The nail on head is exactly that. People don’t want to believe that a thin grease of evil people really want them dead.

It’s been obvious to me for over four years and I started as a fairly average to strong normie.

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☝🏻 💯

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This is the first time I’ve heard “thin grease” as a unit of measure. How many in a kiloGrease?

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It appears to be a case of psychological lock-out.

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Thanks for making that plain statement about senescence and the immune system. Hell's bells, I got a lot of flu vaccines and a few others when I got older.

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Thanks SH. I’ll just put this here: I just heard word that there is a tornado warning for NYC. Wondering just how far we’ve come from cloud-seeding to tornado/hurricane nudging. If the climate does not provided enough natural disasters on its own, I imagine there is technology currently in play - and set to increase this summer - that will rectify the situation.

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Yes. The crises will continue until morale (compliance) improves.

And what I did not see coming is that the Not a Movement will see this as long as you don't bump into their list of Goodies that were provided for them.

Helluva thing.

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"You have been beaten, you have been maimed, but now zee fun is ohva!! 🫡🫡

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May 27·edited May 27

Like (button still on da fritz)...but first...a little light OPera with The Aristocrats!!

Cannibal Joe variant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itl44eSdebg

9/11 OGG model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiBAfmxwdKc&t=17s

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Whoaaa! Never heard that before!! Even during the second video, I'm still trying to figure out "Death or meet the Aristocrats". 🤔🤔🤔

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That’s right… Tier 2 has a list of allowed goodies. One that is not on the list is graphene oxide. Looks like it’s being used in nano-tech *everywhere*, including vaccines and smart phones.

Paging Dr. Cole…

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I'm seeing/hearing/reading that all over the place. Here in Western Canada we're being told what to do "when" we have to evacuate. Not "if".

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

What about that odd storm that just hit Houston? People couldn't agree if it was a tornado, derecho....or an 'inland hurricane'.

No warning - high winds that blew out plate glass windows in highrises.

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Humans are NOT all powerful.

This is NOT the fucking "Age of Anthropocene", thank you National Propaganda Geographic.

Have humans fouled their nest?


The soil, air and water?


The joke is thinking there is no greater power than ourselves.

The eugenicists, middle managers, regular people.

Point the finger and never look up.

When the Corona, the Sun acts up (or down) everything is affected, malevolent actors may take advantage, probably have for ages.


I'm affected by solar radiation - dastardly cell towers, death row injections and iatrogenic “medicine”, poisoned water and food.

But there are some things I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER, so get used to being uncomfortable - changes always are to human people.

Giving the authors of the Day Tapes, Third Reich, Iraq War, omnipotent powers is exactly what they want you to think.

Be afraid and you're doomed, so what.

It IS imperative to keep our wits about us and be informed about who, what and why, idiot maniacs are trying to kill us - for which I thank Sage, and others

I love anger and life

Go forth and fuck the fuckers, stay fertile and stay feral.

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“Go forth and fuck the fuckers, stay fertile and stay feral!” Excellent sentence, Ошдд!

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Build back bitter, is what they accomplished. Whatever destroys the arbiters of genocide

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No one is ever held accountable. While going through my notes on a different subject, I ran across this oldie;

Revealed: How Bill Clinton plotted to 'bushwhack' attorney general on airport tarmac and got a promise that Hillary wouldn't be prosecuted over classified emails - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3822307/How-Bill-Clinton-plotted-bushwhack-attorney-general-airport-tarmac-got-promise-Hillary-wouldn-t-prosecuted-classified-emails.html

10/11/2020 Double-Wide Dreaming⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thread: Origins of Spygate Pre-date Donald Trump

"This article should have 30k retweets..."

"Obama ran 'The Coup' on Hillary also; no one seems to give a shit?"

"Some of us banked our theories on EXACTLY that..."

"It was the * O.N.L. Y* way we could get all of the pieces to fit; we knew that she and Obama had issues and it all changed in 2016."

"... it all changed in June 2016, or at least that is when they were "All In".

"The first delivery of the Dossier arrived the same day as the Tarmac Meeting." (Loretta Lynch meeting with the husband of a person under investigation by the F.B.I., Bill Clinton but, it was to talk golf and grandkids!}

"It's HUMILIATING that people still don't understand this!"

Yes, yes it is but, many are now seeing the games within the games. Grotesque, frightening, and fascinating.


And today,

@amuse @amuse

LAWFARE: While Trump and everyone working with him is gagged from publicly speaking about the witnesses in his trial, President Biden is allowed to personally visit the star witness against his son. What did he tell Hunter's ex-wife? Did he promise her anything? Threaten her?


Fani Willis meeting with Kamala Harris Feb 28, 2023 was just brought up in court! And the meeting was before the indictment!


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Thanks for the links!

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A minute ago I opened the laptop up and saw a SH post and felt joy and began to read through and hoped, hoped and then, there it was, the link to The Day Tapes again. I am forwarding this one to my children right now.

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Of course they’re not going to investigate, at least not a real investigation. We can see where this is headed. People have been getting sick around here, like what we’ve been taught to think of as the flu. Not jabbed, drink well water that isn’t connected to a river system, no chemtrails (during the day, anyway), no real contact with the jabbed, healthy foods, in the country. Most use solar…radiation poisoning from too much time around electrical grids/towers? That doesn’t really seem to fit. It was like dominoes. What am I missing?

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1. Post

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


It is dawning on mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci that their Covid policies were a public health disaster. Lots of us are angry about the mandates, the lockdowns, the censorship, the insanity. But we need to avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution and blame and focus on ensuring this never happens again. Clean up the regulatory agencies, get corporate money out of public health, and guarantee free, open, uncensored public and scientific discourse.

2. Bobby came back a day later to say, "we'll prosecute if laws were broken" (paraphrase). But no laws were broken, thus the point. It was legalized Dolts Botching Shit Murder by Emergency. He knows that. It's placation.

3. The only vector that makes sense to me to get to all the critters is radiation, but I'm sure there are other ways as I trample up the back stretch on "The Science".

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May 27Liked by Sage Hana

I are notta STEM, but, best I can tell, nano-materials(aerial spraying over decades) &/or bio-weapon injections + radiation = how dey get alla critters.

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May 27·edited May 27

...and I feel like this info is getting legs with the general public.

Gut feeling only, no real data points.

Kudos to Sabrina.

Clif High has been running a clever

"Best Chemtrail pic/video" contest on X/Twitter.

Unsure if a winner was picked.

Can the Morgellons hook-up be far behind?


Kudos also to "juxtaposition.stories" channel on bitchute, who has multiple well-done, recommended videos, including a two-parter with Sabrina Wallace.

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Like (button not working)... If my understanding of what Sabrina is saying is correct, even unjabbed folks will be killable based on having incorporated unavoidable metamaterials (in water & air & food) that are subjected to targeted radiation under the name of precision medicine. 'vaccines w/ graphene' just make it easier to hit multiple jabbed folks with 5G shotgun blasts rather than individual rifle shots from MBAN sharpshooters.

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May 30·edited May 30

Infanttyron3 -

"If my understanding of what Sabrina(Wallace) is saying is correct, even unjabbed folks will be killable based on having incorporated unavoidable meta-materials (in water & air & food) that are subjected to targeted radiation under the name of precision medicine."

3 out of 3 references in my post above...

Sabrina(Wallace) shares info on WBAN and meta-materials, which were a major topic in her (2) videos with juxtaposition.stories on bitchute.

Juxtaposition mentions "meta-materials", smart-dust, and chemtrail contractors and their over flights in his Los Angles home-area in almost all of his videos.

Which is also why I mentioned Clif's clever Chemtrail Photo Contest on Twitter/X...ie>>>"meta-materials"<<<.

And now...a PSA from our friend, Bob Ross:


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EXACTLY - I had been primed already to think we're under an extinction threat from what you listed especially when 5G was coming online. When the shots came along I had already had no doubt.

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Graphene oxide is known to have an affinity for 5G wavelengths. A modern-day two-part poison

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I use Duck Duck Go and enter an older date range in order to supress articles. This article from 2012 has a link to their position statement- which no longer exists. Just food 4 thought for anyone with smart meters.

“Wichita, KS‐ The American Academy of Environmental Medicine today released its position paper on electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) health effects calling for immediate caution regarding smart meter installations. Citing several peer‐reviewed scientific studies, the AAEM concludes that “significant harmful biological effects occur from non‐thermal RF exposure” showing causality. The AAEM also expresses concern regarding significant, but poorly understood quantum field effects of EMF and RF fields on human health. AAEM Calls for Immediate Caution Regarding Smart Meter Installation.”

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Thank you for that. Our regional newspaper is having a drawing for the “winner” to have SMART everything installed in their home. Reminds me of a lottery drawing for a jab🤔 I’m sure many have entered that chute..

I’m going to see what power sources the campground uses.

I’m also going to research timelines of when the symptoms appear. They were already home, some for a couple of days before symptoms began🤔

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Moe - one wag suggested whenever you see the word "SMART" regarding technology, you need to substitute the word "SURVEILLANCE".

In the digital age,

if the offer is "Free",


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Let me know what you discover!

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The WHO treaty failed.

We won. We can go back to normal.

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I did raise my hand slowly and ask her a question on the We Did It post.

She had run a post a couple of weeks ago acknowledging that the calls are coming from inside the One Health House.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Sage Hana

I'm noting this whole ordeal in the back of my mind. When the notion of the treaty first came along, the op was still going hard. It felt like a real threat. The more time has passed, the more I realized it was a "you set em up, I'll knock em down" scenario. This 'battle' was set to be won before it even started. Noted, and will mentally adjust for any future scenario they run.

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

1/ Threaten with a treaty.

2/ Treaty fails as planned due to Heroes.

3/ Induced complacency sets in, Heroes look even more heroic.

4/ Response by national govts. to the planned Pandemic 2, 2024-5 is ragged and they fake lots of 'unnecessary' deaths, esp children.

5/ 'You see we really needed that global treaty! To save al those poor children!'

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☝️ Now this is thinking like a Scorpion.

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

They can plan a conference in Romania to congratulate themselves.

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LMAO, again and again. Sure, lets have the state investigate itself due to the enormous amount of integrity, non-conflict and independence that would be on show for all to see. You might as well have Hitler come back from the dead and try himself for war crimes. No freaking difference.

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I am all for ‘Dolts botching shit.’ Humans are trousered apes for the most part, especially at the Gub’ment level.

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Yuval's mom is an orangutan.

True story. Dr. Flurm saw the whole procedure decades ago and I believe uncritically every word he writes.

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Of course not, because they're not finishes yet... I'd be surprised if you & I are still here in 2 years...

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"Life finds a way." - SH

On point. Yes to seeing everything clearly and continually waking up to all the hard truths and discomforts that come with it...but also this.

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deletedMay 27
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That is one "free floating anxiety" that needs to be flushed.

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Desmet. He was the one that framed it all as strange animal forces making people do unexpected things right? Just an 'ol mass formation. Pay no attention to the military grade, society wide, top down, global psychological operation from hell. That guy?

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I do not find this to be an accurate representation of the Desmet framing.

He in fact did go through times in history when governments created mass formations. I may have the clips going back to two years ago, perhaps on Reiner.


I also had watched a good two hour interview with Desmet with Max Blumenthal long before any Malone tie in was "created" . Grayzone, probably searchable on Rofkin.

Desmet may be in the mix of Operators, I frankly don't know to be clear.

But I remember watching him with great interest as this is an area of interest that I have long considered: why do people go along and go nuts?

And it's social forces of some kind, it has always seemed to me.

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I'm certainly open to correction. I followed his output closely during the op, but I may have thrown the baby out with the bathwater here. I dunno. I think my opinion may be less reflective of actual opinion and arguments he's held, and more about the crowd he travels in. The more overlap with tier twos I see, in interviews and conferences, the more I just assume there is a reason for this. Guilt by association for sure, but I think that heuristic has some validity. I prefer Hoffer on these matters, but even his backstory is a bit squirrely.

I'll take a relook at his thoughts on mass formation not being entirely spontaneous. Mass formations make sense to me as something along the lines of the Day Tapes. If you know how people will react, well...go ahead and set up those conditions. I've come to suspect that almost every mass movement over the past few hundred years, outside of legit and unplanned for natural disasters, have been nurtured, to some extent. Thanks for the link.

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It's a religious discussion about things unseen, the human behavior.

To me it's an ATM fee in the Banking Fraud of Life, but if it is in someone's wheelhouse of expertise, it becomes THE STORY.

I have also found mixed opinions of Hannah Arendt, Banality of Evil, and that's fine as well.

It's religious studies. It's astrology.

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May 28Liked by Sage Hana

What's crazy to me is, mass psychology is where the rubber meets the road. It IS religious studies. It IS astrology. (By this I assume you mean soft, squishy, opinion based content.) But it moves masses! It's crazy. It works, and it's the key right into the heart of the matter. It's a squishy body of knowledge that gets better results than most hard sciences.

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Make you "GUILTY"

for being "STUPID".

Psychopathy 101.

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Oh, cool. It was that guy. I love that guy.

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😂. The fuzzy, smiley face alter-ego of Yuval Harari.

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Oh man, can you imagine the synergy of Useless Eater, Mass Formation, and Eisenvector in a room? Could be world changing!

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May 28·edited May 28

YUVAL! It's a Thing!


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