Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

We Are the Poisoners : 

We poison your Future. 

We poison your Present. 

We poison your Past.

Your Education and Universities.

Your Science.

Your Medical Services.

Your Agriculture.

Your Government.

Your Politicians.

Your Political Parties.

Your Mental Health Services.

Your Children.

Your Daughters.

Your Sons.

Your Information Streams/News Services.

Your Communication Tools.

Your Software Applications.

Your Entertainment.

Your Money Supply.

Your Employment.

Your Managers.

Your Role Models.

Your Self Image.

Your Sense of Beauty.

Your Relationships.

Your Morals. 

We Seek to Create the War of Each Against All, the better to dominate you in all your chaotic divisivess and misery.


The above was written out as a thought experiment, not an effort to troll or disturb people who might read  it. 

It is satisfying to realize at least  two things: 1) the majority of the souls on the planet do not wake up daily just to rain this shit down on their fellow man.

2) the few who do wake up daily to do so, can get very little sleep, because they still don't control everything.

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For a hot second, I was reading that to the tune of “We Are The World”…

“We Are The Poisoners” 😝🤢🤮

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"In the Duality War...that's the equivalent of choosing the Blue Pill or Red Pill....intelligent people choose *Neither*."




Concious Awareness.

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Raise your kids to be introverted geeks.

Outdoors as much as possible.

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And grandkids. In the US a conscious effort has been made the last forty years to divorce people from nature. Pitiful but effective. Nothing substitutes for communing in all ways with nature. And it's free.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

some special title need to be mention , in the demoralization and the time . A Puff Daddy type scam !

>>>> Less Than Zero (1987) In a nut shell : Young Robert Downey jr plays a young man trying to make it in the music industry to end up sucking off old gay man hollywood type to survive.

That one flew under the radar . . . if its not demoralization work i don't know what is !

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

I’d like to see more, but the shape breaking out suggests TP and DT spring from the same origin, the Day version simply routed and buffered through humanitarian channels of conscience via recollection and verbal representation. Like two physicians relaying with an innate leaning towards goodness. I actually prefer the TP for its clean and direct messaging, stark as it is on the soul. Everything I have read so far has already been implemented, and when skinned from BS’s slippery slime, hosed off and spread out in daylight exactly matches detailed intent. We really need to stop questioning and hypothesizing, it’s all perfectly laid bare.

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TP is peeling back the Real reason from the DT "Ostensible" reason.


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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

🎯 It’s a matter of how soft a landing one prefers.

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Busting out a quick post on this now.

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To be honest, I didn't click on any of the trailers. I rarely would. It's too emotionally difficult to watch the ways these movies are making this happen. Where are the "Leave it to Beaver" stories?

And for black families there was a concerted effort to show a healthy black family, not quite as sappy/unrealistic as Beaver. But the main "dad", Bill Cosby, turned out to be a monster, and that killed that series as a model. Then we had Roseanne, seeing those shows change character.

But despite my aversion to these movies, which are certainly role models for dysfunction and grief, I got the gist of the post and think it an excellent expose of what the scorpions are doing and have been for so long.

Dividing the generations from one another.

In light of this I think of the JD Vance story. One thing portrayed is his mother as incompetent and toxic to him in so many ways. Of course, his grandmother is portrayed as the hero of the story. Because this story is front and center right now, it's interesting how it shows some of the themes of Toronto Protocols.

If I had children today, I'd move to a remote location and homeschool them, keeping them away from the internet. It's all so poisonous.

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That’s exactly what I DID 😎

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Sage! A quick comment not related to this excellent post. I just received notification that my subscription will auto-renew in 6 days. I cancelled that Su script Iona s I have subscribed to you under a different email. In case you see I unsubscribed I actually did not as I still sub to you! I know it’s confusing but I needed to let you know that I will always support you!!!❤️

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Oh thanks, Sirka!

I don't take notifications on when people ditch the Stack, btw, but I really really appreciate the support. 🥲

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana


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Imagine, if you dare, there really is a small tribe of people who have been entirely focused on plundering and murdering the rest of humanity for thousands of years. There's plenty of supporting evidence. The hard part is trying to imagine there really are people that are that heinously evil. But now, thanks to the current events unfolding in realtime, it is no longer that difficult to comprehend. The curtains in our collective psyche are getting yanked open by Gaza / Toronto/Toto. Interesting times.

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Like my rant above, but so much better said.

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Entirely unrelated. Of course.

“And more: "Hezbollah said a number of pagers carried by its members exploded simultaneously at 3:30 p.m.”

33 huh?

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They should have done it at 3:30-3:33 AM.

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Because 3:33 would be TOO obvious 😁😁😁😆

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"there was an error liking this comment" , I do however like your comment and feel it wouldn't be too difficult to create our own world..there are many of us on this planet 🙏

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Makes me amazed that I lived through those years and survived with my mental happiness in life and with the Lord

I don't think I will be reading or watching all of those trailers

I pray continually and that keeps my mind sweet

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Haven't watched the clips....and i know im gonna sound whiney..but for Chrissake I'm am so BORED with this One World Order Shit I could scream.

Are you telling me that after three effing generations (and probably more) the human race can't think 9f something BETTER? It's so Effing sad and STUPID...is the human race this unimaginative and hopelessy enthralled to the most unattractive and frankly unworthy concept I've ever had the misery to learn about?

Never mind our brainwashing, can you imagine the brainwashing that has to be passed by Rockefellers and kissingers and other scorpions down to their equally unimaginative anD frankly DULL offspring or proteges.? In a world that has given us Gothic cathedrals, Michelangelo.s sculptures, literature that far surpasses in imagination this ridiculous Nova Ordum crap...and they are supposed to be better than us, more brainier? you assholes can't come up with anything better than a one world fuck reality order?

I feel like Cher in that movie..I'd like to slap them all and scream SNAP OUT OF IT. And Lou Reed...."They can all go take a fucking walk."

These Malthusian psychopaths are on my last nerve and they are tedious in the extreme.

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Not medical advice, but maybe it just 'fits'... www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTgDgYPnToo

Not in same 'vein', but slow>fast>slow tempo shifts & soft>hard & soft>loud dynamic shifts... www.youtube.com/watch?v=odmgJAiUCHE

Misheard Cher lyric: He was lost most all the time...'cause guys like him were hard to find. 😎

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Just reading a million things and getting confused as per usual ... are the Toronto Protocols from Toronto Ontario or the Wyandot language or another Toronto reference ? I am watching the series The Crimson Rivers and onto AI about humans with no male or female chromosomes , human skin as a source of clothing , The Pillow Book, and a few other light -hearted pieces of curiosity , along with the communist china interference in our government ... that's just after 2 coffees and I wonder why I can't get anything done

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The part the AMA is playing outlined here re breaking down the kids...

The next victims were the mentally ill; Vera Sharav’s 2022 speech at Nuremberg..

About 20 yrs ago, I learned from a forensic nurse friend, that the AMA had arbitrarily decided that "80% of our kids were 'mentally ill' and that it was imperative to identify them and get them on medications asap."

A contrived and manufactured epidemic of mental illness…

The AMA attempted to railroad bills through both the House and Senate. Essentially the legislation would impose these drug protocols on kids AND REMOVE THE PARENTS RIGHT OF REFUSAL!

All with no public knowledge and no public debate. The bills were approved in one body and nearly passed the 2nd when one person of conscience leaked the information to the press. There was an outcry. It was dropped…for the time being, but here's where it gets interesting. They have groomed the schools to act as though the legislation had passed. An outright fabrication.

If the parent or child refuses medication, they have devised a work-around whereby the 'unruly' child is sent home and not allowed to return to school until they have met with the doctor and started on medications. So this is how they get their way...

Further, (from the horse's mouth) school nurses are financially incentivized to enroll as many kids as possible on meds. "They pay us for every kid we enroll and, you know, schools ALWAYS need more money!" a school nurse told me gleefully.

And…from the hospital-employed administrator of counseling for the greater Indianapolis school districts, the umbrella of DSM-5 codes enlarges year by year to encompass as many kids as possible. That program is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. I watched in dismay as she went from being an intelligent, compassionate counselor to an administrator who was totally obsessed with maximizing profits. Care be damned! She was well incentivized for her task, as well. This woman was my patient (Thai massage) for 18 yrs. I watched it all go down.

So you've got most of these poor kids on dangerous (to growing brains) cradle-to-grave medications despite whatever outcry from responsible doctors…who were dispatched along the same lines of anyone who disagreed with fauci


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Quite depressive post.

But liberating.

Some people can avoid suicide by thinking: fuck, there was a plan.

Now, reconsider your judgment of others and of yourself, because you lacked the full dossier on you and others before.

More information => Better judgment.

Censorship and hoaxes => Bad judgment.

There is now a scandalous tragedy in California. Steve Kirsch and Nurse Erin are exposing it. A woman was tricked by a Doctor, who told her to received many vaccines at once or she wouldn't receive treatment for her chronic blood condition. Now she suffers from what looks, potentially, like a case of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Looks very painful, and there is more damage inside that is not apparent. The doctors and nurses are shunning her now, because she has threatened them with legal action.

Now. This is at least a breach of professional ethics by the doctor. Doctors are instructed to not do that. At the very least, that doctor should lose his or her license.

But this behavior is common. Psychiatric patients are threatened with discontinuation of medication if they don't get vaccines. Same with pregnant women, cancer patients or people with tuberculosis. Doctors behave in ways that would make a stock broker blush.

Who disinformed these people? Who keeps alive the lies about vaccines? Who protects criminal doctors who harass and poison patients, according to their hidden Eugenics training?

Those people are responsible. The sons and daughters don't know. The espouses don't know. The parents of suicidal children don't know what medical coercion does to people, and the real effects of vaccines and medicines have been censored. A quiet genocide that has been going on for decades.

People really need information and really need to change the way they see medicine and politics.

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Triple Agent Rog do you know what a Rodeo Clown does?

In the rodeo?

Do you know what Pacification and Control is?


Do you know what "Calm the Marks" is?

Rog, don't start trying to be sneaky about being a triple agent Op.

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Here's a dark joke about human suffering: my two favorite artists are Michelangelo and Kurt Cobain, because both painted a ceiling.


After this distraction of dark humor, poorly delivered, I'll admit, I'll tell you the truth: I was taken aback when I saw that Kirsch and the undercover NY nurse were promoting this case. But then I saw the pictures, and the video of the victim. I'm moved. I'm emotional like that. And there's a full moon hebbbbbbening right now. I have some hairs raised, and it's not static. I don't know what those two are scheming, but the case seems real. Doctors do screw people up, over and sideways all the time.

I mention the story in spite of the risk of promoting a psyop, because I think it's important to mention the human side of the story.

This post is about a possible revelation of the plan that caused great damage to several generations. The plan was there. The fakery of the media and the politics was there. But the human pain was real. Inflicted by lies, and yet, real. The Toronto protocols of mindwar might be false, but the stories have to be remembered.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 painting reference!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

I'm curious about the ages of the doctors doing this. I've had conventional doctors who would not, but they are the older generation. Plus they have some experience under their belt. I'm not saying this is uniform and that no older docs would do this.

But the young doctors seem overly obedient and afraid to treat you as an individual. It's all about the EVM-evidence based medicine (evidence likely falsified). and the "standards of care" put in place based on the crap evidence.

The last time I saw doctors who had replaced my long-time-but now-retired-doctors. they were overly intent on following these standards of care protocols. If they don't and something goes wrong, that's now the basis of big lawsuits. As long as you as a doctor follow them, you are no longer responsible.

There was a book I read long ago by a lawyer called "The Ethics of An Artificial Person". An "artificial person" (AP for short) is a legal concept for an organization (business, nonprofit, hospital system, etc. When acts are carried out by an AP, the remedy is only a fine. So if an AP murders or maims through negligence it can't be put in prison or otherwise prosecuted. It's the dispersion of responsibility through a board of directors, etc. that means none will be personally liable. Of course they are personally prosecutable if they do something illegal. But not for dolts botching shit. No one is responsible.

And the doctors, who are now just peons in the system, are trained and compelled to follow the rules, guidelines, etc. set out by the system. If they don't, they may be held personally liable.

So if the standards of care/protocols say to give someone a zillion vaccinations at once, it's all "fine and good" according to the system and no one has responsibility. All a debt ridden doctor (or other healthcare professional) can do is leave the profession or go into private practice (more and more difficult). And if they go against the profession's standards of care they can more easily be sued. And the licensing boards go after these "maverick" docs. Liability insurance for private practice is insanely expensive.

I'm not a lawyer or a doctor. I'm just old enough to have experienced the evolution of these systems. Staying away from them is about all a person can do. And that's not ideal or possible for some people. (For instance people with type 1 diabetes.)

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The legal fiction of corporate personhood, which is probably the same as the artificial persons you mention, Katie, is the immanentization of myth and prejudice.

Let's pretend that something that was invented five minutes ago is perfectly natural, eternal, timeless, consubstantial or stretching the imagination, even causative of the concept we are considering.

How to extend punishment beyond administrative fines.

How to hang a concept?

How to give the death penalty to a non-physical object that only exists in thought, a product of consensus?

The straightforward answer is: disband. The society has to be dissolved. A University is an illusion, as much as a bank or a hospital. Their tangible assets can be used elsewhere, by other people. Someone with enough money might want to buy the entire Harvard library, once that institution is dissolved and their assets liquidated to fund the compensation of its many victims.

A more complicated answer: legal transformation. This hospital is now a prison. The doctors and nurses there are prisoners and will not come out of the prison. If they attempt to do it, they will be shot by the prison guards.

Now, some people may think it is illegal to put people in prison without a trial. Like the lockdowns of 2020. But these doctors don't believe in rights. They only believe in obeying protocols. They kill people not for money, but for obedience. They are mentally incapable of practicing medicine, as proven by the trail of blood they leave behind. So they are guilty already. They are only free because lawyers are being held back.

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Yes, corporate personhood is the same as an "artificial person." The book I mentioned was written after corporations were given rights as persons in the U.S. Many people didn't approve at the time, now it is taken for granted.

Disbanding is a logical response. Unfortunately it seems that these AP's have scorpions behind them, which they will try to prevent, or erect another in its place if unsuccessful. They probably have plans waiting in the wings. Still, it would slow them down.

Making the ones who do these things prisoners, hmmm. Yes, I'm convinced that with the newer ones, obedience is a given. In the past I had doctors who would find creative ways to get around things like the protocols or even creative ways to get the insurance to pay for things they should automatically pay for, instead of appeals and fights with the ins co. These docs resented these intrusions into their professional autonomy. Now we have professional automatons instead.

Those old school folks were forced out during covid or left shortly after thru retirement.

One doc I know personally who had a private practice retired. When I saw her in town she described to me why she did it. The rules and regs had become crazy for a single person practice to comply with.

It became clear they could not do what they were trained to do. One doc who always spent considerably more time with patients than they wanted him to. I could tell he ran afoul of the administrative rules. He was looking frazzled and then retired. Maybe some of them saw things they didn't like and opted out. IDK.

In any case, the Rockscorpion medical meddling made these old school doctors way less effective than they should have been, starting with their training and falsified research they believed.

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I read she has Florida Medicaid why would she end up in California?

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Maybe in search of a specialist for her PNH condition?

Specialists tend to screw up. Tunnel vision.

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After the last 4 years n the characters in play I find it “sus” but it definitely has the full attention of my community n they are having a hissy fit over it. Will watch to see how it plays out.

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I imagined that hissy fit was very likely to emerge. This is what happens to activists. They are at a high risk of becoming emotionally enslaved by The Cause. Poor devils. They are highly exploitable. It's sad to contemplate the many possible bad outcomes.

I have thoughts about the characters in play that I prefer to keep to myself.

It's going to be a hectic month in the "election" front. I plan to enjoy all the absurdity as much as possible. It's not worth it to feel bad about a preventable shitshow that implicates multitudes of people who should know better.

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CI or AI = same cloth.

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Kurt Cobain.

We went to the small patch of grass, under trees, in Lake Washington in front of the house where he died.

There were two benches where people had left notes and guitar picks.

It was absolutely magical. And beautiful. We left a pick. It was one in the morning.

We followed the Chehalis River - Hwy 12 - and lived in Grays Harbor for a week. Aberdeen has a tire shop with a museum in the back dedicated to Kurt and Jimi.

We ate pancakes served by a waitress who knew him and the diner manager who was his friend.

We stayed for hours on and under the bridge over the Wishkah River where he wrote 'Something in the Way'.

Wishkah means Stinking Water.

Kurt always felt like a missing son and brother.

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"Hasty sex" is bad???

Shh, don't tell my wife. Wait, who am I kidding, she loves it!!

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My thoughts at this point...let's think big..envision, as a huge group, the world we want. Let's stop feeding the negative shit and start envisioning WHAT WE WANT. I kinda think that's all it takes...

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