Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

Dang Sage, I just have to tell someone and YOU were the first person I thought of!

I don't even know you but your's feels like the only safe site left, besides Icke, for old-school Conspiracy Theorists to post and rant!

I just got 'banned' from Karen Kingston's stack!!!%&(#P^_#*!

And I have donated and supported her since she showed up!

First time I ever commented and I got BANNED.


And YOU Sage were the first person I thought of to tell, who I KNEW would understand. :(

Thank you for letting me, (all of us!) rant freely.

PS My offense was that I called Donny&Bobby "lying, scum-sucking Deep State pharmaceutical reps".

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

Be proud! I subbed to her awhile back but rarely read it. Now I just keep it to keep the pulse on the delusions! Some of her recent titles ….. OMG.

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana


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Getting banned for accuracy is a thing now??!!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

"It’s 3:40 of GeertSpeak which is like running over hot coals for a football field."

Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Easily the best and most accurate description of a GVB video. Ever.

Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha!!

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He gives me a headache now.

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Worth a read:

The worst part of course, is that most of the human population is stuck with an immune system increasingly focused on a strategy that’s inevitably going to fail (antibodies against the NTD). There’s just not really anything prohibiting this virus from pasting a bunch of extra glycans on its N-Terminal Domain.

So what’s going to happen, is just basically what we’ve seen in just about all the viruses we tried vaccinating chickens against: It eventually fails, results in more virulent variants and makes everything worse. You can just look this up for yourself, what happened to H5N1 (grew more virulent) to Marek’s disease (grew more virulent), to Newcastle’s disease (hypervirulent strains emerged) and to Infectious Bursal Disease (hypervirulent strains emerged).

The now well-known Belgian veterinarian and vaccinologist, Geert van den Bossche, would have known about this stuff. He would have seen it happen during his lifetime and realized vaccines that fails to stop a virus from spreading can eventually backfire. I’m glad he opened his mouth, it led me to look into this topic.

There are probably a bunch of other scientists his age, who would have considered the same, but failed to open their mouths. For people like me this is an esoteric discovery, but if you’re a scientist who has been involved in keeping these poor chickens alive with new vaccines as mother nature tries to end their misery, you would have known that vaccinating against viruses with vaccines that fail to stop infection generally makes everything worse after a few years.

Allow me to just quote some studies on these chicken viruses:

Here’s how vaccinating against IBD went:

IBD was first described more than 50 years ago and continues to be an important threat to the poultry industry throughout the world (Eterradossi and Saif, 2013). There are two serotypes of IBDV, serotype 1 and serotype 2 (Wang et al., 2007). Serotype 1 strains are pathogenic to chickens and differ from each other in virulence and antigenicity, whereas serotype 2 strains are avirulent to chickens (Ismail et al., 1988, Wang et al., 2007). Since the first report of IBD in 1957, the isolated strains were of limited virulence and sufficiently controlled through vaccination, however, the antigenic variant strains, which could escape from immunization of chickens with classical IBDV vaccines, were recognized in the USA in 1985 (Snyder et al., 1988). These strains were of different subtypes to that of classical strains as determined by virus neutralization (VN) (Jackwood and Saif, 1987) and monoclonal antibody (Mab)-based antigen-capture ELISA (AC-ELISA) assays (Snyder et al., 1988). As of 1987, very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) strains have been identified in several European countries and have spread worldwide (van den Berg, 2000). These vvIBDV strains could break through high and normally protective levels of maternal antibodies and cause mortality at least twice as high as that induced by the classical virulent IBDV (cvIBDV) strains (van den Berg et al., 1991, Eterradossi et al., 1992). Until now and based on a combination of pathotypic, antigenic, cultural and genetic traits, the serotype 1 strains are commonly subdivided into four groups: classical virulent strains, antigenic variant strains, cell-culture-adapted attenuated strains, and very virulent strains.

IBD has been a major poultry disease in China since 1982 when the first IBDV strain, CJ801, was isolated in Beijing (Cao et al., 1998, Liu et al., 2002). Although the IBD situation was well controlled by a range of conventional attenuated live and inactivated IBD vaccines, the very virulent and antigenic variant IBDV strains have also emerged in China since the late 1980s and early 1990s and spread continuously in many regions (Cao et al., 1997, Liu et al., 2002), resulting in severe economic losses to the poultry industry. The Chinese vvIBDVs isolated in 1990s were shown to form a continuum in the pathogenicity between European cvIBDV and vvIBDV strains (van den Berg et al., 2004). However, IBDV strains with new properties could emerge later on due to the high mutation rate of RNA viruses and the high selection pressure generated by intensive vaccination of birds. It is therefore essential to identify new IBDV isolates and compare them with previously described viruses (van den Berg et al., 2004).

The aim of the present study was to characterize some representative IBDV strains isolated from field outbreaks in various regions of China between late 1990s and recent years at the genetic, antigenic and pathologic levels, and to compare them with other European IBDV strains with a classical or very virulent phenotype. The data obtained in this study suggest continued evolution of both segments A and B in the recent vvIBDV strains isolated between 2005 and 2011 that exhibit an increased pathogenicity. These results could help in the effective control of IBD in China.

So they started vaccinating the birds and the high selection pressure it generated enabled the birth of new strains with new properties, like increased pathogenicity. That is, increased ability to kill the birds. I just feel like spelling it out for you all.

Marek’s disease, well, that’s the classical example. I’m sure it has been discussed at lengths by every schizo chasing the substack bucks already, so allow me to skip over it. But then there’s Newcastle disease. They began vaccinating against it in the 50’s and hypervirulent strains began to emerge independently around the world.


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GeertSpeak is like Octomom....you can't lift out any meaning from their ramblings.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

For a while when I heard him, I thought "This stuff is way over my head. I can't make sense of it." Only to realize that he was not making much sense, so you can't make sense of it.

Sure he had a sophisticated European accent, supposed to be cool. Now to realize these cool-accent people are people to be wary of. The main WEF front people are usually European. We poor Americans assuming that they are way beyond our ken, because of the accent (PBS puts that in there) Mind you, at least they know more than one language, so I'll give them credit for that.

Years ago I read somewhere that children in multilingual circumstances, children WHO DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN FORMAL LANGUAGE RULES, ETC., these children will effortlessly know many languages and speak them well. Of course, if you want people not to understand other languages, make it seem very hard, with hours of memorization.

Is GVB just a poor translator to English, why he's like that? Naw! It's by design.

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Geert although a fearmongerer highlighted that vax won't work even if they were not gene tech. I followed his work for awhile. He stated that natural immunity is better, reaching herd immunity against pathogens better than the backfiring of strains that hyper evolve after injection. Look the controlled opposition maybe, but he never boasted for these vaxes in all the articles from his own website I read.

Personally I don't believe any vax can inoculate me from disease and after a bad travel vax in 2005 I ended up w/ an autoimmune disorder that helped burn out my adrenals. Also, lots of messed up hormone supports for women's issues did nothing but wreak havoc on my body. Now I just take herbals, incl bitters (sweet for the heart, bitter to taste), vitamins & tissue salts. I am not boasting but I have not had 'flu symptoms' or sickness in the last 4 yrs.

My friends thought I'd lost the plot when I told them about my research including info from Dr Judy Mikowits, Dr Richard M Fleming, Dr David Martin, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, & the awesome fearless Dr Rashid Buttar. Now all these had some level of fear-mongering which I personally don't take onboard bcos it only creates stress and dis-ease. I look to God for answers to worldly problems, He never fails me to lead me to info I need to know. I've prayed my way out of death throes quite a number of times, w.o going to a hospital.

God made our systems pretty much perfect and it doesn't need that much to add to it, just as BSL4 lab researcher Dr Mikovits also advocates.. This lady knows what viruses are about, never wore a mask, never got sick. So there is something else at play in synthetically created 'viruses'. These 'viral sequences' are created for specific outcomes, we get vaccines from childhood w/ pathogens inside are wots known as retroviruses, or contaminants. The latent 'viruses', pathogens, toxins, call them wot u will but it replicates as it is created to do by the genetic sequence, the retrovirus contaminants undermine our immune system just adds to the toxin build-up. The body's immune response is activated by a subsequent pathogen insert. Anyway this is my assertion. We are always being experimented on, nothing new under the sun there hey?

I'm sure Western and Eastern medicine both have their role to play. If we can keep our cells flowing in alkaline interstitial fluid, removing toxins through correct lymphatic drainage, exercise, nutrition, sun fresh air and positive experiences, laughter, that's the ticket to good health. I recommend the book my fellow Aussie, Janine Gallizia wrote; Get Well Fast she amalgamated the top alternative research into body wellness and what makes us tick from thousands of medical experts she was drawn to. Exceptional book that has a food pyramid very different to the one we were taught.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Good for you, finding a way of healing that works! That is what we must all do, imo.

I sometimes follow gigaohmbiological.com, a biologist who says that viruses don't act like we are being told, and may even question whether there is sound evidence for viruses. I wonder about the claims for genetic sequences, too. They are downplaying the human genome project and a lot of flimsy stuff there. I believe the whole field is a confusing mess (most likely by design).

Listening to your own body is the crucial thing. It helps to have a practitioner who is open minded as well.

The objection I have to GVB is that he promotes the virus/pandemic narrative and builds a whole bunch of stuff on sand. It's good that he said vaccines wouldn't work early on, but now he makes many odd claims.

The US based food pyramid is a mess, isn't it. I may look at her book, especially the food pyramid.

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I wish I cld put a screenprint of pyramid here for U. Most of the foods we're told to eat more of, we shld eat less of. The solider the food, harder to digest also reduces our frequency. I'm finding in higher frequencies I eat a lot less. This does not mean to say give up on all we like, we just listen to body more and feed it w/ stuff we feel good about after we've eaten it. When I eat light fruit, hommus crackers I feel much better the next day. After pizza I get very tired altho it tastes good at the time. Things like Spirulina, astralagus, berries, fruit, maca, dark choc, essential oils are very high frequency. The more processed the heavier on our body, more toxins.

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wild that he went from this to 'all vaccinated will quickly die this summer from super escape variants/etc.'

what happened to this guy? did he go into hiding?

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End of last summer ('23)he predicted a big death increase in fall '23. Seems not to have happened.

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Didn't he start a website called Barstool Vaccinology or something? Not quite the batting percentage of Dave Portnoy...lotta unforced turnovers with that GVB.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

Sage the Logician sed:

"Even as Notorious GVB would go on to hand wave at the folly of mass vaccinating into an active pandemic which is also clever as we did not have an active PANDEMIC."

I haven't scribbled one out yet, but the idea/image of a "Pyramid of Lies" flashed thru mah brane vector as I read that bit.

An image of "because we accepted *this(primary)false fact* we went right on ahead and stacked *these 16 other false facts* up on top it.

7) deny any links between vaxx and myocarditis and turbo cancers

6) mask up/masks don't work/wear three masks.

5) quarrantine the healthy

4) vaccinate children/ shut down schools.

3) vaccinate into a mutating "virus(?)"...ie moving target.

2) declare pandemic based on "cases"...determined by faulty/inappropriate/ill-used PCR "tests"

1) hair-on-fire WE GOTTA PANDEMIC HEAH!!!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

2nd flash:

_Upside-down_ pyramid...balanced on that initial, false "fact".

"Tabletop exercise".

What a scheme of destruction.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

I did the same, but with a forward focus. How would the truthing matrix have to look in motion as things unfold to skip the installed trap doors ? And realized it would look a lot like the WEF wheel displayed on their website. Where every spoke leads to a hub, and each hub to complete wheels of their own, with hubs and nodes doing likewise, until every eventuality is captured in its own environment full of wheels, hubs, nodes and potentialities stacked miles high. May need AI to manage. But it does explain the immediate full-suit directional spin they are capable of.

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Meet spokes.

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Yep. Searching for one.

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The force behind these humans cannot be human.

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This is a distancing technique to separate that humans are in fact plenty capable of being evil critters.

History is replete with this.

If you need to switch the villain to a separate force, understood.

NO true evil Scotsman.

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Hmmmm ... I was mainly thinking about the idea that all of these folks are actually part of a controlled opposition team, and that the controller of them has really got quite a lot to manage, and must do so in a way similar to having actual control of their minds, and only a supernatural force would be capable of this.

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I do believe there is a force of Evil.

And I believe that Evil is a clever force that operates in bureaucracy with quarter turns all the way down....all the way down to doctors murdering hapless people in a hospital bed.

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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana


Sobering. . .

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Not that I expect an immediate "thank you", but it is unusual for you not to reply fairly soon and you had mentioned that some of your payments were being monkeyed with. Are your coffees coming through?

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To the best of my knowledge I thank every coffee donation as soon as I see it.

Just perused my board and do not see any "un-thanked" donors. Including this one from 21 daze ago:

"Don, my goodness, this means a lot to me. I do get my shit together sometimes enough to write for the normies. 😅 then they often don't really care and just want goodies so..."

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Yeah, you always do, so I was worried maybe it didn't go through. But I see now that you have acknowledged it, so I guess we're good as far as you receiving the coffee. Did I maybe use a different coffee donation this time? Glad it went through though. 🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫☕☕☕🤣🤣🤣

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The quarter turn thing seems to be a constraint. Keep seeing ways Evil could have done things more efficiently or directly (lending to DBS). Somehow though rules of the game seems to be always only quarter turn. Maybe its for the same reason trees just don’t instantly spurt out of the ground either.

Though a hallmark of Evil is maybe people getting the bright idea to try to make things like trees that could instantly spurt out of the ground without considering what consequences might result.

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There appears to be this ‘consent’ requirement….

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If you don't see the symbols, watch the films, read the narratives, assimilate them, then how is there consent? For the rest, it is mal-informed consent, which is perhaps why not everything goes to plan...

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It’s all the same if you see AI as the logistic mastermind building on an input set of values. Good and evil battle in every human mind, necessitating the 10 commandments and religion to tie it to the good side. But shocking how fast this can flip with full construct of enabling justification.

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Yes programmable AI will be the heavy lifting when the puppet-masters get fatigued and need to rest.

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I agree that it's mostly human evil. Long time ago "certain people" figured out who they could buy off, murder, blackmail, incentivise, use etc. Games upon games. And many people will use the "distancing technique" to obscure this fact. I'm reminded of Reich's orgone energy experiments, where he discovered a natural force using organic plus inorganic substances, layered, to produce verified energy, WHICK WAS HIGHLY SUPPRESSED BY THE GOV btw. I read that in one of his experiences, he saw a UFO and pointed his orgone energy at it, and the UFO visibly wobbled line it was having technical difficulties. Sometime afterwards his lab was raided, all his research taken and shut down. Not sure, but I think he died in prison. Anyways, just wonder if his discoveries were used to bring down certain UFO's such as in Roswell. I really have a hard time believing that UFO'S could actually have an "accidental" crash landing with all their technology. Then, to reverse engineer the craft would be the goal. Along with Eisenhower's supposed "pact" with the extra-terrestrials to trade technical knowledge for free experimentalization on us hooomans. But what I'm saying is its been mostly the human factor of evil that's led us to this point. They instigated and promoted the interference allowed today. There's probably some intergalactic law that prohibits interference into less advanced worlds, unless they are "allowed" by said worlds. I would hope so lol. Consent is key. So SOME MF's gave consent, illegally, but it won't hold up in the Real Court, don-cha-know:) so don't lay it off onto some 'Supernatural' force, when basically it's man's stupidity and lust for power that is to blame.

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Hollywood pumps out countless movies and tv shows, let alone the game industry with endless npc discussion chains. Each with its own plot and set of characters. Showrunners and producers everywhere. I think they got this. One little covid op they’ve scenario planned and practiced for decades. Plus, marks wanna mark. They’ve got that going for them.

Do you consider ai supernatural?

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Don’t forget the Quantum D-Wave

Supercomputers pushed years ago by Geordie. He literally said that he didn’t know what kind of entities would come out of his genius portal.

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DOD/DARPA/NASA/NOAA have tech that's a decade beyond what most smart folks can imagine today, and it's way more than a decade beyond the hugely impressive (compared to what was commercially available in the Day Tapes era) gear that you can buy cheaply right now at Best Buy or Walmart...so, supernatural? maybe, or not.

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Yeah, and 9/11 is another example of this . One cannot reverse engineer it. One can simulate the project from scratch, given enough resources and time. eg. The Dakota Report viz 9/11. In any case, the big projects are run over a course of decades or longer. Once you factor in numerological signatures & predictable human incompetence (increasing with group size), murmuration's from amygdala gating[per Sage's "quarter turn" example below] ceases to be a satisfactory explanation for these metaphysical events. Then that 'evil force' and the instrumentality of certain humans comes into focus.

Is it something external which gains ingress, and manipulates? Or is it some blueprint from birth? or that the original inhabitant of the space suit is part of a foreign legion? Or is it some kind of spiritual parasite, an attachment which is part of a hive mind?

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If I may, IMO that force is not Human. It is a thoroughly evil entity called Satan. Satan is the prince of this planet. Satan is the father of LIES. Satan has many abilities, all evil. Satan is a murderer. Satan is the source of all this mayhem. Satan has many helpers among Humans.

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Well, now that your rank and file medical personnel in hospitals are there to kill you and harvest your organs plus reduce Social Security payments, this is a very human evil.

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Anybody remember the marek's disease chicken shit immune escape apocalypse the tavistock sodomites were pushing at the beginning on Pavel durovs palentir paradise...?

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Yes. Vivedly

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

Go Sage !

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Right on again, Sage. But, um, please include me in those who were, from the beginning, saying that there was no excess mortality, that the "vaccines" were death shots based on everything we knew BEFORE they were oh-so-conveniently "rolled out" for the "pandemic" that miraculously appeared everywhere at the same time, despite seasonal variations, population variations, immunological variations, etc.

I was writing about the folly of masking (wrote a free ebook on the topic, as a matter of fact), jabbing with "experimental" genetic poisons for a "novel" "virus, etc., way back in 2020.

In fact, I wrote about the dangers of mRNA and DNA "vaccines" at least 7 years before that.

And now, concluding that all of that has been picked up by others who are beating those drums well, I am focusing on getting us all out of the death machine that all the controlled opposition serves, the death machine that brought us all of this damage and death, the UN (which really stands for Unelected Nobodies, when you stop and think about it).

As I have said here before, the 10 Million Patriot Challenge at PreventGenocide2030.org allows us to pound on the Congress of the US to pass with the supermajority necessary to override the Oval Office veto, the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428).

This is a matter of great urgency as the nearly complete adoption of C-293, which signals the full implementation of the UN's disastrous "Sustainability Development Goals" in Canada makes clear. This is the model for utter devastation of everything that looks or walks or smells like a right.

Right now, only the US has the mechanism even potentially in place to exit this massacre and NOT forcing Congress to enact it is marching with the enemy.

The 10 Million Patriot Challenge has 6 quick, easy steps and will take you only a few minutes.

If people can mobilize themselves to pour buckets of ice over their heads to raise money for a charity, I am assuming/hoping/praying that they can take a couple of minutes to act as responsible members of society and save that society.

Seems simple to me, but, then, what do I know?

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I know I love you. I know I listened to you all those years ago and knew what was happening the day Bill Gates stepped down at Microsoft. Thank you.

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Practically every week there are UFO sightings. And every time, every time, the aliens pass us by and keep going. Why? Is mankind too scary? Or, up close they see earth as a rather primitive and backwards place run by human retards. If they did bother to land it would be a 100% certainty that gates and the gang would want them vaccinated before leaving their ship. Mystery solved.

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Maybe we'll get a good hologram show out of this before they kill us.

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Something to jog the normies out of their stupor would be nice.

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The normies like the stupor.

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Aliens in ships could be: 1) interdimensional/extraterrestrial adolescents out for a joy ride, checking out what others of their kind and age have told them is "some pretty whack shit, Bro", 2) busybody flunkies from the local Federation of Planets, being the space version of the folks in your city that are checking wastewater for viruses, or 3) comedians just here to tease us...or?

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...or 4) subteranean lizard people flying around in their Atlantean flight balls keeping an eye on their pdf file human pets who manage everything aboveground.

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Is there even one thing GVB said that turned out to be true? I can't think of anything. We have been subjected to hundreds of CO and LH operatives (when they want a hero, we will supply one) since 2020. This nearly 5-year attack on humanity was always intended/long-planned to be an illness and death producing/surveillance/enslavement program (sicken/sterilize/kill/surveil/enslave survivors). Consider the universal push for biodigital ID/CBDC/social credit (read punishment) score program being implemented throughout the world at break-neck speed. In the US, Trump started pushing the digital ID, and Biden continued it just as was the case for the jabs. There was a seamless transition on these issues despite their apparent antipathy toward one another. See: Entire Covid scam may have been run to prepare things for Universal Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) at https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/entire-covid-scam-may-have-been-run. They need everyone to embrace getting a biodigital ID (external now, under the skin eventually) in order to complete their program. If more people get sick and die in the process, so much the better (from their perspective). That unfortunately, is where we are.

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The net result is no one will listen to anything anyone says in the future.

They will lock their gate and not come out for a couple years. By then the rubble will be massive, along with a large pile of bodies.

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Amd at the risked of getting flamed as I sound like the garden gnome..one of the aims is to pile on so much disinformation you v

Cannot determine what is real and what is not..so you will follow the pre selected hero just to get rid of the anxiety it causes...

Flame away

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Yep. And most ppl will follow the most expedient Pied Piper available, even if he laughs in their face and tells them he’s leading them through a bed of hot coals straight to their graves. ANYTHING, literally anything, to avoid having to think for themselves.

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Jimmy just put something on Facebook (I'm sure Twitter/X too, but I'm not on that) saying that Trump and Bobby were running to the LEFT of Kamala Harris (he put "left" in caps)... I really dislike what he's doing, and it's not because he's clueless or an entertainer, it's because he insults people and makes money doing it.

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It doesn't matter. It's over. They got the shots in arms.

Jimmy Dore told the audience in a Red State including YoursTruly NOT TO GET THE SHOTS BECAUSE THEY ARE EXPERIMENTING ON YOU.

His sub count was locked at 840K and after he got his Google Minder and yelled at Stef not to say IVERMECTIN it ballooned up to over a million.

Jimmy Dore is another person unveiled on Joe Rogan to join his Intellectual Jewish Dark Web pals, and Evergreen Bret and Kory and Tulsi and even Aseem Malhotra.

Masterful masterful Psy Op and I'm open to a lot of people ESPECIALLY from the clueless entertainment world just want to go to the party and feel pretty.

Useful Idiots I suppose is the term.

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Sep 3Liked by Sage Hana

Major gatekeeper/cross promoter. I dislike this very much.

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Useful idiots with a predilection of overlooking evil when it suits their fragile, compliant egos!

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Jewish? As in "duh joOz rUn the wURld"? Or Isreali? As in Israeli intelligence was behind 9/11 and Operation Epstein and have successfully blackmailed or recruited the majority of the world's leaders to do their bidding? Just checking because there's a distinction.

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turbo fuckery

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5G is very complicated.

Need a giant smoke screen.

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Duchess, it’s like we are living through a modern-day ‘Mandela effect’… did GVB say vaxxed or unvaxxed? Is it a false memory OR does he just talk in so many ridiculous circles that it depends on which part of the spin we heard?

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As far as I can see, you’re one of a very few stuck on old-world thinking there should be retroactive consequences for chants and actions. The past 20 years have been heavily invested into promoting - and rewarding - the art of grey-wash, duck-and -switch 180, reverse engineering and fact blinding. And everyone L O V E D the badass Free Card, and getting away with it, right down to the next door neighbour finding fame and lucrative grants fabricating bullshit. Normalized. And since everyone prospered from it and protected it, accountability had to go find a grave. It’s a battle, now, because….lost compass in the general population. And grants still flow..uhm, torrent.

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