Tess Lawrie has The World Council for Health. (Not The World Health Organization.)

Her conference was A Better Way. (Not Build Back Better.)

Malone's book subtitle: "And the Better Future Coming"

Malone, Kory, and Cole were involved with the "Global Covid Summit" (Not the Global Covid-19 Summit courtesy the Biden Administration....at the same time.)

They re-branded it International Covid Summit, then International Crisis Summit.


Come on, Show Runners.

CHD Brussels Press Release:

"The last three years took us all by surprise. We were separated from each other, isolated and afraid."

The DTRA press release on DOMANE countermeasures:

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - "AThe COVID pandemic took the world by surprise. Researchers were left scrambling to devise a way to best mitigate the negative impact this disease has on global health."


Do you see the same spun talking points at every Top Not a Movement Tier?

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Same same

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SH, You amaze me. How you see all these things and put them together. I was watching one of the HUGO Talks videos yesterday and he was showing how all roads lead to Rome, The Roman Empire that is, and how (he believes) it's always been The Roman Empire running things and that is The Beast. The video was full, full of the symbolism that has been used for centuries, millennia. Examples: Eagles, double-headed Eagles, Laurel Wreathes and so forth. Some of those same symbols are right there on this post, along with the global/entire world/all the continents symbols. I do not understand why so few recognize all this going on is One World Government in the making including mass-murder.

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When you get bored of the 'Rockerfeller Plaza' Foundation and their trustees, the Plaza des Armas... how's about heading over to the Plaza Mayor? The Vatican led and usual suspect ridden 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism' 🤔🤪 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-council-for-inclusive-capitalism-with-the-vatican-a-new-alliance-of-global-business-leaders-launches-today-301187931.html

It's 'inclusive'... 🤭

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Maybe they should make it the home for all the War Refugees!

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Seems like there's more of them these days.

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Bomb Back Better

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"Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society," said Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners. "This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to 'the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor' and answer society's demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth."

Yup. Sounds totally legit 🙃

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And the irony lol. The world seems to be the"word" these dais also. And "better". And seeing as how fucking Every name of an 'organization' or slogan is always the total opposite of what their real intentions are, a better world ain't that. But we're trying to save it, so your logo is jes fine:)

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Wow! That was amazing. Every time I read one of the connecting the dots posts more and more things fall into place. The unfortunate side is that I'm so far away from "the received view" that it's hard to imagine anyone IRL understanding it unless they were reading your stack or some of the others that uncover things.

And then there's the grief in seeing so many people so badly misled, misled to early deaths and the falling apart of everything that has sustained us (food systems, e.g)

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Sage, your logo is a proper globe. Like we had in grade school centuries ago. Showing Earth. (Not "the planet").

The others: It's like those unsettling cartoons of faces with no features that showed up in conjunction with the shutdowns and BLM, woke. Depersonalizing pictures. They showed up everywhere for a while. Conveying the message, your only value is as part of a faceless crowd. Kind of "seven of nine" stuff.

Those other logos are propaganda. Meant to suggest "the planet" and strip the meaning from Earth and replace it with global citizenry. Suggesting or showing the hands gently cradling the globe, etc. When those hands are in fact dripping with blood, not gentle at all.

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They subvert everything, everything they touch is either emptied of meaning, or completely reversed.

And the sinister portraying of happy global citizens by inane cartoon figures, just going with the programme and sucking it all up.

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Yes. Earth.

(Not "the planet").

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Amazing compilation of info.

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They accept the things they cannot change, but the list of those things is small, and, like the wicked witch of the west, shrinking.

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Tacitus had these scorpions figured out thousands of years ago..

"'Whatever their origin, these rites are sanctioned by their antiquity. Their other customs are perverted and abominable, and owe their prevalence to their depravity. All the most worthless rascals, renouncing their national cults, started showering them with offerings and tribute. This is one cause of Jewish prosperity. Another is that they are obstinately loyal to each other and always ready to show compassion, whereas they feel nothing but hatred and enmity for the rest of mankind. They separate themselves from others both in meals and in bed: although immoderate in sexual indulgence, they refrain from intercourse with foreign women: among themselves anything is allowed. They have introduced circumcision to distinguish themselves from other people. Those who are converted to their customs adopted the same practice, and the first lessons they learn are to despise the gods, to renounce their country, and to regard parents, children and brethren as worthless. "

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Three - yours, CHD's and the UN's - different whirling little globes AND a piece of the Serenity Prayer, what a lovely Monday morning.....(danboginoohdear)..........

The clips and whole video Globalist Population Control are all good, thank you.

I've always wondered about whole families being bad apples, Rockies and Rothies. I know we've seen the black sheep of powerful families die young and mysteriously.... but are ALL family members rotten I wonder?

I remember sitting in the UN as a 12 yr old watching my friend's mother speak, she was the UN Ambassador for Woman's Rights at the time.

The End.

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This whole persistent good-bad binary is where it breaks down to soberly understand the conditions.

I do not believe that this could go forever throughout history without "good" people imagining that they are doing "good" and lots and lots of separation (disconnectedness) through bureaucratic layers of plans (Day Tapes) and results.

We did the Evil Layer Cake paradigm about two years ago, but this particular question is always the most fascinating dilemma.

An ostensible reason must be provided so people will view intended results through a "greater good" prism.

(Trolley Experiments, Double Binds, etc.)

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Yeah, yeah, I know and have long understood people thinking, saying and doing, "some bad things to do good". But yes, mostly people are so far down the chain they can't see the final results of their paycheck producing job. "Disconnectedness".

I was ruminating on the progeny of the powerful being able to escape the dynasty and the plans of the familial dynasty.

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I met one of the members of these families once. She was the youngest of a slew of siblings and let loose the remark that none of her siblings appreciated her being born. I suppose that meant they didn’t like the inheritance being diluted once more. We are all aware of all the fratricide throughout history. I don’t think there is any reason to think that has stopped. That’s one way to keep all the family members on the straight and narrow.

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"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

"The ends justify the means."

This sort of stuff that the philanthropaths always portray as their ostensible good intentions. Just pay me to do what is ostensibly good, and I will do it.

The Rockafella donation of land and money to establish the UN building in NYC is one of the biggest connections that the UN was essentially established by the Rockafellas. With some financial help from the other usual suspects, of course.

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The old Platonic axiom:

'No man does evil knowingly' - simply because it isn't recognised as an evil act, but is thought to be justified.

Although strictly speaking this only applied to those who were free: slaves lacked 'self-direction' and had to do whatever the master or mistress commanded even if they thought it was evil, or, most likely, be killed or severely punished.

But a slave was, therefore, 'less than a man' for that reason.

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You think exactly that doesn’t happen today to so-called free men and women? I had an interaction this week with a city employee in which exactly that kind of situation was evident from our conversation.

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"To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats"

~ Fabian Sodomite

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Interesting about the children of the dynasties dying young. Perhaps the conditioning they get makes some of them too crazy and they are of no use to the family. Sucking the soul out of a person could destroy them. I think how much they must have messed with rfkjr to make him malleable.

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I've been aware of the heirs of Baskin Robbin's, DuPont and Disney dying young or renouncing the family business. Those are quick names that come to mind.

And the royal children (Rosemary Kennedy), Queen Elizabeth's institutionalized cousins who are disappeared if they don't make the physical/mental grade.

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Disappeared royals/aristos make it easier to directly see one of the factors that get those folks on board with more generalized culling and ongoing genetic research. It's so nice (um, mebbe even noble) of them to dedicate all those resources so that over the long haul fewer and fewer of us comparative poors will have to endure the sad feeling of institutionalizing idiotic members of our families. Gosh, thanks. Bless y'all's hearts.

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Well the poor rich and royal are very busy trying to Rule (own) the world.

It would be hard to find the time to nurture their children even if they aren't retarded.

Of course in my world, anyone who's rich or royal are the truly retarded - they are actually born into and ARE institutions in and of themselves, poor guys.

And as you noted, they can't seem to help themselves from "helping" the rest of us. Bless 'em indeed.

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Can you elaborate on the heirs of Baskin Robbin’s, please? I was friends with one of them when I was at UCLA in the 60’s.

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John Robbins

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My friend was on the Baskin side. I don’t think she died young or did any denouncing. She was involved with Saturday Night Live though.

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I always loved 31 Flavors!

And haven't agreed with John and his son, Ocean's life long campaign for Veganism or Vegetarianism.

But have no idea what they're up to now.

Come to think of it, those vegetarian campaigns are suspect now....... though don't they still include the Loma Linda population as one of the longest lived?

I don't know anymore.....!

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Jamocha Almond Fudge!! Yes!! And yes on Loma Linda 7th Day Adventist menu!! Very good for you, evidently. I was in the Baskins house once in LA and was very impressed with the drugstore-like soda counter they had installed!

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The giant wall/mural/photo of the Baskin Robbins girls (twins?) in the Riverside ice cream store, is etched indelibly in my memory along with Jamocha Almond Fudge!! double scoop ice cream cones after many a bike ride there and back.

I just spent way too much time looking for that photo online - 15 years ago, I remember seeing it.

Nothing now but ghastly corporate logos and colors.

By the way, I listened to Sachs yesterday, and it is quite good, as you said.

Too bad all ideas have been smeared as globalist environmentalist garbage - which, in the wrong hands, with the wrong motives, they are.

Common sense no war and clean food and water please.

And quit saying "Abracadabra" when you pull out a syringe.

And would the real criminals behind the murders, and those KNOWINGLY supporting murder please stand up now?

Whoops, where's the profit in that.....

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Sage, killing it. Have not had the time to catch up on the production lately, but looking forward to it when I have time. Thanks

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I still am a bit confused at why Beaudoin is also circled there, though he does I think gate his analysis to stay on JBI*1.

Or maybe he just wanted to make it into a Micky Mouse doodle

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JJ did the circling, IIRC.

I don't know anything about Beaudoin.

That lone little picture tied together so much, as George Webb had already tied Meryl and Abby Rockefeller together RE: the Bruce Ivins case.

So then it's just a matter of seeing the layers present again.

All of the CHD branding puzzle pieced RE: Malone in HI, Pfizer Bad, the insistence on focusing on "FDA", the curious hanging out of Transhumanism or FLU Vaccine WARM BASE, the incongruency at someone honestly addressing the evidence that a rube with an Etch a Sketch can find, the curious appearances by the NOT RUBES with Etch a Sketches, the same people again and again blathering the same talking points like zombies, the Kirsch KUMU chart, etc....

All of it begins to make sense when you see up the ORG Chart and then track it back to the STATED INTENTIONS of the Rockefeller INSIDER.

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Beaudoin wrote a couple of books. He got access to 1.4 million unredacted death certificates from Massachusetts on which he based his 'irrefutable evidence' (of Jabs Bad). You can see him here being interviewed by UK Column.


Tier 2 pacify the marks par excellence.

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Jabs Bad is the concentric circle that was apparent after two hours in 2021 that the Owners will spread out ....into eternity.

A concentric circle wave pool that will drown every "organized" attempt to ask the next indicated question.

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That's a good visual and in terms of disrupting a physical rendition of that, what could you use? Equally spaced incoming 'objects'? Of Intention? Would make the waves collapse and turn on each other. Hmmm. Think outside the box. Apply physics to this. Cons at it from all angles, right to the center.

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He also wrote on skyrocketed rundeathisnear renal failure rates and hospital deaths during the nonsense yrs. Spoke at MA senate and went to courts. I wonder if he hasn’t yet realized the surrounding truman shows vs tier 2. When your consumed with grief, exhausted while tracking data, and writing at all hours, it’s distracting from one’s usual discernment. Went through that myself early on. Plus, at first, you don’t want to believe the next level of fakery, and the next, and the next, and..

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I think he’s focussed on his death cert data and using the law degree he’s working toward to attack along the jabs bad front. I think along those rails he’s very solid, but he accepts the pandemic narrative and has fallen in with some sketchy JBI*1 thought leaders. Yes agree grief is a driver and perhaps distraction there

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Yes — data that could speak to what happened in Boston’s smaller death spike, but as far as I know hasn’t been. And he seems rather hostile toward Dr H, though she’s also very focussed on another city.

This has been this week’s “As The Pandemic Turns”.

Brought to you by Pandemectin

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Who is Dr H? Hockett?

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She's a doctor?

No wonder.

Medical Drs, being perhaps the most murderous, anyone using that prefix now, is suspect.

Present Dr. excluded of course.

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"Stated intentions" is key. In their "organizations". Well, we need to state our intentions in an organized manner too. Use their "methodoligy" against them. Plus our love for mankind to boost the energy output:) love rules our universe don-cha-know. They jes playa's in their loser's game.. So everyone, at least once a day, focus your intention on love of mankind and gratitude for our existence, imagining what we want to co-create with our inherent ability to do so. What a gift:)

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Wait — is this another act of love reference?

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Turn it up!!!

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And I can't be trusted with speakers.

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Idk lol. It's what I've come to feel is actionable. Jes tryin to help:)

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Yes I meant to go find the episode he talked about that but probably its disappeared by now.

I can see where JJC wouldn’t be a fan, but was missing the connection with the other two.

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I don't think it had to do with the current discussion.

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Seems to be a lot of mixed messaging going on here with Trump's CDC, HHS and FDA.

See Jon Fleetwood's Substack article today as well:

Trump's CDC, FDA 'Actively Participating' in WHO Bird Flu Seminar Despite Executive Order to Withdraw U.S. from International Organization: STAT


Linking both his and yours today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

"Warp Speed, Mr. Sulu!"


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The AA thing looks so weird from a distance.

The central belief seems to be "powerlessness."

I'm geneticaly programmed to be this way, don't judge me.

I live day by day, etc.

This is like the polar opposite of the neo-psychiatry platform: you are not a victim of your genes or of anyone, you have agency and power as a free and independent and beautiful human being, go do a carnivore diet to restore your thyroid, learn to detox and stop watching the News.

Interestingly, the AA people will not be unfamiliar with the vitamin B1 and B3 hypothesis. Which was a proxy for a grain-based diet. And the idea that, even though meat has more vitamins than anything else, you better take supplemental wheat germ oil capsules with your green-conscious anti-addiction diet. Only you can end capitalism and wildfires.

I haven't been an alcoholic, but I took loads of B3 a few years back. I don't really recommend overdoing B3. It's a very unnatural trick, which works for depression for about 20 minutes. Cocaine is probably easier to detox.

Don't OD on vitamins, kids. You're better than that, and ice cream is cheaper.

My point is: ideologies have a way to insert themselves on every other topic. Like "chronic disease" and "disease prevention" and "repurposed drugs" and many other things.

What should be strictly a personal issue, ends up becoming a huge social fire because of ideologies and propaganda masquerading as public health.

But the a-political are often immune to all this. They form splitter groups, where politics is not allowed.

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At this point I'd rather talk to an apolitical person on some mundane issue like quilting, than talk to someone who has any derangement syndrome or hero ball. It's so scripted and you just want to scream hearing the same talking points over and over.

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For me, one of the most astonishing things was hearing the propaganda sound-bites repeated verbatim by people.

It must be rather twisted fun to be a programmer, set this all in motion and then watch the effect.

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I'm still working hard to figure out those Bs - and methylation.

I lived for years and years on Brewers Yeast.

I don't think THAT flaked yeast has been made for 30 years, I don't know, because I no longer trust any companies that supposedly make Brewers Yeast.

But years ago, it was great.

I was invincible.

I get some energy from the beef and buffalo I'm lucky to get..... but I miss the old Brewer's Yeast energy.

Any tips you have, would be very appreciated.

Thank you, Agent.

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Lots of folk supported vaccines and sustainability agendas in the 90s, until they really thought it through. Covid opened a lot of peoples eyes.

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I saw the project runway b

Kovid guy previously but not that golden globe bit! Geez, wonder how much other punch you in the face with it I missed?

Anyone got a good book for the Rockefeller story? Also, I’m convinced The new buzzword is “reimagine(ing)”

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