"Bill Gates is meeting with Trump as of 2025 and discussing AIDS cures [...]"

I love it when two prestigious alumni of the world's most prestigious medical schools get together to discuss my health. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

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Comes with a free toaster.

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Or Free French Fries in New York. Bill D.

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Yummy, next round toasted donuts

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Sadly, the actual alums aren't any better.

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True dat.

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There are hundreds of graves with remains of children who died because of scientific "experiments" sponsored by Fauci's NIAID.

Fauci is bad. There is no excuse.

>>> PROOF <<<

Quote from "The House that AIDS built":

"The treatment of patients at ICC(1) currently violates every one of the ethical standards for medical experiments set out by international courts after World War 2.

— The children at ICC are enrolled in drug trials without their knowledge,

— And without the consent of their parents or guardians.

— The experiments are neither safe nor necessary.

— The drugs used are known to cause disability and death.

— Children who refuse the drugs are force fed, then surgically altered."

* 1. ICC means Incarnation Children's Center (NYC), not "International Criminal Court," which is the organization that wants to tie Netanyahu by his hooves and saw his horns.



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Five years. Half a decade. 1825 days, and I think we had a Leap Year in there......

I figure the profligate people population planners may have known there might have been some solar/earth/biological heightened activity coming up and took advantage of it.

Whatever cyclical bump in whatever system could make fragile people "sick", and everybody else uncomfortable - "Man, that was the year everybody got a weird flu".

It's happened historically. (Plus, now, for 80 years (?), people have been injected with a "flu "vaccine"". Oh goody, all bets are off on how you "got" The Flu.)

Valley Fever was explained to me by ranchers who'd been on their land for 4 generations, over a hundred years. Every 20? 30? years or so a fungi in the soil had enough water, or there'd been a drought, releasing the fungi, making people sick.

So starting 2001, protocols, new injections and constant New Zoonotic Plague Movies and Fear News were fast tracked and experimented with - Anthrax! Sars1! Ebola! Swine flu, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox APOXONALLYOURHOUSES Pox, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRXTUVXYZ Variants, Blah, blah, blah.

2020, Fake and gay PCR tests, oh joy, SHOWING, on television! on your phone! that that half the world is sick, the half that had shit stuck up their nose to "test".

By 2020 hospital and nursing home death protocols were easy peasy, ramping up oxygen, ventilators, injections of more shit. Remdesiver etc.

Drop, seed or spray some biologically toxic shit in a few prominent western places, and voila! Scary to see yourself, your family, your friends get suddenly and drastically ill. People on the news falling over dead in the streets.

SAG-AFTRA people Gain Of Functionally employed.

It's been 5 years and who the hell knows ALL the fuckery that was planned? Any one person?

It's been nearly 24 years since 9/11, and no one knows all the answers.

Ok, that's my thesis, Professor Sage.

Not sure how you grade......maybe bribed with chimichangas and smashburgers.......pass/fail?

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👆”2020, Fake and gay PCR tests, oh joy, SHOWING, on television! on your phone! that that half the world is sick, the half that had shit stuck up their nose to "test".


Check out this article regarding nanoscale particles which can ‘deploy’ medication……

If medication can be deployed with these devices, disease could also be deliberately enclosed in the device and deployed into the nasal passages or elsewhere. Check out the pic of the qtip…….

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My neighbor, trying to be helpful, reminded me that I should order one of the free PCR tests before some deadline. She caught me by surprise and I did not respond well. Normally I keep these reactions restrained. I don't even remember what I said but I had a very unpleasant look on my face.

I like this woman who is going through hell right now navigating problems that only got worse with kovid. I think my reaction surprised her.

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This is only the allopathic part of the Eugenics For the 21st Century class. Not the War, Fire, Exploding Food Facilities, Aerial Poisoning of Crops, People and Water, Earthquakes and Famine and Electronic Radiation of Everything parts of your course.

I'm a slow student.

Not sure I'm even in the right century.......

And I forgot W in the alphabet song above.

Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot the Warp Speed Life Saving Death by Injection Mass Hysteria Shots too.

Is there a make-up test?

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After 5 yrs of being trampled and blatantly mindwarped the EU and Canada are racing to get back in front of the line-up for more. There is not one kernel of MK resistance or critical thought in people. Nada. Rag dolls.

>Not sure I'm even in the right century......< . I swear I am not.

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The food has been part of it for a long time. Should be part of a required history course. If people can't get proper food they will get sick, and of course get sucked into the sick care system, the Rockefeller medical system. The Kellogg company were part of the Rockefeller plan from long ago. Now we have Bobby on the Froot Loops case. Vaccines will ensure you don't get sick, yeah right!

Ever since I've stepped away, mostly, from doctors except an "alternative doc" I've figured food is the way I need to maintain my health. They make this very hard for anyone to do, that much is clear. They are destroying, contaminating the food systems so people who have used, or try to use that as an alternative will find it very, very hard. They will starve out the people who resist the shots and the other poisons they peddle. Of course, the bad food that has been peddled as healthy and super healthy is not. It's possible to do a timeline on that as well. Up to the present day with veganism making lots of people very sick and damaging their offspring. I see this in my own family as they age, but also the younger generations. These are people who try to eat the right thing. Do the same thing with pesticides, DDT to glyphosate and more.

My guess is that some of those cures for cancer tucked away in scorpion files include food and natural healing, mainly not toxic medications. And not chemo. And any time someone figures out a cure, it gets sidelined, or contaminated with bogus information so can't be used. Easy to track PubMed to keep stuff away from people, if anything legit is figured out.

They do have their evil adrenochrome helping useless eaters like Kissinger to live beyond when he would have. But he didn't look healthy ever. Nor do any of the others. Except someone like Kennedy who is surely on steroids, so not really healthy.

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Make-up test?

Would activists protesting the cosmetics testing done on animals be called Revlo(nutiaries)?Rats, mice, bunnies, guinea pigs (and sometimes dogs) would surely vote for a testing paws. Not saying Warren was over-indulgent with this solo, but I suspect he had to say three Hail Mary's after the show... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNuvvD12zqg

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Faked pandemics go back more than 100 years, how else you gonna push the jab?

Read Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins. It's a medical conspiracy against America.

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Yes, same cast of characters. I just heard the Bat Lady had found a new bat virus that Could cause another coronovirus pandemic. Running the same playbook.

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Yes, so they say, just w o r s e !

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Notorious has a permanent duper's delight smile, it seems.

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This is what I find disturbing, the rich, the politicians actually controlling the food decisions of the poor… if someone wants to eat junk food that’s their choice… first it’s what they can eat, then it’s if or when… “Republicans want to ban the use of federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program funds to purchase candy and soda, but critics say their overly-broad proposal would bar low-income families from buying things like flavored water and granola bars.”

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What I find disturbing is that millions of people were murdered in a faked pandemic via the countermeasures and hospital death protocols and given cancer with shots produced by the Pentagon.

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When I first heard of Cuomo's "mishandling" of nursing homes in NY state, I felt there was something very evil going on. This was when I still believed the pandemic was real and before hearing of tier two. It seemed very dark and evil. Then they made a up a scandal for some sexual thing and I was astonished that the nursing homes were never mentioned. At that point, when no one looked closely at the real evil, was what we have seen over and over with people burying their heads in the sand. Cuomo was an early "hero" figure, holding press conferences each day.

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And not only that- while these said people were locked inside their houses during the faked pandemic an infrastructure of cell towers (capable of transmitting military /microwave level frequencies) was constructed around them to surveil and target them with invisible deadly frequencies — that could also interact with the graphene oxide injected into their bodies via the fake vaccine, (or inhaled and absorbed into their skin via the nonstop spraying of chromium strontium lead mercury and aluminum in the global skies) to further maim, torture and slowly kill the people of this earth in the name of what exactly? Depopulation? Too many useless eaters? Helter Skelter? You tell me?

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Yes, that Operation he called astonishing or something at the confirmation hearings…

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*extraordinary accomplishment, demonstration of leadership by donald trump*

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Lawyer words. Extraordinary does not necessarily imply good. I thought this the first time I heard him say it. Cambridge dictionary definition: very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange. Of course, it jibes with Trump's over-the-top hyperbole, so he would interpret it in a good way, saving millions of lives.

Demonstration of leadership. Someone can lead for good or for bad.

I'm not defending RFKjr here, just pointing out the weasel words and lawyer talk. He didn't call it a "wonderful accomplishment" for instance.

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He's a double-speaking lawyer liar.

Using NLP and scripted talking points that can be heard however the listener wants.

It is unmistakable what he is saying in that clip. "a testament to Trump's leadership"

David Martin does this NLP shit all the time too.

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Anubis has a separate scale for lawyers that uses a feather from a steroid abusing ostrich that spent half its days in a hard core gym.

Anubis likes to let the lawyers think they might just have a chance.

Anubis enjoys his work...

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Agree. But for those who still think he's a hero who will change things, there's the weasel words. They stood out right away.

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'flavored water'....? who needs that when basic food stuffs like bread, eggs and good quality vegetables are becoming a luxury :-((

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These people made turbo cancer and if anyone believes that they now have the cure via a vaccine. You are living in the twilight zone.

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mRNA is an even bigger lie. Graphene Oxide is ignored. Yet no mRNA is used in the kill shots. No one has found biological material in the vials.

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Your last line here says it all.

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"Guilliane Barr Syndrome" was created as the result of the Swine Flu vaccine.

Sounds like "Long Covid".

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Look global at the top five family thunder stand incorporations, which run franchises like the DOD in the United States of America is a corporation with her franchises in place. The military industrial complex is win and all the others are just actors. They’re just Asians within the franchise of things and they’re all the same they’re in it for fame power And just greed vanity so there’s no sense in slinging mud just like wake up. They’re all evil. They’re all bad and there’s no one coming to save you. We’re gonna have to have strong community militia takeover run by local sheriffs that need to uphold the law and the oath of the constitution And we need to get rid of this bullshit federal government thing which was designed and the early 1800s and implemented the tax code originally had 30 pages. Nothing has 30,000 pages. The whole thing is just Eyot out of control agencies running things we don’t need anarchy but we need to totally dismantle this warmongering machine, the Rockefellers and Rothchild and the Dupont Morgan of the world and a couple of others of course this is all just a game and we’re on the game show looking at door number 12 or three and we’re losing every time we make a choice let’s get rid of these choices choices. let’s get rid of this Republican Democrat baloney. They’re all the same in the end they’re politicians that means that they agents of the franchise of whatever games that they’re in politics or military or finance bankers oh my God, what an evil set up this is, so let’s change everything you don’t get rid of the patriot you’re not gonna be able to change everything in the United States of America corporation you’re stuck in a hamster wheel thank you

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I think Bobby Jr *may* be an insider.

Well, at least he *seems* to "know stuff" about "faked pandemics" and "ethnically targetted vaccines".

If they'd do one, what makes anyone think they wouldn't do the other??

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I still must say I’m suspicious of a Dr whose family name is based on a sneezing sound

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Trump should know that Gates is a pre meditative mass murderer. How can he be working with him? I guess Big Pharma wins...This is all insanity.

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"How can he be working with him?"


You thought he loved you, huh?

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