Sage, did you call Substack or the CIA to complain? Because I bet it is the same number and same person answering the phone...

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana

Palentir I believe is the parent spook company

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Well then, next time you post a picture of Eric Weinstein, don't choose such an unflattering one. That may solve the problem.

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana


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“Thank you for calling the CIA helpline, would you like an extraordinary rendition today?

Regular or fun size?”

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana


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Just got a “Posts incorrectly paywalled” substack notice just now. Sage gets results!

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana

It’s out of the reach of child’s play. Keeping two opposite realities safely embedded in brain space is, after 4 years, spilling out in garbled hogwash - everywhere. Day tapes likely prove wrong on normies mastering this psychopathic feat without melt-down. Highly autistic self-deception plots are whirring full-time, front and center in most now to silence the screaming, awakening mind. Conversations are one hot mess after another.

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Or people are seeing bizarre things in their personal lives. These don't fit their mental frameworks. Currently they are usually seen as one-offs. If you listen (genuinely) to people (especially people who seem clueless) they will come out with these things. But never try to put it in a context like we discuss here. They will shut down. Not sure why this is, unless I need to learn to communicate differently.

Will people wake up soon enough to make a difference? It seems unlikely, but there could be a "phase shift."

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana

Your little boutique stack has been Langoliered: Recall the surviving passengers of a jetliner that accidentally passed through a time Rip, arriving at the airport having traveled 15 minutes back in time —to a terminal that is still and lifeless - “a place of shadows, but no substance”. Soon a hoard of vicious monsters devour the pale remnants of the past, leaving in the wake only nothingness.

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Damn. I felt this.

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Great premise.

The first 20-30 mins or so were highly memorable 😬

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I wonder if anyone's asked Martin about his statements, then, and what his answers ar, now? Would be interesting. Anyone?

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David Martin is a globalist. Go to the last link or just go read his page from his own site.


He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments.

*global economic forums*

*Central Banks*

*World Bank*



I believe that David Martin was sent to Brussels to use NLP and dance and deflect.




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Yes, it's quite the resume!!! Dance David, Dance. Just so .... no words can ....stares out window

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And thanks for the links!

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Something wrong with him just like Malone.....the wife fetish...

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Meebbeee a focus-grouped bonding device?

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Could be….I was thinking more along the lines of Prince Harry with Meghan Markle…imho Harry needed a mother figureto tell him what to do and where and how to go because imho, he will never mentally mature past the age he was when his mother died…something else there deep down and buried..anger..hatred..blame..only able to see one side?

He's another globalist prince Harry is…most of them to me are also only able to see one side ( ie too many people's and they need to go) and of course they are special and smart and deserve to rule over us stupid annoying untermensch..

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Plus the globalists recruit ultra-glib people like Tulsi, Pete & William Jefferson.

Of course there's the exception, like Harris.....

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LIKE Sage's "David Martin is a globalist. Go to the last link or just go read his page from his own site."

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Yes, he was "the only one we needed" to solve the mystery and gain closure.

To defeat The Monster.

That huge brain and database. Fighting on the side of good...

The only one who needed to know the details about who/what constituted The Monster.


For years.

All that data, provided to the Kabuki Senators et al. Incriminating data, no less!

But Fauchi and GatesOfHell still walk free.

The cull rolls on.

Performative theater. Layer upon layer.


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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

You know who you remind me of Sage? (Please overlook gender) Lisbeth Salander, the fictional heroine in the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series.

Cause right now methinks you just Kicked the Hornets Nest.

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🔥 Holy. Shit.


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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

Great books..great movie at least The first one…

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Oct 4Liked by Sage Hana

Love you, SH

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Dolts always seem to botch things nowadays. Super sad.

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Make America Botched Again

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We are Bloated and Botoxed, might as well be Botched.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Dr Flurm for President, or Precedent, or Prescient. . .

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Actually maybe this is real.

Corrupt populations inbreed and degrade in quality. Most recently seen in AI’s trained on their own output.

Maybe world politics really has devolved to this: https://youtu.be/kdFnfcxhNnA

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Believing their own lies

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

If you create a structure based on lies, where do you stand to know reality?

Constructivists (in many fields, including philosophy) believed that "we create our own reality." If you live in computerland and lies, it may appear so. But just ask a farmer or plumber about that. . .

That may be part of the war on small farmers, small businesses, skilled trades, etc. Ask them about that. In computers you can make stuff up, make it seem real. . .but. . .

I've done home repair projects by using some computer programs to create blueprints (not architectural blueprints, just plans with details). Comes together like magic. Voila!

Then executing it in real life, bwaahaaahaaa. Not so fast, honey! Lotsa glitches. It never works in the real world like it does in the computer. Never in my experience and I've done it quite a bit.

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This sounds petty, I know, but how can anyone take seriously a man who wears a bowtie, unless it's formal dress.

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Particularly a bow tie with Freemason symbols on it 😂

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I looked around and found it🤨! His company logo, too.

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Yup 😂

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These people live in a different "reality." Strange, no?

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Life’s all a big game to them, and we’re the pieces they move around the board.

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But so dangerous.

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Oh my. I check in on him occasionally. He was given a "possible" 4 min time slot at the RNC convention, changed to Do Not let him near the stage!"


Let that lion out of the cage for a hot 4 minutes! Lol

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Me sure likes the way you connect the dots yet flip off the borders in route to a desired destination.

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"...an orchestrated Terror Event." Yessir that about nails Operation Covid-19.

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deletedOct 4Liked by Sage Hana
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Appreciate this! Sums up a lot!

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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

He has quite a suspect history, making a fortune on crypto and facilitating this type of tech, working with the Israelis on it. Blockchain, etc. The new digital ID's. Israeli inventiveness, etc.

He was once a child actor in The Mighty Ducks. Is that when he started being cultivated?

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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

His biggest child actor role was opposite Sinbad in "First Kid"

"A former boxer turned Secret Service agent is assigned to protect the President's son, who seems determined to make life difficult for his new protector."

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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

He says a lot of "innovation" happening in Israel ... 🤔

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Oct 5Liked by Sage Hana

All roads lead to Israel and digital currency (and shock collars):

"Apart from making money as a pioneer in the unstable yet lucrative cryptocurrency space, Pierce also ran for President in the 2020 polls as an independent candidate."


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OMG Sage! Some 'life of service he's got going on there... Whose puppet is he? He's a totally delusional screw-up. Who opens those doors for him?

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