"maskless presymptomatic “super spreaders.”"

In my revenge fantasy I would scream this over and over as I repeatedly punched him in the throat.

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I want to find out if he is the dude who called up *edit: TEXTED* Trial Site News and shouted at them.

"One of the founders texted Daniel O’Connor, founder of TrialSite Inc., irate, with some very angry and frankly, inappropriate language.

Regardless, the article has been taken down, and we are issuing this correction. While we aim to be accurate all the time, from time to time, we make mistakes, and when we discover the issue, we quickly correct them. TrialSite issues an apology for any problems this article caused. We do not apologize for the hard-hitting, independent, and pathbreaking coverage we have introduced to the biopharmaceutical research sector since going live in early 2019."



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If you say it over and over it does have the rhythm of hitting a punching bag.

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Can we get Greta back from wherever she's currently trying to look relevant to start shouting 'how dare you?!' about the billions of plasticised masks now in the environment, including the oceans, that will take hundreds of years to break down into delicious nano-plastics that can properly enter the food chain? If she could point out what it says on the side of every box of surgical masks, that would also be helpful, for those who can't read a simple trade description statement that includes the words 'respiratory illnesses', 'protection', 'provide' and 'NOT'.

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I have the argument for a comedy right here: they engineer a type of marine bacteria or algae that eats plastics like polypropylene, and they release it on the oceasa all at once, no need for further tests, an emergency, yada yada. But then the bacteria release a bleaching gas that makes every human being white. Thus eliminating all races. It's the end of politics and most people get so depressed that they start using facepaint all the time and the facial recognition systems blow up and the banks crash down all at once, so people need to start bartering feathers and seashells. It's the collapse of human civilization, in blackface.

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If blackface is going to make a comeback, can we get rid of womanface?

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There it was, right on the box. Mind numbed robots, everywhere.

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I'm going to the pharmacy to see if I can find one of those boxes , Sheila: I wonder what brand is yours, Sheila? If that advisory notice is still there I'm buying!

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I got mine online. I keep them so that I can show random gauleiter if it all kicks off again. The box says Reldeen. It says non-medical, but they're the blue ones that everyone was wearing. None of the 'surgical masks' filter 'viruses'. They're just splash guards to stop surgeons et al from drooling on their patients or getting blood or whatever in their facial orifices. I once had to wear one to go to an optician and the lens on his equipment kept getting steamed up because my breath was coming out the top of the mask. It was ludicrous. I presume I took it off for the duration.

I did come across a sane doctor. I had to put on a mask to get into a private hospital here as I had an appointment with a private consultant for something (queue for NHS check was so long, the GP suggested it!). Anyway, when I got into the room, he apologised for the masking (he had one on too). I said the whole thing is a load of unscientific nonsense and he said 'you're absolutely right'. I presume if he'd been in his NHS office he wouldn't have dared say that!

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I recall seeing the box on the reception desk at the dentist's office. I entered unmasked and was told I had to put one on. I refused and waited in my car while the receptionist consulted with the dentist. She called me and said that since the building was owned by the hospital across the street they were obligated to enforce the order. That was my last day in that building after more than 20 years as a patient.

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Thanks, Sheila.

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Omg this substack rocks. It’s the mother load of Wit 😂

I was thinking about doxxing and censorship, and reflecting on how words have been created and also redefined. With The gradual loss of physical books, our historical frame of reference is being rewritten by the CDC and AI. We are being gaslit. I’m glad I still have a hardcopy of an old Oxford dictionary to remind myself the world was a different place, not long ago. What I know to be true from prior definition is no longer true in the New World redefined..

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I have been thinking the same thing. Keep our hardcovers and accumulate more.

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Thought I would reach out. Today I was threatened to be doxxed on X because of my daily habit of commenting on posts that "masks don't work." In an exchange with a twitter account I have run into many other times...finally, he wasn't going to take it anymore that I disagreed about masks working and that attacking me wasn't enough. He threatened to contact personal and professional acquaintances of the past and present.

I was an idiot in that my Twitter handle does (well, did) have my actual name. I should have changed it long ago and even had a little hubris over "well, I have my actual name." Note: I have never insulted or even implied that remaining anonymous is a bad thing, just that I thought I could survive secure in the knowledge that most people don't care.

I thought that most people would not burn calories and try to threaten me professionally, but this account kept digging and digging.

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Whoa...over masks!

Still? This happened today?

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Yeah, it's not hard to find me, a simple web search will bring up my face.

Yes, on X people are still talking about how masks work. He claimed I was picking on defenseless sick people. He was accusing me of harassment, when he called me a c*nt numerous times.

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So...this is Military Psy Op (Twitter, refuse to call it " ")

This is what it is designed to do.

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I still have trouble on what to call twitter. X? X|Twitter?

Yes, the psyop worked well. Many people now mistakenly believe that whatever their health level is now is due to masks.

Man I wish that based on this the CDC issues guidance that dating me, would lead to better health outcomes. Complete nonsense...but still I imagine my phone would be ringing off the hook.

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Military Psy Op simply destroys even the best and the brightest.

It ABSOLUTELY presents a sandbox of discussion that reactive detectives CANNOT avoid.

And social feuding.

Powerful, powerful tool for those who run this audacious experiment.

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That does include me, I can't help stepping in and saying, "masks do not work." And then we get to go into a whole host of issues. Not even really touching the issue that COVID-19 wasn't real to begin with.

Now everything is Covid and Long Covid.

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Masks are another case of "It's still real to me dammit."

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Like diamonds, belief in masks is forever...

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For them, Covid will not be over until they can admit the whole thing was a fraud to begin with.

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The same can be said at every step along the way.

2024 is when the first round of Hunger Games survivors began dropping off the Jabs Bad Island-2 grid.

It's probably terrifying, esp. this late for those who dug in right away to be five years on.

It's seemingly terrifying for those who sorted out Jabs Bad, Operation is underway to keep going too.

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I thank you for allowing me to vent some here.

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Hi Jimmy: I'm sorry this is happening to you.

I may have mentioned Dr. Vernon Coleman's book "Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good" on here before. You might consider suggesting that this person threatening to doxx you, read it. It is an excellent, very easy to read, very short book that this person could read in a day or two.

Good luck to you. Take care.

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I have tried many times to have a civil conversation with this person. Invariably, it devolves after their posting a screenshot of the editorializing of the Cochrane report & to the op ed piece also suggesting that RCT's should be dropped because the results did not align with the pro-mask narrative.

I agree with you about masks causing more harm than good. I believe that many cognitive issues, headaches, brain fog, and other neurological issues could be traced to hypoxia, though they want to state in no uncertain terms that it is Covid.

You can check out my interaction with him by doing a search of my substack on X.

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I am not on X but thank you for the excellent comment, Jimmy.

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From” Life of Sir Thomas Browne," 1756, on the topic of censure:

“Such men are so watchful to censure, that they have seldom much care to look for favourable interpretations of ambiguities, to set the general tenor of life against single failures, or to know how soon any slip of inadvertency has been expiated by sorrow and retractation; but let fly their fulminations, without mercy or prudence, against slight offences or casual temerities, against crimes never committed, or immediately repented.”

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This is very true. They stated to me that disagreement is hate, and therefore any negative response to these pro-PPE posts is harassment.

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First, that twitter account was probably a woman pretending to talk like a dude. That kind of threat reveals her real sex. Remember, in all species of carnivores, the female is more lethal and stealthy than the male.

Second, depending on the type of fight, anonymity is better than a firearm. Second Amendment protects the First Amendment. Globalism needs to revoke all fundamental rights of it won't work.

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Excellent insights, Marilyn.

I mean....ROGER.

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Agent Norma Jeane Mortenson for you, goy.

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Can we just admit that "Dr. Frankenfarber" is hilarious?

::stares out window:::

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It's pronounced Dr. Frånkenfarber.

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Gonna be a fun day today!

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Don’t break the agent’s cover

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By the way, I'm looking at the birth chart of Ms. Monroe.

She's just like Trump: Sun in Gemini rising Leo. Very attractive combination for many people.

Agent Roger shares the aspect Moon opposite Neptune with Agent Marilyn. She clearly was an overthinker.

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Quote from Astro-seek:

"Moon Opposition Neptune

This aspect influences people in a similar way conjunction does but not as strongly. This aspect gives people the need to search for something transcendental, and this is often the reason why these people tend to be religious or join various esoteric movements. These people tend to be a bit confused, chaotic and have unrealistic desires. This aspects gives them the ability to perceive deep mental processes and difficulties of human psyche. It's a great aspect for psychologists, but sometimes these people may experience difficulties coping with the depths of human psyche."


However, Agent Marilyn had Neptune in her first house, which may be interpreted as drug abuse, or being used as a drug by other people.

Agent Roger W. has Neptune in house number 6, which means "very bad at detoxing."

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I agree with you about anonymity.

And you say true, the problem with globalism, as with most utopian ideals, is that invariably they infringe on other's freedoms from merely the fact that everyone has a very subjective view of what a utopia is.

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Primo Levi wrote that he didn't care to read any books outlining a future Utopia, because he suspected that the idealist Utopianists would if not confined to writing books, happily start killing and torturing people who disagreed with their vision.

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Pierre Kory had an amazing start to the pandemic. Working ground zero, TV interviews about the carnage, expert testimony in the George Floyd trial, dude is like a Covid Forrest Gump, everywhere, all at once.

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Dr. Malone too.

Late summer 2021 I remember seeing Malone on about 4 different shows a day, just talking and talking, many of them small channels.

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Well, he did work in about 5 hospitals in three different states during the first 7 or 8 months of 2020! That’s almost everywhere at once!

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It's good to be reminded of how brutally the unscientific and absurd mask mandates were enforced not just in the US but globally: the memory of that is fading.

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This whole post brought me back to 2020. Remember all the journalism, media, alt-tier media, twitter, youtube/rumble videos, blogs, debates, and "science" behind totally inane bullshit like:

* R-naught

* Masks

* Ventilators (and associated nonsense like "turning people on their side to breathe")

* "The Spread" (is it contact? droplets? aerosols!)

* Superspreading


* Neutralizing vs. non-neutralizing antibodies

* MRNA v. graphene oxide, etc.

* Wuhan Institute of Virology DEFUSE Eco-Health bullshit

* Oh I forgot the DNA contamination in PFIZER!!!

* (the mere existence of viruses)

And I got caught up in it too. Trying to convince family members how useless the masks were because "viruses spread via aerosols" or whatever. And a whole bunch of other nonsense.

When I look back the dumbfounding idiocy of it all is totally stupefying. Viruses don't exist, most (all?) disease is not contagious, antibodies simply don't work AT ALL the way they think they do, and so on. I'm at the point I wouldn't be surprised if *ZERO* of the vaccines contained mRNA and it was just another toxic concoction like all the other junk "vaccines" - this time with more science jargon.

Sorry watching Pierre Kory and that documentary clip has brought all the bad memories back, including the bad memories of watching all these alt-hero dorks drop some truthbomb wisdom on little old me as I was trying to figure out what was going on.

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I still remember that hopeful feeling when the Kory vector took off like a rocket ship. For me, Darkhorse podcast quickly followed by Rogan. I was clinging on for dear life, sending friends and family FLCCC protocols. Someone with….impressive credentials was heroic enough to put his neck on the line and say Jabs Bad! Jabs Bad! Ivermectin good. Germs Dangerous.

I wonder how these guys live with themselves. Question keeps coming up. Bobby’s voice (soul?) has been snatched from his throat, McCullough turning to ash. The psychology is a sidetrack, maybe a distraction. But it’s what pops up when the mind is settled. What the actual fuck? Would some of you just let them reveal how they blackmailed you and then kill yourself rather than playing this dopey part? I might.

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I am going to run another post on Kory, peripherally.

He may have actually seen a few patients that freaked him out. (I do not think he is that sharp, tbh. I think he was approached to sell some Clear Coat.)

The patients may have been victims of "this thing is different". (Radiation?)

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I find it interesting he was an expert witness for the George Floyd family:


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yeah I get that same vibe from Ropes Pierre

not that bright, maybe saw something that has him sputtering on about wiping your shoes and double masking etc.

Bobby is an entirely different kettle of fish. Badly traumatized, controlled and manipulated- a malleable cowardly lion

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The "crisis" was mismanaged, as Kennedy says in the first chapter.

He fails to explain that the mismanagement of the "crisis" was also part of the pandemic theater.

Not that kind of book, not that kind of documentary.

There was another documentary, "The viral delusion," which JJ Couey would absolutely hate. His eyes would jump out of their orbits.

Fauci approved terrible things to be done to AIDS babies. No one wants to look chapter 7 of The Real AF book.

Sage, do you remember that there were people lighting prayer candles to pictures of their idol Saint Anthony Fauci? He was the only one who could save the world from the ignorance of Trump, who would have let the virus rip. That was the "argument."

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He is running a very very very very sinister and sophisticated Hero Tier Two *Dissident*


I suspect that he believes in the mission of crypto-eugenics, too many critters, save the Rock.

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Your suspicion about eugenics is quite possible in my view.

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Andrew Cuomo was another hero battling Trump at that time.

Which makes me wonder who is the hero battling Trump Resurrected? Maybe the young federal judges?

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I would have loved if that fat ass mall cop tried to remove me from outdoor stadium…

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To paraphrase, updated for 2025, MCM:

'Just because JFK jnr hasn't banned the lethal Covid vaxxes, and is actively pushing the MMR vaxx which he himself proved was unsafe and more deadly than the disease, doesn't mean he's going to let those who murdered a million Americans with the mRNA vaxxes skate!'.

And for 2026:

'Just because JFK jnr has mandated 'no jab, no job or food' doesn't mean he's going to leave the MMR deaths of 2025 uninvestigated: he's just not going to rush into the toxic bog of vengeance without being absolutely scientifically certain that more harm was done than good to those Americans who resisted injection!'

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Is this a Chabad deal?

He is there for a reason. He is in The Real AF for a reason.

I think he's taken a Rockefeller Grant. Is this an inversion?

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Speaking of Chabad, is Trump our first devoutly observing Jew president?

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The much bigger Tier 2 star than Pierre is that dastardly character called Hotez.

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Hotez is Tier 1 in our admittedly shitty taxonomy.

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Thanks for that clarification. I need an org chart to keep track of these characters!

At least I got it right that Hotez is a much bigger player than Pierre.

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It gets tricky because the ShowRunners are trying to merge the tiers.

Like make Zuckerberg good now.

Vigilant Mossad was running Chris Cuomo stuff. 😹

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Keeping us confused, and hiding in that confusion is their game for sure!

I was going to attempt creating an org chart, but it might eventually reduce to a single circle in that Venn diagram?

The actors are definitely being given different roles to play for added confusion.

For me, rather than thinking of tiers, the Venn diagram is easier to see the overlaps and merging?

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Concentric Circles is one way to visualize it.

I used to use Jabs Bad Island, #1, JBI #2, and Jabs Good Island.

Now we on JBI#3. it is icy cold over here. 😅

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walk around in circles... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0-coASIjkQ

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I wouldn’t agree with that. Hotez was Tier 1, obvious Covid Op agent. Nothing subtle there and one didn’t need to peel off any onion layers. He let all the lies hang out. The lack of any deception other than the obvious deception makes him a smaller player in my book.

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He was also used for shock and awe.

I remember some nasty hate and division coming from him.

Definitely Tier 1.

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