
Evil is a construct, the scorpion said.

This is great. Trump leaked call to Kennedy. The insane manipulation of the feelings and fantasies of those who worship at the feet of the idol Trump. Needle and the damage done, he knows. He is with us, they idolaters say. He was forced to do it. He didn't want to do it. And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning: we need the biometric clearance system because the foreigners have so many germs and they took our jerbs okay it's the best biometric surveilance in the world okay and you are also foreigners in your own country because "country" is not a progressive concept okay and you have cooties.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

It’s funny, I still can’t understand people who didn’t took the C19 gene editing injections because they knew it was a shit shot but keep on supporting Trump despite Trump has big time helped market and pushed the shit shot as safe and effective narrative and even until now he hasn’t back down yet from that narrative! I did like Trump over Biden but when he side with the safe and effective narrative and still continuing about it, it was like a bomb that hit me! There is NO way anyone who has a good and genuine intention for his people would also want the annihilation of them at the same time! No other alibis. Period. The gene editing injections has massive massive and dangerous consequences to humanity and the future generations!! And I loved it that Sage heart and soul is restless and doesn’t stop talking about all these things because WE CANT Let it die and let them win !

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Like button still sleeping...but what are you doing up so early.


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it's 11am where I am.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Oh. its 0dawn100 where I am.

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Duchess - my like button wasn’t working for at least a month. I updated my phone, as well cleared cache. Hopeful this helps you… ✌️

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

What are you doing up so early this am? I'm driving someone to airport but???

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Me: And the ball was just hit over the wall and out of the park by sound reasoning for a home run!

SH: ST: Good Lord, Scorpion. Why not just nuke everybody? Scorpion: This is more fun for us!

Me: Idle hands are the devil's playground. 100% true.

SH: You bored, huh? scorpion: Very. There is only so much fun we can have by nature.

Me: Nature is a balance of extremes such as production vs destruction and growth vs decay which automatically corrects when going away from being balanced so scorpions "rock the boat", "upset the apple cart", practice having "too many chiefs and not enough Indians", "too many chef's spoiling the broth" and instigate never ending discussions by promoting the theory of democracy. 100% true.

SH: What’s it like being evil? scorpion: Evil is a construct.

Me: Says the spider to the fly. Evil is interfering with production and then blaming the resulting loss on the producers while insisting evil selves are the only solution (hero) to the problem.. 100% true.

SH: What’s it like being an evil construct? scorpion: It beats being bored.

Me: The scorpion is obviously a useless eater that takes away from the producers creating unnecessary harm and waste with a goal of self promotion through deceit.

Me: My 2 cents worth in question form. Who, in any corporation, gets any benefit from non-product producing stockholders or benefits any from the stockholders concerns regarding profit and bottom line being the goal of the imaginary non-living legal entity or corporation which really does not exist? Who, in any corporation needs help from authority positions that couldn't be provided by co-producers (team players) they work with to maximize their output? Who really are the useless eaters, who really are the leaders (from the word lead which means go first) and who are the followers in any group? What good comes from giving rights to nonexistent & nonliving legal entities that an individual person is not able to have? Criminals hiding and deceiving in order to retain and benefit from ill-gotten wealth is not new and the practice of doing so defies the common sense notion that someone must earn our trust before we give it. At the risk of oversimplifying would we be correct to assume that corporations only exist to give criminals a way to avoid prosecution for their crimes?

In a free society (laissez-faire) Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) goes for both other peoples products you buy and other peoples ideas you buy into. Is this feeling real yet?

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

I am so floored by your thinking. That "conversation" was fascinating. Not knowing who you are makes it even more fascinating. I wish someone would put out a package containing the Day Tapes and transcripts for sale and I could just point people to them.

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perfect. goes with k. Watts op this am...the two parties/options/legal framework for killing the world.

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Is this is a script or a verbatim account?

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The Scorpion And The Frog Fable

A scorpion and a frog meet each other on the banks of a stream.

The scorpion is on its way to the other side of the bank and but the waters are too treacherous for it to cross.

So the scorpion politely asks the frog to help carry it across the water.

The scorpion tells the frog he is an excellent swimmer with wide back that can easily carry him across.

Suspicious, the frog asks the scorpion, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion replies, “Why would I do that? Then we would both drown.”

The frog is still unsure and asks the scorpion more questions.

The scorpion always seems to have a logical answer.

Satisfied with the scorpion’s reasoning, the frog allows the scorpion to climb on his back and they begin their journey across the water.

The waves are high and so the scorpion holds on tight to the frogs body.

However, before they can make it halfway across the stream, the frog feels a sting right in the middle of his back and feels the spread of venom slowly taking over his limbs.

The frog begins to slowly sink under the water and, realizing what has happened, has time to gasp out, “Why did you do that? Now we will both drown and die!”

As the scorpion sinks under with the frog, it replies, “It’s in my nature.”

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Return of properly completed and notarized NDA form required prior to reply. Refer to previously transmitted codicil entitled "FA&FO"?

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Verbatim. From my brain. I’ve had this conversation in my brain myself. It’s spooky, sage’s ability to read my thoughts.

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If they let you backstage again, tell ‘em Wind of Change with some good Defiant Orange imagery could totally seal the deal

Not Dancing Orange though.

Maybe Dancing Orange works more with Tease Me Please Me

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You catch the podcast talking about that songs role in the Soviet Union?

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No where was that?

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8 episodes, plus some extra at the end.

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Wow. Interesting. Added to the queue

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This one is pure Gold Sage! I love it when you go full snark while still telling the truth. This is why I pay you for information. Very well written!!

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Love, love 'Coming To America' clip.

Thank you Shih-Tzu.

And, "Worry about yourself", is exactly the answer I got while praying for first husband's sobriety.

It was a startling answer to prayer.

I listened to it and left.

It's why I try to keep my eyes on my own plate even now, decades later...I have no idea how or why anyone else does what they do.

Still curious though!

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I just saw this~~predictive programming?? "Thine Ears Shall Bleed" a movie just released


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Research H7N9.


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Evil is presented as the opposite of GOOD which is incorrect but great for the narrow dialectic. Evil is the absence of good and the elimination of the heritage Christian good beliefs has been the goal of these people for over 2,000 years. That is why those objecting are classified as domestic terrorists and the greatest threat to the country. you are the target although hidden in a whole bunch or sophistry and hypocrisy.

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