Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

9/11 anthrax/no-criminal-investigation/Patriot act dispelled any doubt as to what was ahead.

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Your once top Anthrax suspect AND vaccine whistleblower are on the Freedom Not a Movement Malone Team gallivanting to Bucharest and elsewhere.

Europe, Europe, Europe.

CHD haz a CHD Europe, too.

Like Voice of America!

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He wins the Most Smug Mug award, paws down.

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Voice of Geneva.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

At that point I thought it was all about control. Wanting us dead adds a new dimension.

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Less people = easier to control.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I thought the Patriot Act was about control when it really was about certain death.

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They go together like bats and pangolins!

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

It’s a tough job fishing capable actors from the corrupt kettle. What Pierre has too much, Aseem has a total lack of. So both ‘glow in the dark’, despite copious soap. They did get the mass psychology right for their flag ship hero. Farm talk bridges the gap between survivalists and fodder minds.

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Acting is hard.

That's a shibboleth here at Shih Tzu Stack.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

The bar for quality is very low. It doesn’t need to be much higher. No point in wasting unnecessary resources. People will happily meet you more than halfway towards total fantasy, if you just don’t break character. Don’t mess with the spell.

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Dear Sage, have you heard? Is this true? And if it is are they going to nasally spray him with RAID?

I haven't read CD in decades, this link was sent to me by Paul Larudee - fpm.


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I think Kirsch & Jeff Hanson paid for Malone's interview with Joe Rogan and his appearance on the first, uber cringy HiRez music video with that famous nurse, Erin, the DOD chic. I wouldn't be surprised if the dynamic duo also paid for the European hero to be interviewed by Rogan.

BTW, HiRez and that Jimmy guy are the most untalented, cringy wannabe musicians I've ever seen. Can't write, perform and don't play instruments on their videos. I'd rather watch Barney the purple dragon🤢

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Something happened in June, 2021.

June 2, Jill is busting out a LinkedIn WE DID IT! WITH THE MRNA THAT BOB INVENTED! post.

One week later, June 9, Bob, Kirsch and Evergreen Boy all are meeting with how to save the world. (With Ivermectin as a prophylactic "vaccine" of sorts, which Bob had already predictively programmed with Zika Fake Pandemic in 2017.)

Following How to Save the World (WEFFIE talk), Bob heads to Puerto Rico and Hawaii (DeBecker) and does half ass jabs bad.

By December, he is full Jabs Bad back at Global Covid Summit using strident language that he did NOT use in Hawaii or Puerto Rico ("We are not here to talk about the vaccine.")

Then Rogan and then in early 2022, Bob miraculously remembers that the shots almost killed him.

What an incredible timeline.

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Yes yes yes. Now Kory is traveling the world with Tucker (I read about it on X). Kory apparently has no issues with the innocent lives lost because of his protocols. What a piece of shit.

Thanks for keeping this topic alive. He's laughing all the way to the bank, but we need to keep discussing it.

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Dec. 8 2020, Kory is still pushing the Threat Matrix hard saying all of his patients are dying OF COVID COVID COVID.


A year later, Malone is trotting out Heather Gessling on Bannon following "Global Covid Summit" Puerto Rico in which Kory is STILL PUSHING THE DANGEROUS CONDITION OF COVID....but Malone unveils Heather Gessling who TREATED 1500 PATIENTS NO DEATHS.

So what was killing YOUR PATIENTS, KORY?



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“The mRNA that Bob invented”. If I remember correctly, he said it could be great if they could enhance the delivery correctly. McC said not to dismiss it altogether yet and now he’s looking at siRNA. The alternative treatments are part and parcel of the Rockefeller scenario-a halftime show-to slowly get us to accept their new “trusted” harmeceuticals, pushed by their “trusted” freedom leaders, imo. Didn’t they warn us not to take the jab?! They can be trusted when THEY deem it safe and effective. McC looks good on Times Square billboards and he has his own foundation now, bonus!

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"What an imbecile timeline."

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

It is obvious what it might look like, for those with an open mind so the eyes can see.

Here's my Inuit friend describing how the Canadian government in Feb 2021 arrived in isolated reserves in black jets. 2 minutes, starting @ 1:58:15 hour in: https://www.facebook.com/100002714107474/videos/1304003890069812/

This letter by Canadian Dr. Charles Hoffe, who was working in a remote town (high native population). When many of his patients became sick after the jab, he ordered a D-dimer test and found >60% of his patients had microscopic blood clots. Not so many fake placebo jabs were given to natives apparently. https://wellbeingaotearoa.wordpress.com/2021/07/12/d-dimer-tests-show-at-least-62-percent-of-mrna-vaccinated-patients-have-microscopic-blood-clots-reports-dr-charles-hoffe-m-d/

They didn't just extra protect indigenous people but also those with Down syndrome because "they" were "10 times more likely to die from Covid" This is just one scary death news item. There were dozens. It was International. Countries around the world protected those with almond shaped eyes. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-m-afraid-albertan-with-down-syndrome-wants-to-be-prioritized-for-covid-19-vaccine-1.5282857

They always loved the mentally/cognitively disabled, orphans, babies of prisoners and Africans most. Here's Stanley Plotkin, under oath, admitting these populations were guinea pigs. Nothing changed, only the narrative. 9 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N16LWcGGm7I&t=3s

The protocols killed the non-essential people. Nothing changed. Nothing. "In 1943, at the age of five, she was taken from her home and brought to Waldniel, a hospital for disabled children and adults. Ali died 19 days after arriving here. Dieter, Ali’s younger brother, was 18 months old at the time. More then seventy years later, he holds his sister’s records in his hands. “My sister died from a dose of ‘luminal’... at the time the ‘favoured way’ to dispose of disabled children. They would get a very high temperature; lung infection, and then that was that.”

They removed the video, but evidence of deadly protocols during the not-see are can still be found. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/die-euthanasie-kinder_b_588f504ae4b06364bb1e27d1

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

What are your thoughts about Dan Bongino?

He recently threw a hissy fit because Dr Ruby questioned McCullough's siRNA.


"Stop being a pathetic lying skank"

"You're a lying piece of sh1t.....go fu<k yourself...."

Why is he so mad?

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Former Secret Security Agent, right?



I don't really watch "conservative" branded media because it seems to be nightmarishly cynical and laser pointer scripted, but if Dan wants more RNA in his life, then take the hell out of that RNA.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Great compilation article!

I like to watch or read what all three sides, right/left/alt, have to say so I can better understand their lies and deflections. I try to understand the so-called Problem so I won't React to accept their Solution. ;)

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I'm not a fan of Dan Bongino but he's right about Jane Ruby, she lies like a rug as the Gringos say.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I like most things "bubble" like thoughts. I have some bubble thoughts and I put certain persons inside the bubbles I think of and the breeze lifts them away where they will collide with other bubbles or busses. I use a whiteboard sometimes and draw out my thoughts and bubbles and stuff and it is much easier than actual critical thinking, which is such a downer. My Believe Bubbles are the We Believe if a dog shits on our Lawn it is sacred. Bubbles like that, or thought bubbles about the man who did not take the injection at Pfizer and has a lizard-toad in his throat. He is in one of my bubbles heading straight for a cornfield.

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Sad. And the whole time the DoD tracks, "infection" data. What should be alarming is that sort of data would also be great for Battle Damage Assessments. There's a hefty amount of assumption involved in suggesting that application, but that application does have historical prescedent and is far from the realm of the fantastic.

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I recall someone once suggesting these sorts of questions best answered by channeling your inner psychopath:

Kill them first. Then they’re more compliant.

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Trust any of these loon-birds and you will die of birdy flew.

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Gitcher brane vector

Outta mah thot bubble.

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Indeed, an awful future!

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fyi : Behold a pale horse by W. Cooper

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For your review SH https://open.substack.com/pub/marcpalasciano/p/elon-wants-me-to-upload-my-id-and?r=z0agb&utm_medium=ios Elon the Trojan Horse. Be careful on X

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Get the hell off that Hellscape Site.

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I’m not on, thank goodness. The T-Mobile info was new to me.

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You seem to be able to look through the thickening fog of ideology and superimposed opposition. But as you do so, things become harder and more difficult. This is really worrying. Are we as normal people able to make such hard work? And make it working? You are not God, but at least a matter of trust. This is a por thing at the end. Disturbing clarity... so to say...

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It's just a large scale Asch Experiment.

It's not hard. You look at the lines on the wall.

It's only hard if you like one line a whole big bunch.

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Decisive and encouraging. Thanks. But you are not the only and one source in this crazy bubble. Maybe thats the real problem...

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Ultimately this is a detective site, not an advocacy site, and probably where I part with most is that I have no illusions about the hoooman critter and its nature.

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People are going to have to learn to look at the lines, (be rigorous in their assessments), but most are unable to do so because of very real curves of learning, or UN-learning to be more specific and the very real tribal instincts of HEROES.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe this makes the difference.

Great remark.

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We rolled through all of these steps almost two years ago (1800-posts in.)

We didn't get where we are in time because people were NOT going along.

The history of Ops has a predictable trajectory, Hero Ball, Dolts Botching Shit, Kumbaya.

Rinse lather repeat.

These are mass formation breakout variants and if you read through SPARS and other "hypothetical" Ops, they are baked into the cake.

It's important more than anything for the marks to LIKE the heroes, i.e. gain confidence, aka a "con" game.

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Its a shame, but I don't like heroes, they are so incredible, faked by Hollywood - or died unremarked during un-heroic times, as we go through now. I fashion those folks questioning things without getting sufficient and straightforward answers. This is our mutual state of being, I suppose. But as you say, we need those happy few perhaps. What is a hero? I know them, suffering and withstanding, but not understanding at all, what's going on...

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"Baked into the cake"


I'm hungry.



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You’re wrong. They are all true heroes.

Bill Gates & cronies might well manage a more lethal gain of function biolabs virus for their deadly plans. Early treatment will be vital if such a scenario arises to avoid deaths from the virus and avoid being corralled towards another deadly mRNA ‘vaccine’.

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Certainly heroes are in the eye of the beholder.

According to Steve Kirsch, Bill Gates is kind of a hero who cares about poor people and their health.

Go to 2:29 of second video.



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::raises hand::



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