Wonder if this is why the "Global Covid Summit" site which helped fund"Defeat the Mandates" and helped launch Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, and Ryan Cole was scrubbed
Bannon also brought over and introduced virologist Li Meng ian from Chinese as a refugee who said that she saw China release the covid and jump-start that distraction rabbit-hole. (except that she was married in the US and her husband works in a US lab and lives in the US). Bannon gets things done for his masters.
If one just listens to Brock Pierce describe how to run a business, they can tell that he is just involved in an inside money laundering scheme and not a real hard-working business owner. I have heard of bitcoin schemes promised to people to push a storyline. Covid was a big time show like 9-11 and Malone and Kory and Bhattacharya and Kennedy played their parts well. In fact, there was NO pandemic and that is how you know that they are players.
here is the technofuturist thought leader Ray Kurzweil;
"We’ll use nanobots to kill pathogens, then to kill cancer cells, and then they’ll go into our brain and do benign things there like augment our memory, and very gradually they’ll get more and more sophisticated. There’s no single great leap, but there is ultimately a great leap comprised of many small steps."
From my extrapolation of their plans, it looks like the psychopaths will take over the asylum, and then they will destroy each other fighting over total control of it?
Yes they are sufficiently vile and amoral and callously indifferent. But even with all that - I would argue technofuturists lack sufficient motivation to murder and poison millions of humans. But if a Technofuturist was a Chosenite… THAT would be like throwing gasoline on the proverbial fire.
mebbe so, you may be right. But it’s also worth considering (as you have sagely pointed out out many times) it’s a lot of work to murder and poison so many people. Methinks it takes an extra measure of deeply fueled ambition/ madness in order to stay focused on all the murdering torturing raping poisoning and general suffering that needs to be inflicted. Even the most dedicated technofuturist is seemingly too light in the loafers to stay focused on all the 24/7 burning hatred etc neccessary to press on, and then to teach your children to carry on the family tradition as well- technodweebs are certainly amoral bottom feeding narcissistic batshit crazy, but just not convinced they have the chutzpah to murder the world like the Chosenites are literally demonstrating in realtime they are fully capable of industrial level atrocities all day long.
preposterous absolutely baseless Pierre Kory level nonsense. These are serial grifters who have grown accustomed to simply making shit up out of thin air and repeating it over and over
One supposes that this BS capacity has evolved in Homo Sapiens since it is always possible to fool a great many with it, and to lead a wonderfully prosperous life as a result. Promises of Heaven, of limitless wealth, of Eternal Life: all the way down to penis extension ads......
Bannon and 'It was the CCP!' Naomi made a great team.
Only once did Killing Our Babies Naomi suggest a 'global resource crisis' as one of the motivations for all of this, and then never again touched on that subject: just the evil CCP because they are evil and hate our freedoms, I suppose. And our pensioners: the Chinks really have it in for Baby Boomers in the West, don't they?
Always pay attention to what they don't talk about.....
What was Bannon in jail for? I guess I need to revisit that scam again.
Maybe a short jail stint is part of their act to make them seem credible to their marks?
Pierce seems to have that same disdain for their sucker victims that others like him do. That is also why they disdain those who do not scam the same way they do?
After all, only the smart chosenist scammers can do that and get away with it.
I don't think Steve Bannon or Donald Trump care about Israel at all. At all. At all.
I think someone like Naomi is all in on Chosenites superiority.
Kory just dopey goes along, ne'er do well.
They are either ideologically inclined due to Sky Fairy Revenge fantasy, concerned about overpopulation (saving the planet) and if they understand feel this is necessary, albeit harsh, OR they are just craven partygoers with too much lipstick on trying to feel pretty.
That's certainly true for Donny, who is indebted to the chosenists, and will not escape his indebtedness to them, unless he eliminates that indebtedness?
Like you said no debtor cares anything about the ones they owe their debt to.
Although, it seems that given the opportunity to eliminate the ones they are indebted to, they would gladly do it?
If not, then that would prove that they are all in that indebtedness.
it’s very interesting how you describe this grouping -I think it reveals the hand of central casting in the mix; a very hackneyed, thoroughly predictable, overwrought, typecasting of the same archetypes again and again- all the characters fall into the same roles. We have the mayor, the sheriff, the town gossip, the town drunk, the town whore, and of course, everyone gets to rotate into the central role of the awshucks goodhearted hero for a few episodes. Chosenite hacks, the absolute worst. Shitty writing and mind numbingly predictable dark narratives.
I remember reading that Tether was the preferred (CIA linked) crypto of all of the , now closed, casinos that were run by Chinese Mafia in Southern Cambodia, which are now used as internet scammer farms run by trafficked human slaves lured by false promises of employment. But who knows? Probably completely unrelated...
I don't know how good he is at anything else, but Pierce is a world class personal fart sniffer for calling himself a "critically-acclaimed Disney childhood actor".
Penny & John Harrison - that's a very good little documentary. Sage, if you haven't seen it or didn't have a look, Brock Pierce is in it - you can flip straight to the end where the links are made in the Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) but he's also shown in the film in a brief profile because he's not one of the ones speaking out. Seems to me he went from being a victim to a pimp.
Riddle me this: Would they be messengers if they did not?
So many threads.
Who has time to actually make sense of even one, in this modern ant farm world? Or is it a hamster wheel? An ant farm on a hamster wheel? Like a ferry wheel for the masses.
Who, standing, has the cognitive capacity left? Because when graphed out that is a horrific trendline itself.
Every layer of the Evil layer cake points a certain way.
It long since stopped being happenstance or co-incidence.
It has long been enemy action.
Conveniently, the enemy have long declared their war against us. Published books declaring it. Financed bioweapons - human and manufactured - to kill our brothers and sisters. Conspired to do so, as the biggest and most dangerous terrorist group in the history of our species.
Imagine the strength of the psyops package which has made even hinting at this reality a crime? Or at the very least, verboten.
The next phase will begin when we step out of the blocks, after realising: There is no opposition.
Satanic evil seeking to enslave our body & souls to Host their chaotic unJust unTrue torturous realities when they force you to dream the Hell reality as they rapidly swap in your mind-body-soul for a moment and then the next person lives for a moment throughout all those screaming tortured souls you make suffer and then around again, so quick mind-body-soul burns with rapid multiplexing - you live with all them and their suffering and those women forced impregnated the cool peace of their unborn like drops of water to your burning in hell but then the ripping apart unborn baby silently screaming with you living the torturing death as sacrificed for Satan, ..
.. that evil must let you know it's Nature and plans for your soul in hell, or it would be unJust. Like Google had to make public that Satan directs the mind-raping enslaving search results by removing the "Don't be Evil!" from mission statement because it became evil. And you know it and so allow Satanic Witches to lie and censor and manipulate you into their enslavement, and then Hosting their Hells.
"Conveniently, the enemy have long declared their war against us." - yes, and in losing, be forever trapped away from God Burning their Hells, being eaten forever Body & Blood.
"The tie to cryptocurrency will eventually be technical and structural, as the founders assert it as not just technology but a political movement towards privacy, self-sustainability and true liberty." Hmmm. Why is this so hard for me to believe?
The Story Of How Trump Sided With Big Pharma Swamp & Bill Gates Over RFK Jr. & His Own Morals
RFK Jr. explains how Trump sided with the Big Pharma swamp in this full report. When will Republicans do journalism again & hold Trump to the same standards they hold everyone else to? https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U?feature=shared
Second a bit of Jeffrey & the doomsday cult
In 2012, Epstein held a “doomsday” conference consisting of many of the or aligned scientists.
https://www.pr.com/press-release/403599 Think about that… the bulletin of scientists doomsday conference in 2012 organized by Jeffrey Epstein in the Virgin Islands.
Before the advent of CrispR, Viral vector therapies were the best method of implanting genetic data in to a host.
Viral vector therapy remains an area of study, including for Covid-19.
But viral vectors have side effects which may be familiar... which opens a variety of questions.
Also, a deeper look in to who is researching these topics, and how they relate to Epstein and Gates' secret MIT genetics lab.
The story of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates' research in to genetic engineering, deaging, and depopulation at the MIT Program for Evolutionary Dynamics laboratory which Epstein founded.
This perspective explains many aspects of the Epstein story which simple trafficking doesn't. That's not why he was meeting with Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.
The girls were just the cover-up. Or even more sinister plan of control…
The problem with all this nonsensical fear mongering regarding viruses and germs is that the impossibility of spreading influenza between humans was proven and then published in the 1919 JAMA. Therefore distancing, masking, and vaccination are irrelevant! Get over it.
The Gene Hackman family deaths: the wife died from a virus found in rodent droppings, apparently. But, despite being in intimate domestic contact, she did not pass the infection on to her husband, who starved, along with the dog. Most interesting.
Which is why there is no limit to the legislative power or the executive power.
Everything we can imagine is potentially true and catastrophic, and therefore it musk be regulated. Musk. You may think that regulation is about creating privileges for the elites. That's because you are reckless daredevil of the far right. How dare you. In reality, the regulation of everything helps you get the best treatment and the best possible prices as a consumer. You should be thankful to your communist masters!
Bet the former child actor has some truly horrible casting experiences behind him (as it were!).
It seems one of the myths used in manipulating public perceptions is the 'Nobody Who Becomes a Tech/Finance Billionaire'.
In a highly commercial society, the wealth automatically attracts attention and a degree of respect. More attention will always be paid to the wealthy man than to the pauper.
In a Tech society, having made the money through some innovation also creates respect and makes them look seriously smart. People confuse smart with good, for some unfathomable reason.
That wealth then serves as a plausible reason for these people to pop up everywhere, involved in anything, pushing agendas. Bill Gates the mos egregious example.
Because, as we know, there is nothing that single-minded money-makers want to o more than help humanity and the planet, spreading health, freedom and universal love.........
You do a great job of discussing all of this ... but there is never a call to action ... what exactly would you like the mob that reads this to do about it?
Could that be why you exist?
To run the mob around in circles taking pokes at the players -- the mob high fives and congratulates you... and waits for the next article...
Absolute PROOF that Substack is controlled by the Ministry of Truth
Call for action for what, you doublespeaking sheep Brit?
You support the agendas as laid out. You want this. You state it explicitly.
My call for action is for Madame Fast to lace your next cocaine binge with heroin so you drop dead and fulfill the depopulation agenda which you support.
100% you are in on this, I now think. Fuck you Eddy.
What the fuck happens down there in Kiwiland to you fucks?
Very interesting. I have tuned into WarRoom off an on over the past few years. Not a regular consumer by any means Two thoughts in that regard.
1. I do think that Bannon and WarRoom has opened up millions of eyes into the shady dealings of the US government (leaving aside the Covid psyop for just a moment). In particular his ‘exposure’ of the massive corruption in the financial markets and the IC has been very useful in getting people to understand the nearly impossible problems we face.
2. Having said that, the issue of Covid is baffling. If you go back in time to January 2020 Bannon was 2nd out of the gate (Tucker was first) in covering the story in depth. If my recollection is correct Bannon had Gordon Chang on in mid to late January talking about what his contacts were relating to him about Wuhan. Satellite photos of full hospital parking lots. People lined up by the 100s trying to get into to ER. Blah blah. And he brought Hatfill in as a cohost. And began featuring Malone. They pushed it really hard for two years. He dumped Hatfill eventually, and as things began to die down Malone became a less frequent guest. But he still appears occasionally even today.
It’s just a very confusing situation. Because as I said, I do think Bannon has made some positive contributions. Along with Birch Gold they wrote an 8 part series titled The End of the Dollar Empire. It’s free and it’s really good. There are actually colleges using it as required reading in Econ 101.
But he’s never gone where he should have gone with Covid. Not even close.
The kids just want to play, but you've got a couple of highly observant adults in the back seat. Worth the trip despite the squalling from the middle rows, imo ❤️🙏 Thanks for all you do, Sage.
FWIW you at least made me go look up what this Brock guy did in acting land and made me retch like I just drank a disgusting spirulina smoothie — which by the way don’t they treat your water over there Rog?
Harari has no mother. He's an experimental test tube tyrannist ("TTT" TM.) You can read all about it in "A womb with a view" by E.M.F. Forceduponya... A reworking of the original classic.
The 'egg' as you refer to the sublime bio-molecular construction of the embryonic Harare is not of a 'mother', it is of techno-feudalist design. Perfect in every way and 'unburdened by what has been'. ;-P Not a day goes by when I do not, in reverence and prostrate (not prostate), look upon the picture of the Great Leader Yuval above my bed and think it human in any way...
Discounting the Larry Summers proselytizing all the social-psyche based economic “nudging” the end product is the cyborg mentality, the merging of a A.I. entity with a human, why? What on earth? Well, the environment beyond earth is voraciously hostile to humans. Think about it. Evidence exists of alien disruption or guidance in the affairs on earth. There it is said done!
You and your existence is to benefit these mad desires of wanna be gods. Kings and Overlords. Nobody is gonna save you! You have to save yourself. Join others who are waking up to this clarion call of Freedom Defense.
Thank you Jillion for nudging me into the johnnyvedmore article over at NewPaste!!
Was a bit concerned about the verticality implicit in that word 'over, so I did a line of Smart Nano-Particulates, and after the Dust settled and my pineal gland was 80% de-calcified, it turns out the (b)Org chart here is more fractal than pyramidic...so, apart from the self-replicating & self-assembling nature of the procedure, everything is, as snooker enthusiasts put it, in good shape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwxU_JEMgpchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CsdRGbQPr0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D2rFMPN9js
Bannon also brought over and introduced virologist Li Meng ian from Chinese as a refugee who said that she saw China release the covid and jump-start that distraction rabbit-hole. (except that she was married in the US and her husband works in a US lab and lives in the US). Bannon gets things done for his masters.
If one just listens to Brock Pierce describe how to run a business, they can tell that he is just involved in an inside money laundering scheme and not a real hard-working business owner. I have heard of bitcoin schemes promised to people to push a storyline. Covid was a big time show like 9-11 and Malone and Kory and Bhattacharya and Kennedy played their parts well. In fact, there was NO pandemic and that is how you know that they are players.
It took me about ONE viewing of WEF Room with Steve Bannon to see that he was running a Narrative Campaign.
He is apparently exceptional at duping "conservatives" but that is turning out to be NOT DIFFICULT.
not difficult to dupe tech geeks either
here is the technofuturist thought leader Ray Kurzweil;
"We’ll use nanobots to kill pathogens, then to kill cancer cells, and then they’ll go into our brain and do benign things there like augment our memory, and very gradually they’ll get more and more sophisticated. There’s no single great leap, but there is ultimately a great leap comprised of many small steps."
Yeah the elites wish to extend lifespans forever and also reduce the human footprint.
Now work that out and guess what needs to happen.
From my extrapolation of their plans, it looks like the psychopaths will take over the asylum, and then they will destroy each other fighting over total control of it?
Yes they are sufficiently vile and amoral and callously indifferent. But even with all that - I would argue technofuturists lack sufficient motivation to murder and poison millions of humans. But if a Technofuturist was a Chosenite… THAT would be like throwing gasoline on the proverbial fire.
I think Technofuturists simply coldly rationalize it as Greater Good Trolley Experiment
mebbe so, you may be right. But it’s also worth considering (as you have sagely pointed out out many times) it’s a lot of work to murder and poison so many people. Methinks it takes an extra measure of deeply fueled ambition/ madness in order to stay focused on all the murdering torturing raping poisoning and general suffering that needs to be inflicted. Even the most dedicated technofuturist is seemingly too light in the loafers to stay focused on all the 24/7 burning hatred etc neccessary to press on, and then to teach your children to carry on the family tradition as well- technodweebs are certainly amoral bottom feeding narcissistic batshit crazy, but just not convinced they have the chutzpah to murder the world like the Chosenites are literally demonstrating in realtime they are fully capable of industrial level atrocities all day long.
Yes, that dirty job that some one needs to do, and they are happy to be the ones to do it?
preposterous absolutely baseless Pierre Kory level nonsense. These are serial grifters who have grown accustomed to simply making shit up out of thin air and repeating it over and over
One supposes that this BS capacity has evolved in Homo Sapiens since it is always possible to fool a great many with it, and to lead a wonderfully prosperous life as a result. Promises of Heaven, of limitless wealth, of Eternal Life: all the way down to penis extension ads......
Bannon and 'It was the CCP!' Naomi made a great team.
Only once did Killing Our Babies Naomi suggest a 'global resource crisis' as one of the motivations for all of this, and then never again touched on that subject: just the evil CCP because they are evil and hate our freedoms, I suppose. And our pensioners: the Chinks really have it in for Baby Boomers in the West, don't they?
Always pay attention to what they don't talk about.....
What was Bannon in jail for? I guess I need to revisit that scam again.
Maybe a short jail stint is part of their act to make them seem credible to their marks?
Pierce seems to have that same disdain for their sucker victims that others like him do. That is also why they disdain those who do not scam the same way they do?
After all, only the smart chosenist scammers can do that and get away with it.
"Do the messengers stand with Israel?"
If you wanted the quickest way to ID a player -
I think a lot about what motivates people.
I don't think Steve Bannon or Donald Trump care about Israel at all. At all. At all.
I think someone like Naomi is all in on Chosenites superiority.
Kory just dopey goes along, ne'er do well.
They are either ideologically inclined due to Sky Fairy Revenge fantasy, concerned about overpopulation (saving the planet) and if they understand feel this is necessary, albeit harsh, OR they are just craven partygoers with too much lipstick on trying to feel pretty.
I left out kompromat that makes them a slave forever.
That's certainly true for Donny, who is indebted to the chosenists, and will not escape his indebtedness to them, unless he eliminates that indebtedness?
Like you said no debtor cares anything about the ones they owe their debt to.
Although, it seems that given the opportunity to eliminate the ones they are indebted to, they would gladly do it?
If not, then that would prove that they are all in that indebtedness.
it’s very interesting how you describe this grouping -I think it reveals the hand of central casting in the mix; a very hackneyed, thoroughly predictable, overwrought, typecasting of the same archetypes again and again- all the characters fall into the same roles. We have the mayor, the sheriff, the town gossip, the town drunk, the town whore, and of course, everyone gets to rotate into the central role of the awshucks goodhearted hero for a few episodes. Chosenite hacks, the absolute worst. Shitty writing and mind numbingly predictable dark narratives.
In my own Spike ChopperWorld, the mechanics of the casting is central on my mind!
once you see the central casting layer it’s very easy to spot the players on stage
I remember reading that Tether was the preferred (CIA linked) crypto of all of the , now closed, casinos that were run by Chinese Mafia in Southern Cambodia, which are now used as internet scammer farms run by trafficked human slaves lured by false promises of employment. But who knows? Probably completely unrelated...
I don't know how good he is at anything else, but Pierce is a world class personal fart sniffer for calling himself a "critically-acclaimed Disney childhood actor".
😹 He's also a "Thought Leader"
Prerequisite, An Open Secret. 36:28 Brock makes friends and lands on his feet, part one. https://odysee.com/@MargueriteRotheCin%C3%A9:4/An-Open-Secret-(2014)-Child-Abuse-in-Hollywood:3
Penny & John Harrison - that's a very good little documentary. Sage, if you haven't seen it or didn't have a look, Brock Pierce is in it - you can flip straight to the end where the links are made in the Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) but he's also shown in the film in a brief profile because he's not one of the ones speaking out. Seems to me he went from being a victim to a pimp.
"Do the messengers stand with Israel?"
Riddle me this: Would they be messengers if they did not?
So many threads.
Who has time to actually make sense of even one, in this modern ant farm world? Or is it a hamster wheel? An ant farm on a hamster wheel? Like a ferry wheel for the masses.
Who, standing, has the cognitive capacity left? Because when graphed out that is a horrific trendline itself.
Every layer of the Evil layer cake points a certain way.
It long since stopped being happenstance or co-incidence.
It has long been enemy action.
Conveniently, the enemy have long declared their war against us. Published books declaring it. Financed bioweapons - human and manufactured - to kill our brothers and sisters. Conspired to do so, as the biggest and most dangerous terrorist group in the history of our species.
Imagine the strength of the psyops package which has made even hinting at this reality a crime? Or at the very least, verboten.
The next phase will begin when we step out of the blocks, after realising: There is no opposition.
We all will be, when we act.
Satanic evil seeking to enslave our body & souls to Host their chaotic unJust unTrue torturous realities when they force you to dream the Hell reality as they rapidly swap in your mind-body-soul for a moment and then the next person lives for a moment throughout all those screaming tortured souls you make suffer and then around again, so quick mind-body-soul burns with rapid multiplexing - you live with all them and their suffering and those women forced impregnated the cool peace of their unborn like drops of water to your burning in hell but then the ripping apart unborn baby silently screaming with you living the torturing death as sacrificed for Satan, ..
.. that evil must let you know it's Nature and plans for your soul in hell, or it would be unJust. Like Google had to make public that Satan directs the mind-raping enslaving search results by removing the "Don't be Evil!" from mission statement because it became evil. And you know it and so allow Satanic Witches to lie and censor and manipulate you into their enslavement, and then Hosting their Hells.
"Conveniently, the enemy have long declared their war against us." - yes, and in losing, be forever trapped away from God Burning their Hells, being eaten forever Body & Blood.
"The tie to cryptocurrency will eventually be technical and structural, as the founders assert it as not just technology but a political movement towards privacy, self-sustainability and true liberty." Hmmm. Why is this so hard for me to believe?
Great stack
This could be also interesting for you:
First piece about Pierre Kory & the healthy freedom movement…
The Story Of How Trump Sided With Big Pharma Swamp & Bill Gates Over RFK Jr. & His Own Morals
RFK Jr. explains how Trump sided with the Big Pharma swamp in this full report. When will Republicans do journalism again & hold Trump to the same standards they hold everyone else to? https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U?feature=shared
Second a bit of Jeffrey & the doomsday cult
In 2012, Epstein held a “doomsday” conference consisting of many of the or aligned scientists.
https://www.pr.com/press-release/403599 Think about that… the bulletin of scientists doomsday conference in 2012 organized by Jeffrey Epstein in the Virgin Islands.
Billionaire financier weighs in on the future of Bitcoin https://thenextweb.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-bitcoin
DNA Vaccines and Gene Poisoning - The Final Revolution #3
Original version "Blocked World-Wide" on Youtube
Still trying to get it out there, so this is also a Bitchute debut.
Please share the info.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://www.bitchute.com/video/P5SwsjGT8As7
Before the advent of CrispR, Viral vector therapies were the best method of implanting genetic data in to a host.
Viral vector therapy remains an area of study, including for Covid-19.
But viral vectors have side effects which may be familiar... which opens a variety of questions.
Also, a deeper look in to who is researching these topics, and how they relate to Epstein and Gates' secret MIT genetics lab.
The story of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates' research in to genetic engineering, deaging, and depopulation at the MIT Program for Evolutionary Dynamics laboratory which Epstein founded.
This perspective explains many aspects of the Epstein story which simple trafficking doesn't. That's not why he was meeting with Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.
The girls were just the cover-up. Or even more sinister plan of control…
Finally more about the illuminating Frankenscience from the Child-killing-program by the Nazis…
. Mrna & Light to "Read & Write" Biology Oxford Chemistry - Controlling DNA Function 2023 https://rumble.com/v4n5w5h-mrna-and-light-to-read-and-write-biology-oxford-chemistry-2023.html
So whats up & be next???
Have you ever heard about the Nanoparticle CORONA?
Stargate open the gate for Jeffrey Epsteins Frankenstein plan to analyze DNA on the Virgin Islands?!
The problem with all this nonsensical fear mongering regarding viruses and germs is that the impossibility of spreading influenza between humans was proven and then published in the 1919 JAMA. Therefore distancing, masking, and vaccination are irrelevant! Get over it.
the problem with tacos is they are delicious.
🤣 😋
The Gene Hackman family deaths: the wife died from a virus found in rodent droppings, apparently. But, despite being in intimate domestic contact, she did not pass the infection on to her husband, who starved, along with the dog. Most interesting.
And the rodent virus is said to be inhalable, too. But not person to person.
Yeah, but... it could potentially be true, right?
Which is why there is no limit to the legislative power or the executive power.
Everything we can imagine is potentially true and catastrophic, and therefore it musk be regulated. Musk. You may think that regulation is about creating privileges for the elites. That's because you are reckless daredevil of the far right. How dare you. In reality, the regulation of everything helps you get the best treatment and the best possible prices as a consumer. You should be thankful to your communist masters!
Bet the former child actor has some truly horrible casting experiences behind him (as it were!).
It seems one of the myths used in manipulating public perceptions is the 'Nobody Who Becomes a Tech/Finance Billionaire'.
In a highly commercial society, the wealth automatically attracts attention and a degree of respect. More attention will always be paid to the wealthy man than to the pauper.
In a Tech society, having made the money through some innovation also creates respect and makes them look seriously smart. People confuse smart with good, for some unfathomable reason.
That wealth then serves as a plausible reason for these people to pop up everywhere, involved in anything, pushing agendas. Bill Gates the mos egregious example.
Because, as we know, there is nothing that single-minded money-makers want to o more than help humanity and the planet, spreading health, freedom and universal love.........
You do a great job of discussing all of this ... but there is never a call to action ... what exactly would you like the mob that reads this to do about it?
Could that be why you exist?
To run the mob around in circles taking pokes at the players -- the mob high fives and congratulates you... and waits for the next article...
Absolute PROOF that Substack is controlled by the Ministry of Truth
Substack is essentially CNNBBC for anti-vaxxers
But then ... I may be performing a similar role
Call for action for what, you doublespeaking sheep Brit?
You support the agendas as laid out. You want this. You state it explicitly.
My call for action is for Madame Fast to lace your next cocaine binge with heroin so you drop dead and fulfill the depopulation agenda which you support.
100% you are in on this, I now think. Fuck you Eddy.
What the fuck happens down there in Kiwiland to you fucks?
Forehead and hand …mark
Very interesting. I have tuned into WarRoom off an on over the past few years. Not a regular consumer by any means Two thoughts in that regard.
1. I do think that Bannon and WarRoom has opened up millions of eyes into the shady dealings of the US government (leaving aside the Covid psyop for just a moment). In particular his ‘exposure’ of the massive corruption in the financial markets and the IC has been very useful in getting people to understand the nearly impossible problems we face.
2. Having said that, the issue of Covid is baffling. If you go back in time to January 2020 Bannon was 2nd out of the gate (Tucker was first) in covering the story in depth. If my recollection is correct Bannon had Gordon Chang on in mid to late January talking about what his contacts were relating to him about Wuhan. Satellite photos of full hospital parking lots. People lined up by the 100s trying to get into to ER. Blah blah. And he brought Hatfill in as a cohost. And began featuring Malone. They pushed it really hard for two years. He dumped Hatfill eventually, and as things began to die down Malone became a less frequent guest. But he still appears occasionally even today.
It’s just a very confusing situation. Because as I said, I do think Bannon has made some positive contributions. Along with Birch Gold they wrote an 8 part series titled The End of the Dollar Empire. It’s free and it’s really good. There are actually colleges using it as required reading in Econ 101.
But he’s never gone where he should have gone with Covid. Not even close.
Regarding positive contributions: these are required in order to establish their credentials. The best propaganda has quite a lot of truth in it.
When a killer or rapist offers a candy to a child, the candy is genuine.
Hey bro!
Did you take your fluvoxamine today?
You should try the bird fluvoxamine. They say this one is different
As a matter of fact no.
I have taken a disgusting spirulina smoothie and I've been chewing on a bunch of no2 pencils for hours, to gain more signal for my laptop.
I am the channel, the antenna and the transmogrificator of the ascended masters of the universe!
I'm an electrical being!
There is really no point in me actually busting out anything resembling "content" huh?
The kids just want to play.
Narrator: But Sage would not turn the car around
The kids just want to play, but you've got a couple of highly observant adults in the back seat. Worth the trip despite the squalling from the middle rows, imo ❤️🙏 Thanks for all you do, Sage.
Don't make me pull this car over and use my belt on you troublesome screeching kids!
.. Dear - where is the Benadryl, I'll pour enough down their throats that they'll be Trippin, but quiet. Rotten kids!
FWIW you at least made me go look up what this Brock guy did in acting land and made me retch like I just drank a disgusting spirulina smoothie — which by the way don’t they treat your water over there Rog?
Water treatment? Yes, the communists put a lot of things in water, with democratic intentions.
The mighty ducks 2 was better. Much better.
Jeff was tortured as child and abusex He is Not Dead!!!!
You didn't even read this post.
It's :30 old.
At all.
You just ran to the comments to shout about something. THANKS DON FOR THE FUCKING GREAT INSIGHTS AND STUFF.
Yuval Harari’s mother was an orangutan.
Lies! Untruths!
Harari has no mother. He's an experimental test tube tyrannist ("TTT" TM.) You can read all about it in "A womb with a view" by E.M.F. Forceduponya... A reworking of the original classic.
None of this changes the source of the egg 🦧🥚🍳🧪
Heretic! Halibut!
The 'egg' as you refer to the sublime bio-molecular construction of the embryonic Harare is not of a 'mother', it is of techno-feudalist design. Perfect in every way and 'unburdened by what has been'. ;-P Not a day goes by when I do not, in reverence and prostrate (not prostate), look upon the picture of the Great Leader Yuval above my bed and think it human in any way...
Your pantheon perhaps needs rejiggering if Harari is your Sky Fairy
This fits the Nudging and article - see
Discounting the Larry Summers proselytizing all the social-psyche based economic “nudging” the end product is the cyborg mentality, the merging of a A.I. entity with a human, why? What on earth? Well, the environment beyond earth is voraciously hostile to humans. Think about it. Evidence exists of alien disruption or guidance in the affairs on earth. There it is said done!
You and your existence is to benefit these mad desires of wanna be gods. Kings and Overlords. Nobody is gonna save you! You have to save yourself. Join others who are waking up to this clarion call of Freedom Defense.
Thank you Jillion for nudging me into the johnnyvedmore article over at NewPaste!!
I preside over a mental institution.
Was a bit concerned about the verticality implicit in that word 'over, so I did a line of Smart Nano-Particulates, and after the Dust settled and my pineal gland was 80% de-calcified, it turns out the (b)Org chart here is more fractal than pyramidic...so, apart from the self-replicating & self-assembling nature of the procedure, everything is, as snooker enthusiasts put it, in good shape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwxU_JEMgpc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CsdRGbQPr0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D2rFMPN9js
Read This … It fits and makes sense
Stop meth commenting or you are out of here. Yellow card.
Epstein is not Dead!