Not sure if there was anyone more innately evil, who was in a position to enact an evil agenda, than GHW Bush.

And that reminds me of the time I shook his hand at the State Fair. It was an August day, when he was President.

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The kids are on the Today Show.

Behind that damn veneer, what darkness exists.

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Ooh so close!

Kids on Today Show

Behind that damn veneer

What darkness exists

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Hey, Doc, yer one syllable short of a Happy Haiku Meal there...maybe go for "Behind damned ugly veneer"? Remind me not to ever play cribbage with you (at least not for money)...bet you have that "15-two, 15-four and a pair is eight" routine down pat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pWTFlHNQAQ

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So I’m taking a liberal interpretation of the regulations and counting ‘veneer’ as 3 syllables due to intonation change. I think there is precedent because in Japanese ん counts as a syllable. Of course I didn’t get my PhD in poetry and am certainly no Rhodes scholar

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So, does veneer come out sounding a bit like Vinay Ear? Hey, six out of seven over the middle of the plate is pretty good, especially considering the distraction level due to having kids involved. Can't resist dropping a link to the only song I know of that has 'veneer' in the lyrics...I'm sure there are other, but this one has a 5-D pedal steel break... www.youtube.com/watch?v=gueigpmBTzM

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Heyhey its the monkee.. Too bad he didn’t make it long enough to see a pox named after ‘em

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Aug 19Liked by Sage Hana

Pharma ads came in just around the same time dod and cnn started mixing up their staff. Those were heady and exciting times. Anything was possible. “Tonight’s talking head discussion of drone strike footage brought to you by Viagra!”

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Indeed. Through the looking glass.

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GHW Bush could *be* that evil, because of a lonnnggg line of ancestors, predecessors, and fellow travelers that have worked without pause for centuries to crush the average human.

For the greater good, 'ol chap.

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here's an experience that might add to your knowledge...

By day's end, I had stumbled upon Skadarlija in the bohemian heart of Belgrade, which preserves the traditional spirit of the past. I felt attracted to a rustic restaurant and made my way inside. It was early and blessedly empty. Scanning the room, I was drawn to a certain table...and chair. The waiters stirred and suddenly there was a sense of excitement.

"Welcome dear Lady! Do you know where you are sitting?!" I drew a blank as several more waiters gathered around. "You are sitting in the same seat as President GHW Bush!" There was an animated conversation in Serbian. "Wait one moment, please!'' Several waiters dispatched to the kitchen and soon a much older waiter was presented with pride. "THIS is the man who waited on him!" He regaled us with stories of that special evening.

Discussion turned to the politics of the time.

It was riveting...because just the day before, I had been sitting in a very posh restaurant in Sofia,, Bulgaria, asking our host, Gary Mac Dougal, the head of the America for Bulgaria Foundation, "So what's a nice Scottish boy like you doing in Bulgaria all these years?"

He waxed eloquent as he told his story of being in the oil business during GHW Bush's tenure and how they had opened doors for him, making him a VERY wealthy man. In time, those favors came due. (see his bio below) He was elevated, now a trusted partner.

"Imagine! I am 65 and I now have the hardest job of my career! I have to find a way to spend $50 million dollars in a place the size of Ohio. (He had sponsored the Iliev Dance Foundation of which I was a part.) As he continued his story, his tone shifted. He then said something quite chilling and unexpected..

With a smile, he said "Now...you all think that you are here working for Petur Iliev, but actually, you are working for ME."

Now serious: "YOUR (real) job is to make Bulgarians LIKE Americans. Your job is to make Bulgarians TRUST Americans. You see, we are trying to do fracking here and the government is resisting."

I realized that we had been mucking around in their politics for decades! At least four, by that reckoning... There is a bit more to the story, but suffice it to say, I tore up my return ticket to the US and ended my affiliation with them.

Certain biting criticisms from a variety of Balkan friends and acquaintances were beginning to make sense.

I bought my own ticket home...but first a bus to Serbia...and the education I was getting in the restaurant. People in this part of the world have lived a lot of history and they are politically intelligent. The atmosphere became a bit more serious as the waiters spoke knowledgeably about many aspects of the political world.. I was light-years behind, soaking up all I could. Then we turned to the headlines of that particular day. Everywhere I looked, there was a somewhat familiar face...Someone special had arrived that day and all the media was abuzz. Suddenly I realized it was Rudy Giuliani who was Mayor of NYC when I lived there...many years later and certainly out of familiar context.

I asked them "What's HE doing here?"

Immediately the mood darkened.

"So, if you notice, he is always pictured with a certain politician...wherever you find him. He is running against our incumbent president. Giuliani always has his arm around the man. Elections are in 2 weeks. This is America's nice way of telling us who to vote for."

(finishing the rest of this...Balkan Trilogy on my stack as quick as I can, which also talks about the Balkanization of America by one of our own operatives, but I thought this might be timely)


Gary MacDougal has served as Co-chair of the Board of Directors of the America for Bulgaria Foundation since its inception until June 2015.

As a CEO, Mr. MacDougal built a small engineering company into a Fortune 1000 multinational; he has also been a US Delegate to the United Nations, the General Director of New York City Ballet, and has served as Chairman of the Illinois Governor’s Task Force to move people from welfare to work. He is the author of ‘Make A Difference: A Spectacular Breakthrough in the fight Against Poverty’ (St. Martin’s Press) and of articles in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Harvard Business Review and other publications. Mr. MacDougal has served as Chair of the Russell Sage Foundation, and the Illinois Republican Party. He has also served as a Trustee of the Casey Foundation and as a Director of eight New York Stock Exchange listed corporations. Mr. MacDougal is the founding Chairman of the Bulgarian American Enterprise Fund and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Gary MacDougal received his Master’s Degree in Business with distinction from Harvard University and his Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from UCLA.

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parents are mostly spectators to their child’s grooming already, stripped of their authority having relegated it to the State (usually both working and /or too busy to care or even notice) and at the mercy of the State programs indoctrinating and destroying their kids… like the 72 injections that have been “normalized” required to attend public “education.” an elementary age girl recently told me in front of her parents that she was “gender fluid” and parents were obviously uneasy but had no comment (so they’re going along with it out of fear, inadequacy or what?)

a chilling ritual focusing on children at the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympic Games in London (supposedly celebrating the NHS) where the stadium was filled with sick children in hospital beds and they had synchronized “puppet nurses” attending them then covering them with sheets like they were dead.🙀


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Aug 19Liked by Sage Hana

This is in keeping with the Rothchild program of enslavement of world society. From around the same time.

The Silent War - WWIII.


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"Who will dare to oppose this without being identified at the same time with the barbarities of the Middle Ages?"

It is common place in libertarian circles to extol the virtues of the middle ages. It's a bit ironic. The argument is that the Church and the King were always quarreling, thus leaving people alone.

As institutional religions have been demolished, the religious power merged with political power. Thus, social-democracy was born. Everyone hates to consider this angle, and even more to admit it may be true. The State is God. The all-seeing God, the all-mighty God, who gives you liberty and then punishes you for it, so that you demand to be saved, which in politics means enslaved.

People are trying to rebuild the religions, as a means to fight the God-State.

Others try to sabotage the banking system.

Others try to demolish the scientific mythologies of this new total religion of democratic socialism.

Others try to save democratic socialism from becoming a religion.

I think there will be a huge black swan event at some point. People in power always become more greedy. Nothing can satiate their thirst. But religion always demands humility. But humble the powerful are not.

At some point, the powerful will attack the new religion. I think this has happened a few times in the past. The fantasies about computers won't help. This false religion will be eaten by the world too.

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So I think you’re saying we need to get Washington to piss off the Mormons

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Man, washington is as in bed with the mormons as they are with scientology. Good luck with that!

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The Nation of Islam is also Scientology. Or maybe a rip-off of the OG Scientology. Very ironic.

The Scientology cult is so harmful. A big clue to not get near them: they speak of universal human rights, but they remove all human rights from its adherents. These basic contradictions are very important.

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NoI and Farakhan - were almost alone, as an organization,vociferously against the experimental injections - "Do not take this medicine" the Rev. said (and lots of Af Americans listened) .... - but I guess there just aren't any pure players out there ... - some have said that Thomas Cowan MD, et al - is a Scientology operative.

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I'm aware of that speculation about Cowan. It would be surprising for me if he was. Maybe a relative of his used to be involved in that, he commented something about that one day.

I was expecting the accusation of Christian Science or something like that, because he sometimes says there are no diseases. But that comment is more in line with former Jesuit Ivan Illich, truly a one of a kind character. Also, I think the Christian Science organization argues that the body is an illusion, and Cowan is completely against such doctrine. If anything, he is a regular, plain monist, who argues that the body and the soul are the same, and there is no dualism. Some would call that materialism. All these isms are very confusingly.

There are other NAV leaders who may be accused of being scientologists, but that would be weird, because they are ambitious individualists, in general. They want their own thing. Which is reasonable, IMO.

I am very suspicious of the people who push the graphene psyop. That's a huge story that someday may explode and make a huge mess of revealing many hidden identities of real double agents. I'm just a satirical novemdecuple agent by now, I keep accumulating patrons, I have forgotten who first sent me here, or have I? mwaahahaha!

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Ooops! - I stand corrected - yes, the speculation I referenced linked Cowan and Christian Science (not Scientology - very different). Apologies to all. I stand by the Nation of Islam reference - Farrakhan I find an interesting character - there's an amusing video where he relates how he refused to get taken in by Bronfman's attempt to compromise the NoI with lavish funding.

At some point, maybe you are forced to borrow from literary / film criticism: Is graphene a "McGuffin" - popularized by Alfred Hitchcock: "... a plot element that catches the viewers' attention or drives the plot of a work of fiction".

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Mandatory black coffee drinking three times a day! LMAO!

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Read Kamala mandates stuff like this for campaign workers.

We must be on this path already

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It's their own fault for being workers, roflmao!

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Very similar to the Day tapes, but seems to me to be more explicit and “in your face” evil. I haven’t heard any excuses so far in the TPs. Dr. Day made excuses, saying several times, “there is no other way,” as if to say he knew it was evil, but he thought it had to be done anyway.

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I often remark that it's the veiled fist of evil that scares me far more than the brazen stuff.

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Just when I thought I was catching up — two posts behind again 🚌💨 🍃 🏃‍♂️💨

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I'll try to calm down and stop meth-posting!

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No no don’t mind me just remember to tap the brakes a few times in the curves

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Slow in,

FAST out!!!

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Straight roads are for fast cars.

Curves are for fast drivers.

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Linda...U *R* a bot.


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Correct answer is:

" I *R* not!!"

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Well put! 👏

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Holy Sage Tapes:


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Enjoying the show?

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They want to kill you.

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And I need more fingers to count the ways

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The devil's sellin' popcorn.

You buyin'??

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I make my own.

“We don’t mess with the devil’s popcorn”

Think thats Ephesians something something

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Yer watchin a movie, man.

Trust the plan.

God I hate that sh*t.

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The downfall of our nation started a really long time ago. Now, with Substack, Sage Hana, and other alternative sources, we are getting to see some behind-the-scenes "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" shit. Most normies are drunk on Doritos, so they do what the television tells them to do. I have made some small changes in my life to try and deal with this crap, but ultimately I have zero power to change the trajectory. And judging by Dorito's sales, the normies aren't too quick to open their eyes. It used to make me angry, then it made me sad, now I just try and dodge the craziness. What a world!

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I did not start out where I am right now!

Holy. Shit.

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Aug 18Liked by Sage Hana

Obviously, I cannot know but the Toronto thing just doesn't sound as convincing as the Pittsburgh thing. It's too heavy-handed to my ears. But I'll study some more.

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I concur, and almost said as much, but I don't want to shade the reax.

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Yup. But, it strikes me as heavy in the way The Prince is heavy. It's real, but NO, it's metacommentary...but no, it's real after all. Blood sacrifice is at 3pm.


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3:30 am

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The Day Tapes sound like a remembering of something that was presented by an insider. Toronto Protocols seems more like a sensible analysis of trends that were current in the 1960s as well as a prescient projection from then up until now, done by someone who was paying close attention, but doing it from the outside.

Does anyone else find this sentence awkward, or have an explanation for the question mark? "We must reduce the individual, and therefore the masses, to the obsession of satisfying their primary instincts by all similar civilizations throughout history?"

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It sounds like exactly what has happened here in Chinada

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Aug 20Liked by Sage Hana

At this point we don’t even need the pesky “state” and child protection workers to take over parents’ authority over their children — they willingly hand it over to tech pretty fast.

This read was quite chilling. I see lots of overlap too with the woke psy op.

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Aug 19Liked by Sage Hana

So - evidence of trust model abuse in kids. Replacing the parent with the state, literal children of the state. As said before this explains the apparent ‘low intellect’ in otherwise intelligent adults now when dealing with state edicts. Their response sits beneath reason, sub-conscious behind the blind sovereignty given to the state developed unknowingly as a child. We’ve been in this position since the 50’s/60’s at least it’s only now they’re making their sweeping decisions and machinations obvious amplified by our technological connectedness.

Sad to see this written decades ago but not surprising - it’s where we are - and we’re only at the start of the madness of what they can get people to believe and do I fear.

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Aug 19Liked by Sage Hana

I wrote about this a little while ago. How in the late 50s/early 60s I was threatened with being kicked out of the government/public school I attended because I refused to strip naked and take the group showers at school following gym class. My father had told me I was not to do it. And I certainly did not want to do it. I was appalled by the thought. When I refused to strip and shower the gym teacher got the school board involved in threatening me with expulsion. My father won the fight. Imagine. A family objects to having their family members stripped and humiliated and the school employees try to force that humiliation. I will never forget what those power-hungry pervs put me through.

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Important reminder...Thanks! We had it, too, but w/less drama. I was able to opt out and take a different class. We are so silent... Good for you!

It seems that from very early on, our sensibilities/sensitivities were under attack...in part from the culture, but more deeply rooted than that. It is a spirit of degradation/ debasement of everyone's innocence.... something primitive along the lines of foot-binding and FGM...modern women re-enacting the insanity on fellow women. Men have their version. It's so out in the open now. Again, good for you and your father!

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Sage Hana

off topic: I will fill you in the latest drama of no-virus world. I have many thoughts about this, but I'll keep it short, or die trying.

August 3rd, a substack user, lovable kiwi Craig Hutchison, publishes a weird post, defamatory against Mark Bailey. Long and subtly contradictory post. substack.com/@thepoisonedkiwi/p-147243715

The gist of it: a bait and switch. He simulates an attack on the famous and justly well regarded Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, only to attack his real target, whom nobody knows, some other kiwi John Bevan-Smith.

The accusation: plagiarism, fraud and theft of money.

(Read this with the voice of Craig from South Park in your head, for greater entertainment)

Plagiarism. Craig claims he wrote the watertight science of what later Mark published as his own paper, the famous and much hated pdf "A farewell to virology" published in the first week of October 2022. He denies saying or implying Mark is a plagiarist. He accuses JBS of giving the text to Mark, and telling him to publish it without attribution to JBS, who claims, according to Hutchison, to be the author, not mentioning Craig Hutchison, so Mark is not directly guilty of plagiarism of Hutchison. All veeeeeeeeeery weird.

Big entanglement of a huge narcissist knitting his web.

This causes confusion and existential angst among the fan base and the troll base. People scramble and brace for impact. Opportunists begin to laugh like hyenas. The vultures and crows throw dice to see who gets to eat first. You get the idea.

Fast forward to august 18th. Sam Bailey and friends begin the counteroffensive. Hutchison down, operation success, we're going back home.

In the video there are also attacks against frenemies like our Brave Sasha, and the new star Jamie Andrews. There are claims that they and others have attacked the Baileys over this plagiarism accusation, believing without question the crazy post of Hutchison.

There is some weird beef there about first princples of epistemology and logic and it may involve a harsh criticism of the controversial principle of identity of indiscernibles from Leibniz, but I have to keep this short. The Monadology is a treatise on espionage and assassination if you read it backwards (that's a too difficult joke Rog, cut the crap!)

The veterans disagree with Andrews' negative control experiments. Reason: there can be no valid controlled experiments because there are is no variable to isolate (the virus doesn't exist.) This shit might or might not become a clusterfuck involving Lanka's fan base. I surmise: Being a fan is dangerous.

About Brave Sasha, much respected and beloved, she defends well from the trolls. Everyone hates the trolls. But there is also some internal feud here that I'm not privy of.

So, I'm expecting a major shit storm between no-virus people and Hurricane Latypova, which may implicate other people that I won't name here (many names I'm reserving.)

This will also affect Daniel Alec Zeck and his crew.

Eric Francis Coppolino, maestro astrologer (a Pisces, Rising Cancer, Moon in Aquarius, which is a lot, but there is so much more in his chart) publishes this planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/the-poorly-attempted-besmirching

Whence he mentions the sad situation of the delusional Craig, and the chaos agent status of user Proton Magic, who happens to be a real shill for big pharma, and, worse than that, a psychiatrist. Of course he would troll people like Latypova and many others, to create confrontation and division. A medical specialty in itself. Remember psychiatrist Steve Pczenik, who may or may not have been the man controlling Alex Jnes for almost 25 years. I speculate that Proton Magic has been playing good cop bad cop with Kirsch for years. Did he prescribe him the fishvoxamine, cheap repurposed culling psychoactive drug, promoted in the infamous June '21 podcast?

I follow Mike Yeadon. He is always open minded and open to change like a real scientist is supposed to be, and yet he is emphatically against mass murder, when others are not so open minded or not so against mass murder. He may be in the eye of the hurricane (that may not become a hurricane.) He supports Jamie Andrews and also Brave Sasha, but he also agrees with the Baileys and their faction.

I recommend humility and patience. I imagine there is a risk for the great Conspiracy Sarah, who may become a target for trolls. We have to help if that happens.

Well, I'll try to help if it hebbbens. You can do whatever you want, brother. I'm just sayin'.

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Jerm Warfare is joining the fray. He has written he had an circus worthy exchange with Jamie Andrews, that he is not going to publish.

There will be a podcast on this, I assume.

It's time for the NAV to take out the trash and drink some nice Chianti.

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Good work, Rog.

Rog, (Double Agent Rog), this seems to come back to Five Eyes often.






And....Israel. And S. AFrica.

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No real pattern was ever isolated and blah blah


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Rog...there is something here. About NAV.

It is being well infiltrated and rampaged through with drama.

They have not isolated from host.

That is what all of this is about fogging up. (Me thinks.)

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I know I know.

Yeah. There are signs, they align. Happy coincidences, like in the stock market, where people receive calls before shit happens.

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Did a short post. Thanks, Triple Agent! 😍

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Has a very power rangers vibe. Maybe Captain Planet. Voltron?

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Hey Sage- sorry to be off topic, but thought you might find this post on 7/13 theatrics interesting:



I present a theory that the attempted assassination on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 was a dual Bondslave ritual and a fake assassination hoax. It's the same event but designed to be interpreted differently by two audiences.

For the elite Jews, who own and control the global media and finance, this event served as confirmation of Trump's bondage to them. His ear was pierced as part of a deal where he capitulates to them; a deal that required him to undergo the bondslave ritual. This is a spiritual commitment from Trump that he is now their property, and he will carry out their agenda to the T.

To the goyim public, the event serves as a "building of the legend" type psy-op to create the image of an "Orange Jesus" who was "saved by divine intervention" and who now has "the mandate of heaven."

In this way, the willing bondslave Trump, who sold himself, his family, and his nation to the Pharisees, will now be propelled to power by the very same sheeple whom he intends to slaughter on behalf of his owners in his coming administration. Rather evil, when you think about it.

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Well, isn’t this an interesting development. Definitely has overlap (or the flavor) with the Day tapes. I’ve been fairly certain the dissolution of parental rights has been in the works for decades ever since that cow, Hilary Clinton, said “it takes a village”. The fracturing of the family unit has been evident for a while and especially in these last four years. Evil, depraved bastards!

BTW, I just watched this video posted a couple days ago from the North Oakland Michigan Republican Club. The presenter is a nurse that has dedicated herself since the beginning of Covid to exposing the Cabal. In under 30 minutes, gives you a down and dirty education, with proof, on the UN’s land/property grab. Share it far and wide!


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Agree EK -

"The fracturing of the family unit has been evident for a while

and especially in these last four years."

The Covid/Stasi ritual had a VERY STRONG "break the family/break the extended family/ break relationships/break friendships" component to it.

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They seem to rely heavily on "" the fear of parents." These beasts don't have a clue. This alone shows me they Will ultimately fail. Spectacularly.

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I am reading “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History “ by Dr E Michael Jones. fidelitypress.org

I’m on p. 400 out of 1200 and the chapter I just finished relates the embrace of the occult by the English during the reign of Elizabeth I as a result of that country’s participation in the protestant revolt. Dr Jones traces in detail the rise and the fall of Christian civilization beginning with the crucifixion of the God-man, the Logos, the reason holding creation together, and the long war against Logos and its inevitable consequences of the disintegration of civilization.

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Res ipsa loquitur.

Latin for "the thing speaks for itself."

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