On “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” the author of ‘Biofascism: The Tech-Pharma Complex and the End of Democracy,’ TJ Coles spoke with RFK, Jr. about transhumanism, the billionaire class and the WEF
To defeat the technological elite you only need unplug them. They are totally powerless without 'lectricity. Without the power to power up their surveillance and control programs, the playing field is level and they will lose because none of them has the guts to exist outside of their virtual reality zone.
Way too early in the morning over here for that weird little shitbag Harare... It's put me right off my breakfast. If you ever wondered what happens to the kids that get beaten up at school for being... well, I don't want to say it (but hey, they started it...)... genetically inferior... There's the poster boy.
...Anddd this "Diabolical" unacceptable meet w ΡΕΔ0-Ηαrαrι, ΤΟΟΚ ΡΙαce in Athens, Greece 🇬🇷, t Place where "Democracy" wz Β0RN, paid by the Parasitic Greek 0ligarchs... Ugh!!
Look at ~13min on ,in2 t video: I recognize many Greek parasites ( ΠΑΡΆΣΙΤΑ,) GRADUATES of US Prestigious universities, ie Hahvahd,Princeton,+ Yale, kissing ΥuναΙ's ΒaldHead!
I keep waiting for either the interviewers or the audience to just go for haha rani's throat, or rush the stage to smash his weasely head like a pumpkin.
I mostly think that RFK has shown himself to be a political animal with an actual conscience. I mean there was the “covid was a DOD military op statement which, at the time,
I felt quite impressed by.
I also mostly think that RFKjr, throughout his confirmation hearings, he felt it was absolutely necessary to flat-out lie (in a go fuck yourself in the face kinda manner) to the pieces of garbage questioning him, to have any chance whatsoever for such confirmation . …in which case, once again, I’d be really quite impressed.
And if all this wasn’t just some act in order to get a small sliver of power and recognition which would be beyond pathetic and sad, then maybe in the coming days I’ll have another reason to feel quite impressed. Maybe even more than one.
Look at me being optimistic …yeah I know it’s a bad look but FUCK IT.
Again, lies he had to tell to have any voice/seat at the table. Presidents traditionally say anything to get elected and do the opposite.
Trump is different in this respect…
regardless of anyone’s opinion about what he’s doing and or what his true motivations may prove to be.
On the surface, he has shown a desire to end existing wars and prevent others from forming (WWlIII).
It’s difficult for me to imagine how different things would be had his presidential opponent managed to find her way into the oval office.
There are plenty of issues I have with Trump, many of which you have VERY clearly identified on this Substack… which I recommend and share with as many people as I can convince. (the number is low, unfortunately but I’m working on it)
As many problems as there are with Trump… I fully believe that we’d all be far worse off with Kamala calling the shots.
LOL, I know she wouldn’t actually be calling a single one of them, but you get my drift.
EVERYTHING would already be so much worse for everyone and all hope would be lost, FOR FUCKING EVER.
Trump has bought some time which I’m happy to take regardless of what’s to come, or where it leads….I can feel good about this even if it’s just for a very short time …imo, that’s better than nothing at all.
(so yeah, my expectations are extremely low and they’re gonna stay there for a while, no doubt)
I feel there is still a tiny sliver of conscience in Bobby, probably bout harming children on such a scale. And he hates the bad acting and crude lies of the stage show he has a part in.
But mostly he's under orders, and has to take the role they have prepared for him, or else. He's a fucked up, weak man, and has no freedom of action except to resign from it all - but I'm not sure they would allow even that - he brought lots of people into the Trump camp, and they need him to continue the deception.
At no point will he tear off his suit to reveal Super Hero clothes.
if any politician today told the truth about what they really believe and know to be the truth… they wouldn’t last a day….everything’s classified top-secret national security bullshit.
The whole system is built on lies so anyone that’s part of it… knows which lies they have to tell on a daily basis.
To defeat the technological elite you only need unplug them. They are totally powerless without 'lectricity. Without the power to power up their surveillance and control programs, the playing field is level and they will lose because none of them has the guts to exist outside of their virtual reality zone.
Way too early in the morning over here for that weird little shitbag Harare... It's put me right off my breakfast. If you ever wondered what happens to the kids that get beaten up at school for being... well, I don't want to say it (but hey, they started it...)... genetically inferior... There's the poster boy.
Harari Bad.
Trump, Thiel, Ellison, Musk Good.
Nothing matters.
Harari merely announces what they intend to do as if it were his independent philosophical assessment.
Another distraction and intimidation actor. I daresay they chose him for his freakish looks, too: it adds to our humiliation.
Hahahaha.... It's fucking funny. What a ride...
...Anddd this "Diabolical" unacceptable meet w ΡΕΔ0-Ηαrαrι, ΤΟΟΚ ΡΙαce in Athens, Greece 🇬🇷, t Place where "Democracy" wz Β0RN, paid by the Parasitic Greek 0ligarchs... Ugh!!
Look at ~13min on ,in2 t video: I recognize many Greek parasites ( ΠΑΡΆΣΙΤΑ,) GRADUATES of US Prestigious universities, ie Hahvahd,Princeton,+ Yale, kissing ΥuναΙ's ΒaldHead!
Amazing find, this video!
Trying to find the video you’re referring to
He just wants a hairy orangutan hug he can never have
Never open an Harare video! It’s very hard to get the vision of that slithering neurotic queen cobra out of your brain.
He's related to Gollum. Not sure of the exact lineage.
Does one have a lineage when one is a test-tube construct? Harare is not the result of the joining of two humans.
I keep waiting for either the interviewers or the audience to just go for haha rani's throat, or rush the stage to smash his weasely head like a pumpkin.
I'm sure these are the qualities that caused them to choose him as an upfront figure. A villain you love to hate. Viseral reaction to him.
Yes all part of the op. Humiliation ritual.
Gallagher is no longer with us, sadly...I wonder if anyone inherited his Sledge-o-Matic...
RFK jr is 100 percent tainted and not to be trusted for a solitary second!
Harari is dead wrong about ai understanding human emotion.
I mostly think that RFK has shown himself to be a political animal with an actual conscience. I mean there was the “covid was a DOD military op statement which, at the time,
I felt quite impressed by.
I also mostly think that RFKjr, throughout his confirmation hearings, he felt it was absolutely necessary to flat-out lie (in a go fuck yourself in the face kinda manner) to the pieces of garbage questioning him, to have any chance whatsoever for such confirmation . …in which case, once again, I’d be really quite impressed.
And if all this wasn’t just some act in order to get a small sliver of power and recognition which would be beyond pathetic and sad, then maybe in the coming days I’ll have another reason to feel quite impressed. Maybe even more than one.
Look at me being optimistic …yeah I know it’s a bad look but FUCK IT.
He also said he was fiercely pro-vaccine. He just wants vaccines to be tested.
Why would you be pro-anything that hasn't been tested? Why?
He also said Palestinians are pampered.
Obama said he was going to end the wars.
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp.
They all say stuff and the augmented public believes it.
Then they kill you with shots and burn you alive.
They say there is a pandemic and klimate change.
Truth is like a lion. You have to let it out sometimes in limited circumstances and then put it back into its cage.
Limited lion hangout. I'm stuck with that image now.
Again, lies he had to tell to have any voice/seat at the table. Presidents traditionally say anything to get elected and do the opposite.
Trump is different in this respect…
regardless of anyone’s opinion about what he’s doing and or what his true motivations may prove to be.
On the surface, he has shown a desire to end existing wars and prevent others from forming (WWlIII).
It’s difficult for me to imagine how different things would be had his presidential opponent managed to find her way into the oval office.
There are plenty of issues I have with Trump, many of which you have VERY clearly identified on this Substack… which I recommend and share with as many people as I can convince. (the number is low, unfortunately but I’m working on it)
As many problems as there are with Trump… I fully believe that we’d all be far worse off with Kamala calling the shots.
LOL, I know she wouldn’t actually be calling a single one of them, but you get my drift.
EVERYTHING would already be so much worse for everyone and all hope would be lost, FOR FUCKING EVER.
Trump has bought some time which I’m happy to take regardless of what’s to come, or where it leads….I can feel good about this even if it’s just for a very short time …imo, that’s better than nothing at all.
(so yeah, my expectations are extremely low and they’re gonna stay there for a while, no doubt)
Mossad Moz do you stand with Israel?
Shot in the dark.
…only with the Israeli people who oppose Netanyahu and his influence there, here and around the world.
and yeah, I know what you’re gonna say. How can you support the king of Israel in any way whatsoever?
so ultimately is this in your opinion East vs West?
What would you expect from a junkie?
I feel there is still a tiny sliver of conscience in Bobby, probably bout harming children on such a scale. And he hates the bad acting and crude lies of the stage show he has a part in.
But mostly he's under orders, and has to take the role they have prepared for him, or else. He's a fucked up, weak man, and has no freedom of action except to resign from it all - but I'm not sure they would allow even that - he brought lots of people into the Trump camp, and they need him to continue the deception.
At no point will he tear off his suit to reveal Super Hero clothes.
“All the world’s a stage” …
I apologize in advance, but we all need something to make us laugh. This made me laugh, so I’m sharing it.
Let me write that one down
Nice work today garnering engagement.
Now goodbye, Michael Moz.
Oh, that’s clever. I’m gonna have to use that one.
So typical…. attack the person when you can’t answer a simple question
Good fucking luck finding an honest politician
if any politician today told the truth about what they really believe and know to be the truth… they wouldn’t last a day….everything’s classified top-secret national security bullshit.
The whole system is built on lies so anyone that’s part of it… knows which lies they have to tell on a daily basis.
Cool. Go kill yourself.
Can you just go on to Twitter now?
How did you EVER find this place?
Yeah, you didn’t answer my question… smart guy
I reject the framing of your question.
Who would you like to fuck more?
Your Termite Mommy or your Cockroach Daddy?
Fuck you Moz.
Go make a Brain Collage on the fridge.
I hope you got a cheap laugh from the vid though. It’s OK if you didn’t.
Yeah… I said it was a bad look and I meant it
"Lies he had to tell"
By Michael Moz
I guess there’s a few exceptions, …maybe but they’re retired so who’s your go to? Who the fairest of them all?
I hope that you get a Turbo Glioblastoma. Behind your eye.
And while suffering in the Death Care Facility and Angel of Amalek experiments with Direct to Tumor mRNA Cancer Vaccines into eye.
Oy gefelta fish!
i’m aware of the truth, but it’s just a bit too much, ya know?