Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

Da second jab makes no sense if da first jab totally left you disabled and or dade. ☠️☠️☠️. Jus saying. 😎

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Like those purple berries, logic sometimes keeps you alive...or at least from dying too soon.

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Oh I know. I mean they’re related to tomatoes, so must be fine.

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There's a nightshade connection somewhere 'round here...wonder if he'll show up at the front door with his wares if I crank up a CSNY or Airplane album good'n loud...

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

“Dr Fauci is my North Star…,” said Dr Pinsky. Nuff said bout that.

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😅 One big Herd-Culling Club

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

Yup. Thank God 3 of our 4 adult kids were like-minded with their rebel parents and we didn’t have to deal with no hugs, masks, no visits except in the driveway 🙄etc etc. Their spouses had also taken the vaccine red pill. So much more family harmony ❤️

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May I ask...this shit is endlessly fascinating to me...those who sorted this out.

How did you know?

Did you have any idea that this was a massive Psychological Operation?

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yes. that interests me too.

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I read early on that the vaccines were developed using fetal tissue. An awesome researcher named Pamela Acker stunned the Catholic world in an interview on LifeSiteNews when she dropped the truth bomb that the fetal tissue used in vaccines is taken from LIVING BABIES!

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We had an Agent Bender here who arrived at the same rationales. thanks!

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Dr Theresa Deisher, too.

The animation that may look like a cartoon but is very moving:


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Yes this is an interesting trick employed in many corporate vaccine exemption forms. They bait you to declare you’re not taking the shots for this reason, then get you with the inconsistency that more or less all pharma utilizes cell cultures like this.

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Cell cultures from human fetuses? Like the infamous HEK cell lines?

How many years can these lines survive, in production? Or how many divisions until they begin to look like a politician and are not usable anymore?

Why not cell lines from an adult donor?

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My PCP advised me to skip all vaxs. I have CFS and don't need any extra autoimmune issues. He never maxed either, or his doctor wife who was preggers at the time. His two kids have had no vaccines either. Smart man. 😎

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

That's one club I ain't in. 😎

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6:10 "I adjusted course when Dr. Fauci made it clear that there is a difference between this virus and influenza. The ferocity of this virus, it's infectivity."

Dr. Drew was reacting predictably to the unjustified media hype early on regarding the lethality of a simple Corona virus. He knew that Corona viruses are not a serious threat based on history and experience.

Once he was informed that, although it is called a Corona virus, it is not actually a typical Corona virus and is in fact a para-retrovirus with a Corona spike then he changed his story.

This analysis in no way exonerates Drew from pushing murder shots. Try to think in more than one bit folks. Try to understand that in reality, more than one variable, more than one unknown are currently in operation.


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Try to think that maybe it was a radiation surge?

Does that qualify as "thinking in more than one bit"?


Pierre Kory, May 6, 2020

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In the early 1990's a spokesperson at the CDC was interviewed about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and asked about the current day hunt for a viral cause to there illness....

His response to the reporter (Hilary Johnson) was too say....

Now get this Sage....

"It doesn't have to be a virus, it could be microwave radiation"

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I'm thinking of a quote from Marshall McLuhan where he castigates advertisers for saying "better than...." Without providing specific comparisons to other products.... Just "better than" or "worse than"....

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"The Mectin is the message."

Signed, Tess McLuhan

(I went with it to make my HI homie laugh)

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The Mextin IS the message Sage

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My 5G radiation weapon disallowed me from liking comments.... Yes, I'm actively doing this research, this differential between 5G and "virus".

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I don't know but in my experience the radiation increased notably at the same time do I'm sure that certain radiation weapons in cities were brought on line in a coordinated manner. I avoid cities always but at that time (spring if 2020) I had been diverted and was delivering a rabbi from the desert into Houston TX. In my ways out of town I could feel my eyeballs burning from whatever was being pumped out of the giant, tall freeway street lamps.

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Yes, that counts

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Oct 15Liked by Sage Hana

“Dr.” Pinsky is a sham. In Ca, there was a family member who went to him for addiction trouble. Said family member was allowed to go to rehab ALONG WITH the woman he was doing drugs with!

Family member committed suicide shortly afterward.

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Most def. Dude also has a trail of dead celebrity bodies behind him.

Celebrities do NOT need to be on TV trying to get humble enough to change.

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I wonder if Dr Drew ever found out that the vaxx doesn't stop transmission? Probably didn't hear the news, since his head is up his own a$$.

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He's a Celebrity Addiction Expert!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

Dang, Doc. I will never look at my TV screen the same after suffering through that foul blast of gas from the past. Hope you recalibrated that guiding star of yours

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Another Doctor to avoid. Moron. Idiot. Plain stupid.

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Stables have to be mucked.

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ie..."Stables have more than just horses in them."

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And- no toxic retribution against anyone.

So, am wondering what the overarching purpose of CHD's "Vaxxed III" film is? Since Bobby is not- NOT- "antivax" at all? Raise awareness of the toxic shots (CV19 this time)- but that's it?

Did the "Vaxxed" 1 and 2 films that Polly Tommey co-produced push Jnr to ask the CDC etc to stop and reconsider the childhood shots? No - and he is adamant about being "not anti-vaccine." Just need to "reorganize" these agencies. Nothing really wrong with their existence per se.

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All of anything coming from Del Bigtree or Robert F. Kennedy is to pacify and control the bamboozled marks.

They both came on the scene in Prep timeline 2015-2016 as "Anti-Vax" heroes, even as Bobby is "fiercely pro-vaccine" and ICAN is sponsoring a "Vaccine Confidence Bill".

It's calm the marks and it will have a switcheroo.

"I am pro-vaccine" shouted Bobby in 2019. "I believe that vaccines should be tested!"


Along the way they want you to vote for the King of Israel and help get strip of land. (It will never stop at strip of land.)

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15Liked by Sage Hana

The new MAHA of RFKjr and the garden gnome is to give the "health bureaucracy" moar and moar power. It's already happening. There was some "community workshop" on health locally. They will come knocking at your door with the hypodermic needle. These new vaccines will be studied and declared safe. So you can then vaccinate a person against their will with the new improved safe vaccine (Bobby said so).

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

Waves * BIG BAG OF CASH* and hollers * SWITCH!!!*.


"Dis is how we doo itt".

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This above illustrated clarity about the operation over time will help many.

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Sadly so. It's left up to each one of us to *do something about it* - if you still have some outrage left against these monsters and their enablers.

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We're just a few stragglers having outrage about it.

I don't even see 'acceptance'....nobody knows what's really going on!

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hola, sage.

wow! does this mean this visionary star has re-blinded himself so he can re-brand himself while brandishing brainwashing as sage rebounding into the renown of the call of the cull?

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1. Kovid is a press-demic.

2. I'm sorry, shit's real.

3. Me big mad that me no get shots and now me have radiation poisoning, err...Kovid


5. Currently trying to split the middle.


The last time we went here, I got a fish on the doorstep from Kanadian Billionaire Foster and then Paul Alexander and his minions, so...buckle up!

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

It's a Double-Blind Test.

"I was for the cull...errr...the vaxxx, before I was against it".

To quote John 'effin Kerry:

"Don't you know Who I AM!??"

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Oct 15Liked by Sage Hana

John Kerry once campaigned for Prez in our small city. He said urban sprawl was happening and we should build dense cities instead. Elsewhere he famously said that if we don't get rid of farms, we will create famines. ???!!@@@wtf??

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How about - Not one (so called) vaccine has ever been evaluated against a true placebo, not ever.

Them 'shots' are for the sterilising of the herd. Gates/WHO has spent billions on perfecting them things causing illness and sterility. Gates is spreading flying disease spreaders (mosquitoes) in order to facilitate disease in places where the disease has been eliminated, or has been absent for many years.

There is zero reason to trust anything that comes with a needle.

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Correct. So why, pray tell. would a person be "fiercely pro-anything" that is untested?


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Yeah, from what I've been hearing (that they've known since 1902!!!) It's the 2nd introduction of a toxic substance thar really gets a bad reaction. Anaphylaxis. What say ye, Drew?

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Drew has no idea what she is talking about else she would not push the vax any vax for that matter... Also I see the true agenda promoted by sage...

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You might like this article on his business partner


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Someone should email that Mockingbird writer with some of Paul Alexander's work....err...*work

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