Aug 21Liked by Sage Hana

It worked so well. And like a bad dream everyone around me just wants to forget.

We are so screwed. 💔

Across the river we go.

Thanks for doing this day after day, SH.

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The good news is there are many Covid-indoctrinated who will not let those that went along to go along to forget. My twitter feed is active with bots and non-bots who keep talking about clean air...and now apparently monkeypox.

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Amen to that.

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Aug 22Liked by Sage Hana

I’m watching/rewatching Pierre’s clips and everything in me says:

1. His body language doesn’t correlate with what he’s saying

2. He’s lying about practically every SIM because that’s what he DOES - he’s a SIM expert and in order to make your target audience believe you, you’ve GOT to have the incredible gift of believing your own lies and/or have the ability to switch into your alter/altered personality aka dissociative personality disorder.

He is following through with the simulation to its bitter end.

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So many people integral to the effort of getting jabs in arms are now pleading for the jabs to stop. It's still an op. What flag do they want to raise today? Calm the marks, or trigger the marks? The damage is done. Now we just kumbaya it out, and gasp as people continue to die. Crocodile tears.

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Kory is a well paid consummate liar. For the immense damage he’s done (likely over his lifetime!) he needs to rot in a deep hole 🕳️

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No SAG-AFTRA card for him!! NEXT!

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He’s already swindled that out for himself, surely 😂Either that or it’s not even a concern for him because he’s flying by his braces now. Do you think it’s necessary for an expert? You would know I surmise…😏

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SAG is a tight club. Dues start at 3K plus. I have my card because I was a part of AFTRA first which then got grandfathered into SAG-AFTRA. Member since 2011. Pierre doesn’t need the card as I’m assuming he’s a non-union person judging by his ADD/ADHD personality traits.

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I love Denis! He is smart as a whip and doesn’t say anything he can’t back up with facts. He is one of the reasons I am still proud to be a Canadian DESPITE #TrudeauTheTyrant and his attempts to destroy my home.

“There is no EVIDENCE of a spreading virulent pathogen!”

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I don't blame you Irene...I have a bit of a crush on the man myself!

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I’ll admit to wanting to give the guy a solid bear hug, but none of that European kissy face stuff

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Best laugh all day!

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Hope coffee stayed in the cup!

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I’ve posted this before several times in the past few years, my opinion is that Denis Rancourt is a “Scientist’s Scientist”! He is a PHYSICIST (as am I) who has the best vantage point for any scientific study and analysis! Statistics is a very important tool in this regard and his approach is always “first principles”. He is the best! THANK YOU DR. RANCOURT

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Just published Attack of the COVIDians:


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I did like that.

We were discussing IQ just the other day.

When you think about the average...you get to a point where you don't want to drive your car anymore.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

The malthusians have a lot to answer for.

But I am seeing in various videos and stacks that more and more people are waking up to "they want you dead".

Cause frankly,there is no other explanation for what the eff is going on.

What a perfectly evil belief.

You kill because you want to survive and keep your yachts and houses so you buy governments and media all the while hiding behind your philanthropy...or

You do it out of kindness..as you don't want people eating each other or fighting over the last barrell of oil or for the nuclear rods to melt down.


I think we are gonna see some effects soon. They think mostly on east coast

So I dont think spent fuel rods are gonna be as big of an issue in futureas it will kill off lots of marine life

........where is Fast Eddy?

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I've been wondering about Fast Eddy and what he has to say lately. Best take a look. (Did but his angle cynicism seems to clash with mine.) In other news it looks like Frances Leader has linked some material that parallels the Day Tapes. My perspective of today and what I remember has begun to resemble a sort of Truman Matrix Body Snatcher in a house of mirrors show. Is Malthusianism just a justification for the devious?


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Yes. Dr. Rancourt published a great study on what amounts to be the greatest crime against humanity yet.

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Horsely on the issue of Tier 2s in this Greatest Psyop. If he’s new to you, he’s got some great books.


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They could give clean food a premium but the GMO is artificially propped up.

The "progress" and economic argument for GMO is pure non sens. Its the continuation of NAZI race science. MAKE FLOUR GREAT AGAIN !

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Robert Malone on his X just asserted that ivermectin is safe because there hasn't been a decline in births in countries like Africa so if ivermectin were bad people wouldn't be having babies there (or something to that degree). My question is though, how can we trust any statistic we are given about anything? Birth rates? Mortality rates? Rates of illness and what they are? Literally anything!?!? My next question is where are the fertility studies done on ivermectin? Do they exist???? Anybody got any links?

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Answer you can’t. The statistics are and have been provided by ‘verifiably’ untrustworthy entities.

Malone has been proven ‘verifiably’ untrustworthy so unless we’re working on double negatives - which I’m not sure works with integrity this makes it even more untrustworthy -doubly so. (To be clear data/evidence may be accurate but also may not - that’s the genius here, but as with a liar, you should not trust the person)

Same argument for scientific papers - who funds, selects and promotes the areas of study - it’s an infinite controlled loop that is believed because people have been taught to believe.

Event 201 promoted working with trusted authorities, in every sphere of society and to ‘flood the zone’ with information and data - and hey Ho that’s what happened.

We’ve been led and educated to outsource our decision making to trusted authorities and then to rely upon their provided data/evidence to back up their position.

The flaw here if it wasn’t obvious is that is a self referential system based upon our trust that was developed by them and in support of them and it was catastrophically misplaced.

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An oldie but goodie .....

"Wonder if Steve Bannon will cover this angle? 🤔

Or Greenwald, or Taibbi?"

🤣 😂 🤣 🤣 😂 🤣 🤣 😂 🤣 snort ^%?>*^!! 🤣 😂 🤣 🤣 😂 🤣 SNORT !!!! 🤣 😂 🤣

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Yes. 5 f…ing years. And most everyone shook themselves and went back to sleep. 3 yrs ago. Snoring.

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Huh. I’ll have to think on something though.

Was about to post that Japan had a slight excess from the first of the year but looked closer and I had the lines swapped. Japan maybe actually had slight slight one sigma-ish _deficits_ leading and following, which makes me wonder about the baseline. The reason I looked was I know they were making a big deal about closing schools due to a bad flu season that fall and winter. All tiny effects compared to NY but triggered some data shitfuckery hairs back of my neck… 👀

Plot I’m eying is here https://www.mortality.watch/explorer/?c=JPN&c=USA-NY&t=deaths&ct=weekly&e=1&df=2019+W44&dt=2020+W33&bf=1979+W01&sl=0&v=2

And said elsewhere standing offer for a bear hug to Dr R.

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Denis Rancourt is a fukkin’ stallion.

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It's not that population numbers threaten the planet, we threaten our enemy's control of the planet. When you get attacked with chemical weapons that is an opportunity to recognize you are in a war. What happens to people who are so debilitated by enemy propaganda that they can't understand they are in a war? They probably end up with Redcoats living at their house, eating their food, conscripting their sons and daughters, and funding their enemy's effort to kill them. That's what the USA is doing to us. It's a British company owned by the Rothschilds.

I heard yesterday that it's illegal for you to give the government your money through taxation. You can't knowingly do business a criminal enterprise: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/how-to-exit-the-matrix-uks-own-laws The breakdown of the payroll model is the revolution.

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I was awake from the first moment .. I was just lucky .. i never believed in it and have been fighting for the truth.. it is hard as indoctrinations has been very deep and steady!

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Tangentially related to excess deaths. This article feels like a flashing red light.


The gist? Big boss man tells military families to be ready and prepare for ‘catastrophic events’. Get your mind right and affairs in order.

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