Huge interview.

Denis dropped like 7 mics and threw the guitar against the loudspeaker wall, like Pete Townshend from the Who.

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That he was called out to some summit (Romania?) and that the fellow Security State attendees did not IMMEDIATELY start trampling down the backstretch WITH THIS ROOT PROBLEM reveals the Oppery starkly.

They brought his 17m dead (Jabs Bad) stats out and ignored the root Emperor has no clothes conclusion.

And that my friend is how you KNOW (already knew) about your new crop of *dissidents*

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I watched it also before it got #mindbleached from the masses. Key takeaway: Screenshot everything with subtitles if you can (and I’ve done this on countless occasions). Tedious but captured.

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Can one judge truth by how many hours it lasted on YT ?

Perhaps Stevie has the top double secret formula for the equation.

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Certain "contrails" are making people really sick right now. People show respiratory tract reactions like they would in case of toxin exposure.

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Best I can logic it out, there are three reasons for these new cloud formations. I'm open to a fourth or more.

1) poison

2) a method to make climate change 'real'. It seems these particles can linger high up there for a year or longer.

3) a method of altering the constituent parts of the atmosphere for power transmission purposes. Offensive, defensive, or maybe just infrastructural. The wiggle clouds indicate power is somehow involved.

I suppose it could be a threefer. For what it's worth, I've had a persistent frigging cough for a month and a half.

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Also, they say after a few years of dimming the sun, if you then stop, it gets extremely hot, at least subjectively. People then are not used to heat, tolerate it less. Maybe that's also part of the plan. Dim now, stop 2027, people get overheated and believe that the 2030 agenda is a necessIty and their salvation. Other benefits: less vit D synthethization due to lack of sunlight, mitochondrial malfunctioning through less infrared, also, less joy of life in grey fog than in full sunshine, also less metaphysical connection to the absolute due to no clear skies. Solution to that one: euthanasia?

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Our whole neighborhood pretty much is or was ill.I took videos 2 days before XMAS of their lovely sky' artwork'. I spent XMAS with' Flu' symptoms that I am still reeling from. I was literally in bed and cancelled everything! I am almost never sick. Metallic taste and smell, body aches, fever, headache, earpain, stomach and anything else u can think of. Merry Christmas right?

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Yep. Had the sky washed for a number of days before Christmas. Now dealing with a bit of sinus stuff over the last three days. Looking for DARPA stuff on this particular pathogen I have an interest in. From a Pub med article...."Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that belongs to the gamma-proteobacteria. This clinically challenging, opportunistic pathogen occupies a wide range of niches from an almost ubiquitous environmental presence to causing infections in a wide range of animals and plants. P. aeruginosa is the single most important pathogen of the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. It causes serious chronic infections following its colonisation of the dehydrated mucus of the CF lung, leading to it being the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in CF sufferers."


FYI recall seeing that this pathogen is also involved with sedated and vented patients. Also I speculated that the fact of reduction of atmospheric oxygen by 1% globally would likely enhance bacteria types that would selectively now thrive in more anerobic environments like this one. Can any research scientist out there tell me if this bacteria could or was aerosolized and could be made into or has already been made into a bioweapon?


It would be so cool to set up survivability experiments in an environmental control lab to simulate aerosol dispersal at altitude pressure and temperature and see what happens in gravity fall and wind and UV exposure by the time it reaches sea level 1 ATM.

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And also relative humidity.

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All those variables. Maybe our AI overlords already know this answer. Lol

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At the beginning of one of Murakami’s books, maybe Kafka on the Shore, the protagonist is felled by something sprayed from the air, by a military plane. His eyes were going tic-toc back and forth. Couldn’t stop

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Very interesting ! Am just tracking the same in my sphere, Western Canada and am finding surprising confirmation over a wider landscape. Nasty sinus pain lasting 4+ days, and pegged it quite abnormal due to lack of definite flu/cold symptoms but a weird sense of electrical/resonance-like aggravation in head cavities and neck tendons. It had hallmarks of a bad summertime allergic reaction with dry gritty eyes and burning nose, though impossible since we have high precipitation and water saturated snowfall giving airborne particulate clouds little credence. I spent considerable time outdoors in full rain-gear breathing mist. These are the main markers, confirmed by many others, some feeling clearly flu-ish, one volunteering unsolicited that she has been ‘hearing’ very low resonance intermittent booming described it as ‘submarine-like’ for the past couple of weeks. She has little understanding of microwave frequency. Which corresponds with how I experience the resonance in my sinus cavities. Topping my list of suspects is ELF broadcast (satellite) or less likely, due to wet and poor dispersion, overhead spraying. 5G is encroaching, but not installed here yet. Though many had smart meters forced onto them, mine is OFF (whatever that means).

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Also in BC. And have said sinus thing. Started as a sore throat. No fever or cough. Interesting theory.

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Low level microwave is akin Satellite transmission:

“This paper summarizes the results of experimental research on biological effects induced by electromagnetic exposure to low-level microwaves. We exposed four-month-old Wistar albino rats during 21 months to two different microwave frequencies and exposure modes, 2 h a day, seven days a week. In order to assess possible biological effects of microwaves, we selected among others the following parameters: leucocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and mortality rate. After three and eight months of exposure, we found a statistically significant difference of about 20% between the 970-MHz continuous wave group and sham-exposed group regarding the monocytes in both considered periods. After 14 and 18 months of exposure, we observed a significant increase in white blood cells and neutrophils of about 15% and 25%, respectively. Lymphocytes fell down after 18 months of exposure with about 15% compared to the sham-exposed group. No other statistically significant differences were found, except for minor changes with little biological significance. The most obvious effect we detected is the increase in mortality rate of the exposed groups with respect to the sham-exposed group after 21 months of exposure at the age of 25 months. This increase even increases when observing rats until the age of 28 months: mortality in exposed groups then reaches almost twice the value observed in the sham-exposed group.”https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5232818

and ponder:


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Yup. That’s my fish tank. Thanks for sharing. One more…..

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just happened to me and my friend Dec 17 driving through DC. Took photos of the chemtrails as we were driving. Smelled like burnt tires. We both instantly started coughing. We were both completely healthy when we started the drive. By night's end we were both feeling sick. Both in bed for over a week. Took out our microbiome. Loss of appetite, difficulty digesting. Still coughing. Plain ole poisoning, my guess. Sulfur dioxide? dunno. Three other friends in the area exact same timing of "illness."

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Lots of mucus forming in larynx area?

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Not a lot. Sticky tho. Irritating.

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Just got on facebook and was met with this post by a dude I follow:


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Can you please provide references to this info?

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Refuse to get sick. You cannot catch anything so the way to go is to help your body be healthier. That means no drugs of any kind, no fast foods, do some exercise of any kind, no smoking, limit drinking, avoid the doctor, stop listening to the health gurus that only want to sell you supplements and let your health fears fade away.

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I’m still wondering what was so different in the 2019 flu shot, and could it be the first half of a two-part poison.

Second half could be atmospheric spraying, 5G, who knows what.

But you know, the mind remains a powerful driver, placebo and nocebo being very real phenomena.

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I finally got around to listening to this whole interview and I noticed that Dr. Denis Rancourt gets the big picture.

56:01 "There's a lot of things I don't like about the Congressional Report [on "Covid"]. It's a piece of propaganda. It's terrible. And it's intended for cooling the mark out. which is a social science phenomenon that was described by Goffman in 52."

Wow, I didn't realize there was such a science to it.


On Cooling the Mark Out

"Although the term, mark, is commonly applied to a person who is given short-lived expectations by operators who have intentionally misrepresented the facts, a less restricted definition is desirable in analyzing the larger social scene. An expectation may finally prove false, even though it has been possible to sustain it for a long time and even though the operators acted in good faith. So, too, the disappointment of reasonable expectations, as well as misguided ones, creates a need for consolation. Persons who participate in what is recognized as a confidence game are found in only a few social settings, but persons who have to be cooled out are found in many. Cooling the mark out is one theme in a very basic social story." -- Erving Goffman, 1953

In con games, the mark (victim of the con) is recruited by flattery. You’re smart enough to see the opportunity, you’re bold enough to do what others might not. And so the mark submits to the con, and loses. According to sociologist Erving Goffman, this moment at which the mark recognizes his loss represents a failure of an important self-concept, one that must be eased away from rather than simply broken and left behind.

"For the mark, cooling represents a process of adjustment to an impossible situation — a situation arising from having defined himself in a way which the social facts come to contradict. The mark must therefore be supplied with a new set of apologies for himself, a new framework in which to see himself and judge himself."

Goffman identifies a couple of common ways of helping to ease the transition. The first is to offer “a status which differs from the one he has lost or failed to gain but which provides at least a something or a somebody for him to become.” The second is to offer “another chance to qualify for the role at which he has failed.”

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It’s still a case of keep studying.

The evil was fairly clear to see in 20, Rancourt saw it. How much more detail is needed? What’s the plan - draw this out in 4k resolution - then what? I just don’t feel the anger - or he’s hiding it really well, and if he is what next? Present this to who - in the words of Rove -

‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’

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How many kudos from MAGA?

Trump Endorses H-1B Visas, Musk Threatens 'War' in Their Defense


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Haven't watched the interview yet, but will soon! Just got back from town where I ran into the sun of a dear lady who passed away last year that I didn't hear about in time to go to her funeral. Gone too soon. Said she got the shots, but kinda glossed over That! Made me sad and I came home to write an ode the her.

For Sweet Louise:

I hear that lonesome whistle sound

Down the tracks in my end of town

Goes right by the family home

Of Sweet Louise,

Where she did roam

Oldest child of thirteen strong

Her soul was tireless

Her days were long

Took care of

Everyone she could

Became a Nurse

How I wish I would,

Would have told her

How I felt.

For all her kindness,

Your heart would melt.

Came to my house

Where love was grown

Watched my kids like

They were her own

Free of charge

When their dad would play

In her brother's band

Till break of day.

Gone too soon

From this world of tears

Bright Light Shines

All through the Years

I lost connection

When kids were grown

Was my fault

My heart does moan

I should have told her

To Beware

Of that awful shot

This my soul doth bear

Tiny Dancer

Comes to mind

Said she danced,

Dance on thru Tyme!

Till we meet again

My Sweet Louse ♥️

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Great post! Dr. Kevin Stillwagon,DC, also has a revealing essay this week...it gets to the speculation (demonstrated fact?) of why the push to fill us up with spike protein: https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com/2024/12/28/why-some-of-us-did-not-get-covid-symptoms/

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I think Rancourt's explanation for all cause death increases is the most likely theory I have seen. I appreciate that he's written so prolifically on the subject, and early on: https://denisrancourt.ca/categories.php?id=12&name=medicinehealth

From what I remember seeing him discuss this a few years ago on Couey's show, he thinks the root causes are psychospmatic and socioeconomic. Like lots of poor people losing jobs and housing and not having a support system so then suicides and overdoses and murders, etc. go up. Also, I remember him referring to a study on influenza, when college students that were under stress or isolation suffered worse results.

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Anyone ever nebulize sodium bicarbonate

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Is that baking soda ?

And if so can one just snort like a line of coke and have similar reaction ?

I don't own a nebulizer.

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::Me's wondering if perhaps mainlining it is out of the question::

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Nope. Use a sinus rinse bottle something like this. https://www.amazon.ca/NeilMed-Sinus-Rinse-Premixed-Sachets/dp/B000RDZFZ0/ref=sr_1_7

Make your own saline:

mix together 3 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of baking soda

add 1 tsp of this mixture into 1 cup of water and stir until the solids have dissolved

For lung involvement you can bypass the expense of a nebulizer with a large bowl of steaming water, eucalyptus oil, and a thick towel covering your head and bowl while you inhale. Gramma’s remedy though nowadays frowned upon due to SAFETY-CAUTION-WARNING-IDIOTS.

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I wouldn't snort either of those.

I know, at a point they started to require a rx script for one but I bet ine could be made with aquarium pumps. I've found papers on pubmed about it.

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Yes, often, however usually weak saline (mucosal neutral) and sometimes add highly diluted hydrogen peroxide. Whenever overhead spraying ramps up I finish the day with a saline sinus flush. Basic defense.

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I agree.

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Nope. I do have some in stock, though.

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Apparently it helps send blood/oxygen to the lungs. I wouldnt suggest arm n hammer though. I've read it's synthetic.

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I put it that an alka seltzer up the nose is also nebulizing in some fashion.

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I think this is what happens when you jam alka-selzer up your nose.

Do not recommend.

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Don't think I would try alka seltzer up the nose, salines work well though. And the nebulizing.

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With you on most of it, Sage. Some warning lights are on. Thinking partially because Rancourt remains closely tethered to his data, (good scientific principle), and by necessity I am scanning for cul-de-sacs. Points for his safely framed vectors acknowledging a larger conspiracy, though they lack depth for the abysmal breadth and cunning of the evil beast documented throughout history - IMO. Points for his elegant microbiome catwalk around the stall-mate virus debate, allowing him forward movement [Is it a Means-type Stanford Sonnenburg orbit?]. Some doors are closing on us. Like oldest BWF lab NAMRU-3 relocating from Egypt to Italy in Dec. 2019. Does it tie into DARPA OpDIFUSE? I am not in the psychosomatic line-up to the extent needed for self-annihilation. 👉 An elegant ‘sense-making’ exit is needed for MAHA to extricate from the intentional Virus chaos construct, keeping us entangled and embattled for 5 yrs. Microbiome. Like butter. Good-bad little guys, black-white, flooding the minds safely, blanking out the ‘Virus Op’ no-one has the will/stamina/brain to fight to the end. And can forever linger in the dark depths of jabs needed, while you garden your microbiome.

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I can't forget and I will never forget the pile of black bags with naked people in the hospitals, then buried in the middle of the night under the light of excavators, in sealed coffins, in pits sprayed with chlorine. How can we forget something like that, and who knows for sure whether a family buried their own dead or someone else's?

People died just in locked hospitals, nursing homes, not on the streets or home....

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Grateful to all of you doing the heavy lifting. I don’t want to sound ungrateful when I wonder why we can’t have “nothing was spreading” and a type of poisoning that actually made people sick. Why can’t we have both? How does that undermine the research results? Many (sane) people I know reported that for a period of weeks to months, everything smelled like smoke and sulfur and tasted like mud or rotten meat. That’s not psychosomatic. The only time I’ve ever seen patients with severe distortions in taste in smell is during or following chemo or radiation. Diminished taste and smell is not uncommon in the elderly but anyhow maybe just need to let it go …

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Re psychosomatic illness:


Credit to Eric Coppolino for the above link.

"Authorities also knew from a high-level DHS report that a single news report could send thousands of people to the hospital with physical symptoms but no exposure to a disease or a chemical. This 'mass psychogenic illness' problem was identified as a national security threat."


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This explains the mechanism of the extermination that will take place https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/sars-cov-2-is-the-most-dangerous

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Wow... It's been a while since I willingly read so much BS. Seems like the guy believes in what he's writing too.

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