
"They can't do this without $$. I can't fault anyone for making money on what is a necessary if not noble cause." --- COPY AND PASTE FROM EVERY BIG PHARM SHILL THAT I'VE EVER ENGAGED WITH.

If you never clock the actual metrics and instead just rely on who you can "trust", you are heading into an adjacent cul-de-sac.

You have to clock the metrics. Work steps or die. You have to ask basic questions and when you do, it rapidly falls apart.

Not clocking the metrics is how they sold the first SuperVirus and the need for shots.

How are they diagnosing the THREAT?

DO YOU THINK WE GO ON AND ON ABOUT PCR and proxy medical indications because it is NOT relevant?



They have told you out loud what they intend to do and they do it.

The Day Tapes. The WEF Fourth Indusrial Revolution.

They hire people to sell the agendas and the "solutions". This is it. This is it. This is it.

This is how it gets done.

This is precisely how it gets done.

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You may have covered this already, but the "is it a vaccine or is it a gene therapy?" is another false binary.

All modern (post-industrialization) biological products including vaccines, going back to the abscess-pus scraped and transferred by Edward Jenner, has included some genetic material (protein sequences) foreign to the recipient.

Because the human immune system is so good at recognizing, isolating and removing non-self material, the effects of the older generation GMO injectables/vaccines were probably somewhat less toxic than the more-recent GMOs with the LNP and other immune-system override systems.

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We have to deal with untold numbers of exogenous genetic code which can enter our bodies via any orifice - but I guess usually the mouth.

The innate immune system removes it very quickly, even if injected into the bloodstream.. So, as you say, any genetic code in the conventional vaccines is likely not such a big problem.

Wrapping it up into something the body thinks is a Low-Density Lipoprotein will shield it until it gets into the cell. The cell, godammit.

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I agree it is a false binary.

However, there is the problem of isolating variables that cannot be isolated. For example, the famous experiment of Pottenger with cats (today they call this thing epigenetics research, to avoid the complete heresy of Lamarckism, which leads to the much feared idea of "purpose").

The gist is that the cats were fed very bad food for them and they became weaker and sicker with each generation, but in the terminal generation (almost completely sterile) they started feeding them meat, and the following generations of cats recovered health and fertility and the superior strategic abilities.

My point is: we saw bad outcomes in fertility and overall health in the older antigen-based vaccines. Now we see horrible effects of the 'new' transfection or transMalonation health platforms, but these WMDs have not been thrown against a mostly healthy and fertile population. So, this may be a confounder, and we think these are much worse than the other, and this wrong judgment will cause conservatives to defend old vaccines as being almost as safe and natural as sunlight. They will beg to Pilate to release Barabbas, because false binaries gonna false binary.

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Don’t mess with ze cats.

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Whenever one sees a false-binary type of question (ie. What’s better, 40+ Cycle thresholds, or 28?) the only appropriate response is the old phrase “it’s begging the question.”

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That, and the also old trusty "don't change topics"

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Re injecting proteins…

Consider the response I received to a query re canine vaccine boosters I sent in 2013, from Ronald Schultz, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison specialising in veterinary vaccine trials, and an author on the World Small Animal Veterinary Association’s dog and cat vaccination guidelines.


“I agree that the term “booster” is misleading in that many of the already immune dogs probably receive no beneficial “booster effect” from an infectious vaccine because the virus (e.g. CDV, CPV-2, CAV-2)* is immediately neutralized. Therefore, it cannot infect the cells and replicate! It is only in those dogs that have no viral antibody that the vaccine will boost the immune system, both the cellular and humoral response to the virus. It is these antibody negative dogs that I recommend revaccinating, not dogs with detectable antibody. There are, however, components of the vaccines that are almost always boostered such as fetal bovine serum components and other extraneous proteins that are in all vaccines. Obviously, these are components of the vaccine we don’t want to boost especially in a dog that genetically is predisposed to an adverse reaction (e.g. hypersensitivity). That is why we are trying to prevent annual revaccination with the Core Vaccines that provide long term immunity in a majority of most dogs, but not all!”(1) (*Note: CDV, CPV-2 and CAV-2 are the canine diseases distemper virus, parvovirus and adenovirus [hepatitis]).


Also bear in mind that the manufacture of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, two doses of which are given to children, includes exposure to bovine derived materials, along with chick embryo tissue cultures, MRC5 human diploid cells…etc… https://au.gsk.com/media/6785/priorix_pi_au.pdf

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".... synthetic lipid nanoparticles, ...the surface has been coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), .... there’s a huge literature showing that they’re the most toxic material existing today on earth. " https://off-guardian.org/2022/11/07/that-mrna-vaccines-cause-cells-to-produce-spike-proteins-is-a-fairy-tale/

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Do you think their next fear campaign will be illness related or something like climate change or something else? There's a thing that when an average person witnesses an emergency, they don't know it is an emergency because the signs aren't always obvious, like a burning building, car crash, etc. Thinking what might be next may help in detecting. I'd rather think they are stupid, clumsy, bolts doxxing shit, but that would be an error.

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I’ve been watching Archaix on YouTube.. he says they are playing out the apocalypse.. the Covid shot the first seal. Second seal is this year, ‘take peace from the earth’ he decodes the Greek as small arms / knives/ terror attacks coordinated around the world. Islamic retaliation funded by Soros for US support of Israel. He thinks will coordinate with the Olympics in July based on his calendrics. Fascinating stuff


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Apr 25·edited Apr 26

Jesus H Christ. I get it, I get it! Can we move chapter 18 of SPARS along a little faster please? Is chapter 19 going to take this long as well?


"The Overton Window Is Opening Ever More Widely

As evidenced by the last 5 Op-Ed's I have published with Investigative Journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer, it appears the public's appetite for objective, independant analysis of vaccine harm is increasing"


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☝️Jabs Bad.

Antivirals Good.

We still haz access to the critterzzz.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

They really are making us play out every scene. I guess monster paid good money for the spars script, and it’s gonna get is friggin moneys worth. Yes. We are going to do every paragraph of spars, until it’s over. Buckle in.

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Sorry Sage.. I don't know what you mean by "clocking the metrics"...

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Observing the results of the premise.

As in...did what you say would happen happen?

In sports, say...DID YOU WIN THE GAME?

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Agreed. Skulls thick, needs repeating. Too many shiny objects over there. . .

I mentioned it in another post, but will here mention the book "One Idea to Rule Them All" to see how they sell these agendas and "solutions." Easy read and relevant to picking out which tactic they are using.

Knowing the details on testing, viruses, etc. also. These often seem over my head, but working on it starts to come clear. Getting stuck in the weeds arguing "virus/no virus" is a cul de sac, though, likened to the lab leak hoohaw.

Mike Yeadon seems headed toward the no virus from his last post which I have yet to read. jj couey goes for seeded infectious clones and explains how that works.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Damn you're on a roll lately

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Promo Code: Dr. Meth Poster

Lit a fire under my ass.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana


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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

5 days after DJT’s 💉 19 Sept 2019 EO FDA approves monkeypox 💉‬

‪24 Sep 2019‬

‪FDA approves 1st live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smpox & monkeypox‬


Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines.

19 Sep 2019

Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in US to Promote Nat Security & Pub Health


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And Bob was working with DTRA/Domane to find repurposed drugs for "novel" entities.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Shocking. The first time I saw him and Kirsch was that Bret interview, also first time for Bret. When dr baloney said he had govt connections I told a friend “I don’t trust that guy malone”

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I also don't trust Steve Kirsch

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Took me longer for Kirsch.

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Disliked SK from the start. Rude, in-your-face tries to back people down unless they toe the line. Relies on intimidation. What's he hiding, I asked. Now I see some of it and that's plenty enough.

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I caught on to Malone but not for a while. Then, duh?!!! How could I have missed it. Took a bit longer with Weinstein, but the cracks in his story were there from the start. His explanation of evo biology, missing details that I, a lay person, was aware of. It was the academic demeanor that sucked me in and his long prepared backstory. Now I just wonder if Heather is his handler.

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The only time I have really seen Weinstein other than a very few clips was that trio round table. Someone wanted me to watch the Weinstein/Carlson interview. Got through about 20 min and just was not interested.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

'Novel' is so last Wednesday. If you want to keep up, start throwing around terms like "Cryptic Lineage Sequences" now.

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Is this from GeertWorld?

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Courtesy of Sarah’s last post. They are just making words up now, going for that high scrabble score. Seeing what they can get away with.

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Courtesy of Sarah’s last post. They are just making words up now, going for that high scrabble score. Seeing what they can get away with.

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Nothing to do with AZ jibjab based on simian adenovirus nor the ubiquitous SV40, being in the genetic jibjabs... It was zoonotic monkey fucking by the gays... Obvs.

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When something is ubiquitous I like to consider the possibility that it was always there, and it wasn't given to us in any way, with those damned polio vaccines or anything else.

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They are the green monkey brains back in the day..all their fault

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Wait, is that confirmation that the Fall ‘19 flu vaccine had mRNA in it? And potentially seeded spike proteins into the population before the plandemic?

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Don’t know, not a scientist or dr.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

I cannot remember the video..but one of the doctors said there are three clues they will do it again....1) they have a simulation 2) you can find scientific or other papers saying they've been tinkering with the disease...crap I forgot the third thing....

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Can't wait to see who our Tier Three Experts will be who also co-sign the Dangerous Germs are coming back threat and what cul-de-sac issue they will select to "fight about".


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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Oh Jesus....don't break slice or sprain anything that requires a trip to an ER.

or anything.

Since the kill box is still intact and the police are also part of the op..you can't even call them to spring someone from the hospital. Rosemary's baby indeed.

Were there any normal but oblivious people in that movie? I sorta remember her going for help and they thought she was Crazy?

Cause I'm surrounded by them....my jabbed and triple boosted plus flu shingles and prevnar vaxxed friend had to have a pacemaker put in after she passed out and left school in a paddy wagon is so pleased the doctor says she's a textbook case just drove her car home from our parking lot without of course the seatbelt across the upper body..and can't figure out why this happened to her..she was so healthy eats healthy food etc.

I have eye strain from rolling my eyes and a hole in my tongue from biting it.

I am in a living freaking nightmare.....I feel like I'm walking among zombies all the time

Substack is the only thing keeping me from screaming.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

I feel like I'm walking among zombies all the time. Me also.

Though, at least zombies can get passionate about something, even if it's only brains.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

True that!

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

My neighborhood is full of them! Masked and hooded like bank robbers! I have one neighbor that during 4 years of coofid 1984 never went to the grocery store or a restaurant. Stayed home for 4 years! Other neighbors/friends are on their 4th and 5th jibbyjab and run to the dr for every ache and pain. Another is taking the weight loss drug, has had every jibbyjab, knee surgery, 100lbs overweight and continues to drink and eat crap. Humans are herd animals and always want to be controlled by the bigger group, it’s sad. Yesterday, went to lunch and had to have valet parking ugh. The kid, a boy about 20, wore a black mask and had long blue fingernails. I’m in FL, it’s 82 degrees out and sunny. He stood out like a sore thumb while the rest of the kids looked like tennis jocks. Good on him for trying to stand out and virtue signal 🙄 but total zombie 🧟‍♀️

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Dear lord..I thought they were saner in florida?

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"I have eye strain from rolling my eyes and a hole in my tongue from biting it."


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3) Scorpio is in Scorpio. With Scorpio rising.

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🤣🤣🤣 Scorpio rising hell!

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Yeah, I got that POS in my email this morning too... 🙄 I immediately deleted it, cancelled my subscription that I don't know how it happened in the first place and consigned any future missives from "The Wellness Company" to my SPAM folder.

Every 5 years for as long as I've been alive, there's been some new "flu" scare that was going to kill us all but which always came to nothing except for the couple dozen people who had reactions to Big Pharma's latest concoction and wound up paralysed, blind or dead... 30+ years now on top of that nonsense, they've been doing the "Bird Flu" scam... 4 years of the Covid orchestrated hoax... and probably 98% of Humanity will STILL fall for it..

PS Oh, and BTW? Jeff Berwick more-or-less opined if you see anyone in the near future dropping dead, hemorrhaging from the eyes, vomiting blood or bleeding from the anus -- It ain't an Ebola Pandemic, no matter what the Lying Whore Media tell you!! -- It's a signal transmitted to all the Injected Pinheads via their marvellous new 5G cellphones... 💩

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Crikey, Peter McCullough pushing the bird flu / H5N1 / Tamiflu bandwagon.

I am so throughly disgusted with ‘experts’.

Re messing around with H5N1 in labs, these were the notorious NIAID/Fauci funded ‘gain of function’ experiments that emerged in 2011/2012.

Ron Fouchier’s experiment in the Netherlands was most controversial, when he claimed to have “mutated the hell out of H5N1” and warned “that this is a very dangerous virus”.

Subsequent to the furore surrounding his controversial research, Fouchier did a 180 degree turnaround on his claims about the lethality of his lab-engineered virus. Apparently the virus he created was neither as contagious nor as dangerous as people had been led to believe.

Seems like it was all a fear-mongering beat-up…and so it continues…

See my letters on this matter:

* An open letter to the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity re the political and ethical implications of lethal virus development (31 January 2012):


* A submission to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) re opposition to lab-engineering of potentially lethal pathogens (17 December 2012):


* An open letter to the NSABB challenging potentially dangerous ‘gain of function’ research (22 October 2014):


* Link to Racaniello transcript:


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This is what these guys should be selling for bird flu if they really want to follow the science™️

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After all, it’s bird flu!

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Someone in my office mentioned the bird flu and how it is transmitting to humans. It took tremendous effort to not laugh in their face, but it was a reminder that nothing has changed, and the general public has learned nothing. Pass the Doritos, and did you hear the new Taylor Swift album?

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"The fact that the maximal exhaled viral load of infected persons occurs before the development of actual symptoms should concern all who might come into close indoor proximity with maskless presymptomatic 'super spreaders'."

Pierre Kory, USA Today, July 1, 2020

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It was the triple crown of zoonosis! Bird-cow-hoooooman.

My ass. Can’t wait for JJ to get on this one.

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I can't wait for Turducken Flu. I'm ready.

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Birds aren't even real, man!

Cows are cabbage with legs. That's what I used to tell vegans when I tried to start a flamewars.

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Like, Fer Sure!

(Like a cosmotologist would like know)


🤗 that's flametastic!!

(Love the cow-age visual!)

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I got more poetry right here, like humans are mushrooms tripping on themselves and suffering delusions of grandeur.

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Tripping and stumbling over delusions of grandeur.

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tossing tomatoes and flytraps,

and tripping the light fantastic:

a whiter (deadly night)shade of pale

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I used to be a big ''Rummy" fan, but can now see he was a turd dressed in a suit. Powell (RIP at the lake of fire), Bush and Cheney (reservations next to Powell)

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Well done today.

Very well played.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Roast In Perpetuity

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I remember Condi Rice.

Lt. Col. Kilgore brought death from above, but State Secretary Condi brought death from all cardinal points the 4.5th dimension.

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Absolutely correct that this is yet another example of treating a disease with a pill. But people should be educated to make their own choices and understand what brought them to their conclusion.

#1. Before you take it, know the effects and side effects of any drug.

For example, if you're over age 65, it may not work at all. Tamiflu can CAUSE headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain... just like the flu!

#2. Serious side effects include hallucinations, self-harm, and erratic behavior- ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN.

#3. Roche Pharm got sued for bilking $1.5 BILLION from the US government, based on its marketing lies on efficacy. Doesn't that tell you everything?

#4. Even if you took it on Day 1 of symptoms, it may only shorten your duration of disease by one day!

#5. ... and anyway, all this can be mute if the University of Wisconsin's Gain Of Function research has MUTATED it, in which case it may take a new class of drugs to treat. Oh! But wait!...

#5. The FDA already approved three bird flu "vaccines"! How did they know?


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All good points - I might re-phrase #3 as simply "profit sharing agreement" (executed through the courts)

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Interesting. TWC runs a social platform:


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TWC: Hurry, Hurry, step right up and get your Oseltamivir, commonly known by its brand name Tamiflu™!! Don’t wait for H5N1 to strike!

Each Oseltamivir/Tamiflu™ prescription entitles you to a complimentary liver transplant lottery ticket … the more you take the better your chances for that shiny slightly used liver!!! Act now, supplies are limited.

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I’m not picking up and kissing any dead birds. Am I good to go?

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great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, little birdie's stinky feet...

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

I can't hear you Ray - from Copland

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People want this.

This washed over me last night. This is the exact same Operation.

In 2022, the Kumbayas were saying, WE did it! It's over!

Jabs Bad, we are still getting mileage out of and of course, the "controlled opposition" soap opera TV Shows.

And the Scorpions just keep grinding. Laughing.

People are simply very comfortable being led around by nice kindly looking Sales Reps.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

People were really comfortable around Ted Bundy too, even the people prosecuting him. What does that tell you? Jim Jones? Everyone still drinks the kool-aid (granted it was a very effective op) but I no longer pay attention, the game is old & tiresome. I do get enjoyment out of watching the snippets of the "elites" getting madder and madder and more incoherent though! That does tickle me pink.

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Most people, even those who think they can detect the next psyoperator, may be fooled. Some are better than others. SH pointed out the different between Kory and McCullough in their acting skills. People get more attached to Mc even when they see the cracks in the foundation after the fact. But the next unknown actor, staged event, if you have a heart, may fool you. Being alert to that possibility, helps avoid it.

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good advice for all. eternal vigilance. complacency kills.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Just saw this…Rick Bright at it again…

“I’ve studied bird flu for 20 years. This is why I'm not drinking milk


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Telemedicine is the WEFFIE plan to remove doctors and replace with algorithms.

Simple solution - don't go within a million miles of algorithms, and it will save your life. Same with doctors.

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Even a zoom visit with an "alternative" doc you trust is not such a good idea. Pretty sure those calls go into their "cloud."

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Yes. Would you rather tango with a rattler or a scorpion? I think we are done with whitecoats - in any casing. Many are between a rock and a hard place though. Beyond those too reliant on little white pills, my heart hurts for the ones whose life depends on timely medications.

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"many soldiers had to murder civilians"

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Hi Sage,

I found this video of Dr Drew (whom I do happen to enjoy watching but I have been flummoxed by the injecting of the elderly). Anyway, I happened to stumble across this video of him discussing a divorce documentary he was a part of. Some of what he describes in divorce court sounds “eerily” like the model that was hatched for plandemic. Pretty interesting some of the wording he uses in his interview.


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Will watch! Thank you.

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Apr 27Liked by Sage Hana

You’re welcome. Pretty astonishing the comment he makes about “if this sort of chummy relationship existed between doctors and any other providers, there would be outrage.” Fast forward 10 years and what do we have?

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