TRUE ANECDOTE from Altadena regarding the possibility that "SMART METERS" (either electrical meter and/or water meters) could QUICKLY OVERHEAT the electrical circuits/plumbing pipes in a house, thus causing a structure TO BURN FROM THE INSIDE OUT:
The home of my biz assoc in Altadena (in the Eaton Fire) was on a cul-de-sac of 15 homes. 13 of the 15 were DESTROYED. Only her home and 1 other home on her block were undamaged as of Jan.16 (two days ago).
Being curious, I asked my biz associate, "Was there some reason ... something you had done differently with your house? ... or if you had any HYPOTHESIS about the construction, the situation of the house among some tall trees, or the laws of physics, etc., etc. ... that may have protected your home?"
She wrote back:
"[M]y belief is that it helped enormously that the only smart meter on the property was at a far corner of the lot, in a concrete box. The electrical meter was analog, not digital. I also had a plastic section of water pipe inline in my main water pipe to keep electrical conduction off of the plumbing pipes. Smart meters can transmit a lot of power to electrical circuits in a house, introducing a lot of heat into the entire structure in a flash. Not good. There were other things, but I think that is one of the main things."
Interesting, huh?
While she is blessed to be safe, and her house undamaged, the block is GONE! So, even if she is able to abate the smoky odor, would she really want to live on a street with all EMPTY lots, while listening -- for the next 5-10 years -- to the constant noise of construction crews? It's a win-lose for her, as I'm sure her home is now worth maybe HALF of what it was, if that much, though undamaged. At least she is safe with her son, and can get presumably retrieve important documents and precious photos. But at 70 years old, perhaps she's better off just moving elsewhere. Very sad. But at least she's ALIVE.
1. You can use the 3 links above to check the damage status of a specific address. ***Most catalogued addresses have heart-wrenching PHOTOS when you click on a specific address.***
2. You can ZOOM IN on any general area of either the Eaton or the Palisades fires, as you wish, to see the homes destroyed and those intact.
Note: Not all blocks have been catalogued yet. Info is being constantly updated.
HI Jill. She and I had transacted a single, but memorable, sale on eBay in 2018.
But I remembered that she lived in Altadena, which is only one town away from the home of my BFF's cousin. (Now both the cousin and my BFF are deceased, with my healthy BFF murdered in hospital in late 2020 by the "covid" hospital murder protocols).
When I saw her address on the interactive map of the Eaton fire, and her house quite amazingly UNDAMAGED with PHOTOS, I thought what the heck? Lemme email her to find out whatever she could tell me, if she would even get my message via eBay, LOL.
Long story short: she did remember me and the sale, and what you saw ^above in my earlier comment^ is the essence of our correspondence about her house in Altadena.
Altadena was a great place, and I'm glad your friend and her home survived, but as you said, how the heck is she going to remain there....yeah, it's tricky, these days. Losing friends, losing history. I just learned from an old student of mine who's in health care, that they're still pulling the covid stuff in our hospital here, though I've not personally known anyone who went in and didn't come out (here). But my ex student cared for an older (alzheimers) gentleman who was taken in two months ago, wasn't sick, pcr'ed, "diagnosed" covid and dead within days.
Hope all is well with you too....forgotten which part of the country you're in......but where ever you are, may you be free from disaster. Well, further disaster, I am so sorry about your best friend.
That is interesting info regarding the hospital near you "still pulling the covid stuff." Sad. Very sad. In my mind's eye, I imagine all the hospital administrators happily rubbing their grubby little hands together as they ride the gravy train of financial incentives to cull the patients, while legally protected from all liability at hospitals in the 50 states.
Wish I knew a few nurses here in northern New Jersey who could give me the low down on local hospitals here. But I don't. Perhaps it's better not to know, as it might only make me angrier. But no, I do want to know what's real, like most of us here at Sage's place, as long as we're careful not to allow the ugly knowledge to drive us insane.
They will probably just condemn any houses that escaped and bulldoze them. People aren't being allowed back into their standing structures post evacuation.
And the anchor heads on the news will do that Hunger Games fake empathy routine like that Tucci interviewer character.
Selling out their own communities so they can go to the party and feel pretty.
Sooooorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyitt'ss climattteechange.
And the committed two party identity types will blame the correctly incompetent WEFFIE theater troupe and turn into monsters and the other two party identity types will correctly point out the monster behavior and round and round we go as the ants get shaken in the jar.
I'll bet, just microwaving metal would produce enough of a surge to pop the Smartmeters. Power surges happen when the power goes out. They are a normal part of wildfire scenarios. Smart devices have no surge protection that I'm aware of. They are designed to burn houses to ash under a microwave DEW weapon. This is malice aforethought. All the wiring in your house, all the smart devices with lithium components. I was warning about this while they were doing it to OK and TX. All the buildings with electric service burned to ash, leaving wood sheds and outhouses untouched. Wood fences burned only where the barbed wire hit the wood.
I'm from Aus and we have bushfires every summer. Generally buildings will catch fire before the fire front has reached them because of the embers being blown forward in the strong winds. The embers lodge in small crevices in buildings, often under eaves or in the gutters and proceed to burn the buildings from the roof down. Concrete/ brick buildings can often implode due to heat and pressure difference to outside. Doesn't seem to happen to timber buildings. It was like this before any smart metres.
Just a little something to add. Not saying that these fires aren't suss as fuck.
My understanding is that mega bushfires have existed since white man came. The indigenous used fire to maintain the land previous to that and so they didn't get big out of control fires. They do what's called cold burns or cultural burns - there's a push happening to get the government to implement more of these cold burns rather than all the fire reduction burns they do now.
One of the biggest fires here (Victoria) was in 1939, it's called the black friday bushfire. In 2009 we had horrific fires (the black Saturday fires). The bushfires can get so big that they create their own thunderstorms with lightening. I have definitely heard of crazy shit happening within the fire storm but can't recall any specifics.
We have a lot of arsonists start fires here. One fire started when someone was using and angle grinder in a shed and the sparks went under the door. Cigarettes on roadsides used to start some but not so much anymore. Campfires not being put out. Definitely lightening. In hot dry summers we can get a lot of dry lightening strikes. In the 2009 fires the high voltage transmission wires touched and the electrical company was sued for starting the fires. Also the fuel reduction fires can go a bit haywire and get out of control. Especially if it's not out completely and we get big winds.
There was a fire in Mallacoota about five years ago (the fire affected a lot of new south wales and high country Victoria) where it was so hot the sand was turned into a glass like material. I'm pretty sure you can look that up.
The fires do burn erratically and bits you think would burn are fine and 10 metres away everything is burnt to smithereens. All the spot fires that happen in front of the main fire front can make it look even more erratic.
Cars can burn/melt but I've never noticed any footage where there's been no fire around it. And a lot of these fires happen in what we call 'the bush', you'd probably say the country side, where there are no fire hydrants and properties would often be on tank water. So I've never seen a photo of a burning hydrant. Like how would that even happen? They're metal... Did some type of flammable gas get into the pipelines?
We might have to wait a little while for....apologies.
Army apologizes for 1869 Wrangell bombardment
Wrangell Sentinel 10 hrs ago
As voices became hushed and the crowd waited for the ceremony to begin, a toddler mumbled an inaudible question to their mother. Amid a sea of people packed into Wrangell’s Nolan Center, the woman’s response was clear and without question.
“The Army killed our people here,” she said, “and now they’re going to say sorry.”
The "essential workers" understand. (more or less)
The Big Smart Yalies and nominal winners of the race will not turn reality over to God until it has their claw marks all over it as what will say about their whole life and what they thought they were doing?
This story is resonating with me because it seems like a step change. It's not shitsville, dakota or something. It's LA. A big damn city, with lots of eyes. They feel confident to attack a top 20 global city. Says something, regardless of whether it's simple coordinated arson, all the way up to roswell dews or something else. Means nowhere is safe.
You see this one? It's on x, which I know you don't like, but I don't see the video elsewhere.
A news helicopter video pointing out random houses that burned very politely into their footprint, without so much as heating up their neighbors. Dotted across a neighborhood. Very strange. Maybe firefighters got to them in time and knocked the fires down. Who knows.
Ritually humiliating both the Middle Managers and the News Anchors and Reporters with their pancake makeup and ballcaps and strange upspeak patter who need to Die Suddenly and get up to date with their boosters.
And now ritually humiliating the populace with their adorable fantasies about heroes.
Just like Gaza. Look at what we can do." Look at how we can gaslight you.
Just like Kovid.
"That world would be lost to me." Pierre Kory
The Americans and the "West" make up stories to explain phenomena and they like Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off after the prayer for the Lion who the ASSASSIN'S BULLET JUST MISSED.
High speed rail systems for passengers are a fraud and a huge heist. The working poor pay for luxury travel for the upper classes through taxes. That's all there is to it.
The very old Spanish high-speed rail system is very expensive, a total drag, and it created a lot of corruption. This is independent of the price of electric energy, no price is low enough to justify the operating costs. The maintenance of the system grows higher as it gets old. Corners will be cut and trains will derail, killing hundreds. The regime press will lie about it, obfuscate and invent a scandal elsewhere. Everyone forgets the tragedies very fast.
Newer high speed rail systems may be better or may not be better. I suspect the difficulties will never be overcome. Politicians can ruin any good invention.
Maybe trains should be slow but steady and ultra-safe. Beautiful love stories can happen in long train travels. Also murders, and investigations, and divorces, and babies can be born, and maybe a musician becomes inspired to compose something good. Slow and small is better in many ways.
Also, it turns out that burning coal is not so bad after all. At least, if we compare it with everything else. The key is to capture the fine particulate matter. Not easy, but easier than overcoming the problems of thousands of miles of wire everywhere.
Why not a nuclear train? You know, a little fission reactor on wheels, like nuclear submarines? The logic is on the side of generating the energy locally, at the point where kinetic energy will be generated to move the containers of stuff, rather than distributing it using a expensive and prone to failure grid. Which is also very easy to sabotage by hand, or to destroy with missiles.
If solid state uranium rods are too scary, maybe the best option is coal and very good filters, just like the stupid Germans use to produce expensive electric energy, due to the vices of the anti-human green death cult.
In my opinion, electric energy is not (yet) a good option for long distance.
Remember: in the context of public infrastructure and big projects, the term expensive means the lower classes are coerced to give away lots of capital to the ruling class and their friends. That's all there is to that scam.
I like what Alex Epstein, author of Fossil Future, says. "If we want a world in which all 8 billion of us have the opportunity to flourish—to live long, healthy, prosperous, fulfilling lives—we need to use *more*, not less, fossil fuel going forward."
The molten salt reactors, promoted by Kirk Sorensen.
Again, the idea of creating energy at the point where it will be used.
Fluid radioactive materials are easier to control. Much safer. According to the inventor of that design. Solid state radioactive materials are unsafe. Maybe he’s right!!!
From Palmdale to Burbank the proposed route crosses the San Gabriel Mountains on an alignment roughly along State Route 14.[d] It would require the most tunneling of any of the mountain crossings, with four separate tunnels totaling 28 miles (45 km) in length.[62][61] One of the major challenges along this section is the crossing of the San Andreas Fault and several parallel, smaller fault zones, where a large earthquake could significantly deform the tracks. To compensate for this, the rail beds and tunnel diameters will be constructed wider at fault crossings to allow for any needed track realignment in the future. The tracks will cross the San Andreas Fault itself above ground.[63]
In total, the southern extension from Bakersfield to Los Angeles may require 36 miles of tunnels. In 2018, the Authority estimated that the tunneling may cost between $26 and $45 billion.[64]
Here is your wake-up call. If you live along THIS soon-to-be engraved section of Cascadia High Speed Rail, you may want to start fire-proofing your property. “Wildfires” incoming. Housing Densification and cheap development properties along rail-line needed:
Paige Malott Chair & Co-Founder 40under40 Young leaders. The Team is a WEF-linked nonprofit organization. The typical transformer hub installed to front the land- and resource grab.
There are alternative explanations. The Witch Creek fire in San Diego was a massive fire that started inland and worked its way westward. I evacuated from my home in that fire. Later, when riding around Rancho Santa Fe, a very wealthy area south of my place, I saw individual houses that burned as a result of falling debris that had carried for miles. I think in the video you posted that this area was Thousand Oaks, which is a very long way from Pacific Palisades. So it seems strange that falling debris could have been the ignition source, but perhaps not impossible.
I'll use notes to post the click-bait image that came up with that link after a search on YT for "burning fire hydrant" ..."Misinformation" as the male says at the beginning...
For anyone in Southern California highly recommend the book Fire, Chaparral, and Survival in Southern California. He explains everything that happens and basically predicted that something as catastrophic that happened in LA could happen. That said, I think the winds there were unprecedented in their strength. I do think they can manipulate wind after listening to various survivor stories, but we do get Santa Ana winds every year. But a few things in that book are that in such strong winds it makes it very hard/impossible to fight fires and they will evacuate people and let structures burn. The burning will only stop when the winds stop. We should plan our communities differently and he talks about the Australia model where people are trained and fight their own fires, but does not suggest lone people do that and warns of risk of death.
In wildfires also windows will blow out from radiant heat and things inside like curtains will start to catch fire. Embers will get in and also through vents. It's not uncommon for things to start burning from inside. Also the houses are flammable themselves and close to each other and will catch each other on fire. It's a really good book, goes into a lot more and there's eyewitness and survivor accounts that could really help anyone that's ever in that same situation.
"2.0 Flash Experimental. Might not work as expected.
While the majority of fire hydrant caps are made of metal (usually bronze or brass), some fire hydrants do indeed use plastic caps.
Here's why and what to consider:
Cost-Effectiveness: Plastic caps are generally less expensive to manufacture than metal ones. This can be a factor for municipalities looking to manage costs.
Corrosion Resistance: Plastic is inherently resistant to corrosion, which can be an advantage in areas with harsh weather conditions or salty environments. Metal caps can corrode over time, making them difficult to remove.
Thread Compatibility: Regardless of the material, fire hydrant caps need to have standardized threads to ensure compatibility with fire hoses. The most common thread type in the United States is National Standard Thread (NST), also known as National Hose (NH). So, whether the cap is metal or plastic, it must adhere to these standards.
Durability: While plastic caps offer some advantages, they might not be as durable as metal caps in the long run. They could be more susceptible to damage from impacts or extreme temperatures.
It's important to note that the use of plastic caps is not necessarily "proprietary" in the sense of being unique to a single manufacturer. Many companies produce plastic hydrant caps that meet industry standards. However, some manufacturers might have their own specific designs or materials for their plastic caps.
Ultimately, the choice between metal and plastic caps depends on various factors, including cost, environmental conditions, and local preferences."
"Corrosion Resistance: Plastic is inherently resistant to corrosion, which can be an advantage in areas with harsh weather conditions or salty environments. Metal caps can corrode over time, making them difficult to remove."
This was a thought I had before reading your confirmation...metal caps could corrode in-place and be next to impossible to remove.
Usually the fire department or the water department has testing and maintenance intervals on all hydrants. The FD uses it as response area familiarization. I remember as a rookie having to go out and clean and pain hydrants one day a work cycle. We were responsible for every hydrant in our response area. It was a great day when the water department took over. The caps are usually a type of cast iron. When they Seize (very unusual (for a big city) you can hit them with a mail and the break without damaging the threads on the actual discharge. Some sprinkler and standpipe caps are also plastic on the exterior of the building for the same reason. Gotta get the caps off to make the system work. I can see a maintenance issue in a rural area but not LA
Can you imagine a city overwhelmed by thieving junkies? They will tear an unoccupied home apart for $50 dollars of copper. Sage should easily understand why hydrant caps would be “liberated”. Only way to stop that is a cranial lead injection of anyone caught in possession, including the scrap yard owners.
Congratulations you learned the correct talking points of New Fire Science and proxy logics of thieving junkies on Fox News and Mossad Kolor RevolutionTier Two Media.
I still think it’s pieces from that chunk of debris which hit the hydrant from front/left, still leaning there. My gut says it’s a stunt op.
They must be able to create an oxygen-depleted buffer shield around the targets. Or shield airspace in other ways to get these clear outlines to deflect heat. Maybe by aligning some of the chemtrail components in the air. Which is entirely plausible with DEW.
I posted below(or above) some additional hydrant info and I totally agree if it was a fire to a structure from an outside heat source you'd see exterior damage. It couldn't just pinpoint to the window and light the curtains without some kind of damage to the outside. The heat exposure would be uniform across the flat surface of the wall unless directed otherwise. I'm not saying anything anybody hasn't already. Just thought maybe the hydrant stuff could help.
"I’m sure the Tier One Gleaming Talking Media will go to great lengths to push the “Klimate Change” narrative and the runoff crew will figure out how fires torch the inside of structures before the walls come down and the fire hydrants themselves becomes flammable."
I’m a nuts and bolts construction guy. Living in Alaska. I see an old building with parapet walls surrounding what is probably a tar buildup roof. That kind of roof os incredibly able to withstand the relentless destructive radiation of Sun. If you’ve ever walked on that on a sunny day, your shoes will sink into it and if you stay still ling enough and break through the protective dust film and tge asphalt pours through, your shoes are done. Great suit of armor against sun damag and when red hot embers land on it and yoi dont have thousands of gallons at ready to pour over it, it burns like an overturned gasoline tanker on a 120 degree day. Thats a story I will sign onto.
Well, stolen bronze hydrant caps replaced with plastic and fiberglass automobile parts do lead the inexperienced to faulty conclusions…. The real culprit I see here, having used heavy equipment to fight wind driven wildfires, scary and exciting, is the DEI and .GOV criminal negligence in fire risk reduction. Sage might think I’m dumb but dang, I’ve got a lot of experience at 69 years and I see the evil ad stupid evil, not cunning evil.
It's not a matter of intelligence, as much as emotional intelligence.
I think you are bargaining, but that is par for the course. Societies crumbling will set upon each other, this is a color revolution.
You will be given talking points to help you live in the bargain and this is also by design.
The DEI is social engineering stuff to split society, very much in spirit with the Day Tapes, and I'm sure the thieving junkies also doled out the Cancer Shots and the Ventilator/Sedative murders too.
Not your guy. Not your gal. If they did it they were duped.
I don't especially give a fuck about you, Lee Wilson. I feel bad for your kids, sure. Them I care.
Well dear, you have successfully severed “our” social contract. I would never ‘not give a fuck’ about you but I will not support someone who says that to me. How do I unsubscribe to a thankless self absorbed fool?
Just a thought on why buildings may burn "from the inside out" ..
The exterior walls, although wood may be inside, with their flat stucco surfaces, may not be easy to catch on fire... The interiors, however, are full of fuel: plastic, paper, wood, etc. And those windows may be causing higher localized wind speeds inside the building than are actually happening outside.
Have friends in both Altadena and Palisades who lost their homes. I’d love to ask the ones who didn’t why they think that is, but they’ve bought into the Klimate myth, so I can’t even bother.
The friends I know in the Palisades that lost their homes are equally delusional about. It always goes back to the cult-de-sac of the Programming: climate change, politics or some baloney about how POC, and the homeless need more attention. It’s all so insane, the Olympic level gymnastics they will perform to stay in denial. They just can’t admit that our leaders want us dead.
TRUE ANECDOTE from Altadena regarding the possibility that "SMART METERS" (either electrical meter and/or water meters) could QUICKLY OVERHEAT the electrical circuits/plumbing pipes in a house, thus causing a structure TO BURN FROM THE INSIDE OUT:
The home of my biz assoc in Altadena (in the Eaton Fire) was on a cul-de-sac of 15 homes. 13 of the 15 were DESTROYED. Only her home and 1 other home on her block were undamaged as of Jan.16 (two days ago).
Being curious, I asked my biz associate, "Was there some reason ... something you had done differently with your house? ... or if you had any HYPOTHESIS about the construction, the situation of the house among some tall trees, or the laws of physics, etc., etc. ... that may have protected your home?"
She wrote back:
"[M]y belief is that it helped enormously that the only smart meter on the property was at a far corner of the lot, in a concrete box. The electrical meter was analog, not digital. I also had a plastic section of water pipe inline in my main water pipe to keep electrical conduction off of the plumbing pipes. Smart meters can transmit a lot of power to electrical circuits in a house, introducing a lot of heat into the entire structure in a flash. Not good. There were other things, but I think that is one of the main things."
Interesting, huh?
While she is blessed to be safe, and her house undamaged, the block is GONE! So, even if she is able to abate the smoky odor, would she really want to live on a street with all EMPTY lots, while listening -- for the next 5-10 years -- to the constant noise of construction crews? It's a win-lose for her, as I'm sure her home is now worth maybe HALF of what it was, if that much, though undamaged. At least she is safe with her son, and can get presumably retrieve important documents and precious photos. But at 70 years old, perhaps she's better off just moving elsewhere. Very sad. But at least she's ALIVE.
1. You can use the 3 links above to check the damage status of a specific address. ***Most catalogued addresses have heart-wrenching PHOTOS when you click on a specific address.***
2. You can ZOOM IN on any general area of either the Eaton or the Palisades fires, as you wish, to see the homes destroyed and those intact.
Note: Not all blocks have been catalogued yet. Info is being constantly updated.
This is amazingly interesting info/links Don't Drink.
Thank you.
It's also possible to turn off a main breaker at the outside meter base, at least usually.
Also, of course, turning of the main breaker INSIDE a home, must help........(?)
HI Jill. She and I had transacted a single, but memorable, sale on eBay in 2018.
But I remembered that she lived in Altadena, which is only one town away from the home of my BFF's cousin. (Now both the cousin and my BFF are deceased, with my healthy BFF murdered in hospital in late 2020 by the "covid" hospital murder protocols).
When I saw her address on the interactive map of the Eaton fire, and her house quite amazingly UNDAMAGED with PHOTOS, I thought what the heck? Lemme email her to find out whatever she could tell me, if she would even get my message via eBay, LOL.
Long story short: she did remember me and the sale, and what you saw ^above in my earlier comment^ is the essence of our correspondence about her house in Altadena.
💞 Thanks Jill. Hope you are well in AK. 💞
We are well, thank you DdtK-A.
Altadena was a great place, and I'm glad your friend and her home survived, but as you said, how the heck is she going to remain there....yeah, it's tricky, these days. Losing friends, losing history. I just learned from an old student of mine who's in health care, that they're still pulling the covid stuff in our hospital here, though I've not personally known anyone who went in and didn't come out (here). But my ex student cared for an older (alzheimers) gentleman who was taken in two months ago, wasn't sick, pcr'ed, "diagnosed" covid and dead within days.
Hope all is well with you too....forgotten which part of the country you're in......but where ever you are, may you be free from disaster. Well, further disaster, I am so sorry about your best friend.
That is interesting info regarding the hospital near you "still pulling the covid stuff." Sad. Very sad. In my mind's eye, I imagine all the hospital administrators happily rubbing their grubby little hands together as they ride the gravy train of financial incentives to cull the patients, while legally protected from all liability at hospitals in the 50 states.
Wish I knew a few nurses here in northern New Jersey who could give me the low down on local hospitals here. But I don't. Perhaps it's better not to know, as it might only make me angrier. But no, I do want to know what's real, like most of us here at Sage's place, as long as we're careful not to allow the ugly knowledge to drive us insane.
Thanks Джил from
DDK-A in the "Garden State" of NJ
❤️ 🥲
They will probably just condemn any houses that escaped and bulldoze them. People aren't being allowed back into their standing structures post evacuation.
And the anchor heads on the news will do that Hunger Games fake empathy routine like that Tucci interviewer character.
Selling out their own communities so they can go to the party and feel pretty.
Sooooorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyitt'ss climattteechange.
And the committed two party identity types will blame the correctly incompetent WEFFIE theater troupe and turn into monsters and the other two party identity types will correctly point out the monster behavior and round and round we go as the ants get shaken in the jar.
I think you're correct. They likely planned out Los Angeles 2.0 in advance of the big burn down.
I'm waiting for that weird spray they brought into lahaina. when you see that, you'll know it's on.
I don't recall the weird spray. Was that before, during, or after the fire? Or all three?
I'll bet, just microwaving metal would produce enough of a surge to pop the Smartmeters. Power surges happen when the power goes out. They are a normal part of wildfire scenarios. Smart devices have no surge protection that I'm aware of. They are designed to burn houses to ash under a microwave DEW weapon. This is malice aforethought. All the wiring in your house, all the smart devices with lithium components. I was warning about this while they were doing it to OK and TX. All the buildings with electric service burned to ash, leaving wood sheds and outhouses untouched. Wood fences burned only where the barbed wire hit the wood.
Just spotted this is at Outraged's Newsletter, which reminds me of the exploding pagers detonated recently by Israel in Lebanon. 💣 🔥
"S.M.A.R.T METERS DEATH GRID - Hackers could turn your smart meter into a bomb and blow your family to smithereens"
💣 🔥
"Hackers could turn your smart meter into a bomb and blow your family to smithereens – new claim"
And why not cell phones too?
Thank you!
Great info, DDTK-A! Thanks so much!
The rampant evil is just beyond comprehension for me. I’m from NC mountains & the things going on there as well is just👿
I'm from Aus and we have bushfires every summer. Generally buildings will catch fire before the fire front has reached them because of the embers being blown forward in the strong winds. The embers lodge in small crevices in buildings, often under eaves or in the gutters and proceed to burn the buildings from the roof down. Concrete/ brick buildings can often implode due to heat and pressure difference to outside. Doesn't seem to happen to timber buildings. It was like this before any smart metres.
Just a little something to add. Not saying that these fires aren't suss as fuck.
Thank you very much, great insights.
May I ask?
Not loaded questions! Trying to fill in the map of fire.
1. When is your earliest recollection of brush fires in Aussie and how do they start?
2. Do you see vehicles parked in asphalt lots by themselves melted with no hoods?
3. Do you see fire hydrants on fire ever?
4. Have you ever seen or heard of a "firenado" occuring?
Thank you if you have time to respond.
My understanding is that mega bushfires have existed since white man came. The indigenous used fire to maintain the land previous to that and so they didn't get big out of control fires. They do what's called cold burns or cultural burns - there's a push happening to get the government to implement more of these cold burns rather than all the fire reduction burns they do now.
One of the biggest fires here (Victoria) was in 1939, it's called the black friday bushfire. In 2009 we had horrific fires (the black Saturday fires). The bushfires can get so big that they create their own thunderstorms with lightening. I have definitely heard of crazy shit happening within the fire storm but can't recall any specifics.
We have a lot of arsonists start fires here. One fire started when someone was using and angle grinder in a shed and the sparks went under the door. Cigarettes on roadsides used to start some but not so much anymore. Campfires not being put out. Definitely lightening. In hot dry summers we can get a lot of dry lightening strikes. In the 2009 fires the high voltage transmission wires touched and the electrical company was sued for starting the fires. Also the fuel reduction fires can go a bit haywire and get out of control. Especially if it's not out completely and we get big winds.
There was a fire in Mallacoota about five years ago (the fire affected a lot of new south wales and high country Victoria) where it was so hot the sand was turned into a glass like material. I'm pretty sure you can look that up.
The fires do burn erratically and bits you think would burn are fine and 10 metres away everything is burnt to smithereens. All the spot fires that happen in front of the main fire front can make it look even more erratic.
Cars can burn/melt but I've never noticed any footage where there's been no fire around it. And a lot of these fires happen in what we call 'the bush', you'd probably say the country side, where there are no fire hydrants and properties would often be on tank water. So I've never seen a photo of a burning hydrant. Like how would that even happen? They're metal... Did some type of flammable gas get into the pipelines?
We might have to wait a little while for....apologies.
Army apologizes for 1869 Wrangell bombardment
Wrangell Sentinel 10 hrs ago
As voices became hushed and the crowd waited for the ceremony to begin, a toddler mumbled an inaudible question to their mother. Amid a sea of people packed into Wrangell’s Nolan Center, the woman’s response was clear and without question.
“The Army killed our people here,” she said, “and now they’re going to say sorry.”
The bottomless deceit just rips one apart. But SOP day in, day out. I knew when I was ten that our species was never going to get it together.
WTC-7 couldn't be easily explained either.
However, never under estimate the stupidity of the masses.
The magical climate change demon (which is your fault slaves) is coming out of the pipes.
Three years we are into this now and each wave, each escalation, brings a predictable pattern. Boutique denizens who:
1. Vaguely seem to want to know what is going on, and
2. Want to bargain as in the stages of grief, and
3. Want to eat the liver of the logician that THEY CHOOSE TO COME VISIT
Only 3 years?
Try centuries, its the same shit (peasants vs ruling class) show on an infinite loop.
If the information and technology gaps are as vast as they appear to be, there isn't a chance in hell of stopping these monsters.
The peasants understand.
The "essential workers" understand. (more or less)
The Big Smart Yalies and nominal winners of the race will not turn reality over to God until it has their claw marks all over it as what will say about their whole life and what they thought they were doing?
Population reduction, or land management?
Probably both, and unfortunately, its already past the point of no return.
The technocrats are working on an off world escape plan, meanwhile us earthlings are still arguing about what color the sky is.
Bargaining comes after denial in the stages of grief. It means they're making progress.
I keep thinking this.
But then I see people just regress back to familiar two party talking points.
I've had people who have REDPILLED ME on Israel who still fall apart when it involves Trump, for example.
People who supported the Iraq War and KNOW THEY WERE DUPED, THEY TOLD ME and still can't see it happening all over again.
Just an example. Badly badly damaged Psy Op nation.
Cognitive dissonance installed and updated monthly.
Psy Op Nation - good name for a documentary
Manipulation Playbook: The 20 Indicators of Reality Control
Yeah, that's the one. Real bummer. Looks like a cool place for the neighborhood, a great story, a decent person behind it...all of which is gone now.
I guess which leaves your original question...what the heck is burning on that hydrant?
The original question is now buttressed with "how do structures from external 'wildfires' burn from the inside out"?
This story is resonating with me because it seems like a step change. It's not shitsville, dakota or something. It's LA. A big damn city, with lots of eyes. They feel confident to attack a top 20 global city. Says something, regardless of whether it's simple coordinated arson, all the way up to roswell dews or something else. Means nowhere is safe.
You see this one? It's on x, which I know you don't like, but I don't see the video elsewhere.
A news helicopter video pointing out random houses that burned very politely into their footprint, without so much as heating up their neighbors. Dotted across a neighborhood. Very strange. Maybe firefighters got to them in time and knocked the fires down. Who knows.
S...I checked out in August, 2023 for a bit.
It was too much because it was clear.
I knew what happened.
I knew when Bobby Kennedy and Ed Dowd circled the ranks with bad land management that they had made decisions.
The brightness.
it's a curse.
Yup. Feel you on this. The decades of 'climate' prep has turned operational.
I see the Creative Intelligence sneering.
Ritually humiliating both the Middle Managers and the News Anchors and Reporters with their pancake makeup and ballcaps and strange upspeak patter who need to Die Suddenly and get up to date with their boosters.
And now ritually humiliating the populace with their adorable fantasies about heroes.
Just like Gaza. Look at what we can do." Look at how we can gaslight you.
Just like Kovid.
"That world would be lost to me." Pierre Kory
The Americans and the "West" make up stories to explain phenomena and they like Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off after the prayer for the Lion who the ASSASSIN'S BULLET JUST MISSED.
Ballgame will be on at seven.
I see the same.
California High Speed Rail System
High speed rail systems for passengers are a fraud and a huge heist. The working poor pay for luxury travel for the upper classes through taxes. That's all there is to it.
The very old Spanish high-speed rail system is very expensive, a total drag, and it created a lot of corruption. This is independent of the price of electric energy, no price is low enough to justify the operating costs. The maintenance of the system grows higher as it gets old. Corners will be cut and trains will derail, killing hundreds. The regime press will lie about it, obfuscate and invent a scandal elsewhere. Everyone forgets the tragedies very fast.
Newer high speed rail systems may be better or may not be better. I suspect the difficulties will never be overcome. Politicians can ruin any good invention.
Maybe trains should be slow but steady and ultra-safe. Beautiful love stories can happen in long train travels. Also murders, and investigations, and divorces, and babies can be born, and maybe a musician becomes inspired to compose something good. Slow and small is better in many ways.
Also, it turns out that burning coal is not so bad after all. At least, if we compare it with everything else. The key is to capture the fine particulate matter. Not easy, but easier than overcoming the problems of thousands of miles of wire everywhere.
Why not a nuclear train? You know, a little fission reactor on wheels, like nuclear submarines? The logic is on the side of generating the energy locally, at the point where kinetic energy will be generated to move the containers of stuff, rather than distributing it using a expensive and prone to failure grid. Which is also very easy to sabotage by hand, or to destroy with missiles.
If solid state uranium rods are too scary, maybe the best option is coal and very good filters, just like the stupid Germans use to produce expensive electric energy, due to the vices of the anti-human green death cult.
In my opinion, electric energy is not (yet) a good option for long distance.
Remember: in the context of public infrastructure and big projects, the term expensive means the lower classes are coerced to give away lots of capital to the ruling class and their friends. That's all there is to that scam.
I like what Alex Epstein, author of Fossil Future, says. "If we want a world in which all 8 billion of us have the opportunity to flourish—to live long, healthy, prosperous, fulfilling lives—we need to use *more*, not less, fossil fuel going forward."
I've heard for years there's Thorium.
The molten salt reactors, promoted by Kirk Sorensen.
Again, the idea of creating energy at the point where it will be used.
Fluid radioactive materials are easier to control. Much safer. According to the inventor of that design. Solid state radioactive materials are unsafe. Maybe he’s right!!!
Good dig.
From Palmdale to Burbank the proposed route crosses the San Gabriel Mountains on an alignment roughly along State Route 14.[d] It would require the most tunneling of any of the mountain crossings, with four separate tunnels totaling 28 miles (45 km) in length.[62][61] One of the major challenges along this section is the crossing of the San Andreas Fault and several parallel, smaller fault zones, where a large earthquake could significantly deform the tracks. To compensate for this, the rail beds and tunnel diameters will be constructed wider at fault crossings to allow for any needed track realignment in the future. The tracks will cross the San Andreas Fault itself above ground.[63]
In total, the southern extension from Bakersfield to Los Angeles may require 36 miles of tunnels. In 2018, the Authority estimated that the tunneling may cost between $26 and $45 billion.[64]
Here is your wake-up call. If you live along THIS soon-to-be engraved section of Cascadia High Speed Rail, you may want to start fire-proofing your property. “Wildfires” incoming. Housing Densification and cheap development properties along rail-line needed:
Paige Malott Chair & Co-Founder 40under40 Young leaders. The Team is a WEF-linked nonprofit organization. The typical transformer hub installed to front the land- and resource grab.
I see they've left the Lost Coast alone.
That's good.
There are alternative explanations. The Witch Creek fire in San Diego was a massive fire that started inland and worked its way westward. I evacuated from my home in that fire. Later, when riding around Rancho Santa Fe, a very wealthy area south of my place, I saw individual houses that burned as a result of falling debris that had carried for miles. I think in the video you posted that this area was Thousand Oaks, which is a very long way from Pacific Palisades. So it seems strange that falling debris could have been the ignition source, but perhaps not impossible.
Smart meters?
I'll use notes to post the click-bait image that came up with that link after a search on YT for "burning fire hydrant" ..."Misinformation" as the male says at the beginning...
Power cannot allow honest questions.
Anchor Head has a job to do carrying water for Power.
So much for the Fourth Estate checking power. Was it ever thus?
For anyone in Southern California highly recommend the book Fire, Chaparral, and Survival in Southern California. He explains everything that happens and basically predicted that something as catastrophic that happened in LA could happen. That said, I think the winds there were unprecedented in their strength. I do think they can manipulate wind after listening to various survivor stories, but we do get Santa Ana winds every year. But a few things in that book are that in such strong winds it makes it very hard/impossible to fight fires and they will evacuate people and let structures burn. The burning will only stop when the winds stop. We should plan our communities differently and he talks about the Australia model where people are trained and fight their own fires, but does not suggest lone people do that and warns of risk of death.
In wildfires also windows will blow out from radiant heat and things inside like curtains will start to catch fire. Embers will get in and also through vents. It's not uncommon for things to start burning from inside. Also the houses are flammable themselves and close to each other and will catch each other on fire. It's a really good book, goes into a lot more and there's eyewitness and survivor accounts that could really help anyone that's ever in that same situation.
S -
Did you miss the earlier post(s) on proprietary hydrant caps with some plastic components/surfaces?
i missed it too. Gemini gave this rundown ...
"2.0 Flash Experimental. Might not work as expected.
While the majority of fire hydrant caps are made of metal (usually bronze or brass), some fire hydrants do indeed use plastic caps.
Here's why and what to consider:
Cost-Effectiveness: Plastic caps are generally less expensive to manufacture than metal ones. This can be a factor for municipalities looking to manage costs.
Corrosion Resistance: Plastic is inherently resistant to corrosion, which can be an advantage in areas with harsh weather conditions or salty environments. Metal caps can corrode over time, making them difficult to remove.
Thread Compatibility: Regardless of the material, fire hydrant caps need to have standardized threads to ensure compatibility with fire hoses. The most common thread type in the United States is National Standard Thread (NST), also known as National Hose (NH). So, whether the cap is metal or plastic, it must adhere to these standards.
Durability: While plastic caps offer some advantages, they might not be as durable as metal caps in the long run. They could be more susceptible to damage from impacts or extreme temperatures.
It's important to note that the use of plastic caps is not necessarily "proprietary" in the sense of being unique to a single manufacturer. Many companies produce plastic hydrant caps that meet industry standards. However, some manufacturers might have their own specific designs or materials for their plastic caps.
Ultimately, the choice between metal and plastic caps depends on various factors, including cost, environmental conditions, and local preferences."
Steve wrote:
"Corrosion Resistance: Plastic is inherently resistant to corrosion, which can be an advantage in areas with harsh weather conditions or salty environments. Metal caps can corrode over time, making them difficult to remove."
This was a thought I had before reading your confirmation...metal caps could corrode in-place and be next to impossible to remove.
Thanks for the additional info.
Usually the fire department or the water department has testing and maintenance intervals on all hydrants. The FD uses it as response area familiarization. I remember as a rookie having to go out and clean and pain hydrants one day a work cycle. We were responsible for every hydrant in our response area. It was a great day when the water department took over. The caps are usually a type of cast iron. When they Seize (very unusual (for a big city) you can hit them with a mail and the break without damaging the threads on the actual discharge. Some sprinkler and standpipe caps are also plastic on the exterior of the building for the same reason. Gotta get the caps off to make the system work. I can see a maintenance issue in a rural area but not LA
Oh yeah, when have we EVER heard of this before now?!!!
Yeah, and fire hydrants are NEVER near fires...!!?
Can you imagine a city overwhelmed by thieving junkies? They will tear an unoccupied home apart for $50 dollars of copper. Sage should easily understand why hydrant caps would be “liberated”. Only way to stop that is a cranial lead injection of anyone caught in possession, including the scrap yard owners.
Congratulations you learned the correct talking points of New Fire Science and proxy logics of thieving junkies on Fox News and Mossad Kolor RevolutionTier Two Media.
Boomer Bargains as Life is Lie.
Fire hydrants...with...plastic components...?!!!
Must have. Going back to look.
Was in a SH SS recent post...Sage did a 4 post back & forth.
Dun recall thread or poster name... but yesterday/today thread&post material.
I still think it’s pieces from that chunk of debris which hit the hydrant from front/left, still leaning there. My gut says it’s a stunt op.
They must be able to create an oxygen-depleted buffer shield around the targets. Or shield airspace in other ways to get these clear outlines to deflect heat. Maybe by aligning some of the chemtrail components in the air. Which is entirely plausible with DEW.
This thing is a Scorpion Meme.
You guys are good, thanks for finding the rest of the story here, and a way to help.
Thanks, Cyrillic Jill.
I posted below(or above) some additional hydrant info and I totally agree if it was a fire to a structure from an outside heat source you'd see exterior damage. It couldn't just pinpoint to the window and light the curtains without some kind of damage to the outside. The heat exposure would be uniform across the flat surface of the wall unless directed otherwise. I'm not saying anything anybody hasn't already. Just thought maybe the hydrant stuff could help.
Did it have a SMART Meter?
Shitzu Detective Agency shoots...and scores!!
It is a very hollow score. 😐
I understand, but don't fully agree.
Humor and effort gonna get us thru this.
I've had so many people arrive and tell me to tone down the anger.
"Calming the marks".
Pacification and Control.
Fuck them.
Did u see my "third time is enemy action" graphic?
Bit angry myself.
Nurse Ratched better watch her balls.
Quoting "OkiRoki",
unknown bitchute poster:
“Arson is not Climate Change!!”
"I’m sure the Tier One Gleaming Talking Media will go to great lengths to push the “Klimate Change” narrative and the runoff crew will figure out how fires torch the inside of structures before the walls come down and the fire hydrants themselves becomes flammable."
I hope that anchor is fully up to date with his Covid boosters.
I’m a nuts and bolts construction guy. Living in Alaska. I see an old building with parapet walls surrounding what is probably a tar buildup roof. That kind of roof os incredibly able to withstand the relentless destructive radiation of Sun. If you’ve ever walked on that on a sunny day, your shoes will sink into it and if you stay still ling enough and break through the protective dust film and tge asphalt pours through, your shoes are done. Great suit of armor against sun damag and when red hot embers land on it and yoi dont have thousands of gallons at ready to pour over it, it burns like an overturned gasoline tanker on a 120 degree day. Thats a story I will sign onto.
The burning embers can also melt the hoods off cars in parking lots.
Are you staying safe from the Dangerous Vanden Bossche variants?
They are coming to get you. Traveling on shoes and in lungs heading to your house.
burnin tankers and teeth popppn off like popcorn, there's the tell
Well, stolen bronze hydrant caps replaced with plastic and fiberglass automobile parts do lead the inexperienced to faulty conclusions…. The real culprit I see here, having used heavy equipment to fight wind driven wildfires, scary and exciting, is the DEI and .GOV criminal negligence in fire risk reduction. Sage might think I’m dumb but dang, I’ve got a lot of experience at 69 years and I see the evil ad stupid evil, not cunning evil.
It's not a matter of intelligence, as much as emotional intelligence.
I think you are bargaining, but that is par for the course. Societies crumbling will set upon each other, this is a color revolution.
You will be given talking points to help you live in the bargain and this is also by design.
The DEI is social engineering stuff to split society, very much in spirit with the Day Tapes, and I'm sure the thieving junkies also doled out the Cancer Shots and the Ventilator/Sedative murders too.
Not your guy. Not your gal. If they did it they were duped.
I don't especially give a fuck about you, Lee Wilson. I feel bad for your kids, sure. Them I care.
remarkably civil response to yet another condenscending blowhard
Well dear, you have successfully severed “our” social contract. I would never ‘not give a fuck’ about you but I will not support someone who says that to me. How do I unsubscribe to a thankless self absorbed fool?
Good. I'll give you your money back.
I'll do it for you. 👍
Now get the fuck out of here and do not fucking come back.
Good find on the martial arts place.
Just a thought on why buildings may burn "from the inside out" ..
The exterior walls, although wood may be inside, with their flat stucco surfaces, may not be easy to catch on fire... The interiors, however, are full of fuel: plastic, paper, wood, etc. And those windows may be causing higher localized wind speeds inside the building than are actually happening outside.
Cheers. =)
Have friends in both Altadena and Palisades who lost their homes. I’d love to ask the ones who didn’t why they think that is, but they’ve bought into the Klimate myth, so I can’t even bother.
The friends I know in the Palisades that lost their homes are equally delusional about. It always goes back to the cult-de-sac of the Programming: climate change, politics or some baloney about how POC, and the homeless need more attention. It’s all so insane, the Olympic level gymnastics they will perform to stay in denial. They just can’t admit that our leaders want us dead.
Inside out combustion would be Microwave energy. Smart meters/Microwave Scalar energy. QED