At the very least, it's evidence of a discrepancy in follow-up. A disconnect.
At the very most, it's evidence of Depopulation in Africa.
But I suspect that you still continue to use this I MUST TRUST SOURCE and not unpack INFORMATION heuristic.
And don't understand how to extract actionable intel.
Your infiltrators will give you something. But I had this discussion with you before about McCullough hanging out real vs. relative risk on the Kovid shots, which he knows full well because he is the most published kardiologist ever blah blah blah but somehow cannot track back to statins.
Yes, I know, we've had this discussion before. I understand the infiltrators have to pass along a little info in a limited hangout way in order to gain some trust and slip in the propaganda or misinformation they want us to absorb and take away. I know I am pretty dense and prone to be a little too gullible so I find my best defense is to try not to waste too much time trying to figure out what is chaff and what is wheat if I know from the outset the info is coming from the enemy. There are just so many ways to waste time that can be better spent in more constructive ways to fight this enemy of ours. Along these lines, Detective Sage, I'm going to pass along something I just ran across that was sent by a friend who I am afraid is being misled: Several years ago, when I was still a not so sweet summer child, perhaps a late summer teenager, I was spending a lot of time following Bruce Patterson, Stanford pathologist, and all his work on spike proteins and how that was the center of the attack on humanity. His co-worker was Dr. Ram Yogendra who is the speaker in the above-referenced video, which I just watched. Still going strong on spike protein, long Covid, post vaxx syndrome, etc. It all sounds plausible, but when I look up Dr. Yogendra I come to find out that he became an anesthesiologist via an education in public health, just like so many other medical freedom not-a-movement people, and where did he matriculate medical school? St. George's Medical School of the Carribean!!! Do you think he knows Dr. Pierre Kory? How dare I draw that possible conclusion based on such flimsy evidence, when I should really be looking at his content all night long? I agree content is important, but I put a lot of weight on background as well. I don't believe that leopards change their spots.
P.S. Tom: I'm not sure if your question was prompted by Kennedy being involved in this film, SO JUST IN CASE it was....... I do not trust Bobby Kennedy, Jr. AT ALL in his role as US Secretary of HHS. I believe he is a compromised con artist and eventually will mandate the Covid "vaccines" down the road. I am also outraged that he is advising parents to follow the recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule.
HOWEVER, I don't allow my personal feelings for someone to automatically make me dismiss any and all that they, or someone affiliated with them, say. The people in this video, by Wakefield and Kennedy, seem very plausible and the De-Population Agenda is real.
I also read Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and thought it was an excellent expose on slimy, soulless Fauci Lizard Boy. Given how damning the book is to Fauci, I believe Fauci would have immediately sued Bobby if the book was full of lies. He couldn't because then there would have to be "Discovery" and the diabolical deeds Fauci committed during the AIDS "pandemic" would come to light.
Perhaps it would have more accurate to ask, do you trust the people in the credits: Dr. Andy Wakefield, the film’s director
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Liz Mumper
Mary Holland, CHD President & General Counsel
Polly Tommey, CHD Programming Manager
Aimee Villela McBride, CHD Marketing Manager
Mr. Bobby K., Jr., Executive Producer
And if so, why? I'm pretty sure I've seen that film before, and if not, it was another film about the same topic with the same characters, and of course, it was completely damning concerning the tetanus injection campaign Kenya which most certainly could be best explained as a depopulation campaign. I don't trust Mr. Bobby K, AT ALL, in anything, as I am quite certain he has been "hired" to help carry out the have-nots' (that would be us) mass extermination. Listed in the credits are a bunch of his accomplices. I was just wondering how critical you were of all these people. After all, when the potential child abductor offers the child some ice cream if they will just come to the van, does that make him a nice guy?
The phrase: "get on with the program" comes to mind.
How to live in a world of psychopathic murderers and wilfully blind victims?
They are helping us, Sage.
They give us options to live.
Here's a new pacification and control operation for you. Jump in on it and you can live in this world.
But what I want is executions of journalists, computer engineers, academics, bankers, politicians, judges, police, doctors, scientists and disposable respirators importers/exporters.
"I guess it’s just down to one Boutique Substack to keep rolling out the receipts while the world pretends like Augmented Hammers in a Warehouse of Death.
Just strange."
Not strange.
Not *everyone* has accepted the Owners of the World's low opinion of us.
Do you see loads of sources littering the Big Box and XBox media with the faked pandemics, sterilization experiments, Pentagon ran the OWS talking points?
This Stack cannot possibly fulfill the concierge service of what each reader needs on any given day, all of whom come in with their own movie of which this Stack is a glorified extra.
You inspire us:) I always go back over your posts to glean what you're saying better:) so many treasures. Amazing insights and tools for understanding. Can't thank you enough!!! Bows.....deeply
A zillion bows:) well evrryone has a part to play in this endeavor. Getting the "word" out is the most important so creativity can further enhance ideas for solutions don-cha-knoe. Wink/snicker lol.
Solutions implies there is a problem. Too many still do not acknowledge that there is for solutions to be meaningful except for a relative few, it seems to me.
I think some are looking at how to detox the nasty nanos we have been subjected to, but that means each person has to take responsibility for themselves for that to happen. And will the nasties still get into us again? I imagine so...I guess solutions for the short term could help...
They make you so angry that you want to fight, then they turn that anger into a proxy target. "God Save the King if Iareal!!!" Or any other laser beam target of their 'choice'. So many targets, so little time.
Eff RFK he’s a total fraud. He isn’t going to do nothing about the covid19 vaccines. You got scammed by a former democrat, former drug addict married to an uber woke Hollywood wife.
Words cannot express how deeply A Citizens cogent comment on Rfk Jr. is in our intuited view...* A magisterial stentorian erudite fine comment.Cheers.**
Politics are all about smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, one must sell their soul to get into a high position. You have to know how to please the masses while serving dark entities.
Anecdotal evidence of the last year fielding thousands of comments?
The brain chip was already installed over years and lifetimes of learning how to process information and regurgitate information as presented and lock up there.
Brain chip in the amygdala, too. Fear is a part of it. Fear of stepping outside of the "received view." Heavy fear there. Along with thinking a hero will show up and save us. That belief mutes the fear.
From the lioness of Judah's substack James Giordano, DARPA Adviser: “…This is why it becomes so important to understand the novelty and the viability of neuroscience as being leveraged as weapons”
“ Then we have the use of nano particulate agents, aerosolizable nanomaterials that can be breathe in and disrupt blood flow and neurological network activity.
That can be used as an inclose weapon, or perhaps that can be used as a more broad weapon of disruption and destruction.”
“We also have the capability to utilize nanomaterials to get electrodes into a head and to create a vast array of viable sensors and transmitters.
Utilizing these technics and technologies to create vast arrays of implantable electrodes that need not be put into the brain surgically.”
Ole Dammagard (sp?) was on a recent Delingpod talking about how all the ops are fake and gay. In case anyone needs more articulation of this obviousness.
I hope all the creepy, crawly, mass murdering, Luciferian Shit Birds you just mentioned continue to enjoy their luxury hotel suites, yachts and their fancy restaurants with their overflowing glasses of champagne. When they leave this earth, they are in for a RUDE awakening. In their next life they are going to be locked up tight in the heated outhouse of hell and instead of champagne glasses overflowing, the only thing that will be overflowing is a clogged-up toilet. The only thing on their menu will be worms and spiders, not lobster tails and filet mignon.
Who a rats ass about evil ass British blood drinking pedo’s any way! I no doubt will find Aleister in the mix. Root Cause ?? First nobody gives a damn about you or the Truth. Secondly, The corporate families ruled the world to come all I think it’s 567 who knows really all the countries are set up as corporations and all the agencies are franchise in the United States military industrial complex, and the politicians are not in charge of your damn thing as you may have guessed by now Donald Trump is a puppet of the corporation. He’s an agent free agent we call him and he will do some good things. He’s done some good things but if you notice they get done and undone again very rapidly in rapid succession so nobody gives a damn if they have any time to give about royalty bloodlines and who’s white they’re all blood drinking pedophiles I guess it’s a broad description but they’re evil that’s the bottom line and great Britain and United States and Russia and China and Saudi Arabia. They’re at the route of all of the worlds issues and then need to be Identified put a spotlight on the cockroaches and don’t worship any political leader, cause they’re all freaking evil all of them even the good ones, the bottom line is just realized no one‘s coming and you have to use common sense to figure it out this matrix of spiderweb connections and encourage your local communities for malicious en inform and educate your local sheriffs. They have the real power when it all gets boiled down and support eliminating all federal agencies. We may be a handful to run the countries federal business, innate this bullshit Fiat paper money and bring back the gold standard and revealed that’s why Kennedy was killed in second place the first place was because Johnson was chomping at the bit to become president. He knew he couldn’t be elected and then furthermore just need to prepare yourself with your own food and medicine and alternative of medicine is the wrong it should be the principal medicine that needs to be explored and basically the questions about ivermectin. You can shove all your negative rhetoric about ivermectin and I don’t know where all that’s coming from but I do know that there’s been like 80 years of research and reports, and if they’re all falsified, that means I had to have a linage of falsification going back to almost Abraham linking so I would shelve that that’s just me and then the meth in blue has amazing credentials and we could get into the science but there’s no sense in doing that and the chlorine dioxide is amazing and I’ve had some discussions with some nurse on here and she was just set against MB called a toilet fix it’s just ignorance. They’re just no scientific to a lot of these loose flung accusations that hit the board here and they could disrupt someone’s life or turn them away fromanyway that’s my 4 1/2 cents worth thank you
Obviously you go not know that the King of Israel is the King of Great Britain should he so choose to exercise the right granted in the Balfour agreement. Before you get your facts wrong read your history. Furthermore, Prince William is the only one who carries the blood of the 13 families, thanks to Diana. Trump Derangement Syndrome serves no one. Trump has said for years that Israel will be cleaned up last, another fact well known to those well informed. He knows quite well the issues there, but the man has only been in office a few weeks. You probably are also unaware we have proof now, soon to be released, of election fraud not only here in 2020, but in 72 other elections, most recently South Korea. he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for.....
Given that Prince Harry is also a child of Charles (ew!!!) & Diana, then he, too, would "carry the blood of the 13 families"... And, of course, William's and Harry's children, as well... Unless you're saying that Harry is NOT Charles' (ew!!!) & Diana's biological child and that Williams' children were not fathered by him...???
And, who's the "we" of the "we have proof..."? If you have proof, then show it, don't just talk about it. Enough talk. Show the receipts.
Also, Bobby Kennedy, Jr. called out WHO/Bill Gates for forced sterilization on uninformed African women and Bill Gates is STILL a part of President Trump's Input for more OPERATION WARP SPEED type magic.
All of this strategy, moves and re-strategising over centuries is like meta footbaw.
Human history, just a compendium of player statistics and status. A very long and bloody game reckoned in human lives. There is no Sky Fairy but Love and Truth are are ways by which to try and make sense of and imbue meaning to this existence. What else is there?
Thanks for your relentless enquiry. Your vision helps us see through the fog of the game/war.
So glad to see you using the term King Of Israel.
That is exactly what he is .
ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR.: Measles outbreak is call to action for all of us
MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Fox News
Yet, the MAHA crowd tells us that this guy is not controlled opposition as he pushes the MMR vaccine.
30 Minute Video - Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
Why are you posting this video? Do you trust the credits?
At the very least, it's evidence of a discrepancy in follow-up. A disconnect.
At the very most, it's evidence of Depopulation in Africa.
But I suspect that you still continue to use this I MUST TRUST SOURCE and not unpack INFORMATION heuristic.
And don't understand how to extract actionable intel.
Your infiltrators will give you something. But I had this discussion with you before about McCullough hanging out real vs. relative risk on the Kovid shots, which he knows full well because he is the most published kardiologist ever blah blah blah but somehow cannot track back to statins.
Yes, I know, we've had this discussion before. I understand the infiltrators have to pass along a little info in a limited hangout way in order to gain some trust and slip in the propaganda or misinformation they want us to absorb and take away. I know I am pretty dense and prone to be a little too gullible so I find my best defense is to try not to waste too much time trying to figure out what is chaff and what is wheat if I know from the outset the info is coming from the enemy. There are just so many ways to waste time that can be better spent in more constructive ways to fight this enemy of ours. Along these lines, Detective Sage, I'm going to pass along something I just ran across that was sent by a friend who I am afraid is being misled: Several years ago, when I was still a not so sweet summer child, perhaps a late summer teenager, I was spending a lot of time following Bruce Patterson, Stanford pathologist, and all his work on spike proteins and how that was the center of the attack on humanity. His co-worker was Dr. Ram Yogendra who is the speaker in the above-referenced video, which I just watched. Still going strong on spike protein, long Covid, post vaxx syndrome, etc. It all sounds plausible, but when I look up Dr. Yogendra I come to find out that he became an anesthesiologist via an education in public health, just like so many other medical freedom not-a-movement people, and where did he matriculate medical school? St. George's Medical School of the Carribean!!! Do you think he knows Dr. Pierre Kory? How dare I draw that possible conclusion based on such flimsy evidence, when I should really be looking at his content all night long? I agree content is important, but I put a lot of weight on background as well. I don't believe that leopards change their spots.
P.S. Tom: I'm not sure if your question was prompted by Kennedy being involved in this film, SO JUST IN CASE it was....... I do not trust Bobby Kennedy, Jr. AT ALL in his role as US Secretary of HHS. I believe he is a compromised con artist and eventually will mandate the Covid "vaccines" down the road. I am also outraged that he is advising parents to follow the recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule.
HOWEVER, I don't allow my personal feelings for someone to automatically make me dismiss any and all that they, or someone affiliated with them, say. The people in this video, by Wakefield and Kennedy, seem very plausible and the De-Population Agenda is real.
I also read Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and thought it was an excellent expose on slimy, soulless Fauci Lizard Boy. Given how damning the book is to Fauci, I believe Fauci would have immediately sued Bobby if the book was full of lies. He couldn't because then there would have to be "Discovery" and the diabolical deeds Fauci committed during the AIDS "pandemic" would come to light.
A stentorian incisive trenchant can comment from Patricia.**Cheers!
Typo...A stentorian extrapolation from Patricia* Bingo!
Thank you, Seismic7!
Hi Tom: Yes, I trust the credits.
Perhaps it would have more accurate to ask, do you trust the people in the credits: Dr. Andy Wakefield, the film’s director
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Liz Mumper
Mary Holland, CHD President & General Counsel
Polly Tommey, CHD Programming Manager
Aimee Villela McBride, CHD Marketing Manager
Mr. Bobby K., Jr., Executive Producer
And if so, why? I'm pretty sure I've seen that film before, and if not, it was another film about the same topic with the same characters, and of course, it was completely damning concerning the tetanus injection campaign Kenya which most certainly could be best explained as a depopulation campaign. I don't trust Mr. Bobby K, AT ALL, in anything, as I am quite certain he has been "hired" to help carry out the have-nots' (that would be us) mass extermination. Listed in the credits are a bunch of his accomplices. I was just wondering how critical you were of all these people. After all, when the potential child abductor offers the child some ice cream if they will just come to the van, does that make him a nice guy?
The phrase: "get on with the program" comes to mind.
How to live in a world of psychopathic murderers and wilfully blind victims?
They are helping us, Sage.
They give us options to live.
Here's a new pacification and control operation for you. Jump in on it and you can live in this world.
But what I want is executions of journalists, computer engineers, academics, bankers, politicians, judges, police, doctors, scientists and disposable respirators importers/exporters.
Garrote and hoguera for each one of them.
"I guess it’s just down to one Boutique Substack to keep rolling out the receipts while the world pretends like Augmented Hammers in a Warehouse of Death.
Just strange."
Not strange.
Not *everyone* has accepted the Owners of the World's low opinion of us.
I haven't.
Do you see loads of sources littering the Big Box and XBox media with the faked pandemics, sterilization experiments, Pentagon ran the OWS talking points?
But that's what you wanted to read.
You wanted some FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT rhetoric!
Wuz hoping for sum *lay down and die* rhetoric.
Got sum?
( my turn for a *fridge collage* attack? ducks.)
That's up to you.
This Stack cannot possibly fulfill the concierge service of what each reader needs on any given day, all of whom come in with their own movie of which this Stack is a glorified extra.
You inspire us:) I always go back over your posts to glean what you're saying better:) so many treasures. Amazing insights and tools for understanding. Can't thank you enough!!! Bows.....deeply
Thanks very kindly. No bows! 😅
I'm good at seeing stuff, not so good at cheering on the SOLUTIONS WATCH.
A zillion bows:) well evrryone has a part to play in this endeavor. Getting the "word" out is the most important so creativity can further enhance ideas for solutions don-cha-knoe. Wink/snicker lol.
Solutions implies there is a problem. Too many still do not acknowledge that there is for solutions to be meaningful except for a relative few, it seems to me.
I think some are looking at how to detox the nasty nanos we have been subjected to, but that means each person has to take responsibility for themselves for that to happen. And will the nasties still get into us again? I imagine so...I guess solutions for the short term could help...
They make you so angry that you want to fight, then they turn that anger into a proxy target. "God Save the King if Iareal!!!" Or any other laser beam target of their 'choice'. So many targets, so little time.
Eff RFK he’s a total fraud. He isn’t going to do nothing about the covid19 vaccines. You got scammed by a former democrat, former drug addict married to an uber woke Hollywood wife.
Right on!
Words cannot express how deeply A Citizens cogent comment on Rfk Jr. is in our intuited view...* A magisterial stentorian erudite fine comment.Cheers.**
Politics are all about smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, one must sell their soul to get into a high position. You have to know how to please the masses while serving dark entities.
Thank you, you are read-in to the agendas and will be given a brain chip soon.
Ha. What if everyone already has brain chips and does not even know it?
Anecdotal evidence of the last year fielding thousands of comments?
The brain chip was already installed over years and lifetimes of learning how to process information and regurgitate information as presented and lock up there.
Brain chip in the amygdala, too. Fear is a part of it. Fear of stepping outside of the "received view." Heavy fear there. Along with thinking a hero will show up and save us. That belief mutes the fear.
Lock have keys:)
1000s? Try millions. Yes! The surgery begins during childbirth
I said fielding thousands of comments.
Here. 😅 on my Stack. I have not received MILLIONS OF COMMENTS.
Haha. I am talking about my own experiences.
From the lioness of Judah's substack James Giordano, DARPA Adviser: “…This is why it becomes so important to understand the novelty and the viability of neuroscience as being leveraged as weapons”
“ Then we have the use of nano particulate agents, aerosolizable nanomaterials that can be breathe in and disrupt blood flow and neurological network activity.
That can be used as an inclose weapon, or perhaps that can be used as a more broad weapon of disruption and destruction.”
“We also have the capability to utilize nanomaterials to get electrodes into a head and to create a vast array of viable sensors and transmitters.
Utilizing these technics and technologies to create vast arrays of implantable electrodes that need not be put into the brain surgically.”
Hang Gates..Fauci..Satanyahoo**. Rearm American citizens...Now**
Ole Dammagard (sp?) was on a recent Delingpod talking about how all the ops are fake and gay. In case anyone needs more articulation of this obviousness.
That family is going places. Race to the bottom.
So much for the"Rules -based-Ordah"...WEF ,-Blackrock ..the globohomosexual transhumanist luciferian leftwingnut technofacist Jews"*
I hope all the creepy, crawly, mass murdering, Luciferian Shit Birds you just mentioned continue to enjoy their luxury hotel suites, yachts and their fancy restaurants with their overflowing glasses of champagne. When they leave this earth, they are in for a RUDE awakening. In their next life they are going to be locked up tight in the heated outhouse of hell and instead of champagne glasses overflowing, the only thing that will be overflowing is a clogged-up toilet. The only thing on their menu will be worms and spiders, not lobster tails and filet mignon.
Please, Seismic7, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel! 🤣🤣🤣
Who a rats ass about evil ass British blood drinking pedo’s any way! I no doubt will find Aleister in the mix. Root Cause ?? First nobody gives a damn about you or the Truth. Secondly, The corporate families ruled the world to come all I think it’s 567 who knows really all the countries are set up as corporations and all the agencies are franchise in the United States military industrial complex, and the politicians are not in charge of your damn thing as you may have guessed by now Donald Trump is a puppet of the corporation. He’s an agent free agent we call him and he will do some good things. He’s done some good things but if you notice they get done and undone again very rapidly in rapid succession so nobody gives a damn if they have any time to give about royalty bloodlines and who’s white they’re all blood drinking pedophiles I guess it’s a broad description but they’re evil that’s the bottom line and great Britain and United States and Russia and China and Saudi Arabia. They’re at the route of all of the worlds issues and then need to be Identified put a spotlight on the cockroaches and don’t worship any political leader, cause they’re all freaking evil all of them even the good ones, the bottom line is just realized no one‘s coming and you have to use common sense to figure it out this matrix of spiderweb connections and encourage your local communities for malicious en inform and educate your local sheriffs. They have the real power when it all gets boiled down and support eliminating all federal agencies. We may be a handful to run the countries federal business, innate this bullshit Fiat paper money and bring back the gold standard and revealed that’s why Kennedy was killed in second place the first place was because Johnson was chomping at the bit to become president. He knew he couldn’t be elected and then furthermore just need to prepare yourself with your own food and medicine and alternative of medicine is the wrong it should be the principal medicine that needs to be explored and basically the questions about ivermectin. You can shove all your negative rhetoric about ivermectin and I don’t know where all that’s coming from but I do know that there’s been like 80 years of research and reports, and if they’re all falsified, that means I had to have a linage of falsification going back to almost Abraham linking so I would shelve that that’s just me and then the meth in blue has amazing credentials and we could get into the science but there’s no sense in doing that and the chlorine dioxide is amazing and I’ve had some discussions with some nurse on here and she was just set against MB called a toilet fix it’s just ignorance. They’re just no scientific to a lot of these loose flung accusations that hit the board here and they could disrupt someone’s life or turn them away fromanyway that’s my 4 1/2 cents worth thank you
Methylene blue* Chlorine Dioxide* Deuterium.* DMSO** chaga... Chelated Magnesium** Yes Dr.........for the rest of you ..see Georgie dinkov..Stephanie seneff..Dr.Amandha. Vollmer.... Dr Shiva*. Dr.Andreas Kalker...(Short list)
Thing is, the insurgents are also the pacificators.
Obviously you go not know that the King of Israel is the King of Great Britain should he so choose to exercise the right granted in the Balfour agreement. Before you get your facts wrong read your history. Furthermore, Prince William is the only one who carries the blood of the 13 families, thanks to Diana. Trump Derangement Syndrome serves no one. Trump has said for years that Israel will be cleaned up last, another fact well known to those well informed. He knows quite well the issues there, but the man has only been in office a few weeks. You probably are also unaware we have proof now, soon to be released, of election fraud not only here in 2020, but in 72 other elections, most recently South Korea.
"King of Israel" is a nod to The King of Israel's own self-reference.
Also this may not be the Stack for you, Kaiser.
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for.....
4:34 AM · Aug 21, 2019
Wayne Allen Root (WAR) and Diana, the jewel in the crown. Interesting.
Given that Prince Harry is also a child of Charles (ew!!!) & Diana, then he, too, would "carry the blood of the 13 families"... And, of course, William's and Harry's children, as well... Unless you're saying that Harry is NOT Charles' (ew!!!) & Diana's biological child and that Williams' children were not fathered by him...???
And, who's the "we" of the "we have proof..."? If you have proof, then show it, don't just talk about it. Enough talk. Show the receipts.
It's just another way to drag the discussion into something else other than STERILIZING KENYAN WOMEN BY BILL GATES AND WHO
Yeah, and who said "of course, no one cares about countries in East Africa" Geert?
Yep, a distraction: we should concentrate on the gynaecological rather than the (dubiously) genealogical, and 'demons', and all that other crap.
Hom. Sap is very good at killing and - above all - lying; and the capacity for evil deeds is our common inheritance, not just that of supposed elites.
It's also second nature to banks, industrial corporations, the military and behavioural scientists.
Any time you bring cold receipts on something, the InfoWarriors show up to talk about something else.
I'm just trying to tweak them like they're trying to tweak us... 😼
Yes..we find limited hangouts to be like energy drained ng vampire squid at best**
Read someplace that the Rothchild’s have progenitor rights to the British royal family, so who knows.
Also, Bobby Kennedy, Jr. called out WHO/Bill Gates for forced sterilization on uninformed African women and Bill Gates is STILL a part of President Trump's Input for more OPERATION WARP SPEED type magic.
Also that.
One more time..Bingo!
Input. Such a disquieting word in this case. And same playbook, again. I think they're showing their hands lol. Off with their Hands!!!
All of this strategy, moves and re-strategising over centuries is like meta footbaw.
Human history, just a compendium of player statistics and status. A very long and bloody game reckoned in human lives. There is no Sky Fairy but Love and Truth are are ways by which to try and make sense of and imbue meaning to this existence. What else is there?
Thanks for your relentless enquiry. Your vision helps us see through the fog of the game/war.
Get over yourself egghead. You all up in your pedestal. You ain't got that jive down so good as all that
I hope you have a car accident.
ksjfk dskfdsk fjksadjfk adsj kaewjrkewj;krew jk;rmek;rlf mkerwlmfkerrmfk;ermkf amfklw emrfk; emfkl emr me;klfm ed;klfmekrw;rfmekwrlmkelwrmfkerlw mtkerwlmrfkl;ew rmfk;lwe mfk;lwermf;klwermf;kwerm f;klwermfk;lwemfk;er;r fmr;ke rtm;wk3ekjro34k5rio34i5o[p34i5[p645k6yolergmk;lsdamrfk;awmnf aewjnfklae w mrfeklwmrt;kewrmt kw4mto43k t5o4 w3k56;lw43km5 to4w5k to[werk rtoew kmooewk roewortk ewo[to[k 4w[to ewrktorwektokw34o5kr34o2[5k234[okv5[ow3epkt[pe4w5ko[p34i5kop4i6[o43pi5o423ptvjkgewdfsmdks;lemfk;lewmr;kewj5[o34pi5[04932i56o6[3vekvytopwegrkmvoeawkmro[34i5[3v[043iv6o0345[6io5[40op6k[4o35p6i0=53234
Yes? Which one? So many now going on