How many assassination attempts does it take to realize it's all staged buffoonery? lol

Well, that all depends on you.

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It is like the media are trying to figure out how much shite the average person will swallow before saying 'this is shite!'.

Apparently a lot.

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Sep 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah...go sit over there in the bushes.

We'll give you the signal...shoot at you a few times...

Then you jump in the SUV and do an OJ for 40 minutes.

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Sage it feels like the psyops are building like a gigantic wave in Maui, it’s about to crest. I grew up on the coast, sucked at surfing or skiing. But could hit a curveball. I’ll head for high ground jic

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You can pile all the psyops a mile high and they still won't question it.

BOTH recent Trump shooters 'just happened' to be featured in Blackrock commercials:


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Here is another video of him in the past


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This, too?

This guy is all over the map, literally. The Vigilant Fox had a propaganda clip featuring Routh in the Ukraine on his site this morning. Unable to load it now or find it on his site:


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The Vigilant Mossad.

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Lost sight of the broad spectrum hoax. Wondering if the two shooters were ever in two Blackrock commercials.

Going back to pondering the EU directive to force ID us all.

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Reminiscent of Lee Harvey Oswald and his double drawing attention to themselves in early 1963.

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Just saw this one at

James Perloff's site yesterday:

19 Saudis


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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Acting is hard. . .

Making movies that they can play on the news is hard. . .

Then there are those movie buffs that look for little discrepancies, like different clothes or makeup in what is supposed to be a continuous scene. Maybe they should do that for the news-movies. With so many discrepancies, that won't be too difficult.

Will this convince a large number of conservatives to give up their guns. Sometimes people say that the armed U.S. citizenry is the only thing that has deterred the scorps from taking over long ago. I'm neutral on whether this is so, but it could be.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Here's what's been rattling around for me. If we accept that there are masks that are off the charts good, this implies some things that I don't think have fully propagated into awareness. If 'Joe' can be any one of a half dozen understudies on any given day...then they ALL can. Every character in the scene can be half a dozen actors taking a turn. Not saying they all are. But they could be. What does this imply? That we are collectively in disneyland. Nobody goes to disneyland and expects goofy to say anything but "Gorsh!" and laugh and waddle along in a goofy manner. If someone on stage reaches a point they won't say the line that has been written for them, well...a half dozen understudies will take over the role. What matters is not the actor. It's the character and it's the line. Say the fucking line, so we can get the next scene moving along. We've got an op to run here.

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FightFightFight you dumb Americanos.

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You know everything is scripted, even the "Big Debate'. How else would the NBC moderator say they contacted the City Manager of Springfield about Haitians eating cats, how did they know Trump would even say such a thing or even bring it up? They wanted this "BS" to go viral!!! See my Image For The Day - https://watchman2016.substack.com/p/images-for-the-day-from-httpsnothingnewunderthes-a53

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Has anyone heard from PETA re Springfield critters? Nice to see Erik caught your attention.


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Yes, I link Erik quite a bit if you go to my website - https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

He's usually on top of things.

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Critters? What about that bridge? Anyone ever figure that out?

Bridge?! What about that train??

Train? What about that invasive grass?

Beuhler? Beuhler?

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Is this the intended "redemption" of the FBLie in the eyes of "conservatives"... so that, when we're all rounded up to be taken to FEMAhole koncentration kamps for not taking the latest experimental injection, or eating too much meat, we'll be more likely to go quietly...???

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“authorities spotted a firearm poking out of shrubbery around 400 to 500 yards from where Trump was playing.. ..SS short handed, only covering most critical points. 🤔 What sort of eyewear are these agents wearing?

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Two birds one stone. Trumptards will get revved up by this and consequently vote EVEN harder this year.... AND they will support any pre-crime laws or executive orders that Trump offers up for Season 2 of Trump In Da Whitehouse.

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Well it's an Op.

It's a Zionist Op.

I could be wrong. (*I ain't wrong.)

Pretty sure that either fake party will give them their war, but Trump is like...LET'S DROP NUKES RIGHT NOW BLAST IRAN OFF THE MAP (not an actual quote, but not far offl)

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Time to watch Minority Report again

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So, another Routhless post 'ere.

::SFX: Deep Kentucky accent::

So, if the shooter got 6.66mm Moorhead graphene-polymer explosive bullet subsonic cartridges in his or her Taiwanese imitation AR-10 he bought in the store at his cult, he could transmogrify an elephant into cat food in less time that I take eating the blessed pancakes of Aunt Jemymah my cousin Molly made with blue berry jam and home churned water buffalo butter, and no one would notice.

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Low effort

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The same liz's that gonna cull a few billion by the end of

next year are foiled again by the "Chosen One".

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