"The Real Anthony Fauci", the RFK, Jr. Movie, took Anthony Fauci out to the woodshed for his shifting stance on masks
One of the Expert Tier Two Stars, Pierre Kory ALSO PUSHED MASKS, advocating for POPULATION-WIDE INTERVENTIONS
(1:20 video)
Bad Fauci! Star Actor in this scene is Calm the Marks Crispin Miller.
👇Amazing. 😅
One of the stars of The Real Anthony Fauci is Pierre Kory.
Pierre Kory’s role in this whole charade seems to be to push the DANGEROUS VIRUS that if we only treated early goes away like a docile kitten narrative.
It’s quite a tightrope.
How bad of a war is it if you can sprinkle some Ivermectin on it and you won it? 😹
Anyway, Hero Threat Matrix Sales Agent also pushed the masks.
Just like Anthony Fauci.
USA Today, Pierre Kory
Kory had testified that he was not an expert on transmission in the Ron Johnson Homeland Security Hearing in May, 2020.
Then on July 1, 2020 he was! 😅
Unfortunately, in some parts of the United States, the proportion of citizens routinely wearing standard masks in at-risk environments is nowhere near what's required to prevent spread. The fact that the maximal exhaled viral load of infected persons occurs before the development of actual symptoms should concern all who might come into close indoor proximity with maskless presymptomatic “super spreaders.”
As intensive care unit specialists in New York City, we are concerned about the increasing rates of COVID-19 infection, which may once again overwhelm our hospitals, in parts of the United States.
The severity, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 must be re-emphasized to all, both young and old, as it spares neither. To avoid a catastrophic repeat of the initial surge, we recommend a population-wide intervention — a significant increase in the use of N95 masks — that might allow for a safer reopening of the U.S economy.
In those Ron Johnson hearings in May, 2020, despite all the subsequent Tier Two Not a Movement hand-wringing about the overkill of totalitarianism due to alleged biological rogue virus pretexts, Pierre Kory is strongly suggesting that wartime measures are in order.
(1:01 video)
"maskless presymptomatic “super spreaders.”"
In my revenge fantasy I would scream this over and over as I repeatedly punched him in the throat.
Can we get Greta back from wherever she's currently trying to look relevant to start shouting 'how dare you?!' about the billions of plasticised masks now in the environment, including the oceans, that will take hundreds of years to break down into delicious nano-plastics that can properly enter the food chain? If she could point out what it says on the side of every box of surgical masks, that would also be helpful, for those who can't read a simple trade description statement that includes the words 'respiratory illnesses', 'protection', 'provide' and 'NOT'.