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You know, I was thinking, maybe the Haitians have read the IQ tweet by Jeremy Kauffman and they decided to ask an AI bot how to improve their inadecuacies and what do the smartest races on earth eat and they completely misunderstood the hateful remarks about Asians given by the bot.

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I suspect they’re out for revenge and have mistranslated tweets saying things like “that bitch Hillary”

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Flurm is a PETA agent. Like Pamela.

Such a big... heart.

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At least it’s PETA and not the ASPCA.

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Wondering now who a PETA double agent would be working for

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Slaughter house, prolly

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Why ?

Is it simply Power ?

Control ?

Wealth ?

Status ?

Feelz pretty ?

All theze above ?

Or could it simply be Adrenochrome ?

Hmmmmm me's wonder sumtime.


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Best that I can tell is:

1. Humans are predatory pack animals.

2. Humans are not especially "good". They can be, as a wild animal may be at times docile.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

A long time ago, I warned my son, then 18, about going to Australia alone, that the world was full of people that, like wolf packs, hunted you if they see you're alone.

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I know, it’s from 2022 BUT....

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It's still posted on their website.

Incidence of Serious Complications in 1968 U.S. Surveillance Studies

Wait WTF, 1968 ? Was this a Day time op ?

~ Death is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, post-vaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum. Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated. Incidence of Serious Complications in 1968 U.S. Surveillance Studies ~

Page 9 of 24 Titled:



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That’s how I’m reading it.

5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 5.1 Serious Complications

Serious complications that may follow either primary or revaccination with ACAM2000 include: myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum, accidental eye infection (ocular vaccinia) which can cause ocular complications including keratitis and corneal scarring that may lead to blindness, and fetal death in pregnant women. These complications may rarely lead to severe disability, permanent neurological sequalae and death. Based on ACAM2000 clinical trials, symptoms of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis (such as chest pain, raised troponin/cardiac enzymes, or ECG abnormalities) occurred in 5.7 per 1000 primary vaccinations. This finding includes cases of acute symptomatic or asymptomatic myocarditis or pericarditis or both. Historically, death following vaccination with live vaccinia virus is a rare event; approximately 1 death per million primary vaccinations and 1 death per 4 million revaccinations have occurred after vaccination with live vaccinia virus. Death is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, post-vaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum.

👉🏻Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.

Incidence of Serious Complications in 1968 U.S. Surveillance Studies

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“The Only Winning Move Is Not To Play” (TM)

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*terms and conditions apply. Opt out at any time. Be aware that game does not stop, if you do. Do not get attached to people or places. Resettlement on your part may be required, if we need your land or resources. We will inform you of such by means of laser show and walls of fire. If loved ones fall, just go. You can’t do nothing for them now. May the odds be ever in your favor. Customer service may be reached by pressing collar button.

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3 things ;

1- it's scorpions- all the way down

2- scorpions hate you and want you dead

3- scorpions gonna scorpion, it's their nature

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Today I saw the name Satanyahu for the first time, what a perfect fit.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

An underlying theme of all three of these is safetyism.

Safe from dangerous germs

Safe from bad terrorist people

Your chosen* party will keep you safe, the other is dangerous. The third party was about being safe through health, but they merged with one of the two parties. Now both remaining parties are about health. Healthyism.

*You have to chose one of them because if you don't the most dangerous party will win.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

So That's where the pictures on the beach were from! You might have explained it before and I missed it. Great Post and cements so many truths in our minds. Minders, finders, blinders indeed.

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My guess: totally in on it from the beginning. She fooled me together with Kirsch when they did their discussion of the unknown reporting factor on VAERS reports. That seemed like it was valuable info. And in a sense, it was. But it wouldn’t take long for all of us to have figured that out, so they got out in front of that right away (all pre-planned, I’m sure). That gave them both cred as dissidents without giving away a thing. Once the shots were in the arms none of these jokers tries to hide much any more. They’ve done their job and gotten their payoff. Sage’s metaphor of “running out the clock” is just so spot on.

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“ Promo Code: TLAV who meeebbbeeeeee is about to figure out some things about Bob Malone and (hopefully) Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.”

… what does that mean… The Last American Vagabond is favorable to Malone and Jay (I don’t keep up with this…)…. Thanks for your work as always…

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Ryan locked up the wheels on a few things, me thinks.

Don't get me wrong. He does great stuff. He was my OG RED Pill on Plandemic.

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He seems to be into bitcoin too, which depends on blockchain technology. Weird.

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My guiding sense is that Ryan answers quite a lot to Military Psy Op Twitter frames of rhetorical framing and reference.

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That’s what I find so sus about his alt media associations too— they’re using technologies I find really disconcerting…

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It think bitcoin is mostly being used as a mental inflatable raft by many.

I mean, it could work, right? reserve of value? Right? maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to keep paddling the water in the dark.

It's not hopium, okay? hope is gay! hope is boomer talk! We are using reason and high-tech and asymmetric encryption of valuables under a public key infrastructure and many big screens filled with charts and very little numbers that blink too fast to be read and a manly set of colors. It's totally masculine and we're not overcompensating for anything in our soyconscious mind. Not hopium at all.

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How did I miss that Jessica was Israeli?! IDF? ...and no link to her beach post? Her stack has been 'no dissent, cloyingly sycophantic" for some time. Seems so obvious now....

Forgive my obtuseness here as I play catch-up-ball...but how would you categorize her chameleon role?

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She's Canadian. First degrees were from Memorial Univ. in St. Johns, Newfoundland. She was there from approx. 1992-2006. After that, apparently based in Israel since 2006 or 2008...but with trips back to Canada for their National Citizens' Inquiry...and of course many frequent flier miles racked up going to We Won! symposia in Europe...I doubt she's Israeli, although Rose is not a name unknown to Jews.

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yeah...I think we knew all that...

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Psy-op land = candy land.

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Maybe I'll host a ballot burning. But no one will come. No one is coming.

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I thought CBDC was going to be your third. Maybe we need a 4th

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Garden Gnome Bob. Bahahahahahahaha!

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It's another great post. If there are newcomers, the may start here.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author


Double Agent Rog has full comment in email.

Ultimately, I am still probably trying to get better pros than me to run authentically.

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