The Rockefeller Foundation's 1990 "Children's Vaccine Initiative" sounds a bit like a certain HHS Secretary's former "Children's Health Defense" Organization
Which wouldn't be so strange if Abby Rockefeller wasn't hanging out with CHD's Meryl Nass at Bobby's "I'm running for President" party and appearing on a show on CHD for fiercely pro-vaccine Robert F.
Was watching this documentary.
Again. Saw it a couple of years ago.
The filmmaker Brad CGZ is winding his way through David Rockefeller’s Depopulation Spiel at the United Nations in 1994.
He then mentions that the Rockefellers were big on VACCINES.
I was making a supercut and began rubbing my eyes. Will post that video shortly, but I want you to see from the back of the brain as I just did.
Below is a fortuitous screenshot from flick.
Do you see the little CHD logo on the page?
No way did the Rockefellers use the same logo back in 1990 for their Vaccinate the World plans (of depopulation).
But then I realized that CGZ had included a vaccination schedule from 2019 using CHD’s graph.
I kept looking at it, though.
It meshed so nicely.
Last year and in 2023, I kept wondering WTF Bobby was doing in Europe with CHD Europe.
Why were they holding events in Brussels? Home of the EU.
(Absolute nothing burger We Did It! events.)
So global in scope, Bobby.
Fiercely pro-vaccine Bobby.
Let’s just take a minute and absorb how naturally that little CHD globe fits in with all the other Global Graphics from the Rockefeller Children’s Vaccine Initiative.
(Fully aware that I am sporting a globe in my avatar and that punishing irony is not lost on me!)
(11:19 video)
Another video here on Rockefellers and the United Nations.
Recall that Day Tapes Richard Day was a Rockefeller insider.
From the Depopulation Family!
To ???
Help the world be healthier and extend lifespans?
Daughter Abby Rockefeller.
Nass and Abby.
I have dots in my mind moving.
Young fella, we have plans for you.
Recall also that Pierre Kory was a former Immunization Incentive Specialist before becoming a Simulation Expert and then one of the “five smartest guys in the pandemic”.
(Advocating masks.)
Remember that Steve Kirsch and Bob Malone are also concerned about that dang POPULATION GROWTH.
👇 Full dive here.
Kirsch was involved with Rockefeller Philanthropy. His blog excerpts in the below post are straight David Rockefeller Rich Dude cut and pastes.
Somebody go find out if Crispin Miller took that Rockefeller $$$ too.
Oh yeah…The Rockefellers ran an Operation Lockstep in about 2010 about locking down the world for a pandemic.
I guess all I can say is that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and so forth own the world.
They get their people in the room.
They do not “accept the things they cannot change” as the old Serenity Prayer says.
(The Rockefellers were involved in AA too.)
Everything is weird bullshit all the time, says Celia.
::long stare::
Tess Lawrie has The World Council for Health. (Not The World Health Organization.)
Her conference was A Better Way. (Not Build Back Better.)
Malone's book subtitle: "And the Better Future Coming"
Malone, Kory, and Cole were involved with the "Global Covid Summit" (Not the Global Covid-19 Summit courtesy the Biden the same time.)
They re-branded it International Covid Summit, then International Crisis Summit.
Come on, Show Runners.
CHD Brussels Press Release:
"The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid."
The DTRA press release on DOMANE countermeasures:
FORT BELVOIR, Va. - "AThe COVID pandemic took the world by surprise. Researchers were left scrambling to devise a way to best mitigate the negative impact this disease has on global health."
Do you see the same spun talking points at every Top Not a Movement Tier?
SH, You amaze me. How you see all these things and put them together. I was watching one of the HUGO Talks videos yesterday and he was showing how all roads lead to Rome, The Roman Empire that is, and how (he believes) it's always been The Roman Empire running things and that is The Beast. The video was full, full of the symbolism that has been used for centuries, millennia. Examples: Eagles, double-headed Eagles, Laurel Wreathes and so forth. Some of those same symbols are right there on this post, along with the global/entire world/all the continents symbols. I do not understand why so few recognize all this going on is One World Government in the making including mass-murder.