As a former Torontonian and child of the ‘60s and ‘70s I’d love to read more. You know that in 69 I think the Club of Rome had its 1st(?) meeting with Trudeau senior in Ottawa

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Yes, I do remember, too!

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Not surprised.....

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moar please!

About the control of the senses, one possible research line is MSG, or also known as doritos isolate (i just made that up)

The thing about glutamate (let's ignore the latent possibility that aminoacids and neurotransmitters are failed models to describe the chemistry of how the nervous system interacts with the external world) is that they claim the Japanese created it. A very concentrated fish soup cube or something. For military purposes: rations and such. Very tasty!

War machine. God-State. Always inventing concentrated stuff that saturates the senses, like compression algorithms for livestreaming and other diversions.

So, the key is concentration. The opposite is homeopathy. Dilution. Dispersion. Propaganda shower. Increasing the volume of the probablity space will make truth more inaccessible. Isolating, concentrating variables, will help to see what is true and what is not true. I'm running out of metaphors.

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So, the key is concentration. The opposite is homeopathy. Dilution. Dispersion. Love it!

Good bits here...https://doctorschierling.com/blog/msg-obese-rats

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At least Canadian conspiracy theorist Serge Monast had the good social graces to have a heart attack.

American conspiracy theorist Gary Webb committed the social faux pas of death via suicide by shooting himself twice in the head.

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This is my future, huh?

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Nah, AI can't be killed ;)

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Nope. We’re playing the LONG GAME.

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Yes more of this please. Sage: have you ever tried Pozole? Alot like menudo. Just had it in Wash St. Excellent. I know you’re a connoisseur of Mexican food.

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Will try!

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yes!!! More, please!!

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana
Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Just for fun, I Googled "What happened on June 6th, 2006"

Top return:

Here are some events that happened on June 6, 2006:

Toronto terrorism arrests

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested 17 suspected Islamic terrorists in connection with a planned attack on Toronto. Investigators believed the terrorists planned to blow up the Parliament building and assassinate Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The RCMP also seized three tons of ammonium nitrate, which is more than the one ton used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

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June, 1967, is when our Toronto Protocols vignette seems to begin.



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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

2 words : The Crown.

The Francophone have been allowed to run their society but at the very top you cannot escape the Crown. The Trudeau , Strong , were very much company mans. good little Liberals , good little lefty , good little nazy. Just look at the current vice-PM. They shipped Melany Joly , the current Foreign Policy secretary, to an emergency Rhode scholar short program. . .

The heart of MK Ultra , Monarch and many not known protocols took place in Montréal . Its all morally unacceptable but you need to think about LGBT nonsens . . . Coz reality is scary. . .

There is truth to this author outlook similar to the Birtcher (John Birch Society) analysis. Anywhere you find NATO you will find those people.

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The Laurentian Elite (Pierre Trudeau, Chretien, and many others going back decades), goes way back to Quebec protocols of 1763 where the British gave Quebec politicians their language and religious rights so long as allegiance is given to the British crown. This was a deflection of attempts by the Americans (Ben Franklin) to get Quebec to join the colonies. Canada to this day remains Crown Land.

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Ah…it’s nothing. Just a mix up.

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I think the long arm of Plato's Republic is inspiration for this God State. Destroying the family and empowering the Polis in this way is a Platonic model handed down to us through different narratives. The 2020 Princes of Darkness decided the creation of a Panopticon Polis to watch and document miserable deaths as fast as possible in the body politic.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

The Toronto Protocols...downloadable free at annas-archive.org...use a VPN if you have one just in case. https://annas-archive.org/md5/bf8fbaccc3cb1c1f062ed474de3cbb37

May not be identical to what Sage downloaded in Epub format, but it rhymes.


Take your pick from a dozen Iron Mountain versions, multiple formats...


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Here is another collectible for your digital libraries, from Alice Bailey and the Lucis Trust.


I'm filling up my TB library drives quickly now!

This is another article on the Iron Mountain report, which also sounds like disinfo.


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Aug 20Liked by Sage Hana

This comment particularly grabbed my attention,

"...These 6.6.6. being the highest officials of international finance will define, within their meeting, a ‘Common Strategy’ with a view to absolute control over ‘World Trade’; on the possession of the Energy Weapon (open door to the 21st century);..."

If the Toronto Protocols aren't an op, oh boy, how cocky to divulge the biggest tool in their tool bag so clearly. Energy Weapon, in the hands of Evil.

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FYI, The Report from Iron Mountain 1967 can be read at: https://archive.org/details/pdfy-A5uQx1ByqfwWuHma/page/n1/mode/2up. I consider it a companion piece to the Day Tapes and the Kissinger Report which can be accessed at: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf. For those interested in digging deeper, see The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

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Aug 16Liked by Sage Hana

Back 25 or so years ago when I was listening to stuff on shortwave radio I heard Serge Monast (at least that's who he claimed to be) but didn't he get arrested and perhaps died in that situation?

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Aug 18Liked by Sage Hana

Please sir, I want some more.

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Okay, coming up!

Maybe today, but next. 👍

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Yes, more please! This was just an appe-teaser. Mahalo

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Glad you enjoyed. Will have more shortly! 👍

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This all sounds strangely familiar…

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Hey Sage, I notice the 6 6 6 in your heading, and wanted to tell you I studied the a lot about numbers different kinds of numerology, and magic, and what does the triple of a number mean, etc., I found some writing about it that goes back to ancient Rome and Greece apparently, and triple sixes are said to stand for or signify the toppling of a City or a Kingdom ! This is very interesting in light of the statement in the Holy bible somewhere about the over running or overthrowing of the Kingdom of God ? Then more interesting in the light of the information that the original land that became Washington DC was owned by one or more Jesuits, prior to the creation of the United States of America ! And before that land was provided for the Capitol Washington DC plot maps showed the land was called, written on the map "New Rome" and later when the plan for DC was developed there was a plot map with the area blocked out for the Capitol building Home of the House and Senate of the Congress of the USA, and it was given the number "666"; This becomes more interesting later when in 1988 when Ronald Wilson Reagan was President, the number of his name being Ronald -6 letters- Wilson - 6 letters- Reagan 6 letters- 666, signed into law a United Nations Treaty stating the purpose of the treaty was to establish a world Government to "control all world commerce" and thereafter the US Senate inside the Building on the plot map marked 666, ratified Reagans signature by passing that treaty into law ! Some people will say they don't believe this, etc., and Reagan was not evil, etc., but my answer is what you believe and what you know, are always two different things, and the holy Bible clearly states that in the end times the whole world will be deceived, well I say that prophecy has already been fulfilled because nobody today that you talk to will be aware that they have been put under a world government to control all world commerce, and it was done by a UN Treaty in 1988 by 666, the US President and the US Senate , as well as the other member states of the United Nations some 150 + member Nations ! Back in the 1980's 1990's it was stated that there were more than 35,000 United Nations "Treaties" purporting to rule this world ! My question is how many people in this world have read them ? Answer none, I would bet ! But today that is a small number I think they say today there are more than 175,000 of those Treaties ! Good luck discovering what diabolical plans traps and snares they have created for us to fall, run, or walk into in our ignorance and oblivion ! God have mercy ! any questions: alan@nahls.net.

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