exists is the anti-humans.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

I'm open to any possibility, even those that may be painful, but I do think that some of Bobby's changing/contradictory stances were likely driven by his polling and the strategies his advisors would have been promoting: 'If you want to appeal to a greater number of voters, soften your statements or avoid certain topics altogether. Get elected, and then you can expand or clarify, and speak the hard truths.' Maybe he has been bought, but election strategies could also be at work.

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Co-signing this "polling" stuff shows how deeply propagandized Americans are to frame the murder of their family in terms of "strategy".

And no matter how bad it gets, no matter if they come to your house to shoot you up with mandates shots or install Neuralinks as long as there is a ready-made excuse, the marks go along grumbling

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

You may be right about all of this, but I spent a long career in marketing and that is really how decisions are made, at least when the goal is to win over buyers/users/voters. The vast, vast majority of decision-makers (not at the global banker level, but probably just below the Gates level) want data to direct and justify their actions, and figure out how to persuade. Just sayin'.

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Translation: "Truth is like a lion..." and "Truth will set you free" are bullshit aphorisms and we don't really believe in truth and we don't care if babies or olds get murdered because homie gotta get paid and so let's stop pretending that we are anything other than Participants in Evil with lots of Veneer of pragmatism and lifestyles.

And oh yeah, it's dangerous for elites so suck their dick and let them come in your fat cunt face and send some other poor people to die instead of them.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

I can’t agree with this enough and no I’m not blowing smoke.

Most people only care about themselves. Look at divorce rates, number of missing and abused children, elder abuse, and on and on!!

It’s so frustrating once you see the truth, but realize that 99.99999% of your neighbors, let alone the rest of the world, doesn’t want to hear about.

It’s ok though as I’ve made peace with it and have my faith in Jesus Christ!

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'The truth is just a kitten, to drown in a bucket.'

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Which is why Bill HIcks made the "Marketing? Kill yourself?" routine.

At some point, if all a person has ever known is Bullshit, then they will swim in bullshit until their brief candle of life flickers out.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

A gut feeling? Jr is the ultimate ritual humiliation, personified. Something in the realm of patty Hearst, but perhaps with less autonomy.

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They are doing a bang up job on Donald too.

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I suspect somewhere inside Jr knows. Or one of his alters knows. Don is blissfully ignorant. Of probably everything.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

I wonder about the timing of the "Bobby and the Bear in Central Park" story.....

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“When honest people say what is true, they become powerful. At the same time the liars who try to silence them, shrink...True things prevail."

Signed, Doublespeak CIA Tucker Carlson

Hammers in the Warehouse: RAH! RAH! ME WANT DORITOS.

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"Truth is like a lion...*"

*Terms and Conditions and polling may apply.

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It's not that soft of a game...

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i'm with you on lots of your stuff. Mafia tactics may explain some stuff, as you point out. Gives pause to think. It seems to me that RFK was more candid a year or so ago and then something happened and he seems to have stopped talking truth, as if a gun is being held to someone's head if he speaks truth. Trump's speech at the Republican Convention was a caricature, laughable actually. He's become a cariacature of himself. I think when he ran the first time he was for real. Maybe he never expected to win. Like a stunt to open the dialogue. I think he was shocked as anyone when he won the presidency. I am troubled by your slamming the Zionist cause. Why do you use Zionism as a curse word? How did Israel become anathema to you -- whoever YOU are?

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